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B o w e l Ob s t r u c t i o n

Richard M. Gore, MD*, Robert I. Silvers, MD, Kiran H. Thakrar, MD,

Daniel R. Wenzke, MD, Uday K. Mehta, MD, Geraldine M. Newmark, MD,
Jonathan W. Berlin, MD

! Small bowel obstruction ! Large bowel obstruction ! Bowel ischemia ! Bowel strangulation
! Closed loop obstruction ! Volvulus ! Intussusception

! Mechanical bowel obstruction is responsible for 15% of hospital admissions for the acute abdomen
in the United States.
! Clinical features and plain abdominal radiographic findings are insufficiently accurate for the diag-
nosis of intestinal obstruction and its complications, such as ischemia and strangulation.
! Multidetector computed tomography has emerged as the best single imaging examination for the
diagnosis of mechanical bowel obstruction and its complications and can help triage patients to
either conservative or operative management.

INTRODUCTION presentation, the radiologic approach to and im-

aging findings of patients with known or suspected
Mechanical bowel obstruction comprises 15% of bowel obstruction are presented.
all emergency admissions for abdominal pain
and constitutes more than 300,000 admissions PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
annually in the United States.1 It is an important
cause of morbidity and mortality, responsible for Bowel obstruction causes distention of the gut
nearly 30,000 deaths and direct costs of more through the accumulation of both gas and fluid.
than $3 billion in medical care annually.2 The clin- The gas that accumulates proximal to the obstruc-
ical diagnosis of bowel obstruction can be chal- tion is primarily swallowed air, reflected by its high
lenging because results of physical examination, nitrogen content (70%–80%) and the contribution
clinical presentation, and laboratory values are of bacterial gas is thought to be small. The fluid
often nonspecific and nondiagnostic. and gas cause increased intraluminal pressure
Small bowel obstruction (SBO) and large bowel and distention of the bowel that also affect the
obstruction (LBO) account for approximately 20% motility of the intestine: initially causing increased
of cases of acute abdominal surgical conditions.1,2 peristalsis and then leading to decreased peri-
There are a number causes and degrees of bowel stalsis and relaxation.
obstruction (Box 1, Fig. 1, Table 1) and the role of This decrease in motility and stasis caused by
the radiologist is to answer several key questions: the obstruction itself promote bacterial over-
Is obstruction present? What is the level of the growth, markedly increasing the normally low
obstruction? What is the cause of the obstruction? levels of both gram-negative enteric and anaerobic
What is the severity of the obstruction? Is the organisms found in the small intestine. Obstruction
obstruction simple or closed loop? Is strangula- leads to increased translocation of bacteria and
tion, ischemia, or perforation present?3 In this endotoxins to both mesenteric lymph nodes and

Department of Radiology, Evanston Hospital, North Shore University Health System, 2650 Ridge Avenue, Evan-
ston, IL 60201, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Radiol Clin N Am 53 (2015) 1225–1240
0033-8389/15/$ – see front matter ! 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1226 Gore et al

Box 1 Table 1
Causes of intestinal obstruction Classification of mechanical bowel obstruction

Extrinsic bowel lesions Classification Division

Adhesions Etiology Intraluminal
Hernias Intramural
Location Small bowel (proximal or distal)
Carcinomatosis Colon
Abscess Speed of Acute
Endometriosis onset Subacute
Intrinsic bowel lesions Degree Partial
Inflammatory Complete
Diverticulitis Progression Open vs closed loop
Simple vs strangulated
Inflammatory bowel disease
Intussusception obstruction in which both the afferent and efferent
Ischemic limbs of an obstructed segment of bowel are
occluded. The intraluminal pressure rises rapidly,
Radiation injury
impairing first the venous drainage and then the
Chemical arterial supply to the bowel wall. Ischemia and
Postanastomotic gangrene of the bowel permit the escape of enteric
Obturation organisms and their toxins into the portal and sys-
temic circulation, adding to the clinical picture of
Polypoid neoplasms
Gallstones The cecum has the largest diameter of the
Foreign bodies gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and therefore its wall
develops the highest tension according to the
Laplace law (wall tension 5 intraluminal pressure
" radius). The increased pressure may cause
separation of the muscle fibers, leading to cecal
“diastatic” perforation. Dissection of air into the
possibly the systemic circulation, which may be wall results in pneumatosis, which may precede
responsible for some of the systemic septic conse- frank perforation. The risk of perforation in-
quences of bowel obstruction.1–4 creases when the cecum reaches a diameter of
With continued bowel obstruction, if the intralu- 9 cm. The duration and rapidity of onset of the
minal pressure continues to rise, perfusion of the distention are also important. The intraluminal
bowel wall may be impaired, which promotes the pressure needed to produce perforation is be-
development of ischemia, necrosis, and perfora- tween 20 and 55 mm Hg. Ischemia and bacterial
tion. This most commonly occurs in closed loop overgrowth also play a role in GI tract perforation

