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Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 1

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Tom Scarrella Ministries
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Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 2



Lesson 1 - Spiritual Gifts - God’s Tools of the Trade 5

Lesson 2 - Dealing with Deliverance 9

Lesson 3 - Bizarre Miracles 15

Lesson 4 - Ministering Healing to the Nations 20

Lesson 5 - Signs and Wonders Application 24

Related Articles

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 3


The HEART of Scarrella Ministries is for revival to come to the local

church and to see the people of God set free and passionate for God's

Evangelist Tom and Susie Scarrella are ordained ministers of the Gospel. Tom
began preaching and teaching full-time in 1986. Beginning as a pastor in New
Jersey in 1987, Tom later relocated to California until 1994, while seeing
numerous lives touched by the power of God. Now as evangelists, Tom and
Susie travel coast to coast ministering in churches, Bible schools,
conferences, and crusades; making appearances on television, Internet,
satellite TV, and radio. They minister with a strong emphasis on Revival,
Passion, and the Power of God.

This conference manual is not for the average Christian believer who has
grown happy with their current level of ministry outflow. Instead, has been
written for believers who have a passionate, strong desire and calling from
God to be involved in supernatural ministry to hurting people in need of a
powerful, present-day, active Savior.

Our desire is that this manual will provide timely revelation for God’s people
and act as a tool that can unite Jesus with His bride through your hunger
and your hands. Our prayer is that, as you read these pages, you will be
transformed by powerful prophetic teachings and stirred by exciting accounts
of how others have encountered the God of destiny and the supernatural
realm where He lives.

There is no substitute for experience. So, as you continue to read this manual
be encouraged to open your heart and mind and cry out from within for His
mighty hand to come with deliverance power to break you free from the spirit
of fear so that you can step out into a greater level of your supernatural
journey. May you encounter the living God in your wild pursuit.

We're honored that you have decided to join us in

presenting the Gospel of Jesus with signs, wonders,
and miracles following. It is our hope that this
manual will be a springboard for you from which to
launch out into a life of effective, powerful ministry
and discovery of the wonderful resources God has
provided for us through His Holy Spirit.

All for the Kingdom,

Revivalists Tom & Susie Scarrella

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 4

Lesson One - Spiritual Gifts - God’s Tools of the Trade by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Spiritual Gifts - God’s Tools of the Trade
“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. Ye know that ye were
Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. Wherefore I give you to
understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can
say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same
Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of
operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given
to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word
of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by
the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of
spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these
worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. For as the body
is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so
also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles,
whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one
member, but many.” (1 Corinthians 12:1-14)

The gifts of the Spirit are given much of the time by impartation and desire. The
gifts (charismata) are manifestations (phanerosis) of the Holy Spirit. Contrary to
some teachings, we do not “have” or own individual, particular gift, but it is
common to be utilized in a particular gift because of yielding and learning to yield
to a particular gift. By yielding and learning to yield to a particular gift (through
desire and prayer) the Holy Spirit begins to anoint us for that particular gift for a
particular time or season.

The gifts are received by impartation, in the following ways:
 God can move to give gracelets, ministries, and offices as He desires
(Acts 2:1-4; 4:31; 10:44)

This can be seen in the following cases:
 Moses to Joshua (Deuteronomy 34:9)
 The Church at Antioch to Barnabas/Paul (Acts 13:3)
 The seven (Stephen, Phillip,) etc. (Acts 6:6)
 “Do not be hasty…” (I Timothy 5:22)
 Ananias/Paul (Acts 9:17)

 Falling upon person

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 5

Lesson One - Spiritual Gifts - God’s Tools of the Trade by Tom & Susie Scarrella


 God told Elijah to anoint Elisha (I Kings 19:15-16)
 Elijah did so by casting “his mantle upon him” (I Kings 19:19)
 Elisha took Elijah’s mantle and began his ministry (II Kings 2:1-12)


 Jesus calls them and passes on His authority (Luke 10:1)
 After their ministry they report their success (Luke 10:17)

THIRD MANTLE ILLUSTRATION: Church at Antioch to Barnabas and Saul

 (Acts 13:1-3)
 While the Church was worshiping and fasting, God spoke (vs. 2)
 After more fasting and prayer the Church laid their hands on them and
sent them (vs. 3)


The gifts of the Spirit are tools and not toys. They are to be desired as Paul makes
mention in 1 Corinthians 14:1. We have found that without the element of desire,
you will not ever be “bothered” with any of the gifts of the Spirit. They are
cultivated through desire and initiated through impartation. Desire can be such a
powerful thing when utilized in a holy way. Desire is like the sights on a gun that
will point the direction that you wish to see yourself go towards. Start with a
desire today to see a greater anointing of the Spirit for the various gifts of the
Spirit and watch the Lord use you in mighty power!

Tools are objects that we use to work or to fix objects that are broken and
damaged. We see people’s hearts damaged by ruthless religion and the trials of
life, and yet their hearts are crying out for a supernatural touch of God to heal
that which the knife of man cannot go into. We see that bondages must be
broken only by the hand of God and by His voice in our lives are they going to be
released. This is where the tools of the trade of God come into play. The very gifts
of the Spirit are given “for the profit withal”. They are set in the church for the
purpose to bless and heal. When tools lie unused for a long period of time, they
rust and erode and become brittle and unusable. Much like the gifts of the Spirit
in some churches, they’re around but highly unused and infrequently picked up.

Tools are different in shape, use, and purpose. Some are used to turn things,
others to hit things, and some even to break things open! The gifts of the Spirit
are much the same. Some of the gifts can be “messy” but still very freeing, and
yet others are to be used gently or they can be destructive. Since all tools have
different purposes, this is where the Holy Spirit gives us what we need when we
need it. But the Holy Spirit still needs our hunger and our desire or there will be
little or no function and flow of the gifts of the Spirit. I remember ministering in
Minneapolis when I had a word of knowledge for someone with something wrong
with their brain, and their brain waves were out of sync! A woman ran to the
front weeping and rejoicing that God heard her prayer - just the day before the
doctor gave her the exact same prognosis. She came forward, we prayed and her
brain was healed and her heart was very encouraged.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 6

Lesson One - Spiritual Gifts - God’s Tools of the Trade by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Just like in a regular tool box, the gifts of the Spirit seem to be wedged into the
Holy Spirit. When you release a tool from the toolbox, the rest seem to come out
quicker and easier, this is exactly the same as the gifts. When one gift is released,
the others come out with less effort. So these “God tools” are not toys and just for
fun or show and tell, but instead these tools are needed to touch the very heart of
man. Remember, desire spiritual gifts and watch the Lord bless those around you
by your hunger and His tools.

* Wimber, John. Power Evangelism. Signs, Wonders and Church Growth part 1.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 7

Lesson One - Spiritual Gifts - God’s Tools of the Trade by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Session One Notes:




Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 8

Lesson Two – Dealing with Deliverance by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead! Dealing with Deliverance
“And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, Saying, Let us
alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know
thee who thou art, the Holy One of God. And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come
out of him. And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him.
And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is
this? what new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they
do obey him.” (Mark 1:23-27)

The first deliverance in the ministry of Jesus was found at the synagogue – the
church of his day! As we look at that deliverance it will illuminate some aspects of
deliverance that we must identify before we can have revelation in the area. The
area of excess that most have fallen into is referring to people as “possessed,”
when the word of God doesn’t call it that. In the Greek language, it is actually
termed “influenced by a demon” or demonization. When we call it demonization,
it alleviates that debate over Christians versus unbelievers being demonized. Can
a sinner be “influenced by a demon”? Can a saint be “influenced by a demon”? Of
course the answer is yes to both these question.
There are things we do and don’t do that can open the doors in our spirits to
demonic powers. They are like homing devices much like a swallow after a
mosquito. The swallow is drawn to that mosquito just by its flight pattern,
sounds, and smell. Much the same way, harboring unforgiveness in our hearts
towards another individual, leaves an open door to demons. I have heard some
people say “well, I forgive them but I don’t forget what they did to me.” Words like
those leave our hearts holding deep rooted bitterness throughout our lives.
Bitterness and unforgiveness call out and draw in these demonic powers. By
suppressing or not addressing unforgiveness, bitterness, and other secret sin in
the heart it’s as calling on demonic bondages of all sorts to torment.
Another open door to the heart is through immoral sexual acts that are
obsessive. Norvel Hayes once stated that most of the people he’d ministered to in
mental hospitals had in some way or another been involved into perverse sex acts
leaving their minds in torment. This is not true of every case of
institutionalization – of individuals victimized and tormented to the point of
mental hospitalization. However I have seen it over and over again.
Susie and I have encountered what seems to be a common occurrence when we
are called upon to minister to an individual who is bound by sexually obsessive
sin. Their situation may not always be verbalized yet we can usually safely
assume that the individual suffers from torments related to sexual sin. This
common occurrence is vomiting or the action of vomiting. Often times the
individual begins to cough during deliverance and sometimes omit a foul odor.
Vomiting, as with any other manifestation, has been abused. There are foolish
people who try to coerce people to “vomit up their devils.”

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 9

Lesson Two – Dealing with Deliverance by Tom & Susie Scarrella

To reiterate, we do not advocate trying to get people to vomit. However we would

be equally as foolish to say that vomiting is not a valid manifestation of
deliverance. Young people and adults alike, if they give their minds and bodies
over to obsessive sexual activities or thoughts they will find themselves in
demonic bondages that must be broken.

This brings up another great subject – homosexuality. You know the argument
about homosexuality within many sects of Christianity. Some claim that
homosexuals always have a demon. Is homosexuality always influenced by a
demonic power? I would not go that far; however by continually giving oneself
over to that power can cause an individual to become demonized.

