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4/23/2020 The Real Reason Why A Harvard Professor Thinks Homeschooling Should Be Banned | Zero Hedge

The Real Reason Why A Harvard Professor Thinks Homeschooling Should Be


by Tyler Durden
Tue, 04/21/2020 - 18:50

Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

A Harvard University law professor believes that homeschooling is dangerous and should be banned.

Elizabeth Bartholet, Wasserstein public interest professor of law and faculty director of the Law School’s Child Advocacy Program,
wrote a paper recommending a “presumptive ban” on homeschooling children in the United States. Yeah, that United States.
The land of the free, home of the brave United States.

According to Bartholet, homeschooling can prevent children from receiving a meaningful education, leave them open to child abuse,
and can socially isolate them. She argues that anybody can homeschool, even parents who are illiterate. She suggests that as many
as 90% of homeschool parents educate their kids at home because of conservative Christian beliefs, inculcating them with the beliefs
that women are subservient, science isn’t real, and white people are the supreme race.

These parents are committed to homeschooling largely because they reject mainstream, democratic culture and values and
want to ensure that their children adopt their own particular religious and social views. Many belong to fundamentalist
religious groups, groups that Michael Rebell describes in his important new book, Flunking Democracy, as believing “that
exposing their children to ideas such as secularism, atheism, feminism, and value relativism is inconsistent with the values
they espouse and undermines their ability to inculcate in their children their beliefs in the sacred, absolute truth of the
Bible.” Many use alternative textbooks that teach creationism instead of evolution. Many seek to create for their children a
system of “total socialization” aimed at negating the influence of competing socialization agents. As Dwyer and Peters say in
their recent comprehensive book on homeschooling, many religious homeschoolers object in principle to some core goals of
public education:
[T]hey reject the value of independent thinking about values and aims in life, they oppose instruction in scientific
methodologies . . . and they want to constrain their daughters’ lives to a single occupation—housewife. To the extent
parents in this group do value secular learning, they treat it—even basic literacy—as of little importance compared to
unflinching acceptance of religious doctrine and reactionary political views. (source)

I’m sure that will come as a vast surprise to all my homeschooling friends (particularly the ones who homeschool for secular
reasons) who may have missed that part of the curriculum.

In her 80-page diatribe, Bartholet completely overlooks the lack of practical knowledge imparted by the school system. Our kids
leave school knowing all about anal sex and BDSM but not how to do their taxes, make a reservation, navigate using a map, handle
credit, or stick to a budget. 1/13
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The real issue is a lack of indoctrination.

Ironically, the real problem Bartholet has with homeschooling is this:

Many homeschool because they want to isolate their children from ideas and values central to our democracy.  (source)

Let me rephrase that. Homeschooled children can’t be indoctrinated five days a week, eight hours a day, by an education system
that emphasizes political agendas. (And incidentally, our form of government is a constitutional republic. Shouldn’t someone from
Harvard who is worried I might not have the knowledge to educate my child know something as elementary as that?)

Bartholet defames homeschoolers for wanting to encourage their children toward a particular belief system while touting the belief
system that the school system wants to instill. So it’s okay for the public school system to do it, just not for the parents to do it.

Here are a few of the things that the public school system wants children to believe:

Everyday things like the food you eat can be racist.

Cupcakes can be “insensitive.”

You need to feel safe at all times.

Guns are scary.

Snitching on your parents is encouraged.

Only the school understands nutrition.

While Bartholet scorns parents who indoctrinate their kids, she praises the school system for doing so. The American education
system is wholly responsible for raising a generation of perpetually offended people who think they’re open-minded but who
actually are only accepting of those with the same beliefs.

They’re creating a generation of worker bees, of dependent people who’d never dream of revolting against the status quo shown as
ideal by Hollywood and the mainstream media. They’re creating adults who don’t know how to handle conflict, who don’t know how
to deal with defeat, and who are regularly fearful of imaginary threats. People who are afraid of a tripod or a pop-tart chewed into
the shape of a gun certainly aren’t going to be leading the next revolution.

Schools create a culture of fear. 2/13
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In fact, nearly everything about today’s school system is designed to instill a sense of fear that will turn frightened children into
frightened adults.

Do you remember a few years back when a school in Baltimore was locked down for hours because a person was spotted carrying a
tripod on the property? It’s a perfect example of the culture of fear being created in the public school system.

