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Ecology, 80(4), 1999, pp.

q 1999 by the Ecological Society of America


Department of Biology, McGill University, 1205 Avenue Docteur Penfield, Montreal, PQ, H3A 1B1 Canada

Abstract. Stable nitrogen isotope signatures ( d15N) are increasingly used to infer the
trophic position of consumers in food web studies. Interpreting the d15N of consumers
relative to the d15N characterizing the base of the food web provides a time-integrated
measure of trophic position. We use primary consumers (trophic level 2) as baseline in-
dicator organisms and investigate the variation in baseline d15N values in 14 lakes in Ontario
and Quebec. Values of d15N ranged from 22 to 19‰ and varied significantly as a function
of lake habitat (mean littoral 5 1.6‰, pelagic 5 3.1‰, profundal 5 5.2 ‰). Stable carbon
isotopic signatures (d13C) of primary consumers decreased along this same habitat gradient
(mean littoral 5 223.8‰, pelagic 5 228.4‰, profundal 5 230.5‰). Primary consumer
d13C and a categorical lake variable explained 72% of the variability in primary consumer
d15N. This relationship was corroborated by primary consumer d15N and d13C data from the
literature, indicating that habitat-specific variation in baseline d15N and d13C is a widespread
phenomenon in freshwater systems. We present a method that uses the presented baseline
d15N–d13C relationship and the d15N and d13C values of the consumer to estimate trophic
position; it is a method that corrects for the described variation in baseline d15N. These
results emphasize the general importance of accounting for patterns in isotopic signatures
characterizing the base of the food web when inferring trophic structure using stable iso-
Key words: aquatic consumers; baseline; d13C; d15N; food chains; food webs; primary consumers;
stable isotopes; trophic position; trophic structure.

INTRODUCTION ine 1980, Adams et al. 1983, Winemiller 1990, Kling

The food chain and the food web are two dominant et al. 1992, Gaedke et al. 1996, Vander Zanden and
conceptual approaches used to represent trophic struc- Rasmussen 1996), more general application of this ap-
ture and feeding relationships at the whole-community proach hinges upon the ability of investigators to es-
level. Food chain studies assign species or populations timate the trophic position of organisms in the field.
to one of several discrete trophic levels. However, a Indeed, greater consideration of trophic position has
shortcoming of the food chain approach is the failure been limited by the difficulty in collecting the requisite
to incorporate the complexity and omnivory that char- quantitative dietary data for the many species inter-
acterizes natural ecosystems (Polis and Strong 1996, acting in a typical food web.
Vander Zanden and Rasmussen 1996). Alternatively, Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios are increas-
classical food web studies rely on species lists and the ingly used to provide time-integrated information about
presence or absence of feeding links, and they search feeding relationships and energy flow through food
for across-system patterns in trophic structure (Cohen webs (Peterson and Fry 1987, Kling et al. 1992, Cabana
et al. 1990). Although food webs do recognize the com- and Rasmussen 1994). Stable carbon isotope ratios
plexity of natural systems, food webs do not weight (d13C) of consumers are similar to that of their food
feeding links according to their energetic or functional (DeNiro and Epstein 1978, Fry and Sherr 1984, Wada
importance (Polis 1991, Vander Zanden and Rasmussen et al. 1993, France 1995c, 1996). Nevertheless, phy-
1996). toplankton and benthic algae in freshwater lakes often
An alternative to food webs or food chains is to use have distinct d13C signatures, as benthic algae generally
quantitative gut content data and weighted average for- exhibit less 13C fractionation during carbon fixation
mulas to assign organisms a continuous measure of than do phytoplankton (d indicates deviation from stan-
trophic position, which represents the energy-weighted dard material [see Methods]; Hecky and Hesslein 1995;
mean path length leading to a consumer. Although nu- France 1995a, b). Additionally, organisms of the pro-
fundal zone of lakes tend to exhibit highly negative
merous authors recognize that a trophic position-based
d13C values, presumably due to fixation of respired CO2
approach incorporates energy flow and omnivory (Lev-
(Rau 1980). Because d13C values are conserved ‘‘up
Manuscript received 1 July 1997; revised 6 April 1998; the food chain,’’ but vary at the base of the food chain,
accepted 9 April 1998; final version received 1 June 1998. the d13C of aquatic consumers can provide information
1 E-mail: about the sources of energy to higher consumers.

TABLE 1. Summary data for the 14 study lakes in Ontario and Quebec.

