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General Instructions:
1. Use any latest (updated) browser for filling the placement registration form.
2. Ensure that Javascript is enabled.
3. Don’t take more than 30 minutes to register.
4. Pay attention during the course of filling the form.
5. Ensure all the details you have entered are valid and true.
6. The online registration form is divided into 4 different page(s)/form(s), you cannot submit any
form leaving a field blank in that particular form. All fields are mandatory.
7. You must strictly adhere to the form filling guidelines, to guide you in the course of registration
/ filling the form, each field will have some text in it, read, understand and fill-in each field. If
you violate the instruction(s), you must re-fill that page/form and submit again.
8. Don’t use .(dot) in your name and mention your initial at the end of the name.
9. Don’t use any special characters like ‘(single quote)’, “(double quote)” etc.
10. Don’t enter country code (+91) or prefix 0 while entering mobile / contact number. Contact
number will accept only 10 digit number.
11. Use Date / Month / Year picker for choosing your Date of Birth.
12. Each field has minimum and maximum character restrictions, were 250 maximum characters.
For address, the maximum character is 250 and type the whole address with city, pincode in
the same line.
13. The following symbol(s) denotes:
a. * – For height, weight, GPA & CGPA, must contain min. & max. 2 decimal values [After dot]
(Eg.: 5.00 (or) 5.56 / 83.00 (or) 86.30).
b. ** – Whole value only – Eg.: 0 (or) 1 (or) 2 etc.
c. *** – Mention “NO” (without quotes) - if not.
14. Don’t round off GPA and or CGPA at will.
15. Father’s Contact Number cannot be same as yours.
16. Once the data is entered and submitted, it is final and cannot be changed by you.
17. After completing your registration, you can view and download your profile you have entered
but you can’t edit the details.
18. After filling each page/form, click on “Next” button. In page 4 (Final page), you must click on
“Submit & Logout” button.
19. Before submitting each page/form, ensure the correctness of the data you have filled in, this
will have an impact on your eligibility for your placement(s).
20. Candidates from Regulation 2015, each. Reappearance will be considered as an Arrear.


Step 1: Keep the following details with you before proceeding with the Online Registration.

Page 1 – Registration Details:

Registration No., Name, Mobile No., Email ID, Password (Must contain a min. 8 & max. 15
characters comprising (combination of) case-sensitive alphanumeric [a-z A-Z 0-9] with
permitted special characters! @ _ $).

Page 2 – Upload Photo:

Passport size color photo (Max. photo upload size – 1MB & Accepted formats - jpg, jpeg,

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Page 3 – Personal Information:
Date of Birth, Gender, Present Address, Permanent Address, Religion, Community,
Nationality, Marital Status, Height*, Weight*, Father’s Name, Father’s Occupation, Father’s
Phone (Cannot be same as yours), Mother Tongue.

Page 4 – Academics:
Current Academic Status:Select your campus >UG/PG > Degree > Branch.

Academic Information – School: Full SSLC Institute Name, SSLC Board, SSLC Marks Scored
(Eg.: 300), SSLC Marks Out of (Eg.: 500 [max.]), SSLC Passed Out Year, Full HSC Institute
Name, HSC Board, HSC Marks Scored (Eg.: 992), HSC Marks Out of (Eg.: 1200 [max.]), HSC
Passed Out Year.

If you are a UG Student: Fill all your individual semester GPA*, History of Arrear(s)**,
Standing / Current Arrear(s)**.

If you are a PG Student: UG Institute Name, UG Degree, UG Branch,UG CGPA, History of

Arrear(s)**[In UG],UG Year of Passing, Fill all your individual PG semester GPA*, History of
Arrear(s)**[In PG], Standing / Current Arrear(s)**.

Page 5 – Final:
Languages Known:From drop-down menu, select all the applicable languages for Speak,
Read & Write, If you know any foreign language, select “yes” from the drop-down menu,
and select the applicable language from the another drop-down menu.

Additional Information:Project(s) (If you have done any project(s) earlier, Final year
project), Skills, Areas of Interest, Hobby***, Responsibilities held***, Achievements***,
Certifications(s)***, Work Experience**, Break in Study (In years)(Eg.: 1 [For 1 complete
year] (or) 0.6 [For 1 Semester]), Additional Information***.

Other Information: First Graduate, Rural Background, Any disability, Family Income (In
Rs./per annum).

Page 6 – Completion of Registration:

You will be redirected to a new page with registration successful message along with the
Registration Details in PDF format and Ready Reckoner PDF link for placement preparation.

Step 2: Open the following webpage

Step 3: Read the “Note” and Click on “Register for Placements” on the top right corner and follow
the “Steps for Online Registration”.

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