1. Authoritative confrontation. Confrontation is extremely important when

dealing with demonic deliverance. Without strong confrontation the individual
cannot be set free from their bondage. This would include confronting hidden,
secret sin; lifestyle changes; speech; and body language. In following Christ’s
example petting and pacifying devils is out of the equation. The devil cannot
be befriended for the sake of political correctness. Instead, as ministers of the
Gospel we must hit the subject that has seeded that demon down in that
persons heart with authority.

2. Avoid showcasing deliverance activities. As interesting a subject as

demonic deliverance can be it is important for the one administering
deliverance not to “showcase” the activity. Many enjoy “showcasing”
deliverances as a means to prove just show how spiritual they may be.
 Create a “safe” ministry area. Make sure that the person bound isn’t self-
conscious about everyone looking at them. Depending on the situation you
may want to ask some strong believers (those you trust and know) to guard that
person from hurting themselves and others around them.
 Guard the area and keep it safe by not allowing others to come and “slap”
their hands on that person going through deliverance. This may sound
basic, but there is no need to have 15 different people to pray for
deliverance for someone. By doing so will create a chaotic, unproductive
atmosphere and is guaranteed to make the individual feel more self-
conscious and vulnerable.


Following is a list of many different sins and areas of sin bondage that can keep
believers from moving from glory to glory within the Kingdom of God. I encourage
you to complete a checklist of all the areas that you have been involved. This will
include sins of your past (before Christ) and the present day. (You may be surprised to learn
that some of these items have been well hidden and accepted by the modern day church, but make no mistake –
these things are not acceptable in the eyes of God.) Once you have completed the list go
through it again. The second time through check off items that your mother,
father, grandmother, or grandfather may have been involved in. Deuteronomy 5:9
speaks clearly of curses that can be carried down from one generation to the next
until the cycle of bondage is broken.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 10

Once you are completed with these two steps – REPENT and allow your spirit to
become broken before God. Begin to repent of your involvement or your
parents/grandparents involvement. Renounce any power that these things may
have over your life or the lives of your children. RENOUNCE any curse that may
have been invoked on you or your family as a result of participation. This exercise
should not be taken lightly. Instead take this opportunity to be vulnerable before
your God. Allow Him to reveal to you things that may have kept you from going
deeper with your relationship to Him. Remember that it is His deepest longing to
be closer to you today than ever before. Transparency and cleansing before God
and man will be your best tool in ministering freedom to others. How can a
bound minister bring a ministry of freedom to others?

“A merry heart does good, like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” -Proverbs 17:22

DESTROY! It is important that you must repent and then renounce things in our
lives that will ultimately bring our destruction of body and sometimes our souls.
However it is equally as important to destroy the very existence of these things
that bring change. I encourage you to rip out of this manual the two pages of
check-marked items and burn to destruction their memories once and for all.
This is a symbolic representation of the necessary breaking of ties that link your
mind, body, and soul, to that sin. Repentance, renunciation, and destruction are
each key factors that will release you into fuller freedom in Christ Jesus. Burn

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 11

Lesson Two – Dealing with Deliverance by Tom & Susie Scarrella


 Not believing in God  Resentment
 Legalism/Religiosity  Jealousy
 Blasphemy  Loneliness
 Heresy  Depression
 Idolatry  Oppression
 Worldly  Desires of suicide
 Coveting/Envy  Worries
 Stealing  Fears or Phobias
 Selfishness  Apathy
 Murder  Negativity
 Kidnapping  Anger/Violence
 Suicide attempts or thoughts
 Vengeance
FAMILY PROBLEMS  Physical abuse
 Disobedience toward parents  Psychological abuse
 Rejection  Hate/Racism
 Divorce  Low self-esteem
 Lack of submission  Self-sufficient
 Authoritarian  Insecurity
 Family divisions/divorce  Complex of superiority
 Abortion(s)  Complex of inferiority
 Guilty
 Holding onto gifts/items from past
PROBLEMS WITH THE TONGUE loves, relationship, or sinful
 Lies activities
 Cursing  Traumatic experiences
 Dishonest words List specifically: _________________
 Mockery
 Insults
 Shouting
 Hypocrisy/Deceiving
 Criticism
 Gossip
 Fights

 Indecision  Sexual fantasies
 Stubbornness  Masturbation
 Pride  Desires of the flesh
 Feminism/Machismo  Exhibitionism
 Justification  Mannerisms
 Conformity  Fornication
 Bored with God  Adultery
 Hard heart  Homosexuality
 Orgies
 Rape or sexual abuse
 Illnesses of the body, such as:  Prostitution
_______________________________  Sadist
 Masochism
 Bisexual

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 12

Lesson Two – Dealing with Deliverance by Tom & Susie Scarrella


 Nicotine OCCULT
 Alcohol  Witchcraft
 Gluttony  Fortune telling
 Laziness  Reincarnation
 Impulsive spender  Yoga or self-hypnotism
 Gambling  Horoscope
 Kleptomaniac  Astrology
 Drug trafficking  Use of cards (Tarot, etc.)
 Reading of the hands (Palm)
 Hypnosis/Mind Control
CONSULTED PSYCHIC, CURSES,  Extrasensory perception
POTIONS  Telepathy
 Psychic  Automatic Handwriting
 Witch doctors  Contact with the Dead
 Medium  Divining Rod
 Acupuncture by witches or wizards  Dungeons & Dragons
 Amulets  Luck Charms
 Psychic Healing
 Others (which ones?):

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 13

Lesson Two - Dealing with Deliverance by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Session Two Notes:




Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 14

Lesson Three – Bizarre Miracles by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Bizarre Miracles
The history of the Church of Jesus Christ began in great exploits of God’s power
and an explosion of His anointing. We also need to note that even after the early
church left the scene the church that followed emulated and mirrored what they
had witnessed and not just what they heard.

Below are categories of signs, wonders, and bizarre miracles listed from the word
of God. To the individual who’s not read God’s word this list may sound like it
was found in a science fiction novel, rather than from God’s word! Read through
this list, find them in the word of God and then read them as if you had never
heard of these things before. This simple act of faith will release the power of God
in your hearts and it will stir you to perform these same mighty acts of God.

 Zachariah struck dumb  Mud in eyes for healing
 Paul struck blind  Spit on tongue for healing
 Herod struck with worms  Ezekiel grabbed by his hair
 Angelic appearances  Trances and Visions
 Earthquakes  Tongues of fire appear on their heads
 Angels opening prisons  Axe head floats and swims to shore
 Translations  Donkey speaks to prophet
 Soldiers thrown to ground  Water turned into wine
 Men drunken with the Spirit  Peter’s shadow heals people

This list is by no means an exhaustive Biblical list of bizarre miracles found in

God’s word. We know that in church history there have been even more bizarre
things that God did supernaturally in order to get people’s attention and that His
name might be glorified. Some believers have walked through walls, been
decapitated and preaching with their head cut off in their hands, saints of God
levitating by the power of God, etc. The job of signs and wonders is to boggle and
offend our minds so that our hearts may be revealed!

Scarrella Ministries has been validated by the Spirit of God again and again
through certain bizarre acts of the Spirit of God. We have witnessed so many
strange acts of the hand of the Lord that it makes one weep for the goodness of
God! I remember while preaching in a church that “didn’t like” revival in Long
Island, NY and yet the Lord confirmed the message by a strange act of His hand.
We witnessed people falling out of their chairs involuntarily and weeping,
trembling, and shaking for hours on the floor. Another time while in Canada an
atheist was present in our meetings. I prayed for a young girl without touching
her as she was thrown across the room about 25 feet straight in the air, and fell
on top of the pews! She was quietly speaking in tongues, and the atheist went to
inspect and was convicted. He quickly became born again!

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 15

Lesson Three – Bizarre Miracles by Tom & Susie Scarrella

“The Bible is a book of experiences.”

– Pastor John Arnott; Toronto Blessing

I have a pastor friend who got the touch of revival in Pensacola and took his teens
there as well. They returned home so on fire for God, and began to anoint the
chairs of their home church, the doors, and the windows. Immediately hundreds
and perhaps thousands of dead flies appeared on the floor! Within just weeks he
was fired by the church board because the youth group was more on fire than the
adults. This sign and wonder struck fear in the hearts of the board of directors.

Strange movements of God like these are done frequently and they are not just
done for the sake of the lost, but for the unbelieving believers! When people love
their religion more than they do the move of the Spirit, you can bet that God will
shake up their “clean church services” and mess up their neat religion. We ought
to expect the hand of God to move in unusual manifestations like these to turn
the hearts of God’s people back to him.

I spoke to an elderly gentleman in California who had attended one of our

meetings. He was so touched by the presence of God he would just weep. He told
of a meeting he was in of William Branham’s in the 1950’s. He stated that a there
was a particular unbelieving believer who mocked Brother Branham. This man
warned those in his home church that Brother Branham was a fake. He told
some of his friends that he planned to expose the prophet by faking deafness at
that evenings meeting. When the man approached the stage, Branham knew
immediately that the man had came to mock the Holy Spirit. Within moments he
spoke prophetically to this mocker saying; “Sir, you have come to mock the move
of God, and so you shall be cursed with what you mock Him with!” The man was
led off the stage totally deaf. These acts of the Spirit are not things to play with,
but to fear God with.

“Manifestations are a test; they are both a humility test and a child-like test.
Do you pass the test when you see the Lord perform odd things?”
– Pastor John Arnott; Toronto Blessing

The great revivalist John G. Lake would lay hands on people’s backs who needed
healing for back problems. Many of them testified and proved that when Brother
Lake would lay hands on them, the fire of God was so powerful in Lake’s hands
that his very hand print was temporarily burned into their back! There can be
such a visitation of the glory of God, that words cannot explain it, psychology
can’t tell why it happened, and theology cannot put God into another “God box.”
What we can conclude is that God enjoys breaking our man-made God boxes,
confounding the wisdom of the wise, and showing Himself strong to the world.