Mean SE of
Lake Latitude Longitude Lake area Maximum Sample residual§ mean
Lake number† (8N) (8W) (ha) depth (m) size‡ (‰) residual
Memphremagog 1 458089 728169 15000 117 6 3.11 0.26
Muskoka 2 458039 798299 12215 67 7 2.38 0.76
Rosseau 3 458109 798359 5156 90 6 1.20 0.62
Twelve Mile 4 458019 788029 463 24 10 0.73 0.67
Dickey 5 448479 778459 214 54 6 0.67 0.98
Smoke 6 458319 788419 607 55 5 0.47 0.62
Victoria 7 458379 788019 892 45 9 0.39 0.66
Macdonald 8 458149 788349 138 40 9 20.15 0.55
Opeongo 9 458439 788229 5860 50 11 20.57 0.62
Source 10 458339 788399 271 ··· 8 20.72 0.62
Happy Isle 11 458459 788309 536 ··· 5 20.90 0.36
Clean 12 458159 788329 160 43 7 21.26 0.58
Temagami 13 478009 808059 20972 61 6 22.05 0.49
Louisa 14 458289 788299 490 61 11 22.17 0.62
† Lake number refers to Fig. 3.
‡ Sample size represents the number of primary consumers analyzed for stable isotopes from that lake.
§ Mean residual value is the lake-specific deviation from the general model based on all 14 lakes (Eq. 2; Uresid).

Consumers become enriched in 15N relative to their METHODS

food by 3–4‰ (mean 5 3.4‰, where ‰ indicates parts
Invertebrate samples were collected from the 14
per thousand [see Methods]; DeNiro and Epstein 1981,
study lakes in central Ontario and southern Quebec,
Minagawa and Wada 1984, Owens 1987, Peterson and
Canada (located between 478009 N and 448009 N lati-
Fry 1987, Cabana and Rasmussen 1994). As a conse-
tude, and 808009 W and 728009 W longitude), during
quence of this stepwise trophic level enrichment in 15N,
stable nitrogen isotope ratios (d15N) of consumer tis- May–August 1995. Lakes ranged in area between 138–
sues serve as a time-integrated indicator of trophic po- 20 972 ha (Table 1). All study lakes are dimictic, oli-
sition, based on the pathways of energy flow (Fry 1988, gotrophic, relatively deep lakes (maximum depth rang-
Kling et al. 1992, Cabana and Rasmussen 1994). Use es 24–117 m) located on the Canadian shield.
of d15N signatures of consumers as a measure of trophic Zooplankton was collected using a 250 mm zoo-
position neglects intrasystem variation in d15N values plankton net. Horizontal zooplankton tows were con-
characterizing organisms at the base of the food web; ducted at the surface (0–3 m), to sample epilimnetic
this can be a significant problem, as Cabana and Ras- zooplankton, and at approximately 10–12 m, to sample
mussen (1996) found that the lake-specific mean pri- zooplankton from deeper water (metalimnetic–hypo-
mary consumer d15N ranged from 1–13‰. Thus, an limnetic). Zooplankton species known to be predatory
absolute measure of trophic position requires that the were hand removed from net zooplankton samples. Net
d15N of consumers be interpreted relative to an appro- zooplankton consisted primarily of cladoceran and co-
priate baseline d15N value. Primary consumers (rather pepods, which are generally considered to be primary
than primary producers) were chosen as baseline in- consumers, but were only included in analyses that
dicators, because their larger body size and greater lon- consider mean (across-lake) d15N and d13C values. Zoo-
gevity result in less seasonality in d15N signatures (Ca- plankton were excluded from analyses that use site-
bana and Rasmussen 1996). specific measurements, because their relatively short
Our previous studies used unionid mussels as a base- life spans and small size produce temporally variable
line d15N indicator for estimating trophic position, d15N and d13C values (Toda and Wada 1990, Gu et al.
thereby correcting for among-system differences in 1994, Yoshioka et al. 1994, Cabana and Rasmussen
baseline d15N (Cabana and Rasmussen 1996, Vander 1996).
Zanden et al. 1997). Yet, the d15N of primary consumers Littoral (depth , 1 m) benthic macroinvertebrates
or primary producers from different habitats within a were collected using hand-held dip nets. Profundal ben-
system can also vary substantially (Angradi 1994, thic invertebrates (chironomids) were collected using
Yoshii 1995, France 1997), such that the d15N of any a benthic sled and an Ekman grab sampler. Individual
one primary consumer may not reflect that of other invertebrates were normally identified to the family
primary consumers within the same system. With this level, and invertebrate samples were classified accord-
in mind, the objective of this paper is to describe the ing to dietary preference based on published dietary
spatial variability in stable isotopic values of primary descriptions, particularly Merritt and Cummins (1978)
consumers, as well as to develop a method that corrects and Thorp and Covich (1991). A total of 133 inver-
for this variation for the purpose of estimating the tro- tebrate samples from the 14 study lakes were classified
phic position of higher consumers. as nonpredatory (primary consumers); partially or en-