The younger generation is being taught that the very sight of a gun or anything that could be related to a gun is a reason for
fear.  That fear is cemented in the minds of children and parents when they are traumatized by the handling of the incidents.
Kids are getting in trouble for drawing pictures of guns. For having tools which are sharp. For wearing t-shirts with the word
“gun” printed on them. For cutting their poor, defenseless food in the lunchroom. For biting a pastry into a shape that could
either be a gun or the state of Florida.  Maybe we should outlaw maps of Florida because the shape of that state is
They are being taught to have an irrational fear of inanimate objects.  And because everyone else shares that fear, that mass
delusion, it becomes “normal”.  It becomes so commonplace that it isn’t fear anymore, but an accepted fact: “Guns are
The fear is quite literally being implanted. When police refuse to tell people what is going on, when kids are rapidly
evacuated, when cops in military-style SWAT gear swoop in – all of these dramatic scenes are not soon forgotten.  When the
dreaded “gun sighting” occurs in the future, the natural human response is to flash back to the last time that it happened.
 Instantly, the emotional response is overwhelming fear. (source)

Why would the education system want children to be fearful? People who are scared are far easier to control. Kids are literally
begging the government to take away all of the guns and keep them “safe”.

It’s even worse when you get to college.

At this point, a university education results in two things: lifelong debt and 4 more years (at least) of indoctrination. Some
professors outright incite violence against people who have different political beliefs. A few years back I wrote an article about the
following stellar educators.

An instructor at Clemson University was recently outed by College Reform for volunteering his graphic design skills to help
a local Antifa chapter that made headlines in February for openly promoting violence on campus. He replied to this request for
help that was posted on the Upstate Antifa Facebook page.

Assistant Professor Bart Knijnenburg, another notable member of Indivisible Clemson, caused national outrage when he
wrote that “All Republicans are racist scum” in a Facebook post.

This is the same professor who tweeted last December of his desire for the deaths of white people. Interestingly,
Ciccariello-Maher appears to be white and is a self-proclaimed “actual communist.”

Another example of this is Rashida Love, director of First Peoples Multicultural Advising Services at Evergreen College who
demanded “A Day Without White People” at the Washington institution. When another member of the staff, Professor Bret
 as protests became heated. Then, a
Weinstein, rightly objected, he had to be escorted from the campus for his own safety
bunch of self-proclaimed Neo-Nazis decided to counterprotest the protest and things really went downhill. (The whole story is 3/13
4/23/2020 The Real Reason Why A Harvard Professor Thinks Homeschooling Should Be Banned | Zero Hedge
here.) What this tells us is that when professors speak up against the Radical Left agenda, they lose their jobs and face real
threats to their physical safety.

Professor Michael Isaacson is a member of Antifa who teaches at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He was
quoted in an article on The Hill justifying violence against “Nazis.”The justification [of the use of violence] is that Nazi ideology
at its very core is founded on violence and on wielding power by any means,” said Mike Isaacson, one of the founders of
Smash Racism D.C., an Antifa organization in Washington.

A Dartmouth professor published The Antifascist Handbook, complete with a call to arms. Mark Bray calls his book an
“unabashedly partisan call to arms.”
But by all means, we should definitely worry about the homeschoolers, right?

Homeschool is just better for some kids.




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There are children who do not thrive in the public school system. I had one of those kids myself.

Before I continue, I should note that I’m not one of those all-or-nothing parents who believe children should only be home-
educated or should only be publicly educated. In fact, I have one kid who is the product of the public school system and one who is
the product of homeschooling. Both of my daughters have grown up to be intelligent, thoughtful, sociable, and kind individuals who
can think for themselves.
When I removed my youngest daughter from the public school system, the main reason was because critical thinking was
discouraged. “If your daughter didn’t have to question everything, her grades would be higher,” the principal informed me at the
very last school meeting I’d ever attend. “She always has to ask questions. She refuses to simply absorb the information.”

How could a school system like that properly educate my curious and intelligent child, who had been asking me “why” from the
moment she could talk?  Quite simply they wouldn’t. They’d try to shove her square little brain into their round hole until she
became just like everyone else – an automaton who believed that guns are scary and the government and all its agencies are always
right. (Unless it’s President Trump, because he’s always bad.)

Not every child thrives in a homeschool setting but Dr. Bartholet’s premise that it should be banned is utterly outrageous.