Open your heart today to say “Holy Spirit, I want you to do wild stuff for your
Kingdom today”. If you just allow your heart to teach your head, you won’t end
up with a dullness of heart that will stunt your spiritual growth.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 16

Lesson Three – Bizarre Miracles by Tom & Susie Scarrella


St. Maurice and the Theban Legion: (286 AD)
6,600 Roman soldiers under Maximian Caesar, sent to put down a rebellion
among the Gauls, north of the Alps near the city of Thebes. The emperor had sent
many troops to put down this rebellion, but the kept deserting him. In order to
prevent this from happening again the emperor ordered the 6,600 legion of men
(an extraordinary army in those days) all the way from Upper Egypt. As it turns out,
these entire groups of Egyptian soldiers were Coptic Christians! Maurice along
with all 6,600 of his men utterly refused to attack their fellow brothers, the
Christian Gauls. But they didn’t want to be disloyal to their emperor. They said to
the emperor, “we are your soldiers, but also the soldiers of the true God. We
cannot renounce Him who is our creator and Master. In all ways that are not
against His law, we most willingly will obey you. But we cannot persecute other
Christians.” So the emperor in his rage executed all 6,600 and during their
murder, their commander told them to remain true to God, and lay down their
weapons. They obeyed and there was no resistance. Many of them were put into
fires and as they were the fires were extinguished. After some of the men were
beheaded their bodies began to glow like light bulbs with the glory of God. Several
men were beheaded and their bodies were thrown into the river, but within
seconds, their body picked up their severed heads, and walked onto shore, and
knelt to pray one last time! In honor of this mass martyrdom, in 515AD a regional
king of the area instructed monks to begin the continual praise and worship cycle
at a nearby church, where it has continued day and night ever since!

Augustine (354-430)
Augustine was the bishop of Hippo. He is quoted often for a book he wrote
concerning the cessation of the gifts of the Spirit although in his last days he
says the book was a farce. Here is a list of miracles he was used in his ministry.
 A blind man whose sight was restored
 Healed a woman of breast cancer
 A doctor healed of gout
 A boy delivered of a demon
 Blind woman of Hippo healed
 A nun was raised from the dead
 Augustine’s friend’s son was raised from the dead

St. Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1663)

St. Joseph of Cupertino was powerfully used by God in his day to validate the message of
the Kingdom of God. He was powerful in fasting and prayer while the church continually
tried to avert the power of God flowing in his ministry. When the anointing of God would
come upon him either by worship music, prayer, or even mention of the name of God, he
would begin to manifest tremendous power of God through discernment, witnessing that he
could hear heaven’s music play! He was most greatly known to be called a “flyer.” It is said
that the anointing would come upon him and he would lift from the ground and multitudes
would get converted to Christ as a result. More than 70 times recorded in his ministry this
was documented, most phenomenal when people were trying to put a cross on top of a
church building about 36 feet in the air.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 17

Lesson Three – Bizarre Miracles by Tom & Susie Scarrella

He picked up this massive cross with supernatural strength, and floated up over 40 feet in
the air to place in on top of the church! He had multitudes of sinners come to Christ when
he came to the ground, but the church was angry with the power he moved in, so he was
punished again.

Sadhu Sundar Singh (1889-?)

Raised a Hindu, Sadhu Sundar Singh often burned Bibles. Yet he was insistent about
meeting God. One day at 14 years of age he threatened to kill himself. He had a vision where
Jesus appeared to him speaking to Sadhu in Hindustani and saying; “I am Jesus, whom you
have persecuted.” He was instantly saved, cutting all ties to Hinduism. Upon learning of his
conversion to Christianity, his parents kicked him out of the house with nothing but his
turban, New Testament and the clothes on his back. He lived by faith, one day at a time,
winning the lost door to door, spending hours a day in prayer. He was frequently caught up
into trances and visions, and frequently was said to have encounters with Jesus. He spent
much time in silent prayer and contemplation. Prayer was the staple of his ministry. He was
beaten, stoned, tied to trees and eaten by wild animals. He was thrown down a deep well
where dead bodies lied and he was transported out by supernatural means.

St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)

This young monk was powerfully used by God with an unusual anointing. He was used to
heal the sick frequently especially healing the blind. People would often cut off parts of his
robe to bring it to the sick for healing and tumors vanished when he prayed. But when you
think of St. Francis, you must think of him most with a strange anointing like Noah, Balaam
and his donkey, Elijah and the ravens, and Elisha and the she-Bear. Reading of the signs
and wonders of St. Francis sounds like a children’s book! His anointing was even to draw
not only men to his meetings, but even wild animals were tame around him. He went to a
town terrorized by a wolf, and many afraid to come out because he was killing so many in
the town. When St. Francis got there, he called out to the woods “Brother Wolf”, and he
commanded him to longer hurt people in the name of Jesus. He commanded the wolf to
make peace with the chief of the city and he would be forgiven. As the story goes, the wolf
came to him, immediately tamed and followed St. Francis to Gubbio and living from that
point on with the townspeople, who fed it scraps.
The New Mystics; John Crowder. Pgs. 24-26, 42-45, 52-57, 105-106.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 18

Lesson Three – Bizarre Miracles by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Session Three Notes:




Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 19

Lesson Four – Ministering Healing to the Nations by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Ministering Healing to the Nations
“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, and raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”
(Matthew 10:8)

The ministry of healing is one of such importance that over 25 percent of Jesus’ ministry
dealt with healing the sick! If you have a desire to touch and change people’s lives you will
find that the healing ministry is one way to touch more people and in deeper ways. The
ministry of healing is delicate because it deals with the basic need and desire of people
world wide - the desire to live!

Healing must be ministered in a safe and easily learned way. The name of Jesus is not the
“magical word” to be slung around in ministering to the sick. Jesus’ disciples were not
worried or concerned about form and exact wording as much as they were about the spirit of
following after the Spirit of God. To minister healing to any individual the recipient needs to
feel safe and yet assured and convinced that God is concerned with their well being - faith.

Misconceptions of a Healing Ministry

1. Desire to be seen and known of men. Many are void of the healing prayer of God
because of abuses by others who want to be seen and known of men.
2. Falling down under the power equals success. As ministers of healing through Jesus,
our desire ought not to be concerned by people falling down under the power, but to see
people set free by the power of God.


Maintain a healing atmosphere. The first steps of ministering healing is to maintain a
healing atmosphere. You see in the ministry of Jesus time and again where he would put
unbelieving people out of the room, so that he could maintain a healing atmosphere. (Mark
5:40-41) I suggest that if when ministering healing to anyone and you have someone with
you that is unbelieving you remove them out of the situation for prayer.

Stir yourself up by reading healing scriptures, healing books and sermons. The next steps to
ministering healing to anyone is to begin to stir yourself up by reading healing scriptures,
healing books and sermons. The more you read and hear in the area of healing the more
desire and hunger for the power of God will grow and stir within your spirit. By cultivate a
healing desire and you will see the anointing increase and the power of God drawn to you for
ministering to the sick.

“Miracles are a school.

A miracle is a tutor, it teaches you to see into the spirit realm”
–Pastor Bill Johnson; Redding, California

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 20

Lesson Four – Ministering Healing to the Nations by Tom & Susie Scarrella

 William Branham ministered with such power that frequently his wrist watch would
stop. Once Branham cursed a man with deafness for mocking the power of God!
 John G. Lake ministered with such power that his hand would burn into people’s bodies
when he touched them.
 “Several thousand people stood on the banks witnessing a solemn scene. The meetings
were conducted day and night, people climbed into the trees to see. The Holy Ghost fell like
a cyclone, men and women tossed as if in a windstorm. They fell inside and outside the
meeting. The Police stood frightened till they were pale. They saw the house shaking, like a
storm by the power of God! Hundreds saved, people convicted for miles around.” -Marie
Woodworth Etter


1. God uses them as pathfinders to help bring men to Him or bring them into more of Him.
2. God uses signs as heart revealers so a person can know what is really inside and come to
repentance or else, by rejection of the sign, give witness to others of their true spiritual

A miracle is the occurrence of any event apparently to contradict and unexplainable by the
laws of science, and usually attributed to God.

Position Yourself
In order to see an increase in miracles you must position yourself around others who
equally covet the miraculous ministry! The disciples traveled two by two. This worked to
their advantage in order to stay stirred up in the miraculous and stirring each other by
sharpening one another to wilder creative miracles.

Step Out
I would also greatly encourage you to step out by faith, seeing with the eye of faith, the
healing power of God flowing into the individual you pray for. Find a need and fill it. Be
willing to fall on your face and watch God show up in power in my greatest advice. I picture
in my mind’s eye the power of God hitting their body with such force that it burns the
sickness and disease out of their bodies. Those who want to see it before they believe it or
tell anyone else that it’s flowing into their body, will rarely have results of miracles. The
greatest thing you can do towards your own healing ministry and increasing a healing
anointing is to get out and begin praying healing into sick people!

You’re Not a Physician

I encourage people not to give advice to people in regard to their medicine, prescription, etc.
because you may find yourself in legal problems. However, as I pray for people I do
encourage individuals to remove their glasses and test their sight without their glasses. They
must consult their doctor to find out if they need to stay on their medications - let their
doctor confirm the healing. In the ministry of Jesus many who were not healed after the first
time receiving prayer, time and time again and without condemnation they were prayed for
twice. We in the modern day church should learn to do the same. I would advise others to
do the same.

