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The Best Advice I Can Give 8/11/14, 11:49 PM

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commented on Cherry
The Best Advice I Can Give Jared Krichevsky
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May 1, 2007 at 10:03pm Zbrush Instructor at Gnomon Evan Whitefield is

School of Visual Effects listening to Optinuum
So it has been a while since I have blogged or written anything down, and since I know how (Original Mix) by
people sit, gripping the edge of their seat waiting for my next session of my grandiose Moguai on Pandora.
wisdom - I thought it would be time again to go ahead and flex the muscle (probably the
Notes by Jared Krichevsky Josue Paiz likes
sphincter, cause I'm usually full of crap). Consequence of Sound's
All Notes
Just the other night my mother and I were sitting down over dinner and our conversation
Ben Mauro likes Andrew
turned towards this interesting pattern that my mother, my sister, and I have always come Get Notes via RSS Domachowski's photo.
across into our lives: the fact that people have always come to us for guidance and advice. Embed Post
Ever since I can remember people have always confided in me, asked me for advice, and Report Laura Zheng likes
listened intently as I gave whatever conventional wisdom I had at the time. This was very Refinery29's photo.
true for my sister as well, who turned to the healing arts (she's a massage therapist) in order RECOMMENDED PAGES See All
Harrison P. K. likes Ahmed
to continue this service of guidance for the mind while she massage the physical tension
Hand and Stone in Hamilton Bharoocha's status.
away. So I guess it was only natural that I fell into the Community Advisor position at school
Christina May likes this.
- I was natural listener. Perhaps it's that I was both sympathetic and empathetic enough Steve Jung likes Andrew
while being detached that people felt they should confide in me things that they probably Domachowski's photo.
shouldn't have, but I always helped as best I could. It's taken me quite some time to get
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comfortable with this role (of the old soul I guess), but I think I have turned a corner recently, BuzzFeed News's link.
and accepted the fact that I am here to best assist others on their life journey by giving them
the shared benefit of my own past experiences, and those of others as well.
Show Older

Since it seems as though at lot more people have been asking for advice recently, and there
seems to be a pervasive themes that is running through each one - I thought I would break
down these themes that people seem to be having the most trouble with. Now, are these
true for most people? Probably, and even if they don't directly apply to you I'm sure there's a
little nugget of gold in there somewhere that you can ponder over long and hard, if not - Hey, Deals on Fine Spirits!
all the better for you that you've got it all figured out (drop me a line when you do have it
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figured out). Will these always be true? Maybe, maybe not - life is always changing, and I'm Bryan Wynia
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sure as I get older these things will change and that you will change with me. But for now, Off.
let's follow along with I think the most people in our generation and younger (old folks can Zachary Joshua … Mobile

apply this to) are having troubles with - So here it is:

Marielle Medrano Web

The Best Advice I can Give (*at this time, call me twenty years and I'm sure I'll say, damn I
Josue Paiz
was an idiot when I was twenty -five) Mobile

Sheila Ramos T… Mobile

1. LEARN TO LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT: You can't change the past and you can't
predict the future - so why even bother? You are where you are so might as well have a good Chris Martin Mobile
time. All you can really do about looking into your past and the mistakes you've made is say
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"Hey, that was stupid of me -I'll never do that again" and BOOM, you've learned something. Christina May 21m
By applying it (the tricky part) and learning from it you've already made a promise to yourself Sign up for more information about our top-ranked
that you're going to affect your future by saying that you won't repeat the same errors of the part-time program in Westchester today! Jeromy Velasco Web

past. What does living in the present moment really mean? Well it means that wherever you
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are regardless of the previous circumstances (say I got cut off by a Hummer, or I got rejected Web

by a total hottie) that I am where I am NOW, and that I might as well enjoy myself RIGHT
Bob Graff Mobile
NOW - no sense in brooding over five minutes or five years ago. Try living in the here and
now and have fun. Of course this is easier said than done, but once you learn how - man Rie Ito Mobile
does the world change and you can drop all that excess baggage weighing you down.

2. STOP OVER-ANALYZING: This has consistently been my own struggle through my years.
I would take even the most insignificant incidences in my life and break them down, bit-by- Joanna Gartner Mobile

bit, who said what to whom, how they said it, what did it mean? Was there some kind of
hidden meaning behind it? And where did this fit into the bigger picture of my life. Did all this
analysis make my life any better? HELL NO, it made it worse, and truth is that sometimes Alexia Liavas Mobile

there just isn't any deeper meaning to anything. Things happen and it's best to let it be and
pass on by. If something really warrants further investigation, don't spend more time on it
than the actual incident. I've found this to be incredibly true with relationships - especially in
the beginning stages of "Does he/she like me?" and you take everything that person said or
did while in your presence and you over-analyze it to death - get over it, if they like you,
you'll know - just leave it be.