Fig. 1. Causes of bowel obstruction. (A) Leading causes of SBO. (B) Leading causes of LBO.
Bowel Obstruction 1227

and the systemic effects seen with strangulating RADIOLOGIC EVALUATION OF BOWEL
obstruction.4 OBSTRUCTION
Simple obstruction implies that the lumen is Plain Abdominal Radiographs
partially or completely occluded, but that blood
The plain radiograph of the abdomen has tradition-
flow is preserved. Strangulation or strangulated
ally been used as the first radiologic study in the
obstruction means that blood flow is compro-
workup of acute abdominal pain and suspected
mised, leading to bowel wall edema, intestinal
bowel obstruction (Box 2). These radiographs
ischemia, and, if left untreated, necrosis and perfo-
may confirm the diagnosis, locate the site of
ration. A simple obstruction can be complete (ie,
obstruction, and, in some cases, identify the na-
no fluid or gas passes beyond the site of obstruc-
ture of the obstructing lesion. The bowel is usually
tion) or incomplete (ie, some fluid and gas does
dilated proximal to the obstruction; however, de-
pass beyond the site of obstruction). In open
pending on the competency of the ileocecal valve,
loop obstruction, intestinal flow is blocked distally,
proximal LBO can mimic SBO (Fig. 2).8
but the proximal loops are open and can be de-
Air-fluid levels may traverse the entire lumen of
compressed by vomiting or nasogastric intuba-
the obstructed bowel loops or be trapped as bub-
tion. In closed loop obstruction, both flow into
bles between folds at the top of a fluid-filled bowel
and flow out of the closed loop are blocked, result-
loop, resulting in a “string of pearls” sign (Fig. 3).
ing in progressive accumulation of fluid and gas
Fluid-filled loops may not be seen on supine radio-
within the isolated loop, placing it at risk for
graphs but may be recognized on erect or
ischemia, volvulus, and perforation.3,4
cross-table lateral decubitus radiographs.8 Plain
abdominal radiographs have only a moderate
sensitivity of between 40% and 80% for the diag-
A gasless abdomen can be seen in the setting
The cardinal symptoms of bowel obstruction are
of bowel obstruction and ischemia in which the
pain, nausea and vomiting, abdominal distention,
gut is completely filled with fluid (Fig. 4). Fluid-
and decreased stool and flatus. The pain is classi-
filled loops may not be visible, leading to a false-
cally colicky in nature, reflecting increased peri-
staltic activity as the bowel distends in response
to the obstruction. The initial increase in motility Box 2
is later replaced by reduced activity as the bowel Plain radiographic and computed tomography
relaxes and dilates, so the colicky pain may be re- (CT) findings in bowel obstruction
placed by a more constant pain. If the obstruction
is more proximal, the pain may be relieved by Small bowel obstruction
vomiting.5,6 1. Dilated gas or fluid-filled small bowel:
The pain of simple obstruction often increases greater than 3 cm (KUB), greater than
slowly and may remain constant in severity. In 2.5 cm CT
closed loop obstruction, the pain may continue 2. Air-fluid levels greater than 2.5 cm
to increase until the bowel perforates. There then
3. Air-fluid levels at disparate levels within the
may be a brief paradoxic decrease in the pain as same loop
the distention is relieved, until the signs of perito-
nitis develop. Pain out of proportion to physical ex- 4. String of pearls sign
amination suggests strangulation.5–7 5. Gastric distension
Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms, 6. Small bowel dilated out of proportion to
with vomiting being more likely and profuse the colon
more proximal the obstruction. Abdominal disten- 7. Paucity of colorectal gas
sion is more pronounced the more distal the
obstruction. LBO typically produces significant 8. Gasless abdomen
distention, whereas SBO may produce less disten- Large bowel obstruction
tion due to decompressive vomiting.5,6
1. Colonic distention
The final symptom of bowel obstruction is
decreased passage of flatus and stool. The lack 2. Colon collapsed beyond obstruction
of liquid or solid stool is less specific because the 3. Small bowel dilation depending on the dura-
bowel distal to the obstruction may continue to pro- tion of the obstruction and the competency
duce mucous and other secretions and the colon of the ileocecal valve
may contain an appreciable amount of fecal mate- Abbreviation: KUB, Plain abdominal radiograph.
rial that may continue to pass for some time.5,6
1228 Gore et al

Fig. 2. Importance of the ileocecal valve to the radiographic findings of LBO. (A) If the ileocecal valve is compe-
tent, pronounced right side colonic distention can occur. (B) An incompetent ileocecal valve allows retrograde
decompression of gas and fluid into the small bowel that can simulate an SBO.

negative diagnosis or erroneous interpretation of Plain abdominal radiographs are helpful in the
the level of obstruction.11 Plain abdominal diagnosis of cecal and sigmoid volvulus (Fig. 5).
radiographs are poor at suggesting the diagnosis
of closed loop, ischemic, or strangulating Intraluminal Contrast Material
Positive oral contrast material is not essential in
the diagnosis of obstruction on computed tomog-
raphy (CT) because the intraluminal fluid and gas
already present within the obstructed bowel serve
as excellent contrast agents. If positive oral
contrast material has been given in patients with
SBO, a delayed abdominal radiograph can assess
if the contrast material has progressed to the co-
lon, indicating partial obstruction.

