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Technical and Economic Analysis of Solvent-Based Lithium-Ion Electrode

Drying with Water and NMP

Article  in  Drying Technology · May 2017

DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2017.1319855


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6 authors, including:

David L. Wood Jianlin Li

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge National Laboratory


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Drying Technology
An International Journal

ISSN: 0737-3937 (Print) 1532-2300 (Online) Journal homepage:

Technical and economic analysis of solvent-based

lithium-ion electrode drying with water and NMP

David L. Wood, Jeffrey D. Quass, Jianlin Li, Shabbir Ahmed, David Ventola &
Claus Daniel

To cite this article: David L. Wood, Jeffrey D. Quass, Jianlin Li, Shabbir Ahmed, David Ventola &
Claus Daniel (2018) Technical and economic analysis of solvent-based lithium-ion electrode drying
with water and NMP, Drying Technology, 36:2, 234-244, DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2017.1319855

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Published online: 29 Aug 2017.

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Download by: [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] Date: 03 January 2018, At: 07:59
2018, VOL. 36, NO. 2, 234–244

none defined

Technical and economic analysis of solvent-based lithium-ion electrode

drying with water and NMP
David L. Wood IIIa, Jeffrey D. Quassb, Jianlin Lia, Shabbir Ahmedc, David Ventolab, and Claus Daniela
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Energy and Transportation Science Division, National Transportation Research Center, Knoxville, TN, USA;
Babcock & Wilcox MEGTEC, De Pere, WI, USA; cArgonne National Laboratory, Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne, IL, USA


Processing lithium-ion battery (LIB) electrode dispersions with water as the solvent during primary Received 5 December 2016
drying offers many advantages over N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP). An in-depth analysis of the Accepted 4 April 2017
comparative drying costs of LIB electrodes is discussed for both NMP- and water-based dispersion KEYWORDS
processing in terms of battery pack $/kWh. Electrode coating manufacturing and capital equipment Coatings; energy analysis;
Downloaded by [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] at 07:59 03 January 2018

cost savings are compared for water vs. conventional NMP organic solvent processing. A major heat and mass transfer;
finding of this work is that the total electrode manufacturing costs, whether water- or NMP-based, porous media; transport
contribute about 8–9% of the total pack cost. However, it was found that up to a 2 � reduction in phenomena
electrode processing (drying and solvent recovery) cost can be expected along with a $3–6 M savings
in associated plant capital equipment (for a plant producing 100,000 10-kWh Plug-in Hybrid Electric
Vehicle (PHEV) batteries) using water as the electrode solvent. This paper shows a different
perspective in that the most important benefits of aqueous electrode processing actually revolve
around capital equipment savings and environmental stewardship and not processing cost savings.

Introduction adding to the poor understanding of the cost

contributions of these steps to LIB manufacturing, as
Conventional electrode processing in lithium-ion
well as adding to the difficulty of meeting the ultimate
battery (LIB) manufacturing represents a significant
cost target and realizing widespread electric vehicle
$/kWh cost due to complex slurry mixing (formulation
chemistry) procedures, high energy consumption from
In addition to the processibility and economic issues
electrode drying, and N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP)
with LIB coatings, drying is also critically important to
solvent recovery. In addition, the costly processing aids
obtain high-integrity electrodes and has been addressed
of NMP and polyvinylidine fluoride (PVDF) are needed
in This Journal by Baunach et al.[2] They found that the
to manufacture the electrode slurries. Processing with
drying temperature used in an NMP/graphite anode
water instead of NMP offers the following advantages:
system strongly impacted the dried coating’s ability to
(1) elimination of solvent recovery, (2) processing aide
withstand the 90° peel test without flaking or cracking.
(solvent) cost savings, (3) substantial capital equipment
Lower drying temperatures were found to give both
savings, (4) environmental friendliness (green chemical
better binder distribution and coatings with superior
engineering), and (5) easier battery manufacturing plant
current collector adhesion and particle cohesion.
siting and permitting. To meet the Department of
This paper will focus on the solvent (primary) drying
Energy, Vehicle Technologies Office and United States
and recovery aspects of LIB electrode manufacturing at
Advanced Battery Consortium ultimate pack cost target
industrial scale. Due to the high boiling point of NMP
of �$125/kWh at ≥350 Wh/kg, low-cost,[1] advanced
(204.3 vs. 100°C for water) and the extremely low vapor
electrode processing methods are needed to offset the
pressure of NMP (1.0 mm Hg at 40°C vs. 55.3 mm Hg
inherently high cost of active materials. Little has been
for water), a great deal of drying energy is needed for
published in the open scientific literature on this topic,

