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Thank you for watching today I want to thank you know all of you for sending me videos and things now
I want to preface this by letting you know that I try not to watch other videos I rely on the father to give
me the information and then I confirm it within scriptures and and much of the time it is so
overwhelming when I receive this that I I don't prepare and many times I already know it's in the
scripture and so I'm given it and so it's it's I've confirmed that and I know exactly what he's referring to
even though it hadn't occurred to me before so know that in my preparation for these four these videos
is that I don't have preparation when I'm told to hit record I hit record and most of the time I really don't
even know what I'm going to talk about next I just hit record and start talking and then I take the video
and I put it into the editor and I don't listen to it I just put it into the editor and then I render that video
and then once it's rendered I upload it so the very first time that I actually hear what I said back is when I
watch it the same time that you're watching it and that's how confident I am in what the father gives me
is that I'm not concerned about an edit or or a mistake or if I you know misinterpret a word or
something I'm not concerned about those things the message is far too important to get out the
message of love and the message that is told throughout the scriptures that we've been completely
we've been taught a very distorted version of it by the enemy and he's done an amazing job at that that
he's incredibly powerful but this video I somebody sent me a video and it is of a and I haven't researched
who he is I don't have to he is of the indigenous people I don't know even what tribe all I know is that I
saw something very much on his hat which is crosses and so and what he's speaking of is very much of
the foundational tenets of the Christ that I'm speaking about and not the foundational tenets of the
Christian Church that you would see today so the ancient symbol even long before the days of Yeshua is
a cross going many many many thousands of years before because the cross is a is a cosmological plan
of energy and sound and it is also one that must take place in us before we will know this truth before
we will see this enlightenment and so I wanted to articulate a few things that you're going to be seen
and this isn't for myself or for a justification of the things that I'm saying and I'm also gonna play the
video for you of the of what the the the incredible gentleman said because it's incredibly important to
listen to what he says and you're gonna hear him saying very much the same things that I'm saying even
though we've never met but I'm gonna draw something here on this whiteboard and thank you very
much for sending me the whiteboard I'm going to draw something here for you on this whiteboard
that's gonna help you understand a little bit of something and now many of you have seen this sign
you've seen the sign of the fish correct now in understanding this sign I'm gonna help you understand a
little bit something different is that when you have the DNA which is the double helix or the twisted pair
of Serpent's right this is vibrational frequencies of our entire existence as well it's not only written on
our DNA and it's not only the ancients symbol in the caduceus for medical but this has existed since the
beginning of time because this is the foundational in the beginning was the word and the word was god
that's because this is basically if you could imagine humming this is what it sounds and looks like so
these would be ages and periods of time so this right here would be an age from here in this whole
section and this is also an age in this whole section and this isn't also an age in this whole section and so

these energies you have an upper and a lower and in this you have two opposing forces in two different
directions but they're coming in and they're closing in and this right here is the crossing point so this is
what the fish is representative of that you get here you just cut this right here and you see that you now
have the fish I'll give it a little eyes so you can understand what I'm speaking of so here is the fish of
Christ and this here would be the cross now I'm going to turn this over to help you understand where
we're at in our time right here this is where we would be it we're very close to right here closing in on
this crossing point this part right here that you're seeing that I'll color in that would be the Grail that is
the Holy Grail because this is the age right here of 1,000 years of peace and perfection because we all
have combined and we all have met the enemy and we have met the father and we understand both
and the enemy is destroyed because love is more powerful so the Father's love overpowers the enemy
and we come out of this being very very very close to the Father and understanding very intimately the
law of God and so everyone honors it and he is among us and we are among him and so as we go we will
continually get farther and farther apart until we become part of this period again so now understand
this is that when we're here in this age so let's go to here when we're here in this age we have very
different opinions as opposed to what God would be here it's but the father for F F and let's put the
enemy down here he for the enemy so he's the lower and the Godhead the father is the upper now
during this course of time the those that are way down here they're they're hidden very often caves
somewhere there they're quite hidden as we come closer the truth begins to come into one all things
hidden will be revealed according to scripture and that's what's taking place here so I'm just doing this
as kind of a very interesting exercise for you to understand the energies and the sound that has taken
place these energies that you feel now these are also resonating through here as frequencies going
through this right so you have these sound frequencies and of course there is always going to be the
inverse of these you're always going to have variants another variant inside this twisted-pair condensed
down to here and inside those you're going to have multiple layers of those frequencies and those
sounds and you will react to those you are reacting to God now these energies are also the inverse of
the power of God which is the enemy because that's what he was created from as the inverse of the
energy and the attributes of God that's why he is the inverse of God as above so below on earth as it is
in heaven it's the reflection when you look at yourself in a mirror you're not seeing you you might
recognize it as you but you're seeing the inverse of you so the person in your mirror isn't who you are
right here it's literally an inverse image so if that image also contained the spiritual aspects and the
spiritual personalities and the the value system that you hold you would then see the all of the
manifestation of those inverse because as above so below on earth as it is in heaven or as Christ would
say truly truly I say to you when he says that what he's about to say next he's saying that it's true in both
directions it's an inverse attribute so this is kind of a fun interesting way of understanding the situation
that we're in and helping you understand why love is so important and how to understand the scriptures
and why it might be cut so confusing for some but here we are in this world where we have the Father
here and we have the enemy here now what's amazing about this is that let's take our time coming into
these end days when they'll say that that someone like me would be of the Antichrist spirit well I can tell
you this much you have the church here so not in relationship to this but here's the church which
essentially all of Christianity all of the churches today have become the Antichrist because their