Computed Tomography
By virtue of its ability to provide a global perspec-
tive of the gut, vasculature, mesenteries, omenta,
peritoneum, retroperitoneum, and subperitoneum,
multidetector CT (MDCT) has become the imaging
modality of choice in patients with known or sus-
pected obstruction. CT is most valuable when
there are systemic signs suggesting infection,
bowel infarction, or an associated palpable
mass. CT identifies bowel obstruction as dis-
tended bowel loops (>2.5–3 cm) seen proximal to
collapsed loops and can reveal the cause of
obstruction, such as tumor, volvulus, appendicitis
(Fig. 6A), or diverticulitis (see Fig. 6B). The transi-
Fig. 3. High-grade distal SBO due to adhesive disease.
tion zone should be carefully evaluated for
Upright plain abdominal radiograph shows air-fluid
levels at different levels within the same loop (red ar- masses.12–21
rows). Portions of the predominantly fluid-filled ob- CT can accurately predict the etiology of
structed small bowel may show only small gas obstruction in 70% to 95% of patients and can
bubbles, producing the so called “string of pearls” often suggest superimposed ischemia and intesti-
appearance (yellow arrows). nal perforation.22,23 The CT finding of pneumatosis
Bowel Obstruction 1229

Fig. 4. Gasless abdomen in the setting of high-grade SBO and bowel ischemia. (A) Plain abdominal radiograph
shows a gasless abdomen. (B) Coronal reformatted CT images obtained several hours later demonstrates dis-
tended and fluid-filled bowel. Note the mesenteric fluid and ascites. The mural thickening with submucosal
edema of one jejunal loop (arrow) is suspicious for ischemia.

(Fig. 7) indicates breakdown in the mucosal integ- Ultrasonography and MR imaging

rity of the bowel wall and is strongly suggestive of Although CT is the best overall examination for
ischemia; however, the CT finding of pneumatosis evaluating patients with suspected bowel obstruc-
does not always predict irreversible ischemia at tion, it uses ionizing radiation. Accordingly, in
surgery. The CT findings of free intraperitoneal children (Fig. 8) and pregnant women, ultrasonog-
gas or portomesenteric gas have a much greater raphy and MR imaging should be considered as an
likelihood of irreversible transmural necrosis than alternative examination for evaluating these
pneumatosis alone.22,23 patients.24

Fig. 5. Colonic volvulus: plain abdominal radiographic features. (A) Cecal volvulus. The dilated cecum, which ex-
tends to the left of the midline, produces a coffee-beanlike appearance with its hilum directed toward the right
lower quadrant. (B) Sigmoid volvulus. There is massive distension of the sigmoid colon that extends superiorly to
the diaphragm, the so called “northern exposure sign.”
1230 Gore et al

Fig. 6. Infectious-inflammatory causes of bowel obstruction: CT features. (A) Appendicitis with abscess (A) forma-
tion causing SBO (arrow). (B) Diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon with abscess (A) formation and associated SBO.

SMALL BOWEL OBSTRUCTION patients with cesarean delivery, in 1% of patients

Adhesions after appendectomy, and up to 10% of patients
who have had colorectal surgery. Ten percent to
Adhesions are the most common cause of SBO,
15% of adhesions are attributed to previous or
accounting for approximately two-thirds of cases.
concurrent inflammation. A small fraction of adhe-
The incidence of SBO from adhesions has
sions are thought to be congenital in origin.1,5
increased during the past 30 years because of
Approximately 1% of patients will develop an
the increasing number of laparotomies. Although
SBO in the immediate postoperative period.
adhesions form in more than 90% of patients
Approximately 90% of these early postoperative
who have undergone laparotomy, only approxi-
obstructions are caused by adhesions, 7% by her-
mately 5% of abdominopelvic surgeries are
nias, and the remainder are related to abscess for-
complicated by SBO. They develop in 0.05% of
mation, intussusception, or technical factors.1,5
The most important radiographic finding in the
diagnosis of SBO is the abrupt transition from
dilated to nondilated small intestine at the site of
obstruction. Adhesions are not usually seen on
CT. The small bowel feces sign (Fig. 9) is often
seen proximal to the point of obstruction.25,26
The CT diagnosis of adhesions is a diagnosis of
exclusion: there is an abrupt transition from dilated
to collapsed small intestine without apparent

