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FasTrackEnglish – Home Learning

Obiectivele sesiunii:

 Interacțiune socială
 Deprinderea de noi concepte
 Dezvoltarea abilităților de comunicare în limba engleză


 Moment de bun-venit, introducere și joc

 Moment academic, la stație: În cadrul momentului academic, vom aborda conceptul de
school, classroom, small, big. Stația ne va prezența cuvinte, imagini și joculețe, iar noi
vom repeta și vom discuta mai amănunțit conceptele.  
 Moment de mișcare
 Moment de încheiere

Va încurajă m să repetați și voi acasă !


What do the children have to do at this school? Do they have to learn? Do they have to read/ to
write/ to have fun/ to be kind?
Yes, they do/ No, they don't

What does your teacher tell you to do at school? (Is it ok to "throw things, fight, chew gum, be
 What do your family tell you to do at home? Did they tell you this?
"We all help to pick up toys", "be kind", "say please and thank you"


Tel: 0755 66 66 44
Bdul. Liviu Rebreanu 30A
In the classroom, please don’t shout
And please don’t throw your pens about
Always try to be polite
And do your homework every night.
Please arrive on time each day
And please be friendly when you play
In the class, don’t jump or run
But in the playground, have some fun!

Too big, too small

I can’t wear my brother’s jumper
Because it’s too big or I’m too small
I can’t ride my sister’s bike
Because it’s too low or I’m too tall
I can’t wear my mother’s coat
Because I’m too short or it’s too long
I can’t take the dog for a walk
Because I’m too weak or it’s too strong.
But I’m not too small to climb a wall
I’m not too tall for basketball
I’m not too short to learn to ski
I’m not too weak to climb a tree
I’m not perfect I can see.
But I’m still happy that I am me.

 I can't ride your bike because I'm too big.

You can't wear my jacket because you are too small.
I am not too big to play football with you.
You are not too small to play chess.

Vocabular: classroom, school, too big, too small


Tel: 0755 66 66 44
Bdul. Liviu Rebreanu 30A

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