tirely predatory invertebrates were not considered in

the present analysis. Primary consumers were pooled
to order, producing nine general taxonomic/habitat
classes: Unionidae, Amphipoda, Trichoptera, tadpoles,
Ephemeroptera, shallow zooplankton (0–3 m), deep
zooplankton (10–12 m), Chironomidae (profundal),
and miscellaneous littoral (littoral primary consumers
collected from ,3 lakes).
Whole samples were frozen, dried at 758C for 48 h
in a drying oven, and ground into a fine powder using
mortar and pestle. Dry sample material was packed into
4 3 6 mm tin capsules for subsequent isotopic analyses.
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were per-
formed on the same sample using a continuous flow
VG Micromass 903E isotope ratio mass spectrometer
at the Environmental Isotope Laboratory (Department
of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada). Stable isotope ratios are expressed
in delta (d) notation, defined as the parts per thousand
(‰ or ‘‘per mil’’) deviation from a standard material;
d13C or d15N 5 ([Rsample/Rstandard] 2 1) 3 1000, where R
5 13C/12C or 15N/14N. A more positive (less negative
for carbon) isotopic value is said to be isotopically
enriched, meaning that the sample contains propor-
tionally more of the heavy stable isotope (13C or 15N).
The standard material is Pee Dee belemnite (PDB)
limestone for d13C (Craig 1957), and atmospheric ni-
trogen for d15N (both standards have a ‰ value arbi-
trarily set at 0‰). The working standard was DORM-
1 powdered dogfish standard provided by the National
Research Council of Canada, Institute for Environ-
mental Chemistry, Ottawa, Canada. (d15N 5 10.3‰;
FIG. 1. (A) The mean d15N (61 SE) of primary consumers
d13C 5 219.5‰). Twenty percent of the samples were feeding in profundal, pelagic, and littoral habitats. (B) The
analyzed in duplicate; the standard error of the mean mean d13C (61 SE) of primary consumers from profundal,
(1 SEM) for replicates was 0.13‰ for d13C and 0.15‰ pelagic, and littoral habitats. Samples were collected from 14
for d15N. When more than two d15N and d13C measure- lakes in Ontario and Quebec, Canada. Numbers above bars
represent sample size.
ments for a taxon were available from a lake, we report
the mean isotopic value to avoid pseudoreplication and
bias towards heavily sampled taxonomic groups. This mary consumers feeding in littoral (mean 5 1.58‰),
pooling effectively reduced the sample size from 133 pelagic (mean 5 3.05‰), and profundal (mean 5
to 106 primary consumers. 5.17‰) habitats (Fig. 1A; ANOVA, P , 0.001). There
We also collected the available freshwater literature were also highly significant differences in d13C among
data on the d13C and d15N of primary consumers in order littoral (mean 5 223.8‰), pelagic (mean 5 228.4‰),
to test the generality of our observations (Angradi and profundal (mean 5 230.5‰) primary consumers
1994, Hecky and Hesslein 1995, Hobson and Welch (Fig. 1B; ANOVA, P , 0.001), indicating that d13C
1995, Yoshii 1995, Keough et al. 1996). Where mul- values can be used to ordinate consumers along a lit-
tiple individuals of a particular taxon were collected toral–pelagic–profundal trophic gradient. The d15N and
from a habitat within a system, we considered their d13C data used in the analysis are presented in the Ap-
mean isotopic value. Lakes were rejected from analysis pendix.
if there was little range in mean d13C values (,5‰), All of the 106 invertebrate samples were further clas-
or if ,3 different taxonomic groups were collected. sified into nine general taxonomic–habitat categories.
There was a negative relationship between mean, cat-
RESULTS egory-specific d15N and d13C (Fig. 2).
We plotted d15N vs. d13C of individual primary con-
d15N and d13C of primary consumers
sumers (zooplankton excluded) with values coded ac-
In our 14 study lakes, the d15N of primary consumers cording to lake (Fig. 3a) and taxonomic category (Fig.
was highly variable, ranging from 22 to 19‰. There 3b). A logistic curve fit provided unbiased trophic po-
were highly significant differences in the d15N of pri- sition estimates. Additionally, limits to the d15N of pri-