CONTACT David L. Wood III Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Energy and Transportation Science Division, National Transportation
Research Center, 2370 Cherahala Blvd., MS-6479, Knoxville, TN 37932, USA.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
Notice: This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The United States
Government retains, and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains a nonexclusive, paid-
up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for the United States Government
purposes. The Department of Energy will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan
© 2017 Taylor & Francis

removing the liquid during electrode coating formation. processes contribute 19–22% of the electrode prep-
However, use of NMP does offer a significant advantage aration cost, where the electrode preparation represents
over water in terms of heat of vaporization on a mass between 27 and 40% of the processing costs, and the
basis (510 vs. 2260 kJ/kg for water). This paper will processing cost ranges from $60 to 80/kWh toward
cover how these competing physical properties of the cost of a PHEV battery with NCA cathode material.
NMP and water contribute to electrode manufacturing In other words, the electrode coating and drying were
drying energy consumption. It is also a follow-up study estimated at about 8.8% of the processing costs, and
to the recent Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) the processing costs at $80/kWh represent about 20%
study from Wood et al.[3] In that study, it was estimated of the pack cost at ~$400/kWh. Therefore, the coating
that switching from NMP to water for LIB electrode and drying costs estimated by TIAX are 8.8 of 20%, or
processing could save as much as 10.5% on the pack about 1.8% of the total pack cost, and are in relatively
production cost, reducing the cost of NMP-based good agreement with the BatPaC modeling. Son has
materials, and drying of $54.7/kWh—usable also reported performance benefits of non-NMP dry-
($38.3/kWh—total), down to $2.09/kWh—usable electrode coating, which led to lower measured area-
($1.46/kWh—total) for that of water. specific impedance and faster rate capability.[6] Jaffe
Downloaded by [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] at 07:59 03 January 2018

In addition, NMP as a volatile organic compound estimates that the cost of large format batteries will level
(VOC) must be recovered by a chemical process such off just under $200/kWh by 2017.[7]
as condensation or vacuum distillation because it is
toxic, flammable, and explosive, which adds significant
Manufacturing benefits and technical barriers
cost to the overall handling of NMP during electrode
of water-based electrode processing
coating. Water may simply be released into the atmos-
phere, adding a substantial environmental benefit to The benefits of switching from an organic solvent to
aqueous electrode processing. The LIB electrode coating water for any chemical process are quite advantageous,
lines that utilize NMP must also be designed to prevent but it is particularly advantageous in LIB production
a fire or explosion, increasing the capital cost of a because expensive NMP ($1.5–3.0/L in bulk quantities)
battery plant. is used as the electrode slurry processing aide. Other
economic benefits have been estimated as well, includ-
ing up to a 10% reduction in total capital costs, up to
Comparison with BatPaC, TIAX, and ORNL cost
85% reduction in waste management expenses, at least
65% reduction in solvent costs, and ~10% reduction
Several important studies have been done, which in pack cost per Wh.[8] Facility construction benefits
consider the pack-level cost implications of LIB consist of complete reduction in VOC emissions, lower
electrode processing. BatPaC,[4] Argonne’s spreadsheet- drying energy consumption and thermal budget, and
based performance and cost model for automotive simpler siting and permitting. An interesting environ-
battery packs, has been widely used to project battery mental benefit was also calculated by Zackrisson et al.
costs. For a 10 kWh 60 kW PHEV battery with who determined significantly lower life-cycle CO2
LiNi0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2/graphite chemistry, the battery emissions in producing a 10 kWh battery pack could
pack is estimated to cost ~$2,930, when produced at a be attained (4,400 kg for NMP-based processing vs. only
plant capacity of 100,000 packs per year. Electrode 3,400 kg for aqueous processing).[9]
processing, which includes materials preparation, elec- Aqueous electrode processing presents three major
trode coating and drying, NMP recovery, calendering, challenges, though, related to both processability and
interprocess material handling, and slitting contributes cell performance. First, the water-based slurries have a
$240 to the cost of the battery pack. More specifically, much higher surface tension than their NMP based-
the drying and NMP recovery contribute $54 (1.8%) counterparts and do not properly wet the Al and Cu
and $24 (0.8%), respectively, to the cost of the battery, current collector foils (whose surface energies are only
which is equivalent to $7.8/kWh, or about 15% of the ~35–40 mN/m). The surface tension of water is
electrode processing costs given by Wood et al.[3] This 72.8 mN/m, compared with only 41.0 mN/m for NMP
substantial difference is believed to be due to the fact (at 25°C), and the composite water-based slurries with
that low volumes were used in the latter work as com- active material, conductive carbon black additive, and
pared with the much higher volume of 100,000 packs polymer binder may be as high as 65 mN/m. The
in the former work. second problem is excessive particle agglomeration
TIAX analysis[5] has suggested that the cathode (between active material secondary particles, between
(LiNixCoyAl1-x-yO2 or “NCA”) coating and drying carbon black secondary particles, or between active
236 D. L. WOOD ET AL.