Fig. 8. Intussusception: sonographic findings in an in-

Fig. 7. Pneumatosis secondary to colonic ischemia in a fant. Transverse sonogram reveals a mass (arrows)
patient with sigmoid volvulus. Coronal reformatted with a swirled appearance of multiple alternating hy-
CT scan shows a markedly distended sigmoid colon perechoic and hypoechoic small bowel loops produc-
with pneumatosis (arrows). ing the loop within a loop or target appearance.
Bowel Obstruction 1231

orifice or occluded by twisting of the mesentery;

either process resulting in strangulation. Both dila-
tation and the risk of strangulation of the trapped-
loops depend on the stage and degree of
compression or twisting.29
The radiographic findings (Boxes 3 and 4) of
strangulation vary depending on the level of trap-
ping and twisting. Initially, the closed loop may
not be dilated. In the usual patient, however, the
closed loop is dilated and fluid-filled, with little or
no intraluminal gas. If the closed loop(s) are paral-
lel to the plane of reconstruction on CT, they
appear in a C-shaped or U-shaped configuration.
If the loops are imaged perpendicular to the plane
of reconstruction, they appear in a radial configu-
ration, with the trapped mesentery pointing toward
Fig. 9. Adhesive disease causing SBO. Axial CT image the band or hernia opening (Fig. 10). The loops
shows SBO with the small bowel feces sign (circle) that enter and exit the closed loop lay side by
due to adhesive disease at the anastomosis in this pa-
side and are narrowed or tapered at the level of
tient with previous small bowel resection.
the band or mesenteric rent. The entry or exit
site may have a beaklike appearance when
cause. The transition zone may appear rounded or imaged in cross-section. Small intestine proximal
beaklike. Other abnormalities can cause a transi- to the closed loop may be dilated and fluid-filled,
tion zone without apparent cause on CT, including whereas the small intestine distal to the closed
small primary tumors, such as carcinoid tumor; loop is collapsed. The mesenteric vessels radiate
small intraperitoneal metastases; and short inflam- to the point of obstruction.28–32
matory, ischemic, or drug-related strictures. The With a strangulated obstruction, there is a con-
CT diagnosis of adhesion is supported by a history tinuum from bowel wall edema, to mild to moder-
of previous laparotomy in the absence of a history ate ischemia, to transmural infarction, and finally,
of a tumor with a predilection for peritoneal spread to perforation. CT has a sensitivity of approxi-
(eg, ovarian carcinoma) or a known history of mately 80% to 90% in the diagnosis of strangula-
inflammatory bowel disease. The CT diagnosis of tion in patients with closed loop obstruction. CT
adhesions is accurate in 70% to 95% of may reveal circumferential bowel wall thickening
patients.27,28 of low, normal, or high attenuation. Following intra-
In one study of adhesion-related SBO, an ante- venous contrast material administration, the ob-
rior parietal adhesion, the presence of a small structed segment of bowel may be normal or
bowel feces sign, and the lack of a beak sign have increased thickness and may show normal
were associated with successful nonsurgical treat- enhancement, delayed enhancement, diminished
ment, whereas 2 beak signs or more, a whirl sign, a enhancement, or no enhancement. On unen-
C-shaped or U-shaped appearance of the bowel hanced CT scans, high-attenuation bowel wall
loop, and a high degree of obstruction were asso-
ciated with nonsurgical treatment failure.27
In another study, when intraperitoneal fluid, Box 3
high-grade or complete obstruction, mesenteric CT findings of closed-loop obstruction ischemia
fatty stranding, and an absent small bowel feces
1. C-shaped, U-shaped, or coffee bean configu-
sign were present, MDCT had a high sensitivity
ration of the bowel loop with converging to-
of 98.4% and specificity of 90.9% for the predict- ward the site of torsion
ing the need for surgery.28
2. Beak or whirl sign at the site of obstruction
3. Radial configuration of bowel loops when
Closed Loop Obstruction and Strangulation
vertically oriented
The most common causes of closed loop obstruc- 4. Convergence of mesenteric vessels to a single
tion are single adhesive bands, internal or external point
hernias, or rents in the mesentery. The trapped 5. Close proximity of afferent and efferent
loop or loops become progressively dilated and limbs, often at the site of mesenteric conver-
fluid-filled. The vessels feeding the trapped intes- gence
tine may be compressed by the band or hernia
1232 Gore et al