FIG. 2. Mean d15N vs. mean d13C (61 SE)

for the primary consumer taxonomic groups
from 14 Ontario and Quebec lakes.

mary consumers are expected to be constrained by the DISCUSSION

fractionation associated with bacterial denitrification
Application: estimating trophic position of
(upper limit) and N uptake by algae (lower limit). The
aquatic consumers
overall d15N–d13C relationship was highly significant
and described by the following logistic equation: The negative relationship between d15N and d13C of
primary consumers has direct implications for stable
6.34 isotope–food web studies since stable nitrogen isotope
d15 Npcon 5 (1)
1 1 exp[9.67 1 (0.356 3 d13 C pcon )] ratios are commonly used as an indicator of the trophic
position of consumers. It is clear that d15N values of
where n 5 78; r2 5 0.40; F 5 71.73; df 5 4, 74; P ,
higher consumers alone cannot be used as indicators
0.001; exp(x) 5 ex; d15Npcon 5 the d15N of the primary
of trophic position, since the d15N of primary consum-
consumer, and d13Cpcon 5 the d13C of the primary con-
ers (trophic level 2) are highly variable, ranging from
sumer (i.e., ‘‘pcon’’ means primary consumer).
22 to 19‰ in the present study.
Lake effects in the d15N–d13C relationship d15N values can be converted into trophic position
estimates by interpreting the d15N of higher consumers
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test relative to a representative baseline d15N value (Cabana
for lake-specific differences (a lake effect) in the gen- and Rasmussen 1996). Here, we demonstrate how this
eral d15N–d13C relationship (Fig. 3). In order to meet primary consumer d15N–d13C relationship can be used
the assumptions of ANCOVA to test for the lake effect, as a baseline from which to estimate the trophic po-
we linearized the general primary consumer d15N–d13C sition of higher consumers. First, the lake-specific de-
relationship by using the observed d15N values and the viation from the general baseline curve (Eq. 1) is es-
predicted d15N from d13C using Eq. 1 (the predicted timated using the following approach. For each primary
d15N values represent the d13C effect, and will be re- consumer from a given lake (lake x), for which d15N
ferred to as such). ANCOVA predicting primary con- and d13C information are available, the residual from
sumer d15N values (n 5 78; r2 5 0.72; df 5 14, 63) Eq. 1 is calculated as follows:
indicated highly significant effects of d13C from Eq. 1
(F 5 71.73; df 5 1; P , 0.001) and lake (n 5 78; F 6.34
resid 5 d15 Npcon 2
5 4.44; df 5 13; P , 0.001). Note that the lake variable 1 1 exp[9.67 1 (0.356 3 d13 C pcon )]
explained an additional 32% of the observed variation
in primary consumer d15N. There was no significant (2)
interaction between the d13C and lake variables (n 5 where ‘‘resid’’ is the residual value from Eq. 1. Next,
78; F 5 0.26; df 5 13; P 5 0.995), indicating that the the mean residual value (Uresid) of all primary consum-
curvature of the relationship (the denominator of Eq. ers from lake x is calculated (a Uresid value can be cal-
1) could be used to describe each of the study lakes. culated for each lake). Having (1) established a general
Thus, the lake effect influenced only the intercept of baseline curve (Eq. 1), and (2) estimated Uresid for lake
the d15N–d13C relationship (6.34; the numerator in Eq. x (Eq. 2), the trophic position of a fish (or other any
1) and represented a shift of the primary consumer other consumer) from lake x can easily be estimated.
d15N–d13C curve up or down relative to the general The d13C of the fish is entered into Eq. 1, producing
d15N–d13C relationship (Fig. 3). the ‘‘non lake-corrected’’ primary consumer’s d15N. To

