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Dear Students,

Welcome to 9001SMGT Strategic Management

My name is Terry Siutryk and I am your Online Facilitator for this subject. You are enrolled as Class 4.

Throughout the delivery of this subject, you will have access to this subject’s resources on the
Learning Portal “Moodle”. This includes textbook information, the learning materials,
additional/option readings, and important information regarding your assessments, their
requirements, marking rubric and due dates. It is recommended that you go through them to
familiarise yourself with all the important material.

Additionally, you will also have access to the Class Forum in Moodle where you can ask questions to
the facilitator and you can also communicate with other students and share valuable knowledge. I
will be monitoring these regularly and will answer any questions that students may have regarding
the SMGT subject, its assessments or any other related query. This way everyone within the class
can contribute towards the discussion and possibly provide alternative ideas and viewpoints to

Most of your questions can be answered over the Class Forum discussion; however, for urgent
academic issues, you are recommended to get in touch with me by sending me an email at: or (if urgent/confidential). I work from home and
check my emails regularly.

I will be conducting a Welcome Webinar on Tuesday 8 th July, 2020 at 7pm (Adelaide, Australia time).
The aim of this webinar is to inform you about what you can expect in this subject. Also, I will be
providing an overview about the assessments for this subject. It will be great to meet all of you at
the webinar. However, please do not worry if you are unable to attend as I will be adding a link to
the webinar recording in Moodle. To join the webinar on the due date, please click the following

Please note that I will also be conducting other interactive webinars during this term. More detailed
webinars about the assignments for this subject will also be conducted. The details about these
webinars will be posted in the Webinar Hub (Located on home page).

I encourage you to make contact for assistance at any time. If you need any academic guidance or
you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am your first contact point. However,
if your query relates to a non-academic matter e.g. technical issues, you should contact our student
central team at:

Finally, the most important tip I can give you is to work hard, enjoy your learning and I wish you all
the very best!

Kind regards,
Terry A. Siutryk
Online Facilitator – Class 4
9001SMGT Strategic Management – Term 4, 2020

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