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Fabyan sick what?

Farma Dinata, the father, Anteve News Producer

Our son Fabyan Devara insyaAllah healthy, energetic, well-mannered, smart,

routine tahajud, duha and prayers in congregation in the mosque before the mosques are
closed due to the pandemic.

We and my family had enjoyed a period of independent isolation, I WFH, fabyan

and his brother keyzar devario studying at home. The three of us took turns to become priests
for prayer in congregation as a family.

Until one day in the last week of March, the handsome complained that his right
hand was tingling and then numb. More and more he complained that his right hand was
numb, so he had difficulty writing and eating.

To work on school assignments, Byan sometimes asks his younger sibling or

mother for help to write. To eat, we often see him using the help of his left hand.

A week later, he began to display strange habits, sleeping throughout the day. Wake
up just to pray and then sleep again. Eat, take a bath and sleep. In a day and night he can
sleep 20 to 23 hours!

We had a hard time finding a hospital that had a neurologist's practice because at
that time it was fitting with the PSBB policy so many poly closed.

We finally found an active neurologist at one of the hospitals in Pasar Rebo, East
Jakarta. The doctor's diagnosis at that time was a problem in our child's left brain.

I asked, what was the cause, was it an injury, infection or brain tumor? No, the
doctor said, if it is usually the sufferer will experience headaches, while Byan claimed not.

Is it the result of taking drugs dock? Not even he said, because the effects of drugs usually
disappear within 1-2 days, while Byan had slept for almost a week at that time.
Is it likely a virus? Not even the doctor said at the time, because if a virus or
bacteria in the brain would cause paralysis of both sides of the body, while Byan was only

we had to go back and forth to the hospital to check blood and CT scan with the
condition Byan had to use a wheelchair, because it was no longer able to control his

We had a chance to celebrate the 16th anniversary of the Fabyans on April 13. At
that time he seemed happy, visited by a number of our friends and family at home. But the
condition was not able to stand up. Mashallah, in a state of illness Fabyan was previously still
the imam of our congregational prayers until his legs could no longer stand.

After the birthday, Fabyan vomited. We are worried, because every food that is fed
is always vomited up again. Finally we rushed to the nearest hospital emergency room at the
South Jakarta pumpkin cottage. The doctor did not want to stay in the hospital, asking us to
come back the next day to check the nerve poly.

Normal blood test results, CT scan did not look any problem in his brain. Finally,
the hospital neurologist referred Fabyan to the National Brain Center Hospital in East Jakarta

PON Hospital doctor diagnoses fabyan having a stroke. A rare case, but he said
there had indeed been an incident in teenagers. But the doctor also has not found the cause,
because the results of lab re-checks look normal, as well as CT scan.

Up to 5 days being treated at PON Hospital, Fabyan's condition worsened,

he did not wake up from sleep at all. Even it can't respond, let alone communication. And
terrible, fabyan began to cough, his body temperature had several times high, convulsions.

Thorax test results, indicated exposed fabyan. He had to move to the isolation room
on a special floor for covid patients and swab test samples were taken the next morning. With
a heavy heart, I had to sign the covid protocol, including: the cost of treatment was taken over
by the government and if he died he had to go through the process of turning the body up to
the funeral according to the covid protocol. I have no other choice.

Day 4 in the isolation room, fabyan died. Right on the first day of Ramadan, Friday
24 April 2020. Medically fabyan was declared dead at 4:40 a.m., at the dawn call to prayer.

Swab test results have not yet come out, but doctors believe deaths due to covid
because of organ damage occurs very massive in a short time.

Alhamdulillah, even though I had to undergo the covid protocol, I was still able to
recite the call to prayer in the right ear of the pious child before being taken to the mortuary.
Our family is also still given the ease by God to pray Fabyan before being taken by
ambulance to the cemetery. Not a few close relatives still have the opportunity to take
fabyans to his funeral at TPU Pondok Rangon.

Although the heartache is immeasurable, God willing, we are sincere.

Yes Rab, strengthen the hearts and faith of our abandoned family. May fabyan
choose and intercede for us to accompany his eternal life in your heaven, O Allah.

Hopefully this will be a reminder for us to be aware that this virus can threaten
anyone, including our children.

And remember this is a new virus that is said to have mutated, yet there are those who really
recognize it for sure.
Even symptoms may not be specific to the symptoms of respiratory infections.

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