Box 4 Hernias
CT findings of bowel ischemia Hernias occur at predictable sites of weakness in
1. Circumferential mural thickening >3 mm the abdominal wall where there is only fascia and
peritoneum between the viscera and skin. A wide
2. Target or halo sign (submucosal edema) variety of internal hernias occur at sites of mesen-
3. Focal loss of mural enhancement (impaired teric and omental weakness, normal openings of
arterial flow) the peritoneal surface, or under adhesive or
4. Persistent mural enhancement (impaired congenital bands. Before the era of laparotomy,
venous outflow) hernias were the most common cause of SBO.34
5. Mural hemorrhage or haziness on NCCT Inguinal hernias (Fig. 13) comprise approxi-
mately 80% of anterior abdominal wall hernias;
6. Pneumatosis
femoral hernias comprise only approximately
7. Perforation 5%. Inguinal hernias are more common in men
Abbreviation: NCCT, Non contrast CT scan. than women (7:1), whereas femoral hernias are
more common in women than men (1.8:1). Most
patients with an inguinal hernia have a patent
thickening implies hemorrhage with ischemia. processus vaginalis as the cause of the inguinal
Diminished or lack of contrast enhancement hernia. These hernias usually result from elevated
(Fig. 11) is very suspicious for vascular abdominal pressure related to pregnancy, cough-
compromise.22,29–32 ing, constipation, obesity, prostatism, or physical
A mural stratification pattern (see Fig. 4B) with exertion. Inguinal hernias may be caused by weak-
low attenuation of the submucosa, reflecting sub- ening of muscular aponeurosis and fascia due to
mucosal edema, may indicate a spectrum of age, cigarette smoking, or collagen deficiency.3,34
pathology ranging from bowel wall edema to full- Weakness in the linea alba at the umbilicus
thickness infarction. Pneumatosis (see Fig. 7) in leads to umbilical/paraumbilical hernia. Most pedi-
the wall of the closed loop indicates a rent in the atric umbilical hernias close spontaneously, but
mucosa and strangulation. Sloughed mucosa or persistent umbilical hernias may require surgery.
debris in lumen may have the appearance of feces. Epigastric hernias also occur in defects in the
If the closed loop is twisted, its mesentery also will linea alba. These hernias are more frequent in
appear twisted or whirled. Fluid in the leaves of the men. Multiple hernias are seen in 20% of patients.
small bowel mesentery (see Figs. 10B and 11B) is Epigastric hernias usually contain incarcerated
suggestive but not specific for ischemia, because preperitoneal fat and do not contain a peritoneal
intraperitoneal fluid can occur in simple SBOs. sac. Gastric herniation is uncommon.3,34
However, strangulation is implied by haziness of Complications in parastomal hernias are uncom-
the mesenteric fat (Fig. 12) and large mesenteric mon. However, peritoneal herniation develops in
vessels, findings reflecting mesenteric edema more than 50% of patients who have had a colos-
and venous engorgement, respectively, related tomy for at least 5 years.3,34
to compression or twisting of mesenteric Spigelian hernias occur below the line of Spigel
vessels.22,29–32 (semilunar line) because the junction of the rectus
Volvulus is implied by twisting of the folds at the abdominis and lateral flank muscles is weak owing
point of obstruction. Smooth, thick valvulae conni- to the lateral abdominal wall muscle aponeurosis
ventes in a partially closed loop imply edema with passing only anterior to the rectus. A Spigelian
possible ischemia.33 hernia is usually small (1–2 cm) and intraparietal,

Fig. 10. Closed loop obstruction. (A) Axial CT shows distended small bowel loops with mural thickening (yellow
arrow) converging to the exit and entry site (red arrow). (B) There is fluid (arrow) in the adjacent mesentery very
suspicious for ischemia. (C) By the time of surgery, this bowel had become necrotic.
Bowel Obstruction 1233

Fig. 11. Closed loop obstruction with ischemia due to internal hernias: CT features. (A) Axial CT shows a cluster of
poorly enhancing (circle) jejunal loops in a right paraduodenal internal hernia. Note the twisted, edematous mes-
entery. (B) CT shows clustering of small bowel loops (circle) entering and exiting a transomental hernia. Note the
thickened, poorly enhancing jejunal loops in the hernia sac (red arrow) and the hemorrhage in the small bowel
mesentery (yellow arrow).

rarely penetrating the fascia of the external oblique Internal hernias

muscle. Spigelian hernias contain omentum, small Internal hernias are becoming increasingly com-
bowel, or colon. Incarceration and strangulation mon and are well-described complications of
are common complications.3,34 gastric bypass surgery and liver transplantation.
CT and barium studies may reveal smooth, Roux-en-Y laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery
tapered compression of the bowel loops entering predisposes to 3 major types of internal hernias:
and exiting the hernia, with the degree of narrow- transmesocolic (through the defect in the trans-
ing determined by the width of the luminal open- verse mesocolon made when performing a retro-
ing. Dilatation of the small bowel proximal to the colic anastomosis), retroanastomotic (Fig. 14)
hernia indicates obstruction at the entry site due (behind the jejunal-jejunal anastomosis), and Pe-
to compression or twisting. Dilatation of loops tersen defect (behind the Roux loop).30
with the hernia itself suggests obstruction at the In transmesocolic internal hernias, CT shows
outflow loop.3,4,34 multiple clumped jejunal loops superior to the
transverse mesocolon between the stomach and

