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Benefits of…

How do you start your morning with a strong

milk coffee or a concentrated tea?
We all remember Sting singing "I do not drink coffee, I take tea my dear" but did he choose
tea because he was healthier than coffee, or was he just a proof that he is a pure British?
Both have plenty of beneficial properties for the body, but nobody has been able to draw a
clear conclusion and say which of the two beverages is healthier.
Tea and coffee have become essential for many people, not only for breakfast, but also for
daytime breaks as a way of maintaining energy and concentration, but both options have
health advantages and disadvantages.
In the last hundred years, few alkaloids have received such attention from researchers as
coffee and tea caffeine. Research has focused particularly on the benefits of health and
caffeine as a cognitive enhancer and as a neuroprotector.
Originally called "theine," caffeine was first discovered in tea in 1827. Later, it has been
shown that the "theine" of tea is identical to caffeine in coffee, but the term is still in use.
There are, however, significant differences between the two beverages in terms of caffeine
intake as well as from the point of view of health benefits.
Caffeine in cup of tea versus caffeine in coffee cup
First of all, it is interesting to know that unprocessed tea leaves contain more caffeine than
unprocessed coffee beans.
However, following the actual production processes through which the two plants pass, the
report changes dramatically.
Undoubtedly, coffee is endowed with a greater amount of caffeine. The endowment that
sometimes turns into an unbeatable advantage for tea ...

Beverage Existing caffeine in a cup

Coffee 150-200 mg

Green Tea 30-70 mg

White Tea 30-55 mg
Oolong Tea 50-75 mg
Black Tea 60-90 mg
Common benefits
Both coffee and tea have antioxidants, which in fact is the magic of these drinks.
Coffee, black tea and green tea contain polyphenol, a substance that has anti-cancer
properties and prevents heart disease.
An interesting fact is that the two types of tea come from the same tea plant, but differ by
the process in which the leaves are "processed".
This process makes green tea the
healthiest of all, because in the case of the
black, some of this substance is destroyed.
So a conclusion in this direction can be
drawn, green tea being the most

The coffee
Coffee was used in the past as a medicine and it was found just in pharmacies.
It has antioxidant effect and prevents genetic mutations. Those who consume regular coffee
have a 80% lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease.
It also lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, protects against Alzheimer's and colon
On the other hand, coffee also has harmful effects. Excessive consumption can lead to
insomnia, dizziness, headache, palpitations. There are coffee opponents who claim that the
nervous system is stimulated only for a short period of time.
Coffee is not recommended for hypertensive or neurotic persons.
If you can, it is recommended to drink organic coffee without sugar.

Black tea
Black tea has a longer list of benefits, and it should be noted that palpitations do not appear
the same as with coffee.
A cup of black tea contains 60 milligrams of caffeine, almost, twice as little as a coffee.
But we can easily see that the tea effect does not feel as suddenly on our own nervous
system as the coffee.
The British's favorite drink reduces the risk of cancer cell proliferation, lowers cholesterol,
and improves immunity to the body. It can also optimize blood pressure, lower blood sugar
and help, without sugar, to lose weight because it does not contain coffee oils (eliminated in
the case of filtered coffee).
Just like in the case of coffee, the excess is harmful. More than two cups a day I hurt you.
Also, if you suffer from calcium deficiency, it is recommended not to drink any tea or coffee.
In too large quantities, black tea could reduce the bowel absorption in the intestines, which
could harm anemic persons and pregnant women.
In general, the effects of the two beverages are similar, both containing caffeine. It is
ultimately a taste problem, but you can change it, and if you are careful not to use sugar and
be of high quality, and especially not to abuse them, both black tea and coffee will
contribute to the health of your body.