position of the fish is estimated relative to the baseline

d15N value from Eq. 3 using the equation
TPfish 5 ((d15Nfish 2 d15Ncorrected)/3.4) 1 2 (4)
where TPfish 5 fish trophic position; d15Nfish 5 d15N of
fish; 3.4 5 one trophic level increment in d15N.
The principle of the baseline correction is illustrated
with a hypothetical example of lake trout and sculpins
(Fig. 4). Sculpins live in the profundal zone of our
study lakes (hence their more negative d13C value), and
derive their energy from a food chain with high-d15N
primary consumers. Conversely, lake trout are more
pelagic (hence, their more positive d13C), and derive
energy from a food chain with a lower d15N baseline.
Consequently, the two populations exhibit similar d15N
values, but differ by nearly one trophic level, due to
the disparate baseline d15N values.
The errors associated with the presented stable iso-
tope baseline correction were quantified (Table 2). The
error in the estimate of the baseline d15N value using
no correction (the standard deviation of the global mean
d15N) was 2.55‰, which is equivalent to 0.75 trophic
level. The general model that considered both within-
and among-lake sources of error produced a greatly
reduced error of 1.36‰ (where n 5 1 primary con-
sumer). Accounting for the mean lake-specific primary
consumer sample size for our study (SD/Ïn, n 5 6)
produces a standard error of 0.55‰. This is equivalent
to an error of 0.16 trophic level, associated with the
within- and among-lake baseline correction presented
FIG. 3. d15N vs. d13C for primary consumers (minus zoo-
plankton) from 14 lakes in Ontario and Quebec. Each point Generality and implications of
represents the mean value of a taxonomic group from a given d15N–d13C relationships
lake. (A) Coded according to lake, lakes are arranged nu-
merically in order from the most to the least elevated d15N Our study lakes are deep, oligotrophic lakes located
lakes: 1, Memphremagog; 2, Muskoka; 3, Rosseau; 4, Twelve in a relatively restricted geographic area. To test wheth-
Mile; 5, Dickie; 6, Smoke; 7, Victoria; 8, MacDonald; 9, er primary consumer d15N–d13C relationships are a gen-
Opeongo; 10, Source; 11, Happy Isle; 12, Clean; 13, Tema- eral phenomena, we surveyed the literature for d15N
gami; 14, Louisa. The curves for the highest and lowest d15N
lakes (Lake Memphremagog and Louisa Lake), as well as the and d13C data for freshwater primary consumers. To
best fit for all lakes, are included. (B) Points are coded ac- compare the results from our study lakes and the lit-
cording to major taxonomic categories. Ch, Chironomidae; erature data, we adjusted for system-specific differ-
Un, Unionidae; Tr, Trichoptera; Ep, Ephemeroptera; Ta, Tad- ences in primary consumer d15N by subtracting the sys-
poles; Mi, Miscellaneous Am, Amphipoda. The solid curve
represents the best fit for all lakes. tem-specific mean residual value (Uresid from Eq. 2)
from each primary consumer d15N value, and plotted
the ‘‘residual-adjusted’’ primary consumer d15N vs.
correct for lake-specific differences, the Uresid value for d13C. Data from the literature survey (triangles) and
lake x (from Eq. 2) is added to this d15N value: our 14 study lakes (circles) exhibited similar d15N–d13C
relationships (Fig. 5).
6.34 We used Eq. 3 to estimate the predicted d15N (based
d15 Ncorrected 5
1 1 exp[9.67 1 (0.356 3 d13 C fish )] on d13C values) for the literature data set. Observed
d15N explained 76% of the variability in predicted d15N
1 Uresid (3)
(observed d15N 5 0.98 3 residual-adjusted d15N 1
where d15Ncorrected is the lake-corrected baseline d15N val- 0.14; P , 0.001; r2 5 0.76), indicating that the liter-
ue. Use of Eq. 3 produces an appropriate baseline d15N ature data is effectively described by the equation de-
value for each individual fish based on the d13C sig- rived from our 14 study lakes. In addition, the d15N–
nature of the fish, the general relationship between d13C d13C relationship from each of the eight literature study
and d15N, and the lake-specific deviation (Uresid) from systems (Charr Lake, Lake Superior, Grand Canyon,
the general d15N–d13C relationship. Finally, the trophic Lake Malawi, Lake 273, Skidoo Lake, South Lake,

FIG. 4. An illustration of the approach used

to estimate trophic position. The baseline d15N–
d13C primary consumer relationship is estab-
lished, and the d13C of the higher consumer de-
termines the appropriate d15N value from which
to measure the trophic position of the consumer.
Primary consumers have a trophic position of
2.0; organisms feeding exclusively on primary
consumers would have a trophic position of 3.0.
Note that the hypothetical sculpin and trout have
similar d15N values, yet differ by nearly a tro-
phic level.

