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WORDS OF LIFE SERIES 59 to others about the Lord.

So there needs to be a Holy Spirit conviction

BIBLE STUDY NOTES GREAT PROMISES IN THE OLD that we should engage in this work, and we must be dependent upon
TESTAMENT Him to enable us to do it.
by Francis W. Dixon (4) The words “carrying seed”. In Luke 8:11 we learn that “the seed is the
word of God”, and from various other Scriptures we also learn that the
Study 5 THE PROMISE OF REWARD FOR THE SOUL-WINNER seed, which is the Word, is precious (2 Peter 1:4); it is powerful
(Key verse: Psalm 126: 5-6) (Romans 1:16); and it is also productive in the hearts of those who
receive it (Hebrews 4:2 and 12). This tells us that the successful soul-
It was probably King Hezekiah who wrote this great psalm, and while it is winner must carry the Word of God in his hand, in his head and in his
prophetic of Israel it is also Messianic, in that we can hear the Lord Jesus heart; but he must not only carry the Word, he must sow the Word.
speaking prophetically. You will notice the beautiful poetic rhythm, but you will (5) The word “sow”. We see here the thought of the sower not only going
also be challenged by verses 5 and 6 because they inform us that as Christians out but going out in order to sow the seed. Seed in the basket will not
we should be dedicated to the holy task and art of soul-winning. The whole produce a harvest; it is not the truth we know but the truth we sow which
Bible is a textbook on this subject, and this is especially true of certain parts of saves a soul, and we shall only reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7).
the New Testament; but in these two verses the matter is wonderfully
condensed and pinpointed so the following outline is suggested for easy study. 2. THE SOUL-WINNER’S PASSION
In verse 5 we read about “those who sow in tears”; and in verse 6 “He who
1. THE SOUL-WINNER’S PROGRAMME goes out weeping”. This introduces us to the whole idea of passion, or
What is the programme of the man or woman who wants to be an instrument in compassion, that deep concern which we need to have in our hearts as we
God’s hands for bringing other people to know the Lord as their Saviour? What seek to win others for the Lord. Perhaps the reason more Christians are not
are our marching orders? They are very clearly defined if we put together the active in this ministry is that they do not sufficiently feel for the unconverted,
following words – “He who goes out…carrying seed to sow…” and sows it they do not have tears, their eyes are dry. General Booth of the Salvation Army
(verses 6 and 5). Notice these vital words which occur in this sentence:- once said that he would like to send to hell for 24 hours all candidates who had
(1) The word “He”. It reminds us that the soul-winner is human, not angelic. applied to be officers, as part of their training. Only then would they feel the
Soul-winners are sinners saved by grace. God could use angels but this need of the lost and be able to accept the sacrifice involved in setting out to win
is not His method for making known His redeeming message. Saved the lost. And it was J. H. Jowett who wrote in his book that “the gospel of a
sinners must find lost sinners. Saved “whoevers” (John 3:16) are to go broken heart begins with the ministry of bleeding hearts”, and, “as soon as we
and look for lost “whoevers”. Angels are not qualified to do this because cease to bleed we cease to bless.” Jesus knew what it was to be deeply moved
they have never known a fallen world so cannot testify from personal with compassion for the souls of men, and even to weep over them (Matthew
experience of God’s saving grace. 9:36; John 11:35); and the Apostle Paul experienced the same emotion (Acts
20:31; Romans 9:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 2:9). If we have lost our tears maybe we
(2) The word “goes”. This implies action and reminds us of the solemn fact should pray earnestly that God would give us back our tears, our concern and
that too often we have reversed the order here; we have settled down in longing, our feeling of compassion for the salvation of those who are lost.
our churches to wait for the people to come in, but the Lord’s
commission is that we should get up and go out – look up Matthew 3. THE SOUL-WINNER’S PROMISE
28:19; and that we should compel men and women to come to the In our key verse a very wonderful promise is made to the soul-winner who gets
gospel feast where they will find complete satisfaction in God’s gracious on with the job. Notice the significance of the word “will” in verses 5 and 6 – he
provision for their salvation (Luke 14:23). When Christians really begin “will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.” If we sow the seed
to go out to where the lost are in order to tell them of the Saviour and God will see to the harvest, and there is no joy in the whole world like the joy of
bring them to Him, then revival will be on the way! seeking, finding and bringing just one lost soul to the feet of the Saviour. Will
(3) The word “out”. This implies leaving something behind; and of course if you begin now to pray for, to seek out and to witness to just one soul with a
we are to be soul-winners we must certainly leave sin behind. But the desire to bring that one to the Saviour?
word also suggests sacrifice of time, leisure and personal feelings. Most WORDS OF LIFE MINISTRIES
Christians are by nature nervous or reserved and find it difficult to speak PO Box 334, EASTLEIGH, SO53 2UB, UK

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