Fig. 12. Ischemic bowel: CT features. Coronal (A) and sagittal (B) reformatted images show mural thickening of
obstructed bowel with mesenteric edema (arrows).
1234 Gore et al

Fig. 14. Retroanastomotic hernia causing high-grade

Fig. 13. Right inguinal hernia causing SBO. Coronal proximal SBO in a patient who had undergone a prior
reformatted image shows an indirect inguinal hernia Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure. Coronal refor-
(square) causing distal ileal obstruction. matted CT image demonstrates distended jejunum
with a mushroom shape (circle). The stem (arrow) of
the mushroom shows the mesenteric defect that al-
lows the hernia to develop.
spleen, a high position of the distal jejunal anasto-
mosis, an ascending course of tightly clustered
vessels in the jejunal mesentery, and a dilated
efferent jejunal loop. On CT, Petersen defect her- including the mesenteric border of the distal ileum,
nias show mesenteric swirling associated with a medial base of the cecum, sigmoid mesentery,
mushroom shape of the mesentery.30 pararectal fossae, and rectovesical or rectouterine
space. CT may demonstrate ascites or peritoneal
Extrinsic Tumors of the Mesentery and implants on the surface of the liver, peritoneum,
Omentum omentum, or mesentery. CT may also reveal the
underlying malignant tumor responsible for the
A variety of neoplastic, inflammatory, or vascular ascites.3
extraluminal masses may cause SBO. These Carcinoid tumors, mycobacterial infection, and
masses compress the bowel lumen and distort desmoid tumors may mimic intraperitoneal metas-
the lumen by a desmoplastic reaction involving tases. Metastases or lymphoma in retroperitoneal
the mesentery and peritoneal surfaces of the lymph nodes may secondarily infiltrate the small
bowel. Spread of inflammation from appendicitis bowel mesentery, causing SBO. Retroperitoneal
(see Fig. 6A) or diverticulitis (see Fig. 6B) can nodal invasion also may resemble intraperitoneal
secondarily affect the small bowel. The inflamma- metastases, with mass effect and desmoplastic
tory process may cause an adynamic ileus or tethering of the adjacent bowel.3
Carcinomatosis involving the small bowel mes-
Primary Small Bowel Tumors
entery is most frequently caused by ovarian carci-
noma (Fig. 15) in women and by carcinomas Adenocarcinoma of the small intestine has a predi-
arising from organs adjacent to the peritoneum lection for the second to fourth portions of the du-
(including stomach, pancreas, colon, and liver) in odenum and the proximal jejunum. When patients
men and women. Carcinomatosis is frequently with small bowel adenocarcinoma present with
multifocal, occurring at dependent sites in the peri- clinical signs of obstruction, these tumors are
toneal cavity in which ascitic fluid accumulates, almost always at an advanced stage.
Bowel Obstruction 1235

Fig. 16. Carcinoid tumor causing SBO. Coronal refor-

matted CT scan demonstrates a partially calcified,
Fig. 15. Recurrent ovarian carcinoma causing SBO. speculated mesenteric mass (arrow) that is causing
Coronal reformatted CT scan shows a solid serosal tu- ileal obstruction.
mor implant (arrow) causing the bowel obstruction.

Small carcinoid tumors typically appear as

smooth-surfaced submucosal masses 1 to 2 cm
in diameter. Once carcinoid tumors infiltrate the
deep layers of the small bowel wall or the adjacent
mesentery, however, they may be indistinguish-
able from intraperitoneal metastases. CT
(Fig. 16) demonstration of a large central mesen-
teric nodal metastasis (with calcification in 50%)
is virtually diagnostic of carcinoid tumor.3

Crohn Disease
Fibrostenotic Crohn disease (Fig. 17) may cause
recurrent episodes of partial SBO. Although high-
grade obstructions are uncommon, SBO is the
most frequent indication for surgery in patients
with Crohn disease. Severe luminal narrowing
has been termed “the string sign.” Obstruction is
diagnosed on barium studies or CT by delayed
passage of contrast medium through the diseased
segment with proximal small bowel dilatation.35,36

Intraluminal Causes
Gallstones, bezoars, foreign bodies, meconium,
and tangles of Ascaris worms may obturate the Fig. 17. Fibrostenotic Crohn disease causing distal
small bowel and less commonly the colonic SBO. Coronal reformatted CT image shows mural
lumen, causing obstruction. Gallstone-induced thickening and lumen narrowing of the distal ileum
SBO (Fig. 18), also known as gallstone ileus, (arrow).
1236 Gore et al

