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8/15/2020 VeChain Has Introduced Blockchain-Based Healthcare Data Management Platform At Cyprus Hospital / Habr

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kristencarter7519 July 13, 2020 at 03:47 PM Ads

VeChain Has Introduced Blockchain-Based Healthcare Data

Management Platform At Cyprus Hospital
Distributed systems, Software, Artificial Intelligence

Blockchain possesses incredible potential, that's why blockchain systems are considered as a paradise for data. In all these years, the
discovery of Blockchain has been enjoyed for the introduction of distributed systems to secure data by cryptography.

From the creation of cryptocurrency to distributed ledger systems and mobile applications, this technology is being welcomed by every
business vertical, and its adoption has become complimentary for companies. Moreover, its adoption can majorly be cherished by the
healthcare industry.

A number of IT institutions are engaged in finding the most promising usage of blockchain technology in healthcare. Let's take a brief
look at Blockchain adoption in 2020.

The Global Blockchain Adoption

In 2020, the worldwide spending on blockchain systems is USD 4.3 billion. As per Statista, the market of Blockchain will be worth 20
billion USD by the year 2025. Its most critical adoption can be seen in the healthcare industry, where this technology is being considered
as the biggest game-changer.

The truth is that this technology has shown a path to distributed systems coupled with unmatched security measures That secure data
in a chain of blocks infused with cryptographic locks. Top-notch level security and quality of not being tempered by any external entity
boost its adoption in several instances. 1/5
8/15/2020 VeChain Has Introduced Blockchain-Based Healthcare Data Management Platform At Cyprus Hospital / Habr

Almost every industry is leveraging this technology for advancing their work environment and infusing transparency, security, and low
data tempering risk. In such scenarios, the space healthcare setting has found its usage exciting and paradigm-changing.

Here are some pointers that will show you the significance of blockchain adoption in the healthcare industry.

15% of healthcare agents have planned to implement a blockchain system by the end of 2020.
Different medical healthcare systems are being utilized to keep the records of billions of patients throughout the world.

In 2016, medical healthcare data fraud resulted in the loss of $30 million in the USA.

Every year, millions of healthcare records get breached across the world.

Clearly, data security is essential. Thus, blockchain adoption is the most sought-after solution. In such a setting, the launch of a
blockchain system in Cyprus hospital is most significant. Let's take a look at it.

The ways Blockchain can impact the healthcare industry

This technology has immense potential and can enhance healthcare systems in different ways mentioned below.

Health Records — Blockchain technology can change many aspects of healthcare, including health data. Stored in various locations
under the current accounting system.

Control of scattered persons. This means that the patient's consent and medical history records can be Incomplete, contradictory or
unclear. Records stored on the Blockchain can provide complete health records give greater control over your information to
individuals, and to patients. Any consent can be given and stored on the Blockchain.

Clinical trial management — Similarly, blockchain technology can be used to manage clinical trials. Blockchain tools can automatically
connect clinical data and disseminate it to different researchers and let's practice. Due to the irreversibility of blockchain records, the
possibility of audit and data verification can be simplified.

Providing credentials: are another function for which the Blockchain is well suited, as it is a directory of providers of health insurance
plans. These concepts are not theoretical. More recently, Humana, Multiplan, Optum, Quest Diagnostics, and UnitedHelcare announce a
pilot program that will use blockchain techniques to manage data providers to improve data quality and reduce administrative costs.

Improved Supply chain: Blockchain is an elixir of improved traceability and transparency in the supply chain for healthcare, providing
both the big picture and the smallest details of every transaction of any pharmaceutical product.

With inventory data stored on the Blockchain, patients can acquire real-time information about the production of any drug to a retail
pharmacy. Barcode notation will allow you to implement other functions in the system, such as:

Monitoring the availability of medicines in clinics

Who was given the medicine? 2/5
8/15/2020 VeChain Has Introduced Blockchain-Based Healthcare Data Management Platform At Cyprus Hospital / Habr

Drug amount transferred

In short, Blockchain can collaborate all the disconnected data segments of a resource into the life history of any resource, whether it is
about the medical history of a patient or the drug moving throughout the supply chain.

Vechain launches Blockchain-based medical platform in Cyprus hospital

The Mediterranean Hospital in Cyprus has adopted the E-HCert application, which provides an archival solution based on the Weichen
Thor blockchain. Vechin revealed the news on Twitter on June 20, stating that it would now be useful for hospital patients to conduct
COVID-19 tests and store their results on the Weichen blockchain. Thanks to this initiative, citizens of Cyprus will be able to confirm their
health status, which will allow them to go abroad or return to work.

Moreover, Vechain also infused a blockchain-based medical data management platform. It was named The E-NewHealthLife.
Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus is the first to adopt this blockchain-based data management system. The platform is the result of the
collaborative effort of VeChain and I-Dante.

VeChain and I-Dante Partnered to Developed Blockchain-Based Medical Data Management Platform
Attempts have been made to modernize the technology infrastructure in the health sector, but problems include administrative and
technical difficulties in combining data from various digital systems, rising costs, and balancing health issues and privacy issues, which
have expended much effort. This dilemma has given rise to an urgent need for low-cost but high-performance digital solutions.

Thanks to proven benefits in terms of secure data storage and efficient exchange of information between multiple parties, blockchain
technology has become the best option.

There is an urgent need to provide better and more effective medical solutions that may be subject to better patient-centred medical
care, secure data exchange, use of patient data and rules of exchange, in which case the e-web application implementation is decided.
NewHealthLife in the hospital's emergency department as the first phase of this project.

VeChain ToolChainTM with I-Dante developed The Digital Healthcare Passport. It is an encrypted NFC card that can be assigned to any
patient in the hospital. These NFC cards allow patients to automatically identify themselves at the emergency department front desk,
check their turn on a mobile phone, and securely manage their medical records using the e-NewLifeLife web application.

An application using Blockchain can serve both hospitals and end-users. Since E-NewHealthLife is fully compliant with GDPR (EU
General Data Protection Regulation), the application allows owners to have complete control over their profile and medical records.
Data can be transferred to third parties only with the permission of the owner.

Final Text
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, it is essential to keep track of each patient's medical history, this Blockchain-based platform will not
just integrate the data security, but will also infuse patient data tracking for safe travel people. It is very important to include Blockchain
development in every industry to get an easier and safer system.

Tags: blockchain, healthcare, coronavirus, technology 3/5
8/15/2020 VeChain Has Introduced Blockchain-Based Healthcare Data Management Platform At Cyprus Hospital / Habr
Hubs: Distributed systems, Software, Artificial Intelligence

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