Benefits of tea and coffee related to antioxidants and caffeine contained

From a medical point of view, things are simpler:

Tea contains more antioxidants, is healthier than famous coffee, which recommends it in
preventing and treating a wide range of conditions. Intensive studies over the past decades
have highlighted the fact that tea:

 Reduces stress levels;

 Helps in weight loss and detoxification;
 Diminishes the symptoms of seasonal allergies;
 Prevents arthritis;
 Helps balance blood sugar;
 Ensures brain health;
 Reduces the risk of heart disease;
 Reduces the risk of cancer
Researchers' experiments have highlighted also that the
benefits of coffee can not be ignored:

 Decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes (Harvard

researchers related caffeine consumption with
reduced risk of type 2 diabetes by 50% for 5 small
cups of coffee / day);
 Reduces the risk of oral and esophageal cancer;
 Reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease;
 Improves speed and physical strength (intake of 140-400 mg of caffeine, 30-60
minutes before starting physical activity);
 Increases attention, response speed, limited focus if administered 40 minutes - an
hour before.

Coffee versus Tea

1. Tea - Real Health Benefits
The beneficial effects of tea are recognized by researchers, with years of study behind, while
coffee is not among the award winners when it comes to its health benefits.
All types of tea come from a single plant, known as Camellia Sinensis.
All Tea extracted from this wonderful
plant, originated in China, are extremely
rich in polyphenols (a powerful
antioxidant). Tea also contains many
nutrients that detoxify the body,
eliminating harmful cells. The latest
studies have concluded that we can get
10 times more Black Tea antioxidants
than fruits and vegetables. So if you are
not the fan of the plant, you can
successfully buy the necessary
antioxidants from Tea!
These tea antioxidants have miraculous effects on our body, such as: it protects us against
heart disease, it alleviates skin problems, it has an anti-aging effect, and it is fighting against
gum infections.
Coffee also contains antioxidants, but by the process of roasting grains, most of them are
lost. This is the main reason why coffee is not as beneficial to the body as Tea is.

2. Tea is a powerful ally of weight loss

Tea has been known for hundreds of years as a real help when it comes to weight loss. We
all want to get rid of a few extra pounds, Tea is recommended for those who want it, or who
will simply adopt a healthy lifestyle.
The chemical composition of tea plant, tea and polyphenols are responsible for stimulating
the fat burning process. These compounds make an important contribution to stopping fat
and carbohydrate absorption, which results in weight loss. Another interesting thing about
Tea is that it does not contain any calories, of course, unless we choose to sweeten it with
sugar, honey, etc. Therefore, when we want to lose weight, we can consume as much tea as
we want. We do not have to worry about calories!
In terms of coffee, things are not very clear when it comes to burning fats. There are
nutritionists and researchers who say that coffee consumption may lose extra pounds, and
there are specialists who say the opposite, believing coffee is detrimental to weight loss. The
coffee has a low calorie content (2 per cup) if it is simply consumed. However, coffee
products such as latte, espresso, and so on, are true calorie bombs, reaching up to 800

3. You can't get bored of tea

It is true that there is a wide variety of tastes and
flavors in terms of coffee, but have you ever thought
there are so many, or even more, Tea varieties, each
with its taste, flavor and specific preparation?
From one plant, Camellia Sinensis, the following types
of tea can be obtained: White, Green, Oolong, Black,
These assortments also generate other types of tea that
differ in the area from which they were harvested, but
also through the way the leaf is processed and the degree
of oxidation. We can so enjoy Teas from Japan, China, India, Indonesia, Ceylon - each with its
taste and aroma. We will never bother with Tea because we can try every day a new
The exciting and delicious aspect of tea is that we can even mix different types of tea,
making new recipes.
The most popular tea blends usually come from the UK. Among these we mention: Earl Gray,
which is distinguished by its strong taste of bergamot; and English Breakfast - known for its
rich consistency.
4. Tea-source of energy
Do you fear that tea will not energize you in the morning as much as coffee does?
Tea can really give us the same amount of energy because of the existing theine in its
There is a difference, however, in the way theine from tea affects our metabolism, to coffee
Theine from Tea usually takes effect in a few hours, letting the body assimilate it gradually,
as opposed to coffee caffeine, whose effect is immediate.
The polyphenols found in Tea help the body absorb the theine in a different way over a
longer period of time. So while we have to stop drinking coffee in the afternoon to avoid
sleeping problems, we can continue to consume Tea for the rest of the day while enjoying
the energy it offers us.
The theine being gradually absorbed gives us the energy for a longer period of time, unlike
caffeine that energizes us for a short period of time.
We can say, therefore, that Tea is a much more suitable choice than coffee in many ways.