Fig. 18. Gallstone ileus. (A) There is a lamellated, calcified obstructing gallstone (arrow) identified on this coronal
reformatted CT image. (B) The stone was surgically removed through a small bowel enterotomy.

usually occurs in elderly patients, especially If the intussusception is of the ileocolic or colo-
women. A gallstone can erode through the wall colic variety, the pathognomonic “crescent” sign
of the gallbladder or bile duct into the small bowel may be seen. This sign is produced when the in-
or colon. Most fistulas extend from the gallbladder tussuscipiens invaginates into the intussusceptum
fossa to the duodenum. Passage of gallstones and stretches the outer wall. Intraluminal gas trap-
through the gastrointestinal tracts may result in ped between the 2 intestinal surfaces can appear
large gallstones becoming trapped in the narrow- as a semilunar lucency lacking haustral septa or
est segments of bowel: the terminal ileum and sig- valvulae conniventes. This lucent crescent is wider
moid colon. The classic Rigler triad of a calcified than normal bowel in diameter and often superim-
gallstone, gas in a shrunken gallbladder or biliary posed on a round soft tissue density representing
tract, and SBO is seen in only a minority of pa- the mass created by the intussusception. A more
tients on plain radiographs, but is better depicted central and less distinct lucency may be seen, rep-
on CT.37 resenting gas trapped in the lumen of the
On CT, intussusceptions appear as 3 different
patterns, which reflect their severity and duration:
Various extrinsic, intrinsic, and intraluminal pro- (1) the “target” sign (Fig. 19), (2) a sausage-shaped
cesses result in small bowel intussusception. A mass with alternating layers of low and high atten-
loop of small intestine with part of its mesentery in- uation, and (3) a reniform mass.3,39
vaginates into the lumen of the bowel segment Small bowel intussusception may be manifested
distal to it. The inner, advancing segment is termed on CT by a pair of concentric rings of soft tissue
the intussusceptum and the outer receiving with an eccentrically located area of fat attenua-
segment the intussuscipiens. Most intussuscep- tion inside the outer ring. The outer ring of soft tis-
tions are nonobstructive, transient intussuscep- sue represents the intussuscipiens, whereas the
tions without a lead-point that are detected on inner ring of soft tissue represents the wall of the
abdominal CT performed for other reasons. Non- intussusceptum. The eccentrically located fat rep-
obstructive, transient intussusceptions also are resents the mesentery of the intussusceptum.
seen in small bowel disorders associated with dys- Vessels in the invaginating mesentery may be
motility, such as scleroderma or celiac disease.38 visible as punctate dots or thin, undulating strands
Benign or malignant polypoid tumors are the of soft tissue or intravenous contrast attenuation. If
most common causes of small bowel intussuscep- the wall of the intussuscipiens is thickened, the
tion in adults presenting with SBO. In postopera- possibility of bowel wall edema and ischemia
tive patients, intussusceptions may be related to should be considered. Obstruction is implied by
suture lines, adhesions, or intestinal tubes.3,39 dilatation of small bowel proximal to the
Bowel Obstruction 1237

Fig. 19. Ileocolic intussusception: CT features. A mass

with concentric rings of bowel (arrows) produces a
target appearance on this CT image. The outer ring
represents the intussuscipiens and the inner ring rep-
resents the wall of the intussusceptum. Mesenteric fat
is at the center of the target. These loops show mural
thickening with submucosal edema suspicious for
ischemia that was confirmed at surgery.

intussusception associated with collapsed small

bowel distally.38,39 Fig. 20. Carcinoma of the junction of the sigmoid and
Ultrasound shows a targetlike lesion (see Fig. 8) descending colon causing LBO. There is a distal
colonic mass (square) causing obstruction identified
in which the hypoechoic halo is produced by the
on this coronal reformatted CT image. The ileocecal
mesentery and the edematous wall of the intus-
valve is competent so no small bowel dilation is pre-
suscipiens, and the hyperechoic center is pro- sent. Note the multiple hepatic metastases.
duced by multiple interfaces of compressed
mucosal, submucosal, and serosal surfaces of
the intussusceptum. Multiple concentric rings, transverse colon, 11%; splenic flexure, 12%; de-
best seen on transverse scans, are also character- scending colon, 10%; sigmoid colon, 35%; and
istic. The corresponding appearance on longitudi- rectum, 13%. Obstructing colon cancers typically
nal scans is that of multiple, thin, parallel, manifest as a soft tissue mass, often large, at the
hypoechoic, and echogenic stripes.38,39 site of obstruction.6