Lesson Four – Ministering Healing to the Nations by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Interview the Individual

At this point, when it seems to have “finished” or run its course, I will inquire of the person
getting healing prayer, saying, “is it a lot better, or completely gone?” I ask that for a specific
Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 21
reason. If I don’t inquire of the person as to what is happening or what has happened, then
there is little faith exercised by that individual. As I am interviewing them about how it feels
now, I find out many times that the healing process has begun or it has become a miracle
where the sickness has left! If they are not thankful for the little amount of healing in their
body, it won’t continue to flow through their bodies and run its course. Ask them to do what
they could not do before.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 22

Lesson Four – Ministering Healing to the Nations by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Session Four Notes:




Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 23

Lesson Five – Signs and Wonders Application by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Signs and Wonders Application
“Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy.” (1 Corinthians 14:1)

Desire spiritual gifts or Desire Spirituals in the Greek language.

These acts of the Spirit are activated only through your desire. If you are not seeing them in
your lives and ministry it’s only because you have little or no desire to see them operate
through you or to you.

 We have witnessed many people go into trances in our meetings- going. They have
testified of experiencing supernatural visions and dreams

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and
your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. And on My
menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy. I will show
wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath: Blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be
turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD. And
it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD Shall be saved.' "Men of Israel, hear these words:
Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in
your midst, as you yourselves also know…” (Acts 2:17-23)

“For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance,
as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake.” (1 Thessalonians 1:5)

“And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the
Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” (1 Corinthians

 We have witnessed many people struck dumb while in our meetings. Often times these
individuals remain in this condition for the duration of an entire day by the power of God
 During a revival meeting in Phoenix a Pastor was stuck into a trance for almost an hour
and later testified of walking and talking with Jesus about times to come and the current
condition of His Church

Flowing in the Spirit of Signs and Wonders is much like riding a bike. You can read all you
want to about the subject, but without actually applying knowledge and getting out of the
boat, you will only watch from the sidelines.

There is an impartation as well with signs and wonders. When they take place, much of the
time there is a great deal of impartation to operate and function in the same power that they
were manifested to you.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 24

Lesson Five – Signs and Wonders Application by Tom & Susie Scarrella

“You must let the Lord do it to before

He ever lets it flow through you.”
– Pastor/Revivalists John Wimber

“The Lord does these wild things to

offend our minds to reveal our hearts.”
– Pastor John Arnott; Toronto Blessing

“Miracles are a school.

A miracle is a tutor! It teaches you to see into the spirit realm.”
– Pastor/Revivalists Bill Johnson

There are the two reasons our body manifest God’s power in strange manners.
1. Reactions of our body to the power of God
2. Prophetic Element- the Lord is saying something by this strange manifestation

The power of God flows in signs and wonders. One of the ways we can learn to operate in
power of God through signs and wonders is through impartation and meditation. The power
of God is increased through intimacy with Jesus, but it is released through participation.

Signs and wonders are a test: Do you pass the humility and the child-like test? You must be
open to the lesson of the Spirit of God as His power courses through your body! Sociologists
tested 1,000 people who had signs and wonders at the Toronto Blessing. And 93 percent of
them said they loved God more, and over 85 percent told someone else to go there! So we
can see that the devil would not be doing these strange things to get more people told to go
there and to love Jesus more when it’s done.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 25

Lesson Five – Signs and Wonders Application by Tom & Susie Scarrella

Session Five Notes:




Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 26

Matt Sorger, July 13, 2004

GREATER WORKS "For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people;
but the Lord will arise over you. And His glory will be seen upon you."
Isaiah 60:2
Recently, during a time of prayer, the Lord began to speak to me about the many characteristics that will mark the Glory of God on the Last Day's Church.
So many times we read the book of Acts and marvel at what the early church walked and lived in. The level of supernatural activity seems to far surpass
what we see in the church today. As I was pondering this the Lord challenged my heart with the prophecy Jesus shared in John 14:12: "Most assuredly, I
say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father." Jesus
prophesied that the church would not only do the works He did, which includes healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, casting our demons, and raising the
dead, but even GREATER works. The works of the Holy Spirit through the early church are only the beginning of the wonders God wants to do in the earth.
We are still writing the book of Acts today. The greatest signs and wonders are still to be seen!
Haggai 2:9 prophesies: "The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former."
2 Corinthians 3:18 declares: "But we all, with an unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image
from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."
Throughout the ages God has called the church to keep moving to higher realms of His glory. Not only does this scripture refer to our personal journeys
in Christ of being continually more conformed to His image, but it also refers to the corporate Body being conformed to His image as a whole. With each
passing generation the Church should be more closely conformed to the Lord in both character and power. Jesus is returning for a Church without spot
or wrinkle (Eph. 5:27). With each generation the Holy Spirit is bringing us deeper into the fullness of the revelation of truth found in the Word, as well as
experiencing and walking in that revelation. We can see this restoration of the fullness of Christ and His word throughout church history, from the
Reformation under Luther with the 95 Thesis, to the faith movement with the truth of faith being brought forth in the church, to the prophetic movement
with the restoration of the prophetic office, and now the apostolic movement. With each generation more of the fullness of Christ is restored to the
church. As we look at the world around us today we can become alarmed at the increasing darkness that is prevailing in society. But we must remember
that when the darkness gets darker, the light and glory in the church will become more radiant!
"For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people;
but the Lord will arise over you. And His glory will be seen upon you."
Isaiah 60:2
The best way to expel the darkness is by turning on the light. We have Christians today trying to gain victory over spiritual darkness by expending energy
fighting the darkness. Rather, they should focus on getting their spirits, souls, bodies and minds so filled with the light of God's glory and word that
spiritual darkness wouldn't even have a place to hang around. The more we allow God's glory to consume our lives, the more radiant we will become and
the less warfare we will have with spiritual darkness within our own minds and souls. Our light will so shine that, when we walk into an area that is dark,
the light of the glory of God will cause demonic power to flee! We'll be like Peter whose very shadow healed the sick. That's the measure of the glory I want
on my life and even more!
Paul shared in Philippians 3:14, "I press toward the goal for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." This is an upward call! That means more glory with
each passing day we walk with God. We keep going higher and higher and higher in character, revelation, truth, and power. There will be tremendous
glory on the Last Day's Church. And WE are part of the Last Day's Church. The Last Days began when Jesus was taken off the earth. What the Lord
showed me through His word was not something for 20, 50 or 100 years down the road. It's for us to experience and walk in NOW. "The just shall live by
faith." By faith and walking with God in a lifestyle of intimacy, holiness, obedience, and truth we can access the fullness of all God has for us now. As I
waited on the Lord He brought me through the Book of Acts and gave me 30 characteristics of the Glory of God that will rest on the Church in these last
days. As we meditate on these characteristics may your heart be filled with faith to experience the fullness of all God has for you!

