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Introductory Session Adolescent Support Group.

Prepared by Salome Rosales


1. Brief Presentation of Facilitators

2. What are you here for:

Session Objective:
"Create a space for adolescents to express their needs, doubts and fears about the topics that
interest them, confidentially, and that at the same time serves to strengthen skills, healthier
behaviors and psychosocial well-being"

3. Stretch and stretch

4. Truth and Lies Presentation Game:

Duration: 10-15 minutes.

Number of participants: 5 or more.
Necessary material: none.

Rules: Ask everyone to sit in a circle facing the center.

Ask all participants to think of two or three real facts about themselves and one false. The fake
should be realistic, not extravagant. Start with an example that the facilitator performs. Move
around the circle and ask each person to introduce themselves, say their name and the three real
data and the false one in random order, without revealing which is the false one. When they have
shared their data, others will have to guess what the false data is.
Objective: This is an excellent icebreaker game, especially on new teams. It helps prevent the
formation of prejudices about peers and gives more introverts the same opportunity to share
some information about themselves.

5. English Class

6. Break / Snack

7. Introduction to the trust group. Formulation of Group Rules (It is about

formulate them together) Here is a Guide:
● Respect the rules of the Good Speaker and the Good Listener
● Approach people and participate honestly and sincerely
● Maintain confidentiality
● Do not judge peers and promote empathic listening
● Participate with openness and curiosity
● Respect differences

8. Dynamics of Self-knowledge and Self-esteem:

The Suitcase of my Life

Objective of the dynamic
- Expand the knowledge that each one has of himself
- Rediscover the values that predominate in each one
- Identify those moments that marked us in life
Each person must meet again and choose material objects, values and memories that are
meaningful to them. We are looking for a trigger that allows participants to reflect on their ways
of thinking, feeling and doing. We constitute and configure our way of being based on values,
moments that marked us and the relationship we establish with our interests. Our being is
defined, among other aspects, by the aforementioned.
The coordinator will tell the group that they will carry out an exercise individually and
then they will be able to share it with everyone. It is important to clarify that they must commit
to the activity and give themselves the time to make decisions.
On a blank sheet of paper, they should draw a large suitcase, in the way they want or with
the colors they want. It represents the suitcase of your life and you are preparing it for an
important trip.
Inside the suitcase they must keep 3 material objects and 3 memories of their lives. In
addition, in the front pocket they will keep the 3 values with which they are identified.
They cannot save more or less amounts than those mentioned in the exercise. On the suitcase
they should write what they keep and even draw it if they prefer.
On the sheet, they should write a summary of why they chose the objects, memories, and values.
At the end, a space for sharing and reflection opens.

9. Closing and short guided meditation

Say goodbye with a phrase or word of what the experience meant

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