Mechanical LBO is 4 to 5 times less common than Colon obstruction is the result of diverticular dis-
SBO and differs significantly in terms of etiology, ease in approximately 12% of cases. Diverticulitis
pathophysiology, therapy, and prognosis. Colon can cause both SBO and LBO. Partial colonic
obstruction is most often the result of a neoplasm, obstruction can complicate acute diverticulitis as
whereas most SBOs are due to adhesions (see a consequence of edema and pericolic inflamma-
Fig. 1, Table 1).6 tion or abscess formation. High-grade obstruction
is uncommon; it is far more frequently caused by
Carcinoma of the Colon carcinoma of the colon. More commonly, obstruc-
tion follows recurrent attacks of diverticulitis with
LBO is caused by intrinsic colon carcinoma marked fibrosis of the colon wall leading to narrow-
(Fig. 20) in approximately 55% of cases. Nearly ing and eventually stricture formation. The site of
20% of colon cancers are complicated by some obstruction is usually in the sigmoid colon, near
degree of obstruction; 5% to 10% are complicated the site of inflammation. Obstruction of the trans-
by complete obstruction that requires emergent verse or right colon due to diverticulitis is rare.6
surgical intervention. The mortality rate is high
(10%–30%) in patients requiring emergency sur-
gery, regardless of the site of tumor. The location
of obstruction in one series was as follows: cecum, Colonic volvulus accounts for approximately 10%
11%; right colon, 5%; hepatic flexure, 3%; of LBOs and can affect the sigmoid colon, cecum,
1238 Gore et al

transverse colon, and, rarely, the splenic flexure. producing the so-called “northern exposure”
Symptoms are caused by narrowing and obstruc- sign.6,33,40
tion of the gut, strangulation of the blood vessels,
or both.33 Adult Intussusception
The major predisposing factors necessary for
Intussusception accounts for only 1% to 3% of
colonic volvulus are a segment of redundant mo-
mechanical intestinal obstruction in adults and a
bile colon on a mesentery or mesocolon and a
demonstrable cause is found in 80% of adult
fixed point around which rotation can occur. The
cases. Colonic intussusception is usually due to
sigmoid colon (see Fig. 5A) is therefore the most
a primary colon cancer, whereas small bowel
frequent site of colonic volvulus, especially in pa-
intussusception is generally related to a benign tu-
tients older than 60 years. Cecal (see Fig. 5B) or
mor and less often to a malignancy, most
ascending colon volvulus occurs in patients with
commonly a metastatic lesion.39
a congenital defect in attachment of the right colon
Benign lesions that can serve as lead points in
or postpartum ligamentous laxity and a mobile
colonic intussusception include adenomatous
cecum. Anything that causes colon distention,
polyps, lipomas, gastrointestinal stromal tumors,
including pseudo-obstruction, distal tumor,
appendiceal stump granulomas, and villous ade-
endoscopy, enemas, or postoperative ileus, may
nomas of the appendix. The normal appendix
precipitate cecal volvulus in susceptible
may transiently intussuscept, although clinically
significant appendiceal intussusception usually
On CT, a “whirl” sign (Fig. 21) has been
occurs in the setting of appendiceal inflammation,
described in volvulus. The whirl is constituted by
infestation, neoplasm, or endometriosis deposi-
the afferent and efferent limbs leading into the
tion. The colonic CT features of intussusception
volvulus. Tightly twisted mesentery and bowel
are similar to those observed in the small bowel
compose the central portion of the whirl. The dis-
(see earlier in this article).
tended and redundant sigmoid colon may overlie
the liver and extend superior to transverse colon,
Adhesional LBO is unusual because the colon is
characteristically fixed and of large caliber and
has thick walls. The small bowel, in contrast, has
an inherently small caliber and a high degree of
mobility and is therefore very prone to obstruction
by adhesions.
Folding of the cecum on itself, the “cecal
bascule,” often occurs at the site of an adhesive
band. The ascending colon can be obstructed by
congenital bands or adhesions caused by inflam-
matory changes after colonoscopy and polypec-
tomy. Inflammation of the appendices epiploicae
can rarely cause obstruction in the rectosigmoid,
and ischemia and inflammation of the greater
omentum can rarely cause obstruction in the
transverse colon.4,8

Hernias cause LBO less often than SBO because
of the relatively fixed nature of the colon and its
larger caliber. Inguinal, femoral, umbilical, spige-
lian, incisional, lumbar, and diaphragmatic hernias
can all contain colon and cause LBO. Internal her-
nias, such as through the foramen of Winslow, can
contain colon and cause obstruction as well.41
Fig. 21. Cecal volvulus. Coronal reformatted CT image
shows a markedly distended, fluid-filled cecum (red Obturation Obstruction
arrow) that extends to the left of the midline. Note
the whirled (yellow arrow) appearance of the adja- The terminal ileum is the narrowest portion of the
cent ileocolic mesentery. gut and, as a result, is the most common site of
Bowel Obstruction 1239

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