Lake Baikal) exhibited negative slopes (20.85 , slope a widespread phenomenon in freshwater systems. Thus,
, 20.06; mean slope 5 20.33), and the within-system isotopic food web studies should include d15N and d13C
correlations between d15N and d13C were generally measurements of the widest possible range of baseline
quite strong (20.99 , r , 20.32; mean r 5 20.80). organisms. If, in other freshwater systems, d15N and
The systematic variation in d15N characterizing the d13C covary in a manner similar to our data (low stan-
base of the food chain has implications for the inter- dard error in the Uresid value), then investigators can
pretation of previously published studies of the stable reasonably use our general d15N–d13C relationship (Eq.
isotope signatures of fish. For example, Kiriluk et al. 3) as a baseline from which to estimate trophic position,
(1995) and Yoshii (1995) report negative relationships although doing so still requires measurement of the
between the d15N and d13C of pelagic fish. The tradi- d15N and d13C of a range of primary consumers to es-
tional interpretation of this would have been that the tablish the lake-specific Uresid value. Conversely, if the
fish with higher d15N (and lower d13C, due to their more
profundal habitat) have a higher trophic position. In
light of our findings, an alternative explanation arises,
which is that fish with the higher d15N signatures are
feeding from a food chain with a high d15N baseline.
It may be that these fish with very different d15N values
have similar trophic positions.
The correspondence of literature data suggests that
habitat-specific variation in baseline d15N and d13C is

TABLE 2. Error associated with the presented isotopic base-

line corrections.

Standard Estimated
deviation SE
Correction (SD)† n‡ (SD/Ïn) Error§
No correction\ 2.55‰ 1¶ 2.55‰ 0.75
Within-lake 2.00‰ 6# 0.82‰ 0.24
Within- and among-lake 1.36‰ 6# 0.55‰ 0.16
† Equivalent to the standard error of the estimate with n 5
1. FIG. 5. Primary consumer d15N, adjusted for the lake-
‡ Sample sizes for this study. specific mean residual value (accounts for lake-specific dif-
§ Units are trophic levels. ferences in intercept in the d15N–d13C relationship) vs. d13C
\ Using the global mean d15N value of 2.97‰. for our study lakes (solid circles) and literature data (open
¶ Here, n 5 1 due to use of global mean d15N value. triangles). Literature data are taken from Angradi (1994),
# Mean sample size (per lake) from this study (excluding Hecky and Hesslein (1995), Hobson and Welch (1995), Yoshii
zooplankton). (1995), and Keough et al. (1996).