material and carbon black secondary particles), which real-world electrode manufacturing equipment and
is caused by attractive interactions between colloidal processes:
particles. This situation may result in inhomogeneous . What are the cost drivers related to energy consump-
distribution of electrode components and poor tion during drying of lithium-ion electrodes?
electrochemical performance if not properly handled . What is the actual energy consumption and proces-
with dispersants, thickening agents, optimal mixing sing cost benefit in switching from NMP to water?
protocols, and coating parameter optimization. . How are the coating and drying processes simplified
Third, processing the active materials in water leaves in switching from NMP to water (process flow
additional chemisorbed and physisorbed water and diagram (PFD) comparison)?
hydroxyl groups on the particle surfaces, which must . How do lithium ion cells manufactured with water-
be removed through an optimized “secondary” drying based electrode processing compare in performance
protocol (adsorbed water removal after a discrete to NMP processed ones?
coating roll has been made and just prior to cell
assembly). ORNL has solved all three of these
problems over the past 5 years, in particular for the
Downloaded by [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] at 07:59 03 January 2018

cathode, and now uses both anode and cathode aqueous The drying of aqueous and solvent-based LIB coatings is
electrode processing for LIBs as a standard operating a critical operation in the production of battery electro-
procedure.[10–17] des from cost, electrode quality, and electrode perfor-
mance standpoints. This unit operation often requires
the largest equipment and the greatest amount of energy
Problems and performance concerns with
in the entire coating process. Often the drying
water-based electrode processing
equipment design and operating conditions affect the
If not handled properly, water-based electrodes may throughput and quality of the product, and it is impor-
have certain problems and performance limitations. tant to understand and characterize the drying process
One is metal dissolution in water during processing. to produce quality product in an efficient manner.
For example, when LiFePO4 is exposed to water for The drying process can be divided into three
one day, the solvated concentration of Li ions is 9.4 � periods: heat-up, constant-rate, and falling-rate regimes.
0.9 mg/L, and this value continues to increase with Figure 1 shows a typical drying curve for a coated web.
exposure time. The active material solubility in water Most of the solvent or water is removed during the
affects the shelf life of aqueous slurries, and dissolved constant-rate period. During this period, the solvent
Li could lead to lower cell capacity if these ions are reaches the surface of the coating relatively unimpeded
not intercalated back into the active cathode. It has been and the major resistance to mass transport is in the gas-
shown, however, that de-intercalated Li via air or water phase boundary layer at the surface of the coating. The
exposure can re-intercalate into the active cathode falling-rate period follows the constant-rate period and
material, such as LiFePO4.[18] typically accounts for only a small fraction of the total
Two additional concerns are inferior wetting of water or solvent removed. However, the falling-rate per-
aqueous slurries onto current collectors, resulting from iod can represent a significant portion of the overall
high surface tension of the slurry, and lower adhesion drying time needed to achieve the final properties of
strength of the electrode to the current collector from the dried product. During the falling rate period, the
waterborne binders than PVDF, which affects cycle life. solvent is partially impeded from reaching the surface
Furthermore, drying the aqueous slurry is more of the coating as the major resistance to mass transport
challenging, and the likelihood of forming cracks is is within the porous volume of the coating phase:
higher if the drying protocol is not optimized. Water- Experimental trials are often necessary to access drying
borne binders are typically more hydrophilic than time requirements in the falling rate period.[19]
PVDF, so aqueous processed electrodes more readily To calculate the rate of drying in the constant-rate
adsorb moisture. Assuming that the secondary drying period, one needs to know the sources of heat to the
protocol and cell assembly time are the same (for coating, the rate of heat transfer between the air and
water-based and NMP-based slurries), the aqueous pro- the coating surface, the temperature of the air and coat-
cessed electrodes tend to have higher moisture content ing surface, and the properties of the coating, web, and
in the assembled cells, which also affects long term air. A generalized equation [Eq. (1)] that expresses the
performance. balance between heat and mass transfer for two-sided
The following important questions related to LIB drying is included in Fig. 2. Knowing these various
electrode drying will be addressed in detail based on parameters for a given dryer configuration, one can