Thank goodness for the HSLDA.

According to Bartholet, the only thing standing in the way of banning homeschooling for good is the Home Schooling Legal Defense

In the United States, Bartholet says, state legislators have been hesitant to restrict the practice because of the Home
Schooling Legal Defense Association, a conservative Christian homeschool advocacy group, which she describes as small,
well-organized, and “overwhelmingly powerful politically.” During the last 30 years, activists have worked to dismantle many
states’ homeschooling restrictions and have opposed new regulatory efforts. “There’s really no organized political
opposition, so they basically get their way,” Bartholet says. A central tenet of this lobby is that parents have absolute rights
that prevent the state from intervening to try to safeguard the child’s right to education and protection.
Bartholet maintains that parents should have “very significant rights to raise their children with the beliefs and religious
convictions that the parents hold.” But requiring children to attend schools outside the home for six or seven hours a day,
she argues, does not unduly limit parents’ influence on a child’s views and ideas. “The issue is, do we think that parents
should have 24/7, essentially authoritarian control over their children from ages zero to 18? I think that’s dangerous,”
Bartholet says. “I think it’s always dangerous to put powerful people in charge of the powerless, and to give the powerful
ones total authority.”
…“I think an overwhelming majority of legislators and American people, if they looked at the situation,” Bartholet says,
“would conclude that something ought to be done.” (source)

Right now, more parents than ever are getting the opportunity to interact with their child’s education, which could be one bright
point in the COVID-19 catastrophe in our country.  Perhaps giving our kids one-on-one attention and watching their bright and
curious minds at work will encourage more parents to say, “You know what? The school system is not for us. I want to raise this
independent child to be an independent adult.”

And perhaps more parents will tell ivory tower elitists like Dr. Elizabeth Bartholet to go fly a kite.

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Commenting as Illuminati´s free-stuff-zombies billions-army.

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gimme soma dat 1 day ago

Ohio just closed all schools for the remainder of the academic year.  If all that schoolwork can be done at home, why
should taxpayers bother paying so much to teachers and school districts?  Get rid of them.  

62 Reply 

Freespeaker 1 day ago

It is a source of power for Democrats.  

33 Reply 

TBT or not TBT 1 day ago

Usually the biggest employer in any state.   Always unionized.   97% Democrat.

31 Reply 

HRH of Aquitaine 2.0 1 day ago


16 Reply 

gimme soma dat 1 day ago

I'm dead serious here.  I rent, but I'm sure my rent is going towards property taxes.  I also pay a 2% payroll tax to
the local school district.  One teacher I know bragged to me about how he's jerking off and watching Netflix all
day, and if people don't like it they should become teachers.   Why should we be paying people like this?  If I had
that tax money back I could use it for so many worthwhile goals.  People could use it to educate their children how
they see fit.  

Education is online now.  Get rid of public schools. 

25 Reply 

bruno_the 1 day ago

You can argue with a teacher or the school principal. Try arguing with an online shit your kid get from a computer.

Good luck.

2 9 Reply 

Illuminati´s free-stuff-zombies billions-army 9 minutes ago

physiognomy is real,

take a look at this filthy dyke bitch, super reservoir of all kinds of S.T.D.s 
&tb i h& X& d 2 hUKE jPkO T P3 AhXOGbkGHZk BD0Q AU AX ECA4QA &bi 1106&bih 626#i 5/13
4/23/2020 The Real Reason Why A Harvard Professor Thinks Homeschooling Should Be Banned | Zero Hedge

1 Reply 

Illuminati´s free-stuff-zombies billions-army just now

so similar to the typical crypto jewish dyke bitch,

is promoting and pushing for billions of murders of defenceless innocent  babies in the womb,

its master, baal, is so proud of this freak,

the existence of this kind of aberrations is an offence against mother nature,

and these freaks prove this warning true,

using every day of their freaky existences to destroy all that is good,

and push for all that is filthy and diabolic, i.e. equal to their own natures.

1 Reply 

Maj 1 day ago

The best and brightest apprentice in our shop is the product of home schooling.  He.

1. Shows up on time
2. Has tools
3. Has drivers license
4. Has car
5. Is respectful and responsible
6. No drugs or alcohol

You would be SHOCKED (or maybe not) how hard it is to find an apprentice with an ounce of integrity,

48 Reply 

konadog 1 day ago

Hasn't been indoctrinated for 12+ years in victimhood and spent valuable time learning 500 different gender
pronouns. Not surprised this employee is best in your shop. 

