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The Life of Melly

Years had passed and I am still seeking for a permanent job to where I could say that a certain
workplace I am longing to is somewhat deserving to spend a longer portion a normal human age
could have. Periods between high school and college were I would say Melly the violinist was a
Chauvinist, because he tend to have a huge amount of self confidence towards everything he is
going to undertake. In other words, Melly is a believer of his superiority. In school, he
sometimes tend to utter a churlish remarks that made his classmate Karl Lumando got offended,
However Melly can’t stand the antipathy Lumando is disclosing the reason why Melly exerted
conciliatory actuations just to fix everything. Lumando seemed to be adamant despite the
efforts exerted by his former friend. Melly then persuaded over and over again until he had
enough. Poor Melly he never had the chance to converse Lumando again. Graduation day is
going on and not even a single word was being uttered by Lumando. Melly seemed to be in
consternation knowing that an old friend has chosen anger over reconciliation. Melly’s life
exacerbated when he entered college, he took up a course in accounting because he saw his two
cousins being in their peak but later then realizes that was all a trap. His cousins showed a
beguiling records of life’s cornucopia which eventually Melly decided in an exigent manner to
follow his cousins’ footsteps.

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