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Interviews are the most pervasive means of collecting data in qualitative research projects

and are used to capture descriptive insights about the research problems. Researchers employ
a variety of data collection tools to capture raw data. As a part of this classwork assignment,
participants will use one of the data collection tools (semi-structured interviews) to capture
The focus of this research is to capture insights about use and disposal practices of syringes
by doctors and nurses.
Some amount of reading on basic injection practices (search in the internet) could be useful
in framing the questions used for the interview. Participants can use the research insights
from such a literature review to modify the sample interview guides provided below.
Assignment Task:
The interview guides given below can be used to interview doctors and nurses. You may
approach one doctor and two nurses for the data collection. One nurse may be from a
large/medium-sized hospital, and one nurse may be from a clinical laboratory.
1. Modified Interview Guide (if you have changed the Interview Guide given as sample)
2. Transcript of all the interviews
3. A short write-up of the insights’ gained from the interviews
4. Any other comments
Two sample interview guides are given below for your reference. Each interview can be
approximately 15- 20 minutes long.

Instructions to the interviewer:

1. The interview guide provided is only for your reference.
2. Please frame/modify questions based on the literature review and your understanding
of the chosen scenario.
3. Please rephrase/ re-structure the questions based on the flow of the interview.
4. The interviews have to be transcribed verbatim.
Interview Guide:
For Doctors

1. On average, how many syringes are used in your hospital/clinic in a day?

2. What percentage of doctors administers injections/aspirations? Or is it nurses who
mostly administer them?
3. Do the patients coming to you for injections seem to be aware of the safe disposal
practices of used syringes? Or are they ignorant? Do they raise any concerns
regarding safe disposal, during or after injections?
4. What percentage of your patients agrees to administer multiple injections on them
using the same syringe? Do you get such patients often?
5. Do you prefer to use prefilled syringes? Are prefilled syringes commonly
available, or is it restricted to certain diseases?
6. What is the needle disposal protocol in your hospital/clinic? Is there a culture of
not compromising syringe safety in your hospital/clinic?
7. Are used syringes disposed following standard protocols? How often are the
disposed syringes and needles bags taken out from hospital/clinic for the final
disposal? What is the procedure adopted for this final disposal?
8. Does the facility where injections are given meet the requirements for syringe and
needle destruction before final disposal?
9. Are the nurses/others who administer injections/aspirations aware of the dangers of
unsafe syringe disposal? What training is offered to them for the safe disposal of
used syringes?
10. Have you ever tried to identify the unsafe practices (if any) of syringe disposal in
your hospital/clinic, which might lead to infections? What are they?
11. Could you please name some diseases that can be transmitted through unsafe
injection practices such as the reuse of syringes and needles?
12. Do you find single-use (Auto-Destructive) syringes easy to use? Do you face any
disposability issues while discarding them?
13. Are there any syringe safety awareness messages displayed in the room where
injections/aspirations are administered?
14. Is there a difference in the usage pattern of syringes between hospitals, clinics and
medical laboratories?
Interview Guide:
For Nurses/Others who administer injections

1. On average, how many syringes are used in your hospital/clinic/laboratory in a

2. What percentage of doctors administers injections/aspirations? Or is it nurses who
mostly administer them?
3. Do the patients coming to you for injections seem to be aware of the safe disposal
practices of used syringes? Or are they ignorant? Do they raise any concerns
regarding the safe disposal of syringes, during or after injections?
4. What percentage of your patients agrees to administer multiple injections on them
using the same syringe? Do you get such patients often?
5. Do you prefer to use prefilled syringes? Are prefilled syringes commonly
available, or is it restricted to certain diseases?
6. What is the needle disposal protocol in your hospital/clinic? Is there a culture of
not compromising syringe safety in your hospital/clinic/laboratory?
7. Are used syringes disposed following standard protocols? How often are the
disposed syringes and needles bags taken out from the hospital/clinic/laboratory
for final disposal? What is the procedure adopted for this final disposal?
8. Does the facility where injections are given meet the requirements for syringe and
needle destruction before the final disposal?
9. Are you aware of the dangers of unsafe disposal of syringes? What training is
offered by authorities for the safe disposal of used syringes?
10. Have you ever tried to identify the unsafe practices (if any) of syringe disposal in
your hospital/clinic/laboratory, which might lead to infections? What are they?
11. Could you please name some diseases that can be transmitted through unsafe
injection practices such as the reuse of syringes and needles?
12. Do you find single-use disposable (Auto-Destructive) syringes easy to use? Do
you face any disposability issues while discarding them?
13. Are there any syringe safety awareness messages displayed in the room where
injections/aspirations are administered in your hospital/clinic/laboratory?
14. Is there a difference in the usage pattern of syringes between hospitals, clinics and
medical laboratories?

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