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Região Artigos
Behavior of calcretes as flexible materials in
southern Africa
Geology of southern African Calcretes:
Terminology, description, macrofeatures and

The use of calcretes in paved roads in


The location, selection and use of calcrete for

bituminous road construction in Botswana
The development of specifications for the use
of low-grade calcrete in lightly trafficked
roads in Botswana

Suitability of calcrete as a road construction

material for low volume roads in the arid and
Kenya semi-arid regions: case study north-eastern

Highway Geotechnical Properties of

Stabilized Calcrete

Prospecting for calcrete road materials in

South and South West Africa



Behavior of calcretes as flexible materials in southern Africa

Relative importance of calcretes

Distribution, traffic and subgrades

Geology, geotechnical properties and location

Test and control procedures

Self stabilization

Soluble salts

Cement and lime stabilization

Bituminous stabilization

Surfacing chippings and concrete aggregate

Behavior of and specifications for pavement layers under bitumen

Surface courses for unpaved roads

experiencia na Africa austral

Calcretes ranging in properties from those of loose soils to hard rock contribute the most
widely used class of road material in Southern Africa. Their unusual composition, origin and
properties and the relatively dry climate in which they are used limits the applicability of
traditional material standards. Although calcretes do present certain problems, their behavior
as flexible pavement materials is generally better than that suggested by traditional standards,
and empirical standards derived from a local study of the performance of calcrete bases ,
subbases and wearing courses are presented.

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