8 Reply 

Bunga Bunga 1 day ago

This professor embraces Communist collectivism.

44 1 Reply 

stevek 1 day ago

She also probably embraces her wife and cat.

22 Reply 


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Illuminati´s free-stuff-zombies billions-army 39 seconds ago (Edited)

she(it) fucks women with her(its) strap-on.s 

dreaming of the day that her dream will be complete:

total genocide of not only every christian and white person

but also all the men, so the remaining females will be left only

with strap-on dykes like this freak. 6/13
4/23/2020 The Real Reason Why A Harvard Professor Thinks Homeschooling Should Be Banned | Zero Hedge

 
Reply 

flappyjaws 1 day ago

Don’t most professors at universities?

6 Reply 

AlsoNotPC 1 day ago

That ignorant Harvard professor thinks we live in a democracy, no we live in a republic. Of course, she wants a
communist system.

24 Reply 

TBT or not TBT 1 day ago


4 Reply 

NeitherStirredNorShaken 1 day ago

She might as well have said to enroll them in a Kibbutz.

7 Reply 

Paganstorm1 1 day ago

You don't understand, she (Elizabeth Bartholet, ((Wasserstein))) is doing it on purpose, advocating for regulation that
is anti-white and anti-Christian. Guess what's her (ethno)religion?! 

4 Reply 

Budnacho 1 day ago

Tenured assholes making 7+ figures care so much about the's touching really

43 Reply 

DaJohn 1 day ago

"Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed."-Joseph Stalin

32 Reply 

Freespeaker 1 day ago

Can’t be overstated how important freedom loving Americans need to understand that statement.   

13 Reply 

DaJohn 1 day ago

“Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.  It may
be better to live under robber barons than under the omnipotent moral busybodies.  The robber barons cruelty
may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will
torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”-C S Lewis

Nothing is more detestable than hearing the justifications from a Communist. It's a fucking demonic religion, and
they worship it! A good communist is a DEAD communist!

11 Reply 

Loki The Trickster 1 day ago

I'm faculty and I see nothing wrong with homeschooling. This Harvard professor is full of shit.

30 Reply 

BlindMonkey 1 day ago

Say....doesn't Krugman teach at Harvard?

I think I'm seeing a pattern.

8 Reply 

BlindMonkey 1 day ago
"She argues that anybody can homeschool, even parents who are illiterate." 7/13
4/23/2020 The Real Reason Why A Harvard Professor Thinks Homeschooling Should Be Banned | Zero Hedge

Let me retort:

"I argue that anybody can become a public school teacher, even morons who are illiterate."

Mine is just as true as hers.


28 Reply 

Dumpster Elite 1 day ago

Yeah,ok She says that homeschoolers don't believe in science. You mean the science that they teach in public schools? The
thing about how "chromosomes don't matter"'s how you "feel" that determines what sex you are. Yeah, I'll skip that

28 Reply 

J S Bach 1 day ago

Indeed.  And how about the socio-anthropological pseudo "science" of egalitarianism?  Or the economic pseudo
"science" of Keynesian fractional reserve debt-based currency?  Or the historical pseudo "science" of holocaustianty
where any forensic proof to the contrary is shrugged off with a "Truth is no defense!" response?  Or a political pseudo
"science" of forbidding a Boycott, Divest, Sanction movement against a tyrannical nation on campus?

The hypocritical list is endless.  Feel free to add more.

12 Reply 

Promethus 1 day ago (Edited)

Right in the middle of a Battlestar Galactica rerun I was watching, a safe sex for fudge packers pill commercial came
on. It says the pill is not for those who were designated female at birth. This has to be the result of a fruit fag

7 Reply 

Keffus 1 day ago

My ex-wife and I homeschooled both of our kids so we could keep them away from asshats like Dr. Elizabeth Bartholet. 

24 Reply 

endh1b 1 day ago

I clicked on the article just to see the last name of the Professor.   Jew Confirmed.  

Carry on. 

24 Reply 

Idiocracy 20 hours ago

Please be kind and respectful to learned Professor Baphomet 😈

 

Reply 

shamus001 1 day ago

Damn teacher sent my 14 yr old child home with "homework" relating to "why eating meat is bad" trying to indoctrinate my

How is a veegan teachers diet opinion "education" that my child needs?  That would be akin to a teacher in class mind-
fking every child into one political class or another!