standard error of the Uresid value is high, the investigator dead phytoplankton and detritus that could be enriched
should certainly estimate trophic position relative to in d15N. As a result, hypolimnetic and profundal biota
their lake-specific d15N–d13C relationship. Collection of such as Diporia and sculpins tend to be enriched in
primary consumer d15N and d13C data from additional 15
N, an enrichment that does not reflect an elevated
freshwater systems will also permit further tests of the trophic position for these species.
generality of the d15N–d13C relationship. Although reasons for the discrepancy between pe-
The habitat-specific variation in baseline d15N and lagic and benthic primary consumer d15N remain ob-
d C reported here underscores the general importance
scure, there are a few potential explanations for the low
of considering isotopic patterns at the base of the food d15N of littoral primary consumers. Littoral consumers
web when using stable isotopes to infer trophic struc- could be incorporating some terrestrial material with a
ture. Investigators studying other types of systems are lower d15N than benthic algae. This alternative is un-
likely to find spatial variation in baseline isotopic sig- likely, due to the relatively 13C-enriched values of lit-
natures, and it may be possible to similarly detrend for toral primary consumers (;224‰), compared to the
baseline variation when quantifying trophic structure. d13C of terrestrial materials (;228‰). Another expla-
nation is that the benthic algae could be less influenced
Factors influencing variation in d13C and d15N than phytoplankton by the infusion of high-15N waters
Although this study does not specifically attempt to from the hypolimnion during lake mixing. Thirdly, po-
elucidate the factors determining the stable isotopic tential inorganic nitrogen substrates (NO 32 and NH41)
values of primary consumers, it appears that the pro- differ in d15N, differences which can be passed on to
cess of lake stratification, and the ensuing isolation of consumers (Owens 1987, Paerl and Fogel 1994). Fi-
water masses, in a general sense is responsible for the nally, Wada and Hattori (1978) and Pennock et al.
unique stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values char- (1996) showed that algae can exhibit highly variable
acterizing primary consumers of the profundal zone of fractionation, depending on the N substrate (NO32,
our 14 lakes. NH41, or N2), algal growth rates, species composition,
The value of d13C can vary widely among primary and ambient nutrient concentrations.
producers within a system, and the factors influencing
variation in d13C are fairly well understood. The biota Trophic position in ecological studies
inhabiting the depths of stratified lakes have been ob- A trophic position-based approach to representing
served to be 13C depleted, due to algal uptake of re- trophic structure incorporates omnivory and weights
spired CO2, which is more abundant in deeper waters feeding links according to their relative energetic im-
of stratified lakes (Rau 1978, 1980). Benthic algae tend portance, thereby representing ‘‘realized,’’ rather than
to be enriched in 13C, relative to phytoplankton, due to ‘‘potential’’ trophic structure (Kling et al. 1992). Use
a CO2 boundary layer effect, which causes diffusion of trophic position-based food web representations is
limitation to benthic algal cells in oligotrophic lakes likely to improve our ability to model and understand
(France 1995a, b, Hecky and Hesslein 1995). Addi- ecosystem processes. For example, trophic position
tionally, algal use of bicarbonate as a carbon substrate provided a significant improvement over the use of
results in enriched d13C values (Hecky and Hesslein trophic levels for predicting contaminant concentra-
1995). tions in pelagic consumers (Vander Zanden and Ras-
Compared to d13C, much less is known about the mussen 1996). A trophic position approach may also
factors influencing variation in d15N values at the lower prove to be useful in studies of food web dynamics, as
levels of the food web. Cabana and Rasmussen (1996) deviations from discrete trophic levels (i.e., complexity
report a wide range of unionid mussel d15N values and and omnivory) could dampen the predicted trophic cas-
showed that 68% of the among-lake variation in pri- cades (Polis and Strong 1996, Hairston and Hairston
mary consumer d15N is explained by human population 1997). Use of this approach may also be used to quan-
density in the watershed. Although our study lakes tend tify the effects of ecosystem perturbations and to model
to be relatively pristine, the study lakes that have sub- tropho-dynamics and ecosystem production (Kerr and
stantial human population in the watershed, Lake Mem- Martin 1970).
phremagog, Quebec and Lake Muskoka, Ontario, con- Gut content data provides a snapshot of the diet of
tain primary consumers with the most elevated d15N study populations, but will not provide estimates of
values. food web structure and trophic position, unless the diet
Nitrogen transformation processes such as denitri- of their prey (and the prey of their prey, etc.) are spe-
fication and ammonification occur in the suboxic pro- cifically studied as well (Vander Zanden and Rasmus-
fundal zones of stratified lakes. These processes are sen 1996, Vander Zanden et al. 1997). Interpreting d15N
accompanied by considerable N isotope fractionation, signatures of higher consumers, relative to an appro-
resulting in an 15N-enriched pool of inorganic N avail- priate baseline signature, can provide time-integrated
able for uptake by primary producers (Wada and Hat- depictions of trophic structure. In light of this, a trophic
tori 1978, Macko and Estep 1985, Owens 1987). Ad- position-based approach to representing trophic struc-
ditionally, profundal primary consumers feed upon ture becomes an attractive alternative to connectance

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Stable isotope data from 14 Ontario and Quebec lakes used in this analysis. Numbers following lake names are lake numbers
from Table 1.

