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Riza C.



Theory 4 (Social Dimensions of Education)

Saturday, 1:00-4:00PM

Education and Globalization

According to Jacques Hallak during the conference on “Educational Reconstruction and

Transformation of Education. Challenges for the 21st Century”, globalization is a combination of

much freer trade in goods and services combined with free capital movements. While, Merriam

dictionary defined globalization as the act or process of globalizing; the state of being

globalized; the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked specially by

free trade , free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets. The way I

understand it, it is an interaction across the world by countries who wanted to have a strong and

stable economy. Globalization maybe in terms of their living, politics, mode of transportation and

communication and even education.

Implications of globalization on training needs

International scope is not totally absent from current education systems. For

example, at university level, and especially in the areas of science, technology and

research, the flow of foreign students has not ceased All the same, in most cases, the
teaching provided does not meet the new demands being created by globalization.

Let's admit it! Here in the Philippines, SPCBA for example, they offered Senior high school

despite the fact that the school cannot provide for the needs of the students under the different

strands. Considering that senior high focuses more on the technical aspects of/in education,

resources specially the instructors are not capable enough to provide the teachings necessary

for the program. I am not saying that all the teachers are not into it, but most of them. To be

outdated in terms of the teaching techniques, methods and strategies are just some of the

factors that hinder the growth of the learners. As I can see it, technology as well serves as an

equalizer for educational opportunity around the world.

Therefore, education must help individuals to perform tasks for which they were

not originally trained, to prepare for a non-linear career path, to improve their team skills, to use

information independently, to develop their capacity for improvisation as well as their

creativity, and finally to lay the basis of complex thinking linked to the harsh realities of

practical life.

The above statement has something to do with letting the students get out of the box, on their

own. I believe that, this is what Mr. Felipe Ramores has been doing to us all these years. He

never spoon fed us because he wanted us to bloom on our own. We may be bombarded by

loads of works but at the end of the day it help us to be more critical individuals. Actually, all

those good reading materials enable me/us to become responsible; all the assigned reports

taught us to have focus and clearer understanding that there's much more outside the school.

With Mr. Ramores way of teaching, I must say, he did prepare us to a much difficult battles in
our lives.

Adapting education systems to deal with the changes

Modify the role of teachers: in order to train independent individuals who are capable

of tracking down information, processing it and interpreting it, teachers should review their

teaching methods, and move from the role of speaker to the role of guide.

This is long overdue, but based on my observation there are still some teachers who do most of

the talking inside the classroom. Worst case scenario is that, what the teacher is discussing has

nothing to do with the lesson. That's one kind of teacher, another one is the teacher will do a so

little discussion and even if the students don't understand the lesson he/she will proceed

abruptly. With that, students will have no chance of raising their concerns. What do the 21st

century learners need? A 21st century teacher most probably the one to facilitate the learning

inside the classroom and are engaged to inclusion of technologies in teaching. Technology is

continuously changing and educators must do their best to keep up with those changes.

Review certification procedures: certification procedures should be modified so as to

indicate an individual’s capacity to adapt to a rapidly changing job market.

In doing so, credible certifying body must be provided beforehand. Moreover, certification

should be standardized so as to be widely applicable, and thus facilitate the adaptability of

students, as well as workers.

Rethink the objectives of each level of education: the modernization of

education systems involves a redistribution of responsibilities among the various

levels of education

Before the education system to do redistribution of responsibilities among the various levels of

education, I thinks it is best for the government to check first on higher authorities in the

Education Department. Also, have a thorough modification of the system.

Debate on globalization

Should one consider globalization as an inevitable process to which all countries must

adapt in the end, or is it a passing fad with a limited lifespan?

Globalization is inevitable. In order for one country's economy to arise it should embrace the

demands of the changing world. Without globalization we will befall behind other countries. We

will never experience modernization and advancement of technologies. Without globalization in

education, the educational system will be left behind. We won't be able to produce globally

competitive individuals. With all of these, education will need both rethinking and restructuring if

schooling is to best prepare the children and the youth of the world to engage globalization’s

new challenges, opportunities and costs.

Changing teachers for a changing world

TEACHING might not be the most popular profession in the world, but it is

undoubtedly the most populated: there are indeed some 57 million teachers in the

world, about two-thirds of whom work in the developing world.

Indeed, teaching profession is populated here in the Philippines. I personally knew some who

are graduates of education and yet are working in the BPO industry. Many also has no items,

that is why they are oblige to teach other subjects and not their major.

At the same time, some people enter the teaching profession as a stopgap

measure, in the absence of anything better. This has resulted in a lack of faith in

education, a feeling probably strengthened by the ideological mood of the moment, which

has turned opinion against the public service and in favour of the introduction of market

forces in education.

This is just one of the many reasons why the quality of education has been degrading over the

period of time. Because the country is lacking of competent teachers. School heads or the

educational system must be very vigilant of their teachers most specially in elementary which

happens to be the primary years for a child to learn. Unfortunately, the "palakasan" system is

still rampant to public schools.

To wrap it up, globalization makes people around the world more connected with each other.
Globalization in education helps the students in building their future by being responsible citizen.

The quality of education determine whether and how the country can participate in the

processes of globalization. All throughout this globalization, those who play a big part are our

unsung heroes, our effective and efficient educators.

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