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Sebastián Muñoz Castaño



1. Take a picture of a room in your house and describe it in one sentence (a different room each
person of the group)

I’ ll describe the next room:

The room is big, the wall is gray, here there is a confortable double gray bed, behind
there are two pictures and a beautiful little light, next to the bed there is a big window
with a transparent curtain that allows you to enjoy a beautiful view, in front the bed
there is a desktop and different chairs, under it there is a rug and between the windows
and the desktop, there is a sofa.

2. Create a hangouts meeting, talk about what you’ve done this week, record the meeting
(minimum 5 minutes)

I had an alarm and I wake up at 5 in the morning.

I gotten up every day, drunk a glass of water, and cook my breakfast.

While I had my coffee, I studied some topics of the university. I read the news online and
I listened to music while I take a shower instead.

I meeted with my boss every morning by videocall, I lunched later in the day.
In the afternoon I went to work and answering emails, I leave the office at the end of the
nigth, and I come back to my home very tired.
The sunday I cooked the lunch for my girlfriend something easy and high in protein.

After lunch, I had a nap.

Tried to get to bed early - there’s always more to do monday!
Sebastián Muñoz Castaño

3. Find the song If I Were a Zombie on YouTube, learn it, you’ll sing it with me at the end of the
Our love story could be kinda gory
Far from boring,
We'd meet a post-apocalypse.
Yeah I'd be slowly walking,
In a group stalking
You, you'd be the only man alive
That I could not resist.
Then all of your friends,
They'd try to kill us
But only because
They'd be jealous
That our love is deeper than
Edward and Bella's
If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah oh,
If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Cuz I want ya.
You'd be hiding in
A second floor apartment
Knocking all the stairs down
To save your life
From the undead
Double-barrel shotgun
Taking out the slow ones
Then you'd see the passion
Burning in my eye.
And I'd keep my head.
Then all of your friends,
The try to kill us
But only because
They'd be jealous
That our love is deeper than
Edward and Bella's
If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Sebastián Muñoz Castaño
Yeah oh,
If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Cuz I want ya.
And I'd try
Not to bite and infect you
I'd respect you too much.
Yeah that's why
I'd wait until we got married.
And our happiest days would be spent
Picking off all your friends
And they'd see
A love this deep
Won't stay buried
If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah oh,
If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Cuz I want ya.
Sebastián Muñoz Castaño

4. Solve this puzzle:

5. Make a chain of conditionals; start with: If we finish this race first,… (the crazier and longer the
better), use 1st conditional

If we finish this race first, we'll make a lot of money.
If we finish this race first, we won't run the next
If we finish this race first, we'll be famous
If we finish this race first, it will be a big surprise

6. Break this code

4/9/4 → Did
25/15/21 → You
16/12/1/25 → Play
6/15/15/20/2/1/12/12 → Football
23/8/5/14 → When
25/15/21 → you
23/5/18/5 → were
12/9/20/20/12/5 → Little
Sebastián Muñoz Castaño
7. Write a short story about a child who likes dogs, use all the structures we’ve practised in class
(present, past, future, passive)

Once upon a time there was a little boy, very affectionate, he was always accompanied by 
his faithful friend, Boby his dog.

They were inseparable, until one day he had a cake to give to his girlfriend. The cake is 
eaten by the dog.

He got very angry with the dog, I stop talking to him for a while. Until I understood that I'
d always been together, they ran, they slept even played together.

The dog was chewing the bone when Peter left for University.

8. One of you draw a picture, the rest of the group has to describe it in one sentence each

9. Solve this maths problem:

R/ 16

10. Make a chain of conditionals; start with: If I won the lottery… (the crazier and longer the
better), use the 2nd conditional
Sebastián Muñoz Castaño
If I won the lottery, I would travel all the world
If I won the lottery, I would buy an island
If I won the lottery, I would buy many companies around the world
If I won the lottery, I would live in Italy

11. Unscramble this sentence (Nelson / finish / 5 / we / give / will / If / first, / us / points)

If we finish first Nelson will give us 5 points

12. Answer these questions

 What’s the first thing you’ll do when quarantine’s over? (1st conditional)

If this quarantine over, I will travel around the world

If this quarantine over, I will lift weights in the gym
If this quarantine over, I will visit my grandmother

 What if the quarantine were extended until next year? (2nd conditional)

If the quarantine extended until next year, I would change other work.
If the quarantine extended until next year, I would save a lot of money
If the quarantine extended until next year, I would study English

13. Say a tong twister as a group in hangouts (record the meeting). Choose one tongue twister
from the list and say as a group

Which witch switched the Swiss wristwatches?

(Tongue twisters)

14. Finally, start another hangouts meeting, invite me, show me your work and you’ll win your

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