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WORDS OF LIFE SERIES 50 through the yielded lives and testimony of His people.

Notice the word “and”

BIBLE STUDY NOTES HOLDING OUT THE WORD OF that comes in the centre of verse 47. These early Christians, most of them
LIFE recently converted, were “praising God and enjoying the favour of all the
by Francis W. Dixon people. And the Lord added…” The Church is His Body and He works through
His Body, that is to say, through the members of the Church, through Christians
who are members of the Church, to build it up and extend it. What was there
Study 8 WHAT THE CHURCH IS AND HOW IT GROWS about these early Christians that resulted in these additions every day? Look at
(Scripture portion: Acts 2:32-47) verses 41-46 to see the following characteristics of these church members:-
1. they were soundly converted (verse 41);
Verse 47 of this chapter reads, “And the Lord added to their number daily those 2. they were openly committed (verse 41);
who were being saved”. It is with these significant words that Luke, the writer of 3. they were truly obedient (verse 42);
Acts, concludes the chapter. His words tell us something vital about the Church, 4. they were gloriously united (verse 44);
that it is not a building made of bricks and mortar, but is the company of 5. they were obviously consistent (verses 46-47).
believing people, of those who have been born again (John 3:3,5) and baptised How do we measure up to this word-picture of the ideal church member?
into the body of Christ, which is the Church (1 Corinthians 12:13). As these
words were true of the early infant Church, so they are true of the Church today, 3. Those who have been added to the Church are “being saved”
because for over 2000 years Acts 2:47 has been going on! Every day the Lord It was not only true that new people were being converted daily, but those who
has been adding to His Church those whom He is saving. were converted were “being saved”. Were they not saved already? Yes, they
were – justified, but they were not yet sanctified (in a practical sense), or
1. The Risen Lord is actively engaged in building His Church glorified. Salvation is a process. When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ we
We must remember that the Lord, who “added to their number daily”, was and are saved from the penalty of sin – justification, to do with the past. We are
is on the throne in heaven. He is there now, so what is He doing? One thing is “being saved” from the power of sin each day – sanctification, to do with the
that He is adding to the Church those who are being saved. The Church, present. We shall be saved from the presence of sin at the Lord’s second
therefore, is a divine institution, because He does the adding. No man can coming. This is glorification, to do with the future. So if we are Christians we are
“add” to a Church; it is purely the Lord’s prerogative, and each day this is what “being saved”; we belong to the Lord and we are absolutely secure in His
Jesus is doing. Compare Acts 1:1 (notice the word "began”) with Luke 19:12, keeping (John 10:28-29), but the work of grace is, or should be, still going on
which again tells us what the Lord is doing now prior to His second coming. In within us. Notice what this tells us:-
Matthew 16:13-18 we have the record of the great truth that was unveiled at 1. There are many babies in the Church. Some of these (as in Acts 2) were no
Caesarea Philippi, and the words to notice are at the end of verse 18. Once we more than day-old chicks! – young and immature. They were spiritual babies in
realise that the Lord is the Builder of His Church, two results follow:- God’s family.
1. We shall be delivered from discouragement and from a sense of defeatism 2. Sanctification and spiritual growth are a process. A baby does not become a
and despair. The Church today seems weak and ineffective. The forces of man at once. We must not expect too much of new converts. Babies need food,
evil often seem to overwhelm the Church – materialism, liberalism, exercise, rest and air in order that they may grow up.
worldliness, Romanism and many other ‘isms’. But the Lord has said, “I 3. There are no perfect Church members: all are “being saved”. Every Christian
will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” should be growing – pressing on to maturity (2 Peter 3:18).
2. We shall be delivered from pride and self-congratulation. At Pentecost 4. There is nothing static about a growing Church. New people should be coming
about three thousand people were saved, but whose work was it? It was in all the time, and there must be no room for cliques. Every baby must be
the Lord’s – not Peter’s, not the work of the apostles; it was the Risen Lord welcomed into the family circle.
Himself who accomplished all this great work of grace, and that is what He 5. All who are being saved should be in the fellowship of the Church. In the New
is doing now, so there is no room for any of us to congratulate ourselves on Testament there was no such thing as an unattached Christian. Christians
any success that we may have. should not be isolated units; we should all belong to a local fellowship of God’s
people, if this is possible, so that we may enjoy the privilege and responsibility
2. The progress and growth of the Church are helped or hindered by the of worship and witness with the Lord’s people.
witness and testimony of its members Remember, those who are “being saved” will ultimately be fully saved – look up
Only the Lord can do the work of building His Church; only He can add to the Romans 8:29-30 and Philippians 1:6.
Church so that it expands and becomes stronger each day, and He does this

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