Figure 1. Typical drying curve showing heat up, constant rate, and falling rate periods.
Downloaded by [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] at 07:59 03 January 2018

Figure 2. Simplified heat and mass balance for drying of aqueous or solvent-based coating on a web material.

calculate the resulting drying performance for a given water-based and NMP-based coating processes for LIB
coating operation. electrode production.

Electrode drying
Detailed cost study and unit operations
The electrode drying process is a complex one that
requires both a heat and mass transfer model to predict
The following sections deal with the tradeoffs between both the drying physics as well as an overall mass
manufacturing LIB electrodes with water and NMP and energy balance for the system. The drying process
from a chemical engineering unit operations viewpoint. can be modeled using tools described in Section
A focus is placed on solvent drying and recovery, and “Background”. A typical drying curve for an anode-
capital vs. operating costs. Two different anode slurry based electrode is shown in Fig. 3a. Using the results
chemistries were evaluated: a 32% solids water-based of the drying model, the resulting operating costs for
graphite anode with latex binder and a 32% solids the system can be determined using a mass and energy
NMP-based graphite anode with PVDF binder. model as depicted in Fig. 3b. The results of a typical
(baseline) low-solids-content LIB anode drying process
are shown in Table 1. Actual operating costs for the
Operating savings for NMP vs. water
drying portion of both the water-based and NMP-based
In analyzing the operating costs of the LIB electrode electrode productions are similar in magnitude. How-
coating process, one must take into consideration both ever, the costs associated with the recovery of the
the electrode drying requirements as well as any emis- NMP result in a significant overall operating costs
sion control requirements associated with the solvents difference between the two systems. The total energy
used in the overall process. For water-based electrodes, consumption for this anode baseline case is 25.7% lower
the analysis is limited to the drying step. For NMP, both for the water-based approach than the NMP-based
drying and solvent recovery play important roles in the one. This difference is much less significant than that
overall process. The following sections provide an predicted by Wood et al., where they suggested as much
overview of the key process steps as well as an as an 8.1� lower combined anode and cathode drying
indication of the operating costs difference between cost for the water-based approach.
238 D. L. WOOD ET AL.
Downloaded by [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] at 07:59 03 January 2018

Figure 3. (a) Schematic of a typical drying process for both a water-based anode and an NMP-based anode. (b) Schematic of a
typical mass and energy balance model for the drying process of an electrode. Note: NMP, N-methylpyrrolidone.