1. THEY WERE IN ONE ACCORD IN ONE PLACE Acts 2:1 "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place." We
will see specific geographic locations visited and transformed by the Glory of God. This type of visitation will occur among believers who are unified in heart
and mind.
2. EVERY NATION AND ALL FLESH Acts 2:5, 17 "And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven...And it shall
come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh." Every nation will experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I believe
this even speaks of a worldwide awakening of the Holy Spirit that will sweep around the globe touching every nation, tribe, and tongue. No one will be left
out. All flesh will encounter His glory, including every race, tribe, tongue, gender, and age group.
3. SONS AND DAUGHTERS, ENTIRE HOUSEHOLDS Acts 2:17 "Your sons and your daughters..." Acts 16:15 "And when she and her household were
baptized..." Acts 16:33-34 "Having believed in God with all his household..." Entire households will be saved. Now is the time to aggressively pray for
household salvation. The moving of the Lord upon unsaved family members will become so irresistible that, where they have been able to fight and push
away the promptings of the Spirit before, they won't be able to escape.
4. DREAMS, VISIONS, AND TRANCES Acts 2:17 "Your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams." Acts 10:3 "He saw clearly in a
vision an angel of God." Acts 10:9-10 "He fell into a trance..." Acts 16:9-10 "And a vision appeared to Paul in the night." There will be an increase in the
prophetic. Both the old and young will receive divine revelations from the Lord through prophecy, dreams, visions, and trances. We will walk and live in the
revelation of the heart and mind of God.
5. SIGNS AND WONDERS IN THE HEAVENLIES AND ON THE EARTH Acts 2:19-20 "I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth
beneath." There will be physical signs in the heavenlies, not just miracles and healings, but in the very physical elements of nature.
6. MASS SALVATION AND HARVEST Acts 2:21, 41 "That whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." There will be mass salvations as
multitudes turn to the Lord
Signs, and call
Wonders, andupon Him for salvation, including the nation of Israel.
the Prophetic 27
7. & 8. WE WILL BE A CHURCH OF THE WORD AND PRAYER Acts 2:42 "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the
breaking of bread, and in prayers." Acts 6:4 "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word." We will be a praying church
who is solidly grounded in the Word of God, not easily moved by passing doctrines, fables and teachings. There will be a great balance between the life
found in the Word and the life found in Prayer. They are like two wings of an airplane that will keep the church on course and in balance.
9. INCREASE OF CREATIVE MIRACLES Acts 2:43 "And many wonders and signs were done through the apostles." There will be an INCREASE OF
CREATIVE MIRACLES as they church walks in power.
10. HOLY FEAR Acts 2:43 "Then fear came upon every soul." There will be a HOLY FEAR that rests on the Church, causing many to walk in holiness.
11. DIVINE FAVOR Acts 2:47 "...praising God and having favor with all the people." There will be a DIVINE FAVOR placed on the church, not only with God,
but with man.
12. GIVING THAT RELEASES SUPERNATURAL PROVISION Acts 2:45 "...and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone
had need." The church will walk in the truth and revelation of GENEROUS GIVING THAT RELEASES DIVINE, SUPERNATURAL PROVISION.
13. LIVING STONES BUILT TOGETHER Acts 2:46 "So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house." The
move of God will be both in the TEMPLE (Church buildings) AND HOMES for we know that the true temple of God is wherever living stones are built
together, including individual believers and groups of believers. God's glory won't be compartmentalized into "church life" and "regular home life." Even the
homes will be filled with His presence and glory and will be places where Christians gather to share their faith with one another.
AND MAINTAINS THE MOVE OF GOD. God moves in the midst of community. We are a living temple built together stone upon stone, life upon life. There
will be divine relationships established that will form a network that will be able to hold, maintain, and pour out the Glory of God into the earth.
15. OPERATE IN GOD-GIVEN AUTHORITY AND POWER Acts 3:6 "What I do have I give you." The Church will walk and operate in their God-given
authority and power. We will know what we have and give it away.
16. THE CHURCH WILL BE A PLACE OF WONDER AND AMAZEMENT Acts 3:10 "They were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened
to him." God is restoring His wonder to the church.
17. PROCLAIM THE GOSPEL WITH SIGNS AND WONDERS Acts 4:31, 33 "They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the word of God with
boldness. And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus." The Church will walk in a supernatural boldness to
proclaim the gospel with signs and wonders backing them up.
18. HEALING IN THE STREETS Acts 5:14-16 "They brought the sick out in to the streets, and they were all healed." There will be such a degree of
power in the church that ALL WILL BE HEALED WITH SIGNS AND WONDERS BEING PERFORMED IN THE STREETS. God's glory will break outside the
four walls of a church building and will be demonstrated in the streets where the lost, sick, and dying are.
19. ANGELIC ACTIVITY Acts 10:3 "About the ninth hour of the day he saw in a vision an angel of God coming in and saying to him, Cornelius!" Also see
Mt.1:20,24; Mt.2:13; Lk.1:26. ANGELIC ACTIVITY WILL BE COMMON FOR THE CHURCH. The realm of the Spirit and supernatural activity will be natural
for the Last Day's Church. Visitations of angels will be understood and experienced in a biblical way.
20. GREAT JOY IN THE CHURCH Acts 8:4-8 "And there was great joy in that city." THERE WILL BE GREAT JOY IN THE CHURCH AS GOD'S POWER IS
DISPLAYED, despite the increase of darkness in the world, along with possible persecution for our faith from those whose minds are blinded by the god of
this age. Christians will live in a supernatural joy as they see the amazing miracles performed by the power of God.
21. SUPERNATURAL POWER AND ACTIVITY INCLUDING TRANSLATION Acts 8:39 "The Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away." Supernatural power
and activity, including translation, being supernaturally taken from one location to another in bodily form by the power of the Spirit, will be experienced by
the Church.
22. VISIONS OF THE LORD HIMSELF Acts 9:3-4 "And suddenly a light shone around him from heaven." These visions of Christ will even be given to
those in the deepest darkness and will be a way the Lord reveals Himself. This will happen more and more in the Muslim world as well.
23. THE DEAD WILL BE RAISED Acts 9:36-37, 40 "And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up." The dead will be raised as a
supernatural sign of the resurrection of Christ.
24. THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL BE POURED OUT ON ENTIRE GROUPS OF PEOPLE Acts 10:44-46 "The Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word."
Including entire people groups, tribes, congregations, and denominations.
25. SUPERNATURAL DELIVERANCE WITH THE ACTIVITY OF ANGELS Acts 12:5,7 "An angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison,
and his chains fell off his hands." Also see Acts 5:17-19 There will be supernatural deliverance with the activity of angels.
26. ONLY GOD WILL GET THE GLORY Acts 12:23 "An angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give the glory to God." God is jealous for the
glory. He wants ALL of it.
27. COMMISSIONED THROUGH FASTING AND PRAYER Acts 13:2 "As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said 'Now separate to
Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.'" People will be commissioned into their callings and destinies through fasting and prayer.
28. THERE WILL BE THE OPERATION OF GREAT AUTHORITY FOR DELIVERANCE Acts 16:18 "'I command you in the name of Jesus to come out of
her.' And he came out that very hour." Not only will the Church heal the sick and see mighty miracles, but we will also move in deliverance seeing the
oppressed set free from demonic power.
29. UNUSUAL MIRACLES Acts 19:11-12 "Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul." There will be UNUSUAL MIRACLES that God works
through His servants. Even prayer clothes will carry the tangible anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 28

"Then Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and breathed his last. So great fear came upon all those who heard these things."
Acts 5:4-5
"That He might present her to Himself a glorious church,
not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish."
Eph. 5:27
There will be no inward toleration of sin or hypocrisy. Ananias and Sapphira were judged for their hypocrisy, setting a standard for God's holiness in
the Church. Remember, with great power and authority comes great responsibility. The greater the glory and power God gives us, the purer we
must be to hold that power. God has given us the book of Acts as the standard for the operation of the supernatural in the Church. In a way, we are
still writing the book of Acts as we move in the power of the Spirit and perform the works Christ has called us to do. The glory on the Last Day's
Church will be even greater than that on the early church. There are still greater works God has called us to do to see all the nations brought into His
Kingdom and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Let's lay hold of the fullness of the Spirit by faith, step out and walk on the water! May
God's glory fill your life with increasing power as you seek after Him.

© 2005 Freshfire Ministries. All rights reserved.


Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 29

Principles of Christian Dream Interpretation
Defining Dream and Vision:
1. Dream - “A sequence of images, etc. passing through a sleeping person’s mind” (Webster’s Dictionary)
2. Vision - “A mental image” (Webster’s Dictionary)
3. “In a dream, a vision of the night...” (Job 33:15)
You will note from this verse the close connection the Hebrews maintained between the dream and the vision. The words are used almost interchangeably.
Both dreams and visions involve the viewing of images on the screen within one’s mind. Often we would think of a dream as the flow of these images
while sleeping and a vision as the flow of these images while awake.
4. Daydreaming is MAN utilizing the visionary process. This is not encouraged, and may be what is referred to in Ecclesiastes 5:7. It is better to present
the eyes of the heart to God and ask Him to fill them with a divine flow of dreams, visions and godly imaginations.

Some Scientific Observations Concerning Dreams

Sleep laboratories have proven everyone dreams one to two hours each night during a certain period of sleep known as alpha level, which is light sleep.
Every 90-minute cycle of sleep begins with alpha, then goes into deeper sleep which is called theta, and finally deepest sleep called delta.
At the close of the first 90-minute cycle each night, the individual returns to alpha level sleep, where he has a short, five-minute dream period. The next
time he cycles up to alpha, he has a ten-minute dream period. The third time in alpha, the dream period is about 15 minutes, and so on. If one sleeps a
full eight hours, the entire last hour is essentially spent in alpha level sleep. Thus, the average person sleeping for eight hours a night will dream about
one to two hours of that time.
Alpha level sleep is where one has what is called Rapid Eye Movement (REM). Rapid Eye Movement is exactly what it sounds like: the eyes of the
dreamer begin moving rapidly. He is actually watching the scenes in the dream, and thus his eyes are literally moving back and forth, observing the
action. By observing the alpha level sleep when Rapid Eye Movement occurs, researchers in sleep laboratories have determined when a person is
dreaming and how much time is spent dreaming in an average night.
They have discovered that if they awaken a person every time REM begins, preventing him from dreaming, after about three nights the individual will
begin to show signs of having a nervous breakdown. Clearly dreams are an inner release mechanism which helps provide us with emotional balance and
maintain our sanity. Dreams can be considered guardians of our mental and emotional well-being.

Seven Reasons We Should Listen to Our Dreams

1. God declared that He WOULD speak through dreams and visions in the Old Testament.

And He said, “Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you,

I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream” (Num. 12:6).
2. God declared that He DID speak through dreams and visions in the Old Testament.

“I have also spoken by the prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitude’s, by the ministry of the prophets” (Hos. 12:10).
3. God declares that He WILL communicate through dreams and visions in the New Testament.

“And it shall come to pass in the last days,” saith God, “I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall
see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams” (Acts 2:17).
4. God declares that He WILL COUNSEL us at night through our dreams.

I will bless the Lord who has counseled me; Indeed, my mind (inner man) instructs me in the night (Ps. 16:7 NASB).
5. Rather than our dreams being fatalistic, dreams are calling us to change SO WE WILL NOT PERISH.

For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed; Then He
openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, That He may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his
life from perishing by the sword (Job 33:14-18, emphasis mine).
6. God does very significant things WITHIN dreams. For example, He established the Abrahamic Covenant in a dream.

And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him....And God said to Abram....In the same day the LORD
made a covenant with Abram, saying... (Gen. 15:12,13,18, emphasis mine).
7. God grants supernatural gifts THROUGH dreams.

In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, “Ask what I shall give thee....”

“Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge Thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this Thy so great a people?”

“...Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall
any arise like unto thee....” And Solomon awoke; and, behold, it was a dream (I Kings 3:5,9,12,15).

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 30

Principles of Christian Dream Interpretation/Page Two

Summarizing the Importance of Our Dreams

God has chosen to communicate with mankind through dreams. He guides and counsels us through our dreams. He establishes covenants
with us through our dreams. He grants us gifts in our dreams. He utilized dreams from Genesis to Revelation, and declared that He would
continue to use them in the last days. When you total up all dreams and visions in the Bible, and all the stories and actions which come out
of these dreams and visions, you have about one-third of the Bible, which is equal to the size of the New Testament! Dreams are a central
way God has chosen to communicate with us, and thus they must be given great weight!