Taxon and lake Habitat† d13C d15N Taxon and lake Habitat† d13C d15N
Twelve Mile Lake (4) Muskoka Lake (2)
Amphipoda lit. 219.01 2.35 Amphipoda lit. 222.55 1.82
Ephemeroptera lit. 226.23 5.45 Ephemeroptera lit. 222.70 4.16
Trichoptera lit. 223.91 0.10 Trichoptera lit. 225.96 3.87
Unionidae pel. 227.58 1.55 Unionidae pel. 227.53 5.08
Shallow zooplankton pel. 226.89 2.57 Shallow zooplankton pel. 226.32 4.38
Shallow zooplankton pel. 225.06 3.26 Chironomidae pro. 227.52 8.43
Chironomidae pro. 230.64 5.54 Deep zooplankton pro. 227.35 5.91
Chironomidae pro. 230.19 5.86
Ephemeroptera pro. 230.94 7.11 Lake Opeongo (9)
Deep zooplankton pro. 226.36 2.59 Amphipoda lit 226.55 1.14
Miscellaneous lit. 227.07 0.98
Clean Lake (12) Frog tadpoles lit. 229.06 3.83
Amphipoda lit. 219.70 21.06 Frog tadpoles pel. 226.01 3.41
Ephemeroptera lit. 226.20 2.32 Trichoptera pel. 224.94 1.71
Trichoptera lit. 227.31 0.25 Unionidae pel. 228.57 1.63
Trichoptera lit. 224.80 0.22 Shallow zooplankton pro. 231.77 2.32
Chironomidae pro. 230.25 5.08 Shallow zooplankton pro. 229.32 2.07
Deep zooplankton pro. 236.48 5.46 Chironomidae lit. 228.60 6.11
Deep zooplankton pro. 225.42 2.84 Chironomidae pro. 231.59 2.30
Dickey Lake (5) Deep zooplankton pro. 228.87 7.30
Miscellaneous lit. 226.01 4.38 Lake Rosseau (3)
Unionidae pel. 230.28 3.98 Amphipoda lit. 218.48 0.81
Shallow zooplankton pel. 230.40 5.17 Miscellaneous lit. 218.85 2.02
Chironomidae pro. 234.74 4.88 Trichoptera lit. 221.45 1.01
Chironomidae pro. 233.70 8.68 Unionidae pel. 228.34 2.91
Deep zooplankton pro. 235.52 8.82 Chironomidae pro. 229.19 6.82
Happy Isle Lake (11) Chironomidae pro. 228.87 7.30
Trichoptera lit. 231.34 5.41 Smoke Lake (6)
Trichoptera lit. 222.45 0.39 Amphipoda lit. 216.22 1.45
Unionidae pel. 226.59 1.08 Ephemeroptera lit. 221.91 1.07
Chironomidae pro. 231.80 3.79 Trichoptera lit. 226.24 1.51
Chironomidae pro. 229.72 3.91 Unionidae pel. 224.61 3.35
Louisa Lake (14) Deep zooplankton pro. 228.46 1.70
Amphipoda lit. 222.43 21.29 Source Lake (10)
Ephemeroptera lit. 228.39 0.25 Amphipoda lit. 223.50 1.93
Ephemeroptera lit. 225.75 21.37 Trichoptera lit. 227.08 0.41
Miscellaneous lit. 225.06 0.93 Unionidae pel. 225.42 1.80
Frog tadpoles lit. ··· 20.52 Shallow zooplankton pel. 227.32 0.41
Trichoptera lit. 223.54 21.62 Chironomidae pro. 232.92 4.27
Unionidae pel. 227.73 2.62 Chironomidae pro. 229.29 4.79
Chironomidae pro. 234.08 2.16 Deep zooplankton pro. 227.66 6.36
Chironomidae pro. 230.74 5.32 Deep zooplankton pro. 229.35 2.55
Deep zooplankton pro. 231.65 1.71
Deep zooplankton pro. 231.58 3.35 Lake Temagami (13)
Amphipoda lit. ··· 0.23
MacDonald Lake (8) Frog tadpoles lit. 221.29 20.45
Amphipoda lit. 221.38 20.32 Unionidae pel. 229.10 1.43
Ephemeroptera lit. 223.38 2.09 Shallow zooplankton pel. 226.77 20.41
Miscellaneous lit. 220.94 2.30 Chironomidae pro. 230.46 2.75
Trichoptera lit. 225.27 1.39 Deep zooplankton pro. 228.04 4.07
Trichoptera lit. 223.85 0.72
Unionidae pel. 231.54 3.00 Victoria Lake (7)
Shallow zooplankton pel. 224.40 3.01 Amphipoda lit. 222.16 2.84
Chironomidae pro. 229.53 5.86 Ephemeroptera lit. 221.15 0.95
Deep zooplankton pro. 226.85 3.88 Ephemeroptera lit. 224.32 0.71
Miscellaneous lit. 224.02 2.41
Lake Memphremagog (1) Frog tadpoles lit. 223.95 1.72
Amphipoda lit. 225.03 5.63 Unionidae pel. 228.38 1.55
Amphipoda lit. 225.65 5.30 Shallow zooplankton pel. 229.08 0.43
Trichoptera lit. 226.99 5.30 Chironomidae pro. 230.58 7.80
Unionidae pel. 229.58 8.05 Deep zooplankton pro. 230.33 2.16
Chironomidae pro. 232.74 8.91
Deep zooplankton pro. 231.74 10.41

† Abbreviations: lit. 5 littoral; pel. 5 pelagic; pro. 5 profundal.

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