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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = Welcome== = = =to== = = Mrs.

== = = Hansen’s== = = =Class== = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Hello! I would like to welcome you to first grade at Middle Valley Elementary!
I am looking forward to an exciting year with your child.

Homework Policy
At the end of each day, your child will bring home their R.E.D. folder (Read Every Day).
This folder will contain notes, homework assignments or take-home projects, a calendar,
newsletters, and other important papers and information. Please help your child go
through the papers daily. Pull out and keep papers that do not need to be returned to
school from the left-hand (LEFT at home) pocket. Check, complete, and return any
papers found in the right-hand (RIGHT back to school) pocket. Checking and emptying
your child’s folder each night will keep things from getting lost as well as keep your child
organized and prepared for each school day. Papers placed in the prongs of the folder
should always remain in the folder. Please remember to label all money with what it is
to be used for before placing it in the clear zipper pouch of the folder. That same
pouch is also a great spot for notes about transportation changes, etc. Folders will be
checked each morning and the zipper pouch will keep important items from getting
lost/falling out.

Beginning Monday, I will be sending home a newsletter each week that tells you what we
are studying in class and any upcoming dates and special reminders. Your child will always
be expected to read for a minimum of 20 minutes each night. Other than reading, your
child will not have daily homework. I am sending home a math practice and problem
solving book with your child today. This book will stay at home. I will put any pages
your child should work from during the week on each week’s newsletter. Those pages
do not need to be turned in, but are great extra practice and I highly recommend
keeping up with them!

Behavior Plan
We have 5 simple rules and one bonus, diamond rule as follows:
Rule #1 Follow directions quickly!
Rule #2 Raise your hand for permission to speak (stand to speak).
Rule #3 Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
Rule #4 Make smart choices.
Rule #5 Keep our dear learning community happy and safe!
Diamond Rule: Keep your eyes on the target.

Schoolwide expectations are focused on three positive goals:

1.   Marvels are RESPONSIBLE.
2.   Marvels are RESPECTFUL.
3.   Marvels are SAFE.

Updated August 2019

Behavior Consequences:

Appropriate or above and beyond behavior—positive praise from the teacher, stickers,
positive notes/phone calls home, trip to the treasure box.

Unacceptable behavior—Occasionally children have difficulty following class and school

rules. At these times, I will try to redirect the child’s behavior through eye contact,
changing their seating choice, and/or quiet reminders. If this does not help to improve
the child’s behavior, one or more of the following consequences will be used:
-Notes/phone calls home to alert parents of inappropriate behavior.
-Office Referral (This will be used if the behavior is severe or has been repeated. This
can be used for behaviors that disrupt instruction or threaten others.)
-Loss of privileges (This includes playground time, special activities, etc.)
- If necessary, I will call for a conference to discuss an individualized behavior plan for
your child.

This listing is a brief overview of my discipline policy. Other consequences may be used if
they are appropriate for the behavior. Please refer to the Student Handbook for
policies regarding suspension and expulsion.

Special area teachers may have different policies for managing unacceptable behaviors.

I will also be utilizing the ClassDojo app this year as it is the HCS supported platform for
K-2 students this year. Using ClassDojo will allow me to easily share activities and let
students showcase what they know with videos, photos, drawings and more on their
online portfolios. It may also alert you throughout the day of positive and negative
behaviors as well as pictures of our day, reminders of upcoming events, the ability to
sign up for conferences and other events, etc. Please scan the QR code to join!

Please see that no toys are brought from home. Our classroom is filled with items to
keep us busy learning, and lost or broken toys often result in very sad feelings! Children
often keep some “treasures” in their backpacks, these too can get lost, so try to keep
them at home as well unless you receive written notice from me of a special

Outdoor Recess/Clothing
The students will be going outside for recess everyday unless it is raining or extremely
cold/hot. Please keep this in mind when helping your child select clothing for the day.

Updated August 2019

(Please follow dress code). Tennis shoes are always the best choice. It is also a good
idea to not wear something that you care too much about. We occasionally paint and
participate in activities which could rub off onto clothes. Although, I will do my best to
inform you about these activities beforehand. Coats are not to be worn inside the
building, so please dress your child in layers if needed. During Phase 2 and 3, only 2
classes may be in each of the playground areas (small playground, large playground, and
field). The playground will be divided into quadrants with no more than 12 students per

Parent/Teacher Relationship
I believe that a good parent/teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school
success. Throughout the year, I will communicate with you through notes, telephone
calls, newsletters, emails, our classroom web page, the ClassDojo app, Zoom meetings,
and scheduled conferences. I encourage you to contact me if you have questions or
concerns at any time. You may send me a note, email me (, call or
come by the school. I will be available for conferences regarding your child’s progress
by appointment only on school days. All parents and visitors must check in at the
office to receive a visitor’s pass before entering the classroom.

Parent Participation
Note: The following only applies when/if HCDE is in Phase 4 this school year. Throughout
the school year there will be a variety of special classroom activities, field trips and
celebrations. I encourage you to attend these functions when possible and to support
them by sending needed supplies or treats. Your support of school activities makes
your child feel important and sends the message that you value school. If you
anticipate joining us on a field trip, please remember that you must first be
fingerprinted, fill out the appropriate paperwork, and be approved by HCDE and MVE
administration. This is for the safety of your child and others and must be updated
each school year. You may contact the office for more information.

School Attendance
Your child’s regular and prompt attendance at school is crucial to his/her success. Most
of our learning activities are group oriented and involve interaction with classmates.
Therefore, it is next to impossible to make up most work at home. Please view school
as a priority and see to it that your child attends every day unless he/she is ill or in case
of emergency. School begins promptly at 8:00 and dismissal is at 3:00. Dismissal before
11:30 will be counted as an absence as will arrival after 11:30.

*A note is required if your child is to go home any other way than previously specified. I
cannot and will not change your child’s transportation arrangements without written
consent from you. Please ALWAYS contact the front office if you have a last minute
transportation change.

If you have not already done so, please send in all supplies as soon as possible! Students
will not be sharing supplies this year, so please be sure to label each and every item your

Updated August 2019

with your child’s first and last name. If you are interested in bringing in other items,
please inquire about what may be needed. Anything is appreciated and some things are
helpful that you may not even be aware of.

In closing, I would like to say that I am looking forward to working with you and your
child for a successful year in first grade! I want the very best for them and will love
them as if they were my own! Please contact me any time. J

Mrs. Hansen

Updated August 2019


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