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3 learnings on the journal article

1. A manager who is both efficient and effective is said to be productive. One of the
primary responsibilities of a manager is to achieve productive use of an
organization’s resources. When the manager is efficient that he is doing things
right then he can be effective because he is doing the right thing. It says in the
article that effectiveness is the key to an organization’s productivity and success.
When a manager finds the right thing to do then he/ she will be efficient. When a
manager knows how to handle his/her job and employees then he can easily be
effective. For example, the manager knows how to motivate his/ her employees
then the job that the employee will be doing is something that the manager
wants. All will be in good condition and will have a better perspective on
everything that they will do.

2. Competencies in personal, interpersonal, and group skills: an imperative for

productivity enhancement is a prerequisite for productivity and success in

Building effective teams and team work in work teamsas a management competency

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