But let's also see the benefits of coffee on the body...

 Coffee can make you smarter
Coffee not only keeps you awake but also can
literally make you smarter.
The active coffee ingredient called caffeine is the
most consuming stimulant and psychoactive
substance in the world.
The primary cause of caffeine in the brain is
blocking the effects of an inhibitor
neurotransmitter called Adenosine (plays an
important role in biochemical processes such as
energy transfer)
By blocking the inhibitory effects of Adenosine,
caffeine increases neural fuel in the brain and releases other neurotransmitters, such as
dopamine and noradrenaline.
Many controlled studies have examined the effects of caffeine on the brain, which
demonstrates that caffeine can improve mood, reaction time, memory, attention and
generally cognitive function, which are undoubtedly some of the greatest benefits of coffee.
Conclusion: Powerful caffeine blocks inhibitory neurotransmitters in the brain, resulting in a
net stimulant effect. Controlled studies show that caffeine improves both mood and brain

 Coffee can help you burn fat and improve physical performance
There is a reason why you will find caffeine in most commercial fat burning supplements.
Caffeine is one of the few natural substances that has proven to actually help burn fat.
Several studies show that caffeine can stimulate the metabolic rate by 3-11%.
Beneficial effects of coffee on sports activity
Other studies show that caffeine can increase fat burning by 10% in obese people and 29% in
skinny people.
However, it is possible that these effects will diminish for long-time coffee consumers.
Caffeine, partly due to its stimulating effect on the central nervous system, increases both
metabolism and oxidation of fatty acids.
Caffeine also increases the level of epinephrine in the blood. This is the so-called "fight or
run" hormone, designed to make our bodies ready for physical exercise.
Caffeine can also improve athletic performance through several mechanisms, including the
mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue.
In two separate meta-analyzes it was found that caffeine increases exercise performance on
average by 11-12%.
For this reason, it is logical to make a cup of hard coffee ahead of you about half an hour of
starting physical exercise in the gym.
Conclusion: Caffeine increases metabolic rate and helps mobilize fatty acids from body fat.
And it can also improve your physical performance.

 Coffee can drastically reduce the risk of type II diabetes

ype II diabetes is a life-related illness that has reached epidemic proportions and has
increased 10 times in decades and now affects about 300 million people.
This disease is characterized by a high level of glucose in the blood, as a result of insulin
resistance or insulin deficiency.
Coffee and diabetes
In observational studies, coffee has been consistently associated with a lower risk of
diabetes. Risk reduction ranges from 23% to 67%.
A massive review article examined 18 studies with a total of 457,922 participants.
Each cup of coffee a day reduced the risk of diabetes by 7%. The more coffee the
participants drank, the lower the risk.
Conclusion: Coffee consumption is associated with a drastic reduced risk of type II diabetes.
People who drink a few cups of coffee a day are the least likely to become diabetics.
 Benefits of coffee to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease
Coffee not only makes you smarter for a certain amount of time, it can also protect your
brains of old age.
Alzheimer's is the most common neurodegenerative condition in the world and one of the
main causes of dementia.
In prospective studies, coffee consumers have shown a risk of up to 60% lower Alzheimer's
and dementia.
Parkinson is the second most widespread neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by the
death of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. Coffee can reduce the risk of Parkinson's
by 32-60%.
Conclusion: Coffee is associated with a much lower risk of dementia and neurodegenerative
disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

 Coffee can be very good for your liver

The liver is a remarkable organ that performs hundreds of vital functions in the body.
He is very vulnerable to modern insults, such as excessive alcohol and fructose consumption.
Cirrhosis is the end stage of hepatic damage caused by diseases such as alcoholism and
hepatitis when liver tissue has been extensively replaced by scar tissue.

Several studies have shown that coffee can reduce the risk of cirrhosis by more than 80%,
the biggest effect is given by those who drink 4 or more cups of coffee per day.
Coffee also can reduce the risk of liver cancer by 40%.
Conclusion: Coffee seems to protect the liver from certain liver disorders, reducing the risk
of cancer by 40% and cirrhosis by more than 80%.