Five Things You Can Do to Help Recall Your Dreams

1. Say to yourself, “I believe dreams contain a valid message.” This is a signal to your heart that you are taking it seriously and want to hear what it has
to tell you. You are giving it permission, and even asking it to awaken you after each dream. Your heart will do exactly that. You see, if you do not
awaken within five minutes of the dream ending, you will not recall it. If, however, you tell your heart that dreams are leftover undigested pizza, then
you heart lets you sleep through the dream and doesn’t awaken you after it is over, and thus you do not recall it.

2. Ask God to speak to you through dreams as you sleep. God answers prayers, especially when prayed in accordance to His will!

3. Put your journal beside your bed and immediately record your dreams upon awakening. You will forget most of your dreams by the morning so get
up and write them down when you awaken.

4. Get eight hours of sleep, as the entire last hour will be dream-time.

5. Awaken naturally, without the use of an alarm clock, as alarms shatter dream recall and blast tidbits of dreams into oblivion where they are never
found. If you will do the above five things, you will recall dreams every week.

Seven Foundational Principles for Interpreting Dreams

1. Most dreams are symbolic (including biblical dreams), so view them the same way you would view a political cartoon. Throw the switch in your brain
that says, “Look at this symbolically.” You can learn the art of communicating symbolically by playing the game “Pictionary” or “Bible Pictionary.”
2. The symbols will come from the dreamer’s life, so ask, “What does this symbol mean to me?” or, if working on another’s dream, ask, “What does this
symbol mean to you?” For example, Joseph was a shepherd, and he dreamed of sheaves and sun, moon and stars bowing down (Gen. 37:1-11).
These images surround a shepherd boy who lives in the fields. Nebuchadnezzar, a king, dreamed of statues of gold (Dan 2:31ff), which surround
kings who live in palaces.
3. The dream generally speaks of the concerns which your heart is currently facing. So ask, “What issues was I processing the day before I had the
dream?” For example, Paul was wondering where to go next on his missionary journey and had a dream of a Macedonian man motioning for him to
come on over (Acts 16:6-11). Nebuchadnezzar was thinking his kingdom would go on forever (Dan. 4:28-33) and he had a dream of a tree being
chopped off at the roots (Dan. 4:9-27). Once you know the thoughts that were on the dreamer’s heart when he fell asleep, it is much easier to draw
out the meaning of the dream.
4. The meaning of the dream must be drawn from the dreamer. Realize you know nothing about the dream, but through dependence upon the Holy
Spirit and the skillful use of questions, you can draw the meaning of the dream out from the heart of the dreamer. As for these four children, God
gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams (Dan. 1:17). Counsel in the heart
of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out (Prov. 20:5).
5. The dreamer’s heart will leap and “witness” and say, “Aha!” when it hears the right interpretation, so never accept an interpretation that does not
bear witness in the dreamer’s heart.
6. Dreams reveal but do not condemn. Their goal is to preserve life, not to destroy it (Job 33:13-18).
7. Never make a major decision in your life based only on a dream without receiving additional confirmation from the other ways that God speaks to
us and guides us (peace in our hearts, the counsel of others, illumined Scriptures, God’s still small voice, prophecy, anointed reasoning, etc.).

Discerning Dreams About Yourself

At least 95% of your dreams will be about you – your inner self, your current situation, your relationships. Your dreams come from your
heart and will express the things that are important to your heart. The most common area your spirit will reveal will be your emotional,
heart struggles and sanctification issues, expressed symbolically. Body and health issues are also important to your spirit, so they may be
revealed, again in a symbolic way. Your relationships to other people are important to your heart, so these may be conveyed in signs
and symbols. And the circumstances and events that surround your life, ministry or vocation are also important to your heart, so these may
be portrayed symbolically in your dreams.
Because the vast majority of dreams are about your inner self, begin the process of interpreting your dream with the assumption that it
probably is about something you are or should be dealing with in your own life right now.
Isolate the feeling of the dream first. How did you feel upon first awakening? Was your heart pounding in fear? Were you confused,
frustrated, angry, rejected, or threatened? Did you feel loved, excited, happy, or content? Did you feel exposed, unprepared, or
disappointed? What was the overall emotion that the dream evoked? In what aspect of your life are you also feeling this emotion? If it is
not immediately obvious to you, ask the Lord to reveal it to you.
Look at the action of the dream next. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the symbolism of the action. For example, if the symbol in your dream
is that your car is going backward, ask, “In what way do I feel that I am going backward, that I am not moving forward in this area of my

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 31

Principles of Christian Dream Interpretation/Page Three

If someone else is driving your car in the dream, ask, “In what way is this person driving or controlling my life (e.g., my reactions, attitudes,
behaviors) at this time?” or “How is the characteristic that this person symbolizes controlling me?” (See the section below on the symbolism
of people in your dreams.) If you are falling, ask “In what way do I feel like I am falling, losing ground, or out of control in my life at this
time?” If you are soaring, ask, “In what way or what area of my life do I feel like I am flying, that I am rising above my problems or my
abilities?” If you are being chased, ask, “How and why do I feel like I am being pursued or hunted?” If you are naked, ask, “In what way
do I feel like I am exposed and vulnerable?” If you dream of dying, ask, “What is dying within me?” (This may be a good thing, for
perhaps you are dying to pride, or to self, or to workaholism.)
Remember, actions in the dream are to be viewed symbolically. If your dream wanted to really show you that you were going to die, it
would picture that event symbolically. For example, just a few days before his assassination, President Lincoln dreamed of a casket. Once
you have used the feeling and action of the dream to identify the aspect of your life that it is revealing to you, the rest of the symbols will
be much easier to identify.
The people in your dreams often represent characteristics within you. You can determine what facet of yourself they are representing by
simply asking, “What is the dominant personality trait of this person, as I know him?” The answer will tell you what aspect of yourself you
are dreaming about. For example, your heart may want to show you the entrepreneur, the hospitable host, the administrator, the class
clown, the spiritual leader, the laid back one, the workaholic, etc. that is within you by the appearance in your dream of an individual
who epitomizes that kind of person to you. Your pastor may be the spiritual part of you; a president or king may symbolize other
leadership qualities within you; a policeman, judge, or dictator may be the authority figure in you; people in uniform (nurses, waiters,
choir members) may represent your desire to conform.
It is also possible that the person’s name may be the point that the dream is trying to bring out, especially if that name is spoken within the
dream. Dreaming of a friend named Charity or Joy or Grace or Joshua or David may be your heart’s way of calling your attention to the
qualities that are seen in the meaning of the name. Or the name may actually sound like the message the dream is trying to convey. For
example, dreaming of “Sharon” might be your heart’s way of pointing out an area in which you should be “sharing” something you are
not, or should not be sharing something you are. One person reported dreaming of a friend named “Anita Cook” and finding the
interpretation to be “I need to cook.” It is also possible that the Lord Himself or one of His angels may meet you in the dream.
Animals often represent your emotions. Ask, “What emotion might this animal be symbolizing to me?” This will depend on your
geographical home, your personal experiences, your knowledge of the Bible, and your own culture. For example, a bull might be anger
(an “angry bull”); a fox, craftiness; a cat, curiosity; a dove, peace; an eagle, freedom; a snake, subtlety; a lion, royalty, and so on. Keep
in mind that in the Bible, a lion is used to represent both Christ (“the Lion of the tribe of Judah”) and satan (“as a roaring lion seeking
whom he may devour”). Therefore, you must maintain your dependence upon the Holy Spirit to reveal what the animal represents in your
specific dream.
When you face the animal representing your emotions in your dream rather than running from it, you may find that the animal changes
into a different one. It is good to face your emotions.
Numbers in dreams generally represent the identical number in real life. However, the number will probably be linked to something which
needs to be interpreted symbolically. For example, when Joseph dreamed of eleven stars, the eleven was literal but the stars were
symbolic and actually represented his brothers. Joseph was dreaming about his eleven brothers (Gen. 37:1-11). Likewise, the cupbearer’s
dream of three branches stood for three days (Gen. 39:12), and for the chief baker, the three baskets represented three days (Gen.
39:18). In Pharaoh’s dream, the seven cows were seven years (Gen. 41:26). So expect the number to mean that exact number of
something. It will take prayer, discernment and the revelation of the Spirit (confirmed by the leap in your heart) to determine what it
Continue to move through the dream, seeking revelation on symbol after symbol, until you sense in your spirit that the interpretation is
complete. Occasionally you may have dreams that relate to more than your personal, inner life. If you have examined the dream
carefully, in full reliance upon the Holy Spirit to bring the interpretation, and you cannot see how the symbols of the dream apply to you,
seek the input of your spiritual counselors. They may be able to see your blind spots and recognize the message your heart is trying to
give you.
If your counselors agree that the dream does not apply to your inner life, you may then consider the possibility that it is a dream for or
about others. One indication that this may be a dream for another rather than you is if you are an observer of the action of the dream,
rather than a participant.
Following are some biblical dreams that demonstrate this principle:

Gen. 15:1-21 Abraham in interaction with God & sleeps = dream about self 1 Kings 3:5-28 God and Solomon interact = dream about himself

Gen. 20:1-18 Abimelech and God in interaction = dream about himself Daniel 2:1-49 Statue hit by stone = dream about others
Gen. 28:10-22 Jacob being spoken to by God = dream about self  Daniel 7:1-28 Four beasts = dream about others
Gen. 31:10-29 Jacob and God in interaction = dream about himself Daniel 8:1-27 Ram and goat = dream about others

Gen. 37:1-11 Joseph and brothers in interaction = dream about himself Daniel 10:1- 12:13 Terrifying vision = dream about others
Gen. 40:1-23 Cupbearer and Baker = dreams about themselves  Matt. 1:20-25 God spoke to Joseph = dream about himself
Gen. 41:1-49 Pharaoh’s dream of 7 cows = dream for others  Matt. 2:3-15 God spoke to Joseph = dream about himself
Gen. 46:1-7 Israel in dialogue with God = dream about himself  Matt. 2:19-23 God spoke to Joseph = dream about himself
Judges 7:9-18 Loaf of bread hitting camp = dream about himself

Summary: Thirteen (13) dreams about the dreamer; four dreams about others.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 32

Principles of Christian Dream Interpretation/Page Four

Two important observations may be made from the Biblical example:

1. The dreams for or about others were prophetic in nature and were all given to kings or king’s advisors concerning the future of their kingdoms. The
principle which may be drawn from this is that dreams (and indeed all revelation from the Holy Spirit) are only given to us that apply to our own area
of responsibility. We do not hear from God about people over whom we have no influence, authority or accountability.