Solvent recovery maintained far below the flammability limits, typically

A closer look at the NMP recovery process has been an order of magnitude lower. The simulated case limited
initiated by setting up a process model. Figure 4 shows the NMP concentration at 1,150 ppmv.
a PFD where the evaporated solvent from the dryer is
recovered first in a condenser, then a zeolite wheel,
Capital equipment savings for NMP vs. water
and then finally scrubbed out of the exhaust. The NMP
condensate contains water and other hydrocarbons, The primary unit operations affected by NMP and water
and is separated by vacuum distillation. For a LIB plant are slurry mixing, electrode coating and drying, and
using 4.1 M kg/year of NMP with 96% recycle rate, the emission control from the drying process. Because
dryer heat load is ~130 kW. The largest energy demand NMP is classified as a combustible liquid (not a flam-
of ~3,800 kW is at the air heater. It is notable that this mable liquid) with a high boiling point (204°C), the
value is relatively low because of the heat recovery step design of the slurry mixers does not require explosion
in the air-to-air heat exchanger in which 2,700 kW of proof features or components. Therefore, the same
heat is recovered.[20] The main driver behind the heat mixer design can be used for water and NMP
demand is the large air flow rate required in the dryer processing, and no capital cost differences exist for
to ensure that the NMP concentration is always slurry mixing. This same logic applies to the electrode

Table 1. Summary of operating energy requirements for the Table 2. Summary of capital costs for NMP–solvent recovery
drying process of a typical electrode. equipment.
Item Units Anode–NMP Anode–water Capacity Estimated cost (industry)
Web width Mm 730 730 NMP storage tank 560 m3 $560,000
Line speed m/min 12 12 Main blower 152,000 Nm3/h $190,000
Web material Copper Copper Make-up air blower 15,200 Nm3/h $36,500
Web caliper μ 20 20 Air-to-air heat exchanger 6,800 m2 $460,000
Web weight g/m2 177 177 Filter 20 m2 $14,000
Coating Anode slurry Anode slurry Air heater 3,800 kW $20,000
Dry coat weight g/m2/side 110 110 Condenser 3,400 m2 $1,380,000
Dry coating specific heat cal/g · °C 0.3 0.3 Chiller 1,200 kW $950,000
% Solids by weight % 32 32 Chilled water pump 5,700 L/min $25,000
Solvent type NMP Water Distillation column 13 L/min $1,000,000
Solvent weight g/m2/side 235 235 Zeolite wheel (operating) 120 kg-NMP/day $425,000
Web throughput m2/min 8.7 8.7 Scrubber 14,200 Nm3/hr $225,000
Web heat load kcal/m2 1.98 1.98 Total system cost $5,285,500
Dry coating heat load kcal/m2 7.70 7.70 NMP, N-methylpyrrolidone.
Solvent heat load kcal/m2 74.61 262.63
Total product heat load kcal/m2-web 84.29 272.31
Dryer operating heat load kW 650 823
Total dryer heat load kcal/m2-web 1,067 1,351 Electrode drying
Downloaded by [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] at 07:59 03 January 2018

Solvent condensation kW 458 Although NMP is a combustible liquid, there remains a

heat load
Solvent condensation kcal/m2-web 751 concentration range of NMP vapor in air that could
heat load lead to an explosion. The lower explosive limit (LEL)
NMP, N-methylpyrrolidone. is 1.3 vol%, and the upper explosive limit is 9.5 vol%.
In the drying chamber, the concentration of NMP must
coating and drying system with one exception to the be monitored to insure that it remains at or below 25%
drying chambers, which relates to the emission control of the LEL which is 0.325 vol%. Instruments called LEL
and solvent recovery equipment; NMP requires con- monitors are required in each dryer zone to measure the
trols, and water does not. Section “electrode drying” concentration in real time. In addition, the associated
describes this advantage in more detail. control logic to insure a safe operating condition is also
required. The cost of LEL monitors and control logic is
relatively modest for a production line, and a rough
estimate of $75,000 savings for a production line using
water in place of NMP can be made.