understanding of what Christ is according to the scriptures has come so far from this collision point the
cross of Christ so far from it here they understood it as you got farther away your interests became
more interested in yourself and of the world and less of Christ so the teachings became more and more
conducive to that of man's interest to the monetary systems of the world this is the plan of the enemy
so with that being said you know farther away from the truth and then that becomes such a part an
integral part of the generations of people that it's trained and taught and trained and taught and trained
and taught that you're taught to believe what your fathers believe that basically if you grow up in a
Christian household well that's what you're gonna learn and you're gonna stand steadfast on it because
you know it's the truth regardless of it being the truth your mom and dad taught that to you and they
went into a church and they revered the pastor and they said this is what it is so they taught you to be
that you don't actually know it yet which is why I say forget what you think you know allow God to show
you allow the father to enter into you and speak his truths to you because he does when you hold your
hands open and say you know what I've done I have nothing left so it's a surrender that's what's
surrendering to the Father is so let's say that here we have down here we've got what Christianity would
see as the anti okay so they got their their version of what the Antichrist is because their understanding
of Christianity over here has literally become the antithesis of what Christ taught so they don't recognize
the Antichrist as themselves because it's in them in the same way that you don't recognize that the
enemy is in you because it's literally part of you in the same way that God is part of you the enemy is
part of you because you cannot get away from that twisted pair of Serpent's you have both in you so
with this being said here's how this works is when I speak of the paradox that the Church believes the
Antichrist is anti their point of view okay so here's the church's point of view now up here you have
somebody that is telling you that this church is wrong in the things that I say so they're going to see me
as being this Antichrist because I'm anti what they believe now in Revelation it says that the Antichrist
will destroy much of the church being this and it also says that Christ will then come and destroy the
Antichrist so you have two Antichrist you have a real Antichrist being the understand the understanding
of what the church is and then you have the false Antichrist because it's only false because it's a
perceived Antichrist and in this perceived Antichrist it's because this Antichrist thought not me
specifically but this Antichrist thought anybody that has seen these things that I've seen everybody
that's sitting and answering in the comments that is saying I've thought these and I've seen this I know
this is true because I've already been told this so that is the Spirit of Christ waking up in you which the
existing church sees as the Antichrist because the Antichrist is in them so you see how difficult this
battle becomes and the collision course where we're headed because we're about right here in the
timeline the collision course where we're headed right here when these two things collide and all things
are completely revealed because both sets of consciousnesses are combined and you can avoid this
truth anymore you will not be able to say he's wrong so what will happen is all of the people that fought
the true Christ spirit are gonna recognize the lie in themselves because the truth is revealed and they're
gonna throw themselves on the ground and throw dirt and ashes on their head and they will never let
themselves stand by the Father they will never be part of this thousand years they will never be a part of
it they are so unworthy in themselves this is where it says that they will seek death and death will flee
from them so here is the paradox of the situation now the Antichrist or the true Christ spirit will destroy

the false church and then that Antichrist and this false church converting itself now to the true Christ
will destroy the entire misperception of who Christ is and they will all become like Christ just as Christ
said so you see the Antichrist isn't a single man and neither is the Christ and the big deception that man
has because they cannot escape their finite mind and the selfish mind that that they want to possess
something so as long as they're selfish they assume the other is selfish and so they cannot place
something in everybody else's hands and see it as a possession of everyone because they themselves
want possessions for themselves the stingy aspect of man I've been there I understand I'm not accusing
you I'm just telling you I'm explaining to you our faults all of us have them so in that they cannot
understand these paradoxes and they cannot understand the sheer vastness that when Christ says that
the return of the son of man is like lightning striking in the east and flashing in the West is because it's
wide and big and that Christ coming on the cloud the original Hebrew translation is coming in the spirit
not a cloud so they see this man standing on a cloud and when you think about how nonsensical that is
sudden you begin to realize what have I been believing in because this spirit and this energy that I speak
of is authentic is real it's palpable you can feel it and it's yours to have it requires a surrender and it
requires a love now I want you to watch the video that I'm about to add to this because the words that
he is saying are so beautiful and you can see that he knows and he believes it and this is why I'm
showing you the indigenous people their ancient beliefs are not any different than what I'm telling you
right now and you're about to hear that and you're gonna see crosses on his head because the cross he
understands is this and he also understands that the father is there and that the mother is here and that
this mother right now has been cloaked in the enemies matrix of evil and it's our job to collectively
destroy that matrix of evil and the only way you destroy that evil is by sheer unadulterated love it is truly
what conquers all I love all of you enjoy this video not think so small and if you are then be conscious of
what you put in your mouth if your be out past that and your doing the spiritual work then we need to
like expound on the love expound on the light how to teach people about finding peace learning how to
forgive there's a lot of people don't know how to forgive you that's why in a lot of places there's no
peace and they need to really learn how to use this energy learn how to use the love from the father
love from the mother you know when to put bring that in to your heart through song and vibration the
sound and vibration is everything it activates every atom in your bodies makes them spin faster it'll put
light and anything you touch no matter what it is you project it and you know you you will have done
your job with all these little things that you do you you keep moving throughout the planet doing that
every person no there's there's nothing that should prevent you from doing it no anger no negative
thought no negative emotion no jealousy like any of that stuff should stop you or slow you down
because it's not about that here I learned about that in emotion no problem it's like math hey I know the
answer to that problem move on I know that to move on you should be you know have the gifts of the
star Nations by now which we have you know that's what that cameras for you know we've come that
far and more so we're doing what we were supposed to be doing getting the word out getting the word
out so that we can all come together and realize that you know we we have to get busy because we're
out of time we're out of time the seventh generation is here and now these young ones with all these
special gifts extra DNA strands they are here to do the work to pick up where we left off so as the
ground crew now we need to pass the torch to the young ones and let them do their work as well and
we are to be there as advisors.


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