2. Dreams about self may be for the dreamer and his descendents. Again, the revelation of the dream was not given to any random individual, but to
one with authority and influence. Intercessors may be given revelation of others, so they can pray for them.

It is vital to remember this principle: All kinds of dreams can contain symbolic language, literal language, or a combination of symbolic and literal

When interpreting dreams, look for metaphors, similes, and metonymies of our language. Dreaming about ketchup may be calling you to “catch up” in
some area. A fire may be trying to warn you that you are “playing with fire.” A dream of being smothered or drowned may indicate that you are feeling
“in over your head.” A frozen lake, an ice flow, or even ice cubes may be cautioning you that you are only seeing “the tip of the iceberg.” Having your
glasses broken may be an indication that you are not seeing the situation clearly. One lady reported that a dream of a fire in the kitchen of her house
was a warning that she had an inflammation in her digestive tract. Other examples of word plays that may show up in your dreams include: “walking a
mile in someone else’s shoes;” “being born in a barn;” “being up the creek without a paddle;” “as the crow flies;” “throwing the baby out with the bath
water;” “on a level playing field;” “throwing a wrench in the works;” “at the eleventh hour;” or “speaking with a forked tongue.” Your heart may use one
of these pictures in your dreams, expecting that you will understand the symbolic meaning of the expression.

Think outside the box! Be prepared for unexpected and clever ways for your heart to get its point across to your conscious mind. Be open to plays on
words and lateral connections.

Finally, always remember that God is big enough and gracious enough to make sure that you understand the message He wants to give you. If your
understanding of dream interpretation is different than that given above, He will meet you in the dream according to your expectations.


The best way to interpret a dream is to start with the first symbol and try to interpret that. Then go on to the next symbol, and so on. Continually ask the
question, “In what way am I experiencing this symbol in my life at this time?”



Perhaps only 5% of our dreams are about others. This dream is not talking about parts of yourself, but about real outer situations. I have discovered that
the more right brain a person is (i.e., visionary and intuitive) the more likely he is to dream further away from home (away from his own self). That means
right brain people may be more likely to have a greater number of dreams about others.

For example, I have noted that three different woman who scored 7.7 on the “Brain Preference Indicator” test in the Communion with God book (the
highest score I have seen) have vivid dreams about others in which they see the murders, rapes, and thefts taking place in their communities that night, and
which are indeed reported in the newspaper the following day. These were literal dreams of real life events. Obviously, not all dreams of others show
such fearsome pictures. These are given as examples I am personally aware of.

Dreams about others are shared publicly much more often than dreams about self, which is why the vast majority of the dreams in the Bible fall into the
category of dreams about others.


1. You are an observer of the action. If you play an active role in the dream, it is likely a dream about you. If you are only an observer to the activity of
the dream, it is likely a dream about others.

2. The dream just does not fit your life. You should always ask God, “Lord, show me any way the events in this dream are revealing struggles my heart is
currently facing.” If you cannot see that the dream is talking about an issue you are facing, and your spiritual counselor cannot help you see how this
may be something your heart is currently processing, then you may assume that the dream is not about you.

Dreams Which Tell of the Future

In a sense, many dreams are foretelling the future. Some dreams may simply be showing what will happen in the near future if one does not repent and
change his ways. Other dreams seem to tell of the very distant future, as some of the Bible dreams appear to do. Perhaps more prophetic people may
find that they dream further into the future and further away from themselves, while people who are not prophetic may tend to dream closer to home (i.e.,
have dreams which deal with issues concerning their own hearts’ struggles).

Principles of Christian Dream Interpretation/Page Five

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 33

Additional Thoughts Concerning Working with Dreams
1. Dreams are reliable messengers. They reveal the condition of one’s heart (Dan. 2:30), as well as the voice of God within one’s heart (Acts 2:17). They
may from time to time reveal direct attacks of satan or demons upon the heart. (Job 4:12-21 may be an example of a demon speaking accusation
leading toward hopelessness and death - this is the only possible biblical example of a demon speaking through a dream.) In my own life, I have had
only one dream which the Lord has told me to ignore because it was satanic. Thus, because of the biblical evidence and because of my own life’s
experience, I do not attribute many dreams to satan or demons.
2. In the Bible, when people awakened, they acted upon their dreams. Act on your dreams!
3. Do not pose as an expert on interpreting others’ dreams until you have been interpreting your own for five years. You can offer ideas and advice to
others concerning their dreams, however you are not to pose as an expert.
4. As with prophecy, the messages and warnings in dreams are conditioned upon man’s response (Ezek. 33:13-16). The dream is calling you to act or
change so some calamity will not befall you. If you respond appropriately, the calamity will not come.
5. Sexual dreams should be viewed symbolically. Sexual intercourse is a symbol of union, so ask the question, “In what way is there a union or joining
taking place within me?” This will probably be a union of previously warring parts of yourself (for example - a merging of the workaholic part of
yourself with the laid back part of yourself could appear as a dream of sexual intercourse). Or if you needed to incorporate the gift of hospitality into
your being, you may have a dream of sexual intercourse between yourself and a person you know whose chief trait is that of hospitality.
6. Repeated dreams occur because you did not hear and act on the message of the dream when it spoke to you the first time.
7. Nightmares are the scream of an unhealed heart, asking you to apply the prayer ministries of inner healing and deliverance to the areas of need
within you. In my own life, a recurring nightmare of 15 years disappeared immediately and completely when I had a demon cast out which was
underlying the fear being portrayed in the nightmare.
8. The most natural interpretation is most likely correct.
9. Successive dreams on the same night are usually dealing with the same issue, presenting various approaches to it and offering the proper solution to
the dilemma.
10. The dream calls the dreamer to action.
11. As you approach the dream, recognize that you know nothing about the dream. The dream and the dreamer’s heart will need to tell you what it
12. Religion tries to get to God through developing theologies, stirring up emotions, and setting one’s will. God comes to man through directly encountering
his heart and spirit with His voice, prophecy, dream, vision and anointing.
13. Dreams release divine creativity. Many discoveries and inventions have come through dreams. The location of the hook of the sewing machine needle
came through a dream. The discovery of the round formation of the Benzene molecular structure came through a dream. These are just two of what I
am convinced are thousands of examples.

Rules for Interpreting Dreams in a Group

1. Have group members keep journals beside their beds and ask God to give them dreams which they will immediately record upon awakening. Dreams
shared in class time are to be recent ones so that the dreamer knows the setting of the dream, that is, the issues on his heart when he went to bed. Also,
it is best in group dream work to be working with shorter dreams rather than longer ones.

2. In a group setting, never go further in interpreting a person’s dream than the dreamer is willing to go. As the meaning of the dream is being drawn
out, the dreamer may suddenly realize it is speaking about something he or she is not ready to discuss openly in front of the group. The dreamer
therefore always reserves the right to say, “That is as far as I want to go in interpreting this dream.”

© 2003 Mark & Patti Virkler – May be freely reproduced for use in teaching situations.
Books and resources at 1431 Bullis Rd. Elma, N.Y. 14059. 716-652-6990

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 34

Understanding Flying
By: Doug Addison

Used on this blog with permission by Doug Addison.

Have you ever soared like a bird in your dreams? Flying dreams are very common and can
tell us a lot about ourselves and the condition of our spiritual life. A dream in which you
can fly indicates that you are a person who is very creative and have the ability to advance
in spiritual understanding and experiences. Flying dreams, though symbolic, encourage us
to rise above real life situations. We can gain new confidence and even reduce stress as
God allows us to conquer our weaknesses.

Though not all dreams are given to us by God, a good number of flying dreams are. We can
derive our understanding of the elements found in dreams by studying the symbols that are
already interpreted in the Bible. There are over 200 references to dreams and visions in the
Bible and Jesus communicated through the use of a concealed symbolic language called
parables. By using parabolic thinking we can safely interpret flying as spiritual

To understand a flying dream in more detail we must look at the context and the role that
flying plays in the dream. For instance, if you are flying out of control the context is
negative and indicates the need for greater spiritual disciplines in your life. But if you are
flying with great ease and have the ability to control the manner in which you are flying
then the dream is showing you that you are advancing in your spiritual growth.

Different types of flying dreams

- Trying to take off but failing can indicate that there is something that you are destined to
do but you are experiencing setbacks. It is possible that you are hindering your own
advancement and the dream is letting you know so that you can make the necessary

- Low/High altitude flight can show you the level of spiritual maturity you are achieving. If
you consistently have low altitude flying dreams then you will want to examine your life to
find ways to grow spiritually. Flying very high reveals that you are advancing spiritually
and that your creativity is increasing.