Solvent recovery
The major capital savings for water compared with
NMP processing are the elimination of the entire emis-
sion control and solvent recovery system described in
Section “solvent recovery”. The following units are not
required for water but are for NMP: (1) condenser,
(2) zeolite wheel, (3) scrubber, (4) NMP storage tanks,
and (5) chillers and heaters to support NMP recovery.
For a high-volume production scenario, the total
savings by eliminating solvent recovery equipment is
between $3 and 6 M, which is a significant savings
in capital investment for any factory. Details of the
capital costs are listed in Table 2. Therefore, the
solvent recovery capital cost savings dwarf the electrode
drying capital cost savings by almost two orders of

Coating and drying parametric study

During the drying of LIB electrodes, several key process
Figure 4. Schematic of a typical process for the drying and variables play an important role in how the electrode
recovery of NMP. Note: NMP, N-methylpyrrolidone. material dries. These variables can affect the time
240 D. L. WOOD ET AL.

required to dry as well as the quality of the dried dry-room environment (dew points less than 40°C),
material. Some of these variables include the humidity the residence time in the dryer may be reduced from
of the supply air, the solids loading of the coating, 45 to 38 s (a 16% reduction). The water-based electrode
and the electrode layer thickness. In addition, these can be readily dried out. For example, when dried with
variables can be dependent on the solvent used in the supply air with an ambient dew point of 10°C which is
coating process. To better understand these interac- easy to achieve, it only takes 41 s to dry the electrode.
tions, a parametric study was conducted using a drying Reducing the dew point in the supply air can only
model developed for LIB electrode materials and the reduce the drying time by a few seconds but induces
solvents of NMP and water. The model is based on extra cost and energy consumption in preparing the
the details listed in Section “background” and is a supply air.
first-order approximation of the drying rate. The
model has been validated based on empirical data from
pilot and field trials for various LIB electrode materials. Slurry solids loading (30–65%)
However, experimental trials are often necessary to The slurry solids loading in the LIB electrode material
access the actual drying characteristics of specific can have an effect on the rate at which water or NMP
materials.[19] Although the model is somewhat simpli-
Downloaded by [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] at 07:59 03 January 2018

is dried from a LIB electrode coating, which is a result

fied, the relative relationships derived from the model of the change in the amount of water or NMP that is
are valid. The following sections present the results of needed to be dried from the coating. Figure 6 shows
this study. the relationship between slurry solids loading and the
dryer residence time or required drying time for a con-
stant LIB electrode coating. With same solids loading in
Supply air dew point ( 60°C to þ25°C)
the slurry and same areal loading in the dry electrode, it
The moisture level in the supply air used to dry the LIB requires longer dwell time to dry the water-based elec-
electrode material can have an effect on the rate at trode. However, the water borne binder solutions could
which water is dried from a LIB electrode coating, have lower viscosity than the PVDF-NMP solution,
which is a result of the partial pressure of water in the which allow higher solids content in the water-based
air near the drying surface. Figure 5 shows the relation- slurry and enable a shorter dwell time. For example,
ship between supply air humidity and the dryer resi- ORNL has shown that the solids loading for a water-
dence time or required drying time for a constant LIB based LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2 (NMC532) cathode slurry
electrode coating. If NMP-based slurries are manufac- may be raised up to 60%, whereas NMP-based slurries
tured outside of a dry room with an ambient dew point are typically 45%.[21] Similar rheological properties were
of 20°C, but water-based slurries are manufactured in a maintained for high coating quality between the two

Figure 5. Relationship between supply air humidity and resulting dryer residence time for water-based LIB electrode coating.
Note: LIB, lithium-ion battery.
Downloaded by [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] at 07:59 03 January 2018

Figure 6. Relationship between slurry solids loading and resulting dryer residence time. Note: LIB, lithium-ion battery; NMP,

slurries. If this same difference in slurry solids Electrode layer thickness (50–200 µ)
loadings was applied to the graphite anode data in
The electrode layer thickness of the LIB electrode material
Fig. 6, a dwell time of 38 s for the water-based slurry
can have an effect on the rate at which water or NMP is
would be realized as compared with a dwell time of
dried from a LIB electrode coating, which is a result of
52 s for the NMP-based slurry (a 37% longer residence
the change in the amount of water or NMP that is needed

