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The three (3) theories related to deviance:

1. Differential Association Theory. This theory states that biology or personality are not a

source of deviance. Instead, deviance is based on association with groups. It stressed

the importance of groups, and that from the different groups we associate with, we learn

to deviate or conform to societal norms.

2. Control Theory. Sociologist Walter Reckless proposed that we have two types of

controls. Our inner controls (internalized morality) and outer control (people such as

family or friends), both of these controls persuade you not to deviate. The stronger our

bonds are with society the stronger our inner control becomes. In a nutshell the control

theory explains that deviant behavior can result from lack of a strong control of


3. Labelling Theory. This theory focuses on the significance of reputations, and how our

reputations or labels that we are given set us on paths that propel us into deviance or

divert us away from it.

Police defend effort to smash gangs:

In Belize we can see examples of this theory come into play. From November to December 2019

police have made an effort to round up gangs city-wide in an effort to quash rumors of their

alleged association with various gangs in Belize. Many of the gang members pled guilty to their

charges and accepted fines. However, the large number of teenage gang members was alarming.

This caused the police to crack down further. In Belize, many people fall prey to gang violence

due to their association with gangs. From this large number of people, majority is comprised of

young impressionable teenagers who tend to follow in the footsteps of gang associated family

and friends. They often find themselves pressured by labels and the need to boost their street
reputation. This often leads to them committing acts of deviance and crime. This impulse to

deviate from societal construct can be linked to the three theories discussed above. Teenager’s

association with gangs through other gang members can be related to theory number 1 since

deviance is theorized to be based on association with groups. Their links and will to be a member

of a gang stems from influences from family and friends which relates to theory number 2.

Finally, their need to boost their street reputation which guides them on the path of deviance can

be related to theory number 3.

Link to article:



Deviance: is seen as the violation of societal norms.

Stigma: “blemishes” that discredit a person’s claim to a “normal” identity

Social Control: a group’s usual and customary social arrangements, on which its members

depend and on which they base their lives

Negative and positive sanction: negative sanction is an expression of disapproval for breaking

a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reaction such as a frown to a formal reaction such as a

fine or a prison sentence. positive sanction is an expression of approval for following a norm,

ranging from a smile or a good grade in a class to a material reward such as a prize

Genetic predisposition: inborn tendencies (for example, a tendency to commit deviant acts)

Street crime: crimes such as mugging, rape, and burglary

Personality disorder: the view that a personality disturbance of some sort causes an individual

to violate social norms

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