- Flying over a known city or region is usually an indication that you are to pray and
intercede for that area. It can also show you that you may have a connection to that area as

- Flying above flames tells you that you are rising above a difficult situation and you will
not be harmed.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 35

- Losing altitude is a sign that you are regressing and that immediate attention is needed.

- Flight into outer space is a great dream! This is telling you that you are moving or are
about to move into high-level spiritual experiences with God.

- Crashing or out of control is obvious that your spiritual life needs attention. It may be a
warning to bring balance back into your life to avoid a spiritual disaster.

- Floating or levitating is similar to flying in that you are rising above situations in your

- Flying into or towards bright light shows that you are being drawn closer to God. If the
light is blinding then it may indicate that God wants to blind you to your own ways to
reveal His love and destiny for you.

- Flapping your arms to fly means that you are using your own efforts instead of God’s
grace and power in your life.

- Flying in a jet or airplane usually represents a church, ministry, company, or organization

with which you are involved. The context can be determined by who is in the plane with
you. Also note how the plane is acting. If it is taking off or landing it talks of increase or
decrease. If it is crashing it is a symbolic warning of potential loss. If it is going through
turbulence then you will probably be experiencing rough times.

A good example of a flying dream: In my dream I was flying very high in the sky and I
could see huge areas of land and water. I remember thinking; I wonder if I can dive in the
water? So I took a dive in the water and went very deep and fast and I came back out and
was still flying. I thought, I would like to try flying through the wall, and I did and it was
painless. I flew through a house and was able to land and walk and then begin flying again.
Whatever I thought, I was able to do.

Interpretation: The dreamer is advancing in their spiritual life and God is taking them into
deeper things of the spirit. The dream indicates that “I can do everything through him who
gives me strength.” Phil. 4:13 NIV

So the next time you fly in a dream take a closer look at what God may be saying to you.
Learn to examine your dreams breaking them down to their simplest form and you may
very well uncover deeper insight into your destiny.

Copyright 2006 Doug Addison

For more information about the ministry of Doug Addison visit
This article may be used and shared with others for instructional purposes. If you do use it
please give credit to the author. Written permission must be obtained to reprint this article.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 36

Power Healing by John Wimber

How do we know that Jesus wants us to pray for the sick? Scripture teaches that we are commissioned to do the will of
God on earth, which is illustrated in the life and message of Jesus.
Regarding the healing ministry, Jesus "healed many who had various diseases" (Mark 1: 34); He gave the Twelve "power
and cure diseases" (Luke 9: 1); He commissioned the Seventy-two to "heal the sick...and tell them, 'The
Kingdom of God is near you'" (Luke 10: 9); and, in a post-resurrection appearance, He said of those who followed Him,
"They will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well" (Mark 16: 18) So, in obedience to Jesus' life and
message, we pray for people's healing and receive prayer for healing. The apostle John frequently writes that Jesus came
to do the Father's bidding (John 4: 34; 5: 30; 6: 38; 8: 26; 9: 4; 10: 37-38; 12: 49-50; 14: 31; 17: 4).
Further, Jesus did everything with excellence: "People were overwhelmed with amazement (that He healed a deaf and mute
man). 'He has done everything well', they said" (Mk 7: 37). Jesus instructed His disciples to pray, "our Father in heaven,
hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."(Matt 6: 9-10); Jesus wanted
them to live as He did. When He gave up His spirit on the cross, Jesus cried out, "It is finished," indicating He had
fulfilled that which the Father sent Him to do (Jn 19: 30).
In Matthew 28: 18-20, the great commission passage, Jesus told His disciples to "go and make disciples of all
nations...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." They were to carry out His ministry, which included
praying for the sick.
What We Minister:
A Kingdom of God message. Luke 4: 18-19
Healing and deliverance prayer. Mark 16:17-18
Holy Spirit empowerment. Acts 1: 8
Six Healing Principles:
1. God wants to heal the sick today
2. God is looking for a corporate ministry of healing
3. Our trust in God is demonstrated by our actions
4. We must be empowered by and led by the Holy Spirit
5. Importance of loving relationships with our brothers & sisters
6. God wants to heal the whole person, not specific condition
Four Healing Values
1. Provide a Healing Environment
2. Provide a Regularly Scheduled Ministry Time
3. Provide Training & Equipping of the Saints
4. Encourage a Life Style of Healing


1. The Interview....Where does it hurt?
This can be conducted on two planes; the natural and the supernatural. In the natural you sort according to present
and past experiences (i.e. what you see, know and have also learned). In regards to the supernatural; you sort according to
gifts of the Spirit (i.e. words of knowledge and wisdom, and the distinguishing of spirits). This isn’t a medical review.
Remember when praying for the sick you are not a physician, the medical history won't help us. Just ask the person
where it hurts! You will know the interview process is complete when you have ascertained the cause of the condition,
as to whether it is natural, supernatural, social, emotional, or some sin in the person's life. You also know this part is
done when God has told you what to do. Either way you have completed the interview process.

2. The Diagnostic Decision...Why does the person have this condition?

In the natural realm, is the disease or sickness associated with:
1. Sin issues (i.e. social disease, such as vaginal herpes) Here, you address the sin that’s been committed, and the sin
committed against the person
2. Emotional issues- such as psychosomatic illness
3. Social issues (i.e. harboring ill feelings, anger, bitterness, resentment, etc.)
4. Generational issues- There could be any family spirits, passed down from generation to generation

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 37

In the supernatural realm, you should take a look at:
1. Any demonic oppression/affliction
2. Any demonic activity
3. Has the person ever had a curse put on them such as: Black magic, white magic, or even authority figures
pronouncing things such as from doctors diagnoses, parents or teachers harsh, hurtful words etc.? As you are
listening to the person you are watching what the Father is doing. What is coming up? What is the person sharing?
There is no need to rush things, but take your time, and as you continue you will learn more and more of how healing
prayer works.
3. The Prayer Selection...What kind of prayer is needed to help this person?
 We have prayer directed to God such as: Petition- Where we ask for the Holy Spirit's presence, and we also ask for
the Holy Spirit's healing power to come and do its work. Intercessory Prayer- This is where we are praying in our
mind, and praying in the Spirit.
 We have prayer that is from God such as: This is where we have a command- faith comes up and we command
something to straighten, or for healing to come, we command the condition to be healed. There is also the
pronouncement of faith: we are here to pray and we are asking You to come and heal, Lord. In this time there could
also be a rebuke such as, we rebuke any evil spirit in Jesus name, or to bind, such as, we bind any of Satan's plans to
wound or cripple this person. And finally, if there is demonic presence, then we expulse the demon. We command
the demon, in the name of Jesus to come out - eliminating its presence.
4. The Prayer Engagement...How effective are our prayers?
 This is where I think it is most important to watch and see what's happening. Should the ministry proceed? Does
the person feel anything such as warmth, tingling, heat, muscle spasm, shaking? What is happening with the
 When in doubt, ASK QUESTIONS.
 Some people really are programmed to fail- programmed that God will never use them. God can use YOU, be in tune
with what is happening...What is God doing? Ask the person questions, as they may not be very much in tune with
their own bodies, if you're not sure, ask!
 You should stop praying when either the person you are praying for indicates it's over; when the Holy Spirit tells
you it's over; you cannot think of anything else to say, or you have prayed for everything and it seems you have not
gained any ground.
5. Post-Prayer Direction...What’s next?
Often people wonder why they get healed and then something changes and they feel like it never really happened, or
what did I do to make it go away? Well, it is always important that in praying for people that you close it well. Explain
to the person not to sin anymore. If sin is what trapped them before and was an in-road in some area- then stop doing
it! It's always good just to give basic council such as, don't forget to get the Word of God in you, read the Scriptures,
spend time in prayer, and get yourself in a church, surrounded by other believers to where you can be accountable to
each other. It's important not to give the enemy any place to where he can attack, and when he does, you have the
support of the church around you.

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 38

A Healing Testimony
From John Wimber
“Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to pray for many people who
have come to me wanting to be healed. Today, I want to share an
astounding story of one lady we came across several years ago.

I was speaking in South Africa at a large conference and a friend of

mine, John McClure, was with me and we were asked to go to the
home of a lady of the church. She was dressed beautifully but was
very emaciated, weighing only 85 pounds. She had been sent home
from the hospital to die. Her body was full of cancer, and her only
hope of survival was divine intervention. We prayed for her, but not
with great fervency. John had confidence that she would be healed. I
felt nothing.

That night she woke up with a vibrant, tingling feeling throughout her
body and for the next few hours her body was full of intense heat. She
tried to call out to her husband in the next room but couldn’t raise her
voice loud enough for him to hear her. Alone and frightened, she
crawled into the bathroom, her body racked with pain. At the time she
thought, “O my God. My body is coming apart and I’m dying.”
Without knowing it, she eliminated from her body a number of large
tumors. Finally, exhausted from the night’s events, she fell back
asleep. She didn’t know if she’d wake up.

But a half an hour later she woke up incredibly refreshed. Later her
husband woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. “What are you
doing?” he asked, astonished to see his wife on her feet and preparing
breakfast. She replied with sudden understanding: “God has healed
me.” Two days later she reported to her doctors who gave her a clean
bill of health. They couldn’t find the cancer in her body because God
had completely delivered her of all of it! Without much energy to pray
on our part and without any desperation or faith on her part, the Lord
chose to heal this woman’s cancer-infested body through divine
means. That’s God, and that is sometimes how He chooses to do it!

Our job is to pray; God’s job is to heal. He gets to choose where, how
and when He will heal someone. To our amazement once again, God
had healed this lady in His timing and His purposes. Have you ever
seen anything such as this? If not, keep believing, and keep
praying…You never know what God will do next!”

Signs, Wonders, and the Prophetic 39

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