Figure 7. Relationship between LIB electrode layer thickness and resulting dryer residence time. Note: LIB, lithium-ion battery; NMP,
242 D. L. WOOD ET AL.

to dry as well as the distance of the solvent must travel graphite/LiFePO4 pouch cells were validated.[22]
through the coating to reach the surface and evaporate. Figure 8 shows the rate performance and long-term
Figure 7 shows the relationship between electrode layer cyclability of 1.5-Ah pouch cells with NMC532 and
thickness and the dryer residence time or required drying graphite electrodes via NMP- and water-based proces-
time for varying thickness LIB electrode coating. As coat- sing, and the electrode information is listed in
ing thickness increases to obtain higher energy-density Table 3. Celgard 2325 was used as the separator and
electrodes, there will be a penalty for using a water-based the electrolyte is 1.2 M LiPF6 in ethylene carbonate/
slurry. For example, there is only a 4 s longer dwell time at diethyl carbonate (3/7 wt). The cells were cycled
100 g/m2 areal loading for water-based anode slurries, but between 2.5 and 4.2 V, and electrodes were assembled
this difference increases to 11 s when the coating areal into 1.5-Ah pouch cells. The cells went through four
loading is tripled to 300 g/m2. formation cycles at C/20/-C/20 before the rate test fol-
lowed by long-term cyclability test. As shown in
Fig. 8a, the electrodes via NMP- and water-based pro-
Performance comparison between NMP and cessing demonstrate identical and comparable rate per-
water-based processing formance. The capacity retention is 86% when
Downloaded by [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] at 07:59 03 January 2018

As the interest level in manufacturing LIB electrodes (in discharged at 1C (1C ¼ 1.5 A) at 25°C. The comparison
particular cathodes) via water-based slurries has grown in long-term cyclability is shown in Fig. 8b. The pouch
over the last 6–7 years, two of the three main problems cells with NMP-based processed electrodes (red curve)
associated with its implementation (slurry wetting and were cycled at 0.2C/ 0.2C at 25°C, and the temperature
agglomeration) were solved by ORNL, but one concern was increased to 30°C at 548th cycle. The temperature
of battery makers and automotive Original Equipment increase resulted in 4% capacity increase. The pouch
Manufacturer (OEMs) has remained: does aqueous pro- cells with water-based electrodes were cycled at 0.33C/
cessing significantly add to the adsorbed (chemisorbed 0.33C at 30°C. Although the water-based processed
and physisorbed) moisture prior to the secondary dry- electrodes showed faster capacity fade at the beginning
ing step and result in higher capacity fade during which could be ascribed to the nonoptimized formation
long-term cycling? This issue has also been recently protocols, the capacity fade slowed down after the first
addressed by ORNL in which both the residual elec- 50 cycles. Both cells demonstrated identical capacity
trode moisture level (via Karl Fisher titration) and retention of 83.7% after 668 cycles. Considering the
long-term cycling performance of graphite/NMC and water-based processed electrodes were cycled at higher

Figure 8. Electrochemical performance comparison in pouch cells with NMC532 and graphite electrodes via NMP- and water-based
processing (a) rate performance at 25°C and (b) long-term cyclability. Comparable rate performance and long-term cyclability were
observed from both cells. Note: NMP, N-methylpyrrolidone.

Table 3. Electrode information of NMC532 and graphite via NMP- and water-based processing.
Electrode Electrode composition Areal loading (mg/cm2) Porosity (%)
NMC532 (NMP based) NMC532/carbon black/5130 PVDF ¼ 90/5/5 wt 13.2 37
Graphite (NMP based) Graphite/carbon black/9300 PVDF ¼ 92/2/6 wt 7.6 33
NMC532 (water based) NMC532/carbon black/CMC/ Latex ¼ 90/5/1/4 wt 13.3 36
Graphite (water based) Graphite/carbon black/CMC/ SBR ¼ 92/2/2/4 wt 7.4 34
CMC, carboxymethyl cellulose (Mw ¼ 250 k); NMP, N-methylpyrrolidone; PVDF, polyvinylidine fluoride; SBR, styrene-butadiene rubber.

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