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com 20 Jun 2020

Free Guide: 5 Traits That Will Attract a

Rich Man Who Will Take Care of You

1 20 Jun 2020

About the
Michaela Pink

2 20 Jun 2020

Wealthy men are out there.

And here’s what they’re actually looking for.
Flying first-class is an experience I recommend to everyone. The service, food and
level of comfort are amazing. It feels like you have a personal butler who dotes on
you and caters to your every whim. But what does flying first class have to do
with love and attracting wealthy men?

More than you'd think.

You may think the root of this is about money, but it's really linked to something
much deeper. It's about someone else's limitations on what they think they cannot
have—or do not deserve. It really is about how much you feel you are worth. It is
about how much you feel you deserve. If you are currently settling in one area of
your life, you settle in other areas too. You've probably heard the saying, "How
you do anything is how you do everything" and this statement is so very true.
There is no way that a person can be accepting of poor behavior and still maintain
a healthy level of self-esteem.

I unapologetically invest in, expect and am

open to receiving the best from life—whether
it's traveling, eating, coaching, education, men,
clothing or relationships.
(And no, I was not born into a rich family. My parents were blue collar workers
who made their own way, and I did too for the most part). There's no reason you
can't strive for the same for yourself—you deserve the best from life, too. Part of a
great life is finding a great partner to share it with. But high quality men,
appreciate high quality women, so here are five tips for attracting a wealthy man
who knows you're a woman of true worth:

5 20 Jun 2020

TIP #1
They can't resist a woman who takes
pride in her appearance.
Gorgeous, magazine-worthy looks help, of course. But because beauty is in
the eye of the beholder, we can’t tell you that one look that attracts one rich
man will be the look that attracts all rich men.

Like any other person, a rich man is an individual, and individuals all
have very different tastes. The best thing you can do is look like a better
version of yourself, at all times. Make sure you eat right and exercise so
that you avoid becoming overweight like the plague. A wealthy man is
going to want a beautiful, sought-after woman in his company so keep
that as a focus. Get enough sleep and be good to your skin.

Nothing is worse than piling makeup on top of bad skin. It shows that you
take shortcuts where your appearance is concerned and does not reflect
well. Invest in good, professional hairstyles and remove all traces of
makeup before you go to bed. Get facials on a regular basis. Be good to
your nails. Let me stress: Don’t do all this because of a man – treat yourself
right because you’re worth it and you deserve it.

8 20 Jun 2020

TIP #2
They appreciate a woman who has an "I
deserve it" attitude.

Whatever “it” may be, start embracing the fact that you do deserve it even
if you have trouble believing it right away. Asking for and expecting
things from those around you is the first step. The more you do this, the
stronger that irresistible energy becomes. People will start feeling it too
and soon, you won't even have to ask anymore. This attitude should not
come from a place of being a snob, a bitch or an entitled princess. Those
attitudes all that come from a place of weakness and fear. A true woman of
excellence acts from a place of confidence, poise and inner strength.
Women who know they are worth it deserve it, expect it will always
receive it.

8 20 Jun 2020

TIP #3
They can't resist a woman who treats
herself the way she wants him to treat
It amazes me to hear women go down a list of the treatment they expect,
places they want to wine and dine, trips they want to go on and
pampering they want to receive. Yet they skimp and don't invest in doing
these things for themselves. They feel like a man should just love them the
way they are and be satisfied with her minimal effort, but they want to
receive his maximum efforts. Pure crazy-making!

NOTE: This is something you must do all the time, whether you are in a
relationship or not. Make a vow to never be cheap with yourself ever
again. Ignore prices on menus. Stop waiting for sales. Invest in yourself at
the highest level possible, whatever that looks like for you. Don't be
irresponsible with your finances, but stop denying yourself pleasures that
will make you feel special and successful. You are both.

8 20 Jun 2020

TIP #4
They flock to a woman who is confident.

A woman once told me she could never attract a wealthy man to take care
of her as she desired. After a short conversation, it came to light that she
had lots of childhood trauma that she had never dealt with and it was
affecting her current reality. A man of quality and intrigue can sense the
inconsistent energy of a woman who is faking it. He will notice when she
accepts poor treatment or when she is too accommodating. He wants a
partner who is on his level mentally as well as a woman he can bring in to
his circle. If he has taken the time to invest in himself and make it to the
ranks of the high earners, he wants a woman who has done the same
things for herself.

This is why I am constantly surrounding myself with women who are

confident and secure in their femininity. I watch videos of women like
Marilyn Monroe and Rihanna. I love movies and books on how to be
confident as a woman because they help me to stay focused. I also
surround myself with women who are on the same level as me mentally
and I don’t attend pity parties.

Being confident is a daily task, but it is definitely necessary when

attracting wealth. It is easy to allow outside influences and naysayers to
discourage you so working on confidence should be a part of your
everyday life...just like wearing makeup.

8 20 Jun 2020

TIP #5
They love a woman who is in a constant
state of expansion.
Stop saying things are too expensive. Instead, say, "I am worth it. So, how
do I afford this? How do I obtain this?“

I know people who wanted something that wasn't currently in their

spending plan. They asked themselves those two questions and drew their
desires to them.
Never let money stop you from doing something you desire. You don't
have a lack of finances; you have a lack of ideas. Tap into your desires and
upgrade to the next level. Ask yourself, "How much will this cost me if I
do not invest in it?"
Again, this is not about finances or money. The point is that you must treat
yourself as someone worthy of your desires, dreams and hopes. Only then
will you attract a man who wants to nurture them.

Taking on these 5 traits will greatly increase your value, confidence and
the quality men you attract.

8 20 Jun 2020

So, join me on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 4:00 PM CST to talk
and learn how you too can achieve the lifestyle of your
dreams, with my guidance and expertise.


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