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How Global Warming Aids the Agricultural Industry 

“Global warming is real – it is man-made and it is an important problem. But it is not the end of

the world,” Bjorn Lomborg. Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of

the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of

pollutants in the atmosphere. In recent years, humanity has been concerned with the ever-

growing issue that is Global Warming. Global Warming causes increased global temperatures.

However, this may be an issue that humanity can never overcome. It is our view that global

warming is a major contributor to the availability of space for farming. Additionally, with rising

global temperatures, more land becomes viable for use in the agricultural world and extending

the growing season thus increasing food supply and improving the economy.

Global warming improves agricultural land space and increases the growing season. Agriculture

is an important sector in many countries because it contributes to the economy. Plants take

carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and produce oxygen, a necessity for our survival. The rising

global temperatures leads colder areas that do not produce crops, viable for crop production. This

increase in crop production leads to an increase in food supply in colder areas. This is accredited

to increased carbon dioxide levels contained in the atmosphere. According to an article posted on

the Daily Signal, “A higher concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere would aid

photosynthesis, which in turn contributes to a rise in plant growth. This correlates to a greater

volume of food production and better quality food. Studies has indicated that crops would utilize

water more efficiently thus, requiring less water. And colder areas along the farm belt will

experience longer growing seasons.”  It is our job as human beings to find a way to overcome the

effects that climate change i.e global warming has presented. Using global warming to our

advantage for farming is one way to do this. 

Most may argue that Global Warming brings extreme weather patterns which may cause natural

disasters and earlier and longer warm seasons such as spring or summer. While this has not been

100% proven, we can start to see how people could possibly benefit from this.  Farmers in some

regions may benefit from the earlier onset of spring and from a longer warm season that is

suitable for growing different crops. Whereas colder areas along the farm belt will experience

longer growing seasons, for example, Canada. Due to Canada’s rising temperature, more land is

being used to plant crops such as wheat and grain. As a result of this more cereal is being

produced further north of Canada which causes Canadian farmers to gain from this increase in

crop production. 

While Global Warming is a problem that humanity is currently facing, we must find a way to

adapt and overcome this by taking advantage of the farming opportunities that we are getting.

There will be more crops available for us to harvest which increases our food supply and leads to

less people suffering from hunger. As the next generation of leaders we must find a way to

survive and to secure our planet for generations to come.  We mustn’t wait another minute; we

are survivors and we utilize what we have and we make our own opportunities. In order to do

this, we need to come together to be able to make the most of the situation we are currently in.

It’s time for us to be problem solvers, not problem staters.

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