 Coffee can help you live longer

Many people still seem to believe that coffee is unhealthy.

This is not surprising, though, it is very common for conventional wisdom (universally
accepted knowledge) to be in contradiction with what current studies say.
In two very large epidemiological studies, coffee consumption was associated with a lower
risk of death in all cases.
This effect is particularly profound for Type II diabetics, a study showed that coffee drinkers
had a 30% lower risk of death over a 20-year period.
Conclusion: Coffee consumption was associated with a lower risk of death in prospective
epidemiological studies.

 The coffee is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants

Coffee is not just black water.
Many of the nutrients in coffee beans make it a drink that actually contains a decent number
of vitamins and minerals.
A cup of coffee contains:
6% Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)
11% Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
2% Niacin (B3) and Thiamine (B1)
3% Pure and Manganese
It does not seem too much, but if you
drink more cups of coffee per day this
number is growing fast.
But that's not all. Coffee also contains
a massive amount of antioxidants.

In fact, coffee is the largest source of

antioxidants in the Western diet, advancing
both fruits and all the vegetables taken together.
Conclusion: Coffee contains a decent amount of several vitamins and minerals. It is also the
largest source of antioxidants in the modern diet.

 Coffee can fight depression and make you happier

Depression is a serious mental disorder, which is the
cause of a significant reduction in quality of life.Today,
up to 20% of people show symptoms of depression, 10
times more than in 1945.
In a Harvard study published in 2011, it is claimed that
women who drink 4 or more cups of coffee a day have
a 20% lower risk of becoming depressed.
Another study involving 208,424 people found that those who drank 4 or more cups a day
were 53% less prone to suicide.
Conclusion: Coffee seems to reduce the risk of depression and can dramatically reduce the
risk of suicide.

 Coffee does not cause heart disease and may reduce the risk of stroke
It is often claimed that coffee may increase blood pressure.
This is true, but the effect is small (3-4 mm / Hg) and usually disappears if you drink coffee
However, the effect may persist in some people with high blood pressure, consider this fact.
Considering this, studies, however, do not support the myth that coffee increases the risk of
heart disease.
In fact, there is some evidence that women who drink coffee have a low risk of heart
Some studies show that coffee consumers have a 20% lower risk of stroke.
Conclusion: Coffee can cause a slight increase in blood pressure, which usually diminishes
over time. Coffee drinkers do not have a higher risk of heart disease and are less likely to
have a stroke.

Risks of excessive drinking of tea or coffee

If we presented the benefits, it is good to know that both tea and coffee are associated with
a few risks.
First of all, if there is caffeine intolerance or adverse effects on consumption - high blood
pressure, trembling, agitation, etc., immediate consumption must be discontinued.
On the other hand, any abuse leads to adverse effects. First of all, excessive drinking of
coffee or tea can cause insomnia.
In addition, coffee:

 Is yellowing teeth (while tea prevents cavities)

 may become toxic if more than 10 g / day of adult consumption is consumed (an
adult does not normally exceed 500 mg - 5 cups of coffee).
 causes a difficult birth and underweight children - a study in Denmark pointed out
that excess coffee (8 cups a day or more, as physicians recommend around 200
milligrams a day under normal health conditions - 2 cups) causes difficult births and
underweight children
 Poor quality coffee may contain toxic, harmful substances. A study conducted in 2012
at the University of British Columbia on rodents revealed that excessive coffee
consumption produces a reduction in the rate of work over time.

In terms of tea, the risks are fewer:

 An important aspect, hard to control, is that tea may contain pesticides, even if the
labels are proudly saying that are "organic"
 Also, tea contains tannins that can reduce iron absorption in the blood (which can
lead to anemia) if it is consumed in very large quantities.

As you can see, a short comparison between tea and coffee shows that each drink has its
own advantages and disadvantages, so there are people who do not intend to give up coffee
for tea's sake, as are people who do not want to replace the infusion with a cup of coffee.
Nobody can tell you what's best to drink. The choice is entirely yours, and if you want to
profit from the benefits of both coffee and tea, drink both beverages alternately, but do not
overdo it.

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