3. DON'T DEPEND ON OTHER PEOPLE TO MAKE YOU HAPPY: This is equivalent to the
phrase "Don't put all your eggs in one basket". People are usually too concerned with their Page 1 of 3
The Best Advice I Can Give 8/11/14, 11:49 PM

own happiness and their own emotional states to worry or care about what state you're in -
so learn to make yourself happy first. If you're too dependent on other people for you're own
security and happiness chances are they'll get annoyed with you and just won't want to be
around you. People want to be around fun people with enjoyable personalities. If you let
yourself go you'll find more people want to hang out with you and in turn will probably bring
you more happiness - it's one of those little paradoxes of life that people just aren't taught.

4. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER: Seriously, get your shit together. What is it that's holding
you back? Certainly you know better than anyone. Are you constantly shy and reserved in
social situations? Get out there and practice small talk and approaching random people, not
only that - talk to everyone in grocery stores, on the street, in the bars, learn to tell
interesting stories and figure out how to captivate a group. Are you not doing something that
will take you closer to your dream job or career? Get out there and find what it is that you
want to do and start doing it because the only one holding you back is you. This is always so
easy to say, and it does take some serious work - hell, for the past several months I've been
learning how to talk to anyone in a bar situation - it's not easy, but the results far out weigh
the fear that held me back. Stop bitching about what ever it is that's holding you back too -
because all your doing is focusing on the problem and not on the solution. This is the
hardest thing to achieve because it's something we all struggle with, and it's a constant
work in progress, especially because your situations are going to chance constantly - stop
holding back, life is to short to live in regret.

5. LEARN NEW SKILLS AND FACTS CONSTANTLY: Long after school ends (not that you
paid attention anyway) the brain gets hungry for new information, and it's even possible to
get smarter as you get older. The brain can process and hold new information every day -so
why are you wasting it? It doesn't take much either - just learn a stupid fact and repeat it to
someone, chances are they'll be amazed that you learned something so completely useless.
But all this new knowledge cumulates and adds to your experience of the world around you,
which will, in turn, give you new insights and a deeper curiosity. And that's another thing, as
children we're always curious, but somewhere as adults we lose this ability - keep your
curiosity fresh and don't stop learning - find something that interests you and learn all you
can about it. Being a little smarter about something never hurt, and you never know when
this knowledge could be helpful.

6. TAKE ALL THE GOOD ADVICE FROM CHEESY SONGS: You know those poppy songs
that you can't really stand but are infectious anyway? They generally have some good
advice in there about how to enhance you daily life experience. Yeah, yeah you mock and
scoff but hey - even in the deepest turd you'll find little corn kernel of truth in there
somewhere. It's the simple stuff really "Laugh just a little too loud" or "Feel the rain on your
skin" or "Release your inhibitions". Stupid goofy stuff, but it helps put you in a better mood
and will probably make your day a little brighter.

7. LEARN EMOTIONAL BALANCE: It's OK to be depressed - there's nothing wrong with

getting a little bummed out when something didn't go as planned. But there's a difference
between mourning an incident for a few minutes and brooding over something for weeks on
end. Learn to balance out these moods daily and do it constantly. If you get angry, spend
some time in a relaxed state - If you get depressed, do something (anything) that you know
will lift you out of your funk. Don't dwell in any emotion for too long (except happiness -
nothing wrong with being happy, unless you're in some kind of freaky TOO happy state, in
that case, take a chill pill for a sec). Also learn to monitor your emotional states and check
what puts you in these states and what are the best ways to get out of them in necessary.

8. DON'T CONFUSE EMOTIONAL PAIN WITH LOVE: This gem of knowledge came from my
mother. Too many people don't understand the difference, or think that just because a
person makes you feel good for a a day and then proceeds to hurt you for a month that this
is what real love is supposed to be about. Too many women and insecure men fall into
consistent patterns of trust proceeded by hurt, and then confuse it with the thought of "Oh
they must hurt me because they love me" WRONG. If you find yourself in an emotional roller
coaster with more hurt than positivity you might just be a redneck (j/k). Break yourself out of
these cycles and move on.

These are just a few pearls of wisdom I have been pondering for the past couple of weeks or
so. If anyone has anything that they want me to add please let me know. Information is a
community process, with people learning from one another for the benefit of everyone. Try
and apply these to your life and see how it works out. If you found nothing in here worth
while, than I successfully wasted your time, but at least you read something and didn't
watch E! news or some shit like that. Page 2 of 3
The Best Advice I Can Give 8/11/14, 11:49 PM



Monica 'moni' Urquieta likes this.

Monica 'moni' Urquieta wow...nice.

August 14, 2011 at 2:49am

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