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7/21/2020 – IHuman, Gestational Hypertension, 84%

The scenario is about 32-year-old Hope Gallagher who arrived at the ED experiencing
gestational hypertension with no other symptoms. She is 72 hours postpartum and had been
diagnosed with gestational hypertension during her pregnancy; discharged home and told to
continue to monitor her BP at home. She returned to her BP at 150/90 and continuing to rise.
Evidence based practice that was demonstrated in this scenario is asking the patient appropriate
questions that helped to determine a secondary diagnosis of a potential risk for infection being
that she was having mastitis-like symptoms to her right breast and also in providing appropriate
medication and treatment of both the primary and secondary diagnosis. What else that could
have been done for evidence-based practice is determining that the patient’s communication and
affect demonstrated additional concern for postpartum depression as she was worried and scared,
wanting to get back home. My content area I was the strongest in was determining how to
categorize her problems and complications. My content area I was the weakest was deciding
what actions should be included in the patient’s care. I felt that I made good clinical reasons and
decisions when caring for this patient based on how I proceeded in caring for this patient and all
her concerns. The breastfeeding ATI case I did today, helped to better understand proper and
different positions on placing a baby to breastfed that is comfortable to both the mom and baby.

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