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Some of the brainstorming points are listed below:

1. Create A Common Vision

This vision can also be fantastic for encouraging innovation, creativity and discovering new
ways of working that can help to achieve outcome of the work.
2. Focus on Outcomes
With people under a great deal of stress/Panic from the COVID-19 outbreak, now is not the time
for micro-management. Instead, set clear goals, but give flexibility to work how they need to
3. Check-In but Don’t Check-Up
It is a fine line between being there to support team and bothering them with persistent
communication. It is important to check-in with team to make sure they’re happy and healthy.
But it is unlikely to continually chase for work or to check-in to ensure everyone is working.
This waste time of the team. Keep Updated
4. Force Breaks
Working from home can improve productivity, but it can also lead employees to struggle to
switch off. Furthermore, house quarantine can lead to fewer breaks and less exercise. Breaks and
regular exercise are essential for employee health, wellbeing and productivity. Even when all
working from home, employee can encourage breaks, walks and time-out.
5. Stick to a routine
Make sure all work is performed on a time. Follow the weekly and monthly routine to achieve
target. If any member got certain problem relating to the work, they can share their views for the
solution. Together we stand divide we fall!!!
6. Make weekends sacred
This lockdown could cause panic and stressful time to the employee. So, they could stop
spending more time on screen during weekend. Treat weekends differently, which means
definitely no work! Relax and treat yourself. Example: Call for a friend, prepare some dinner and
late-night dinner with family, reading article and book, Be playful with nature if possible.

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