23 Reply 

pods 1 day ago

Probably used the energy issue too. 

Like having 500 minivans dropping off and picking up kids doesn't use a lot of energy.

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neutronstar 1 day ago

great point! we can tell those fuckers that it is good for the planet, less fuel and electricity and less paper!

8 Reply 

1982xls 1 day ago

If the Board of Education did not endorse such teachings as part of the curriculum, that teacher should be fired.

If the Board did, they should be voted out of power.

6 Reply 

konadog 1 day ago

Next your child will get to memorize 500 different gender pronouns. 

3 Reply 

HRH of Aquitaine 2.0 1 day ago is free to anyone of any age with a computer and internet access.

Public education is child abuse.

23 Reply 

pods 1 day ago

Used it for my son.

Homeschooling isnt tough. Kids actually like to learn.

Sitting them at a desk all day waiting for the slowest learner to catch up is what they hate.

Public school is there to create compliant workers who wont challenge authority.

21 Reply 

overbet 1 day ago

Ron Paul has a school too teaching real world use material. 

5 Reply 

Fr. Richard Inya 1 day ago (Edited)

Supported in part by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. No thank you.

1 Reply 

NeitherStirredNorShaken 1 day ago (Edited)

My beautiful sons and daughters have all been highly trained in weapons, self-defense and tactics and how to use those as
well as verbal equivalents to effectively and permanently eliminate an immediate threat to them in any self-defense
situation. This will all be taught to the grand children and so on. That isn't learned in the brainwashing indoctrination
centers of Saturn where even the kindergartners wear the Black Cube of Satan on their head at graduation now because
parents are complete idiots.

Fascinating to know that such an imbecile can obtain such a ridiculously titled job from some corporation and not know
that the United States is a Republic not a Democracy. Yet, somehow presumes to dictate to others how best to allegedly


22 Reply 

neutronstar 1 day ago

jews hire only jews, as soon as one gets in that is it.

5 1 Reply 

shamus001 1 day ago

Correct! Independent thought and individualism is the CORE TRAIT of what it means to be American!

Damn Commie Harvard Teachers... I haven't heard ONE good piece of advice come out of that overpriced dung-heap!

8 Reply 

rockstone 1 day ago 9/13
4/23/2020 The Real Reason Why A Harvard Professor Thinks Homeschooling Should Be Banned | Zero Hedge

Elizabeth Bartholet, Wasserstein? Hey lady, for all of your smarts can’t you tell that a reset is coming.  A very messy,
unforgiving reset. For your own safety, adopt a pseudonym.

22 Reply 

DeathMerchant 1 day ago

+1000 ^^^^^^

7 Reply 

Kickaha 1 day ago

She is correctly noting that taking kids' education away from parents and letting the state indoctrinate them, instead,
greatly lessens the now prominent odds she will be dragged from her McMansion by mobs and hacked to death with
rusty garden implements in the middle of the street, underneath a canopy of stately trees.  People from Harvard,
more than anything else, are those who have championed the transformation of America into Yankistan over the past
50 years.

10 Reply 

FredGSanford. 1 day ago

Elizabeth Bartholet  — Satan.  The Devil.

But she represents a large part of the people.   See, liberals want the kids to indoctrinate them in the abortion, gay rights ,
transsexual, atheists, climate worshiping people who they Can control

Home schooling don’t fit the Satanic agenda.    

20 Reply 

Greater Fool Theory 1 day ago

 because of conservative Christian beliefs, inculcating them with the beliefs that women are
subservient, science isn’t real, and white people are the supreme race.

Leftists actually believe this garbage. They’re a dangerous bunch. 

19 Reply 

swimologist 1 day ago

Another prime candidate for inclusion on the Day of The Rope. Duly noted.

18 Reply 

CaptainMoonlight 1 day ago

Harvard is one of the biggest shiteholes on the planet. Chock full of libtard fucks. Fuck that school. It's more like a
brainwashing station.

18 Reply 

dwkeller 1 day ago

not more like a ...

it is.

12 Reply 

kaiserhoffredux 1 day ago

My younger daughter has a bumper sticker on her van:



17 Reply 

from_the_ashes 1 day ago

On a brighter note: 

D Bl i ’ i l di t i ti li fl d d ith i h t Hitl 10/13

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