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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Rose Balderaz
Adam Cohen
Karen Dickinson
▪ The Millennial Generation - most controversial generations of our time?
▪ Technologically savvy
▪ “Me, me, me “ generation
▪ Often criticized - driven by self interests and requiring recognition.

▪ As educators,
▪ How do we look past these stereotypes?
▪ How do we engage and facilitate learning with a “tech savvy” generation?
▪ Goals
- Who are Millennial Learners, how do we teach them?
- How do we overcome stereotypical behavior
- Strategies to enhance learning
Characteristics Major Influences
Confident Explosion of technology
Collective Minded Terrorist Attacks
Diverse School Violence
Community building Educational Tools
Technologically Savvy Economy challenges
Interested in Fairness Environmental Changes
▪ COVID-19 pandemic
▪ Unprecedented change in structure and delivery of medical
▪ Educational technology increasing role

▪ Doug, a millennial learner is well equipped to deal with this

▪ Adapt well to technology
▪ Prefer collaborative learning
▪ Interactive
▪ Media literacy
▪ Seek feedback

▪ COVID-19 has meant
▪ Increased online learning
▪ Increased use of educational technology
▪ Rapid shift

▪ Play to the strengths of the Millennial learner at

this time
▪ “Perfect learner”

▪ Millennials want immediate direct answers
▪ Technology (Google, You Tube, Suri…etc) enables this “now”
▪ Sense of entitlement

▪ Beatriz was asked a question during a clinical rotation and didn’t

know the correct answer. The instructor refused to give her the
answer and requested that she attempt to answer the question.
Beatriz instead chose to quickly google the question and to find the
▪ Used a Google to find the answer
▪ Expected the Instructor to give her the answer
▪ No time was spent trying to figure out the question
▪ Offer alternative methods to find solutions to
a problem
▪ Hands on technics
▪ Short explanation videos

▪ Explain the importance of critically thinking

and solving problems

▪ Provide helpful feedback to encourage the


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

Katie approaches her professor
to ask for help as she struggles
with finding information about
the subject of her next
assignment. Her instructor
responds that it is typical for a
millennial to just want the
answer and not do the work as
assigned, and tells her to keep

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

▪ Generation Theory is widely used in the literature
▪ Evidence to support its usefulness is lacking
▪ It creates bias in instructors

▪ Generalizations about a generation -> emphasizing supposed

problematic attributes
▪ Eg: Millennials as entitled, narcissistic and drawn to technology

▪ Studies have shown learner behavior is determined more by the

environment than an individual’s demographics

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Jauregui 2018
▪ Recognize generational archetypes are myths which perpetuate
negative stereotypes

▪ Practice Generational Humility

▪ Reflect about the power differential inherent in their instructional relationships
▪ Consider the cognitive, affective and behavioral needs of learners as individuals
when planning instruction
▪ Build an understanding of the complex and dynamic social, cultural and
historical interactions that shape the individuals in each new generation of

Jauregui 2018
Educator Learner
Open mind Patience

Intrinsic bias with generational differences Ignore negative narrative

Educational strategies Address frustrations with open discussion

UDL Principles Identify limits of multi-tasking

Guidance and focus

Structure and feedback

▪ Desy JR, Reed DA, Wolanskyj AP. Milestones and Millennials: A Perfect Pairing-
Competency-Based Medical Education and the Learning Preferences of Generation Y.
Mayo Clin Proc. 2017;92(2):243‐250. doi:10.1016/j.mayocp.2016.10.026

▪ Hopkins L, Hampton BS, Abbott JF, et al. To the point: medical education, technology, and
the millennial learner. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;218(2):188‐192.

▪ Jauregui J, Watsjold B, Welsh L, Ilgen JS, Robins L. Generational 'othering': The myth of
the Millennial learner. Med Educ. 2020;54(1):60‐65. doi:10.1111/medu.13795

▪ Roberts DH, Newman LR, Schwartzstein RM. Twelve tips for facilitating Millennials'
learning. Med Teach. 2012;34(4):274‐278. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2011.613498

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