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104 Academy of Management Perspectives February

Opportunity Recognition as Pattern Recognition:

How Entrepreneurs “Connect the Dots” to Identify
New Business Opportunities
by Robert A. Baron*

Executive Overview
How do entrepreneurs identify opportunities for new business ventures? One possibility, suggested by
research on human cognition, is that they do so by using cognitive frameworks they have acquired through
experience to perceive connections between seemingly unrelated events or trends in the external world. In
other words, they use cognitive frameworks they possess to “connect the dots” between changes in
technology, demographics, markets, government policies, and other factors. The patterns they then
perceive in these events or trends suggest ideas for new products or services—ideas that can potentially
serve as the basis for new ventures. This pattern recognition perspective on opportunity identification is
useful in several respects. First, it helps integrate into one basic framework three factors that have been
found to play an important role in opportunity recognition: engaging in an active search for opportunities;
alertness to them; and prior knowledge of an industry or market. In addition, it also helps explain
interrelations between these factors (e.g., the fact that active search may not be required when alertness is
very high). Second, a pattern recognition perspective helps explain why some persons, but not others,
identify specific opportunities. Third, a pattern recognition framework suggests specific ways in which
current or would-be entrepreneurs can be trained to be better at recognizing opportunities. Future directions
for research on a pattern recognition perspective are described, and its practical implications for entrepre-
neurship education are examined.

“There is a tide in the affairs of men pecially important and received most attention:
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; engaging in an active search for opportunities;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.”
alertness to opportunities (the capacity to recog-
–William Shakespeare nize them when they emerge); and prior knowl-
edge of a market, industry, or customers as a basis

he field of entrepreneurship strongly concurs
for recognizing new opportunities in these areas.
with Shakespeare’s words about the impor-
Past research suggests that all three are indeed
tance of recognizing, and acting upon, oppor-
important. For instance, with respect to an active
tunities. Indeed, opportunity recognition is widely
viewed as a key step in the entrepreneurial pro- search for opportunities, many studies indicate
cess— one from which, in many cases, all else that access to appropriate information plays a key
follows.1 For this reason, opportunity recognition role in opportunity recognition.4 Similarly, addi-
has been the subject of much research in the field tional findings indicate that entrepreneurs are
of entrepreneurship.2 more likely than managers to engage in active
Previous work has examined many different search for opportunities and potential but un-
factors that play a role in the recognition of op- tapped sources of profit.5 Further confirming the
portunities for new business ventures.3 Among importance of active search is the finding, re-
these, however, three have been identified as es- ported in one intriguing study, that entrepreneurs
*Robert A. Baron is Dean R. Wellington Professor of Management at the Lally School of Management and Technology, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute. Contact:
2006 Baron 105

belonging to the Chicago area Entrepreneurship tunity and proceeded to develop it. More formal
Hall of Fame were found to be less likely to evidence for the importance of cognitive processes
identify their opportunities from public informa- in entrepreneurial alertness has been obtained in
tion such as magazines, newspapers, and trade many studies. For instance, intelligence has been
publications; rather, they actively sought such in- found, in several investigations, to be linked to
formation in more unique sources, such as per- founding new ventures.13 Creativity, another as-
sonal contacts and more specialized publications.6 pect of cognition, has also been found to play a
These and other findings indicate that actively role in alertness; for instance, entrepreneurs tend
searching for information is an important factor in to score higher on various tests of creativity than
the recognition of many opportunities by entre- other persons.14 Additional findings indicate that
preneurs although, as noted by several authors, other personal characteristics, too, may play a role
such searches must be carefully directed to suc- in promoting alertness. For instance, optimism—
ceed7 and in some cases, searches can proceed in the belief that events will generally result in fa-
vorable outcomes— has been positively linked to
a relatively “automatic” manner rather than in a
opportunity recognition.15 And perceptions of risk
conscious and carefully directed one.8
also may be important, since individuals who per-
Alertness, in contrast, emphasizes the fact that
ceive high levels of risk in many situations may be
opportunities can sometimes be recognized by in-
reluctant to view almost any idea as a bona fide
dividuals who are not actively searching for them,
but who possess “a unique preparedness to recog-
Finally, turning to the third factor mentioned
nize them. . .” when they appear (Gilad, note 5, p. above, prior knowledge, a wealth of evidence in-
48). Kirzner,9 who first introduced this term into dicates that information gathered through rich
the entrepreneurship literature, defined it as and varied life experience (especially, through
“alertness to changed conditions or to overlooked varied business and work experience) can be a
possibilities.” This definition suggests that oppor- major “plus” for entrepreneurs in terms of recog-
tunities can be noticed even by persons who are nizing potentially profitable opportunities. For ex-
not actively seeking them; indeed, when alertness ample, it has been found that prior knowledge of
is high, entrepreneurs may engage in what has customer needs and ways to meet them greatly
been termed “passive search,” a state in which enhances entrepreneurs’ ability to provide inno-
they are receptive to opportunities, but do not vative solutions to these problems—in other
engage in a formal, systematic search for them.10 words, to identify potentially valuable business
What are the foundations of entrepreneurial alert- opportunities.17 One recent study on the impor-
ness? It has been suggested that alertness rests, at tance of prior knowledge18 compared two high-
least in part, on cognitive capacities possessed by tech start up companies— one that was highly
individuals— capacities such as high intelligence successful and one that failed. Results indicated
and creativity.11 These capacities help entrepre- that the failing company (which designed anti-
neurs to identify new solutions to market and theft devices for personal computers and was
customer needs in existing information, and to known as Handsoff) did not keep abreast of cur-
imagine new products and services that do not rent developments in its potential market. For
currently exist.12 For instance, consider Lorraine instance, it continued to design anti-theft devices
Santoli, inventor of a useful new product. When even as the price of personal computers dropped
Ms. Santoli grew tired of trying to locate facial drastically, thus greatly reducing demand for such
tissues while driving, she came up with the idea of products. In contrast, the start-up that succeeded
putting them into a cup-shaped container— one (Buyonet), continued to gather pertinent infor-
that would fit neatly into the cup-holders found in mation about its potential markets and in fact,
virtually all vehicles. She was not actively or expanded these greatly as such knowledge was
systematically searching for this idea, but because obtained. The company began by setting up In-
of her personal creativity, was alert to this oppor- ternet “stores” for its own products, but quickly
106 Academy of Management Perspectives February

expanded into setting up such operations for other opportunities exist for years before they are no-
companies. The result? Major financial success. In ticed and developed. For instance, consider
short, knowledge— especially knowledge concern- wheeled luggage of the type that is now used by a
ing specific markets or industries— often provides large majority of all air travelers. Such luggage was
a solid base for opportunity recognition, and the used for decades by air flight crews before it was
broader this foundation, the more opportunities introduced into the market for general sale. Why?
present themselves, and the higher the quality of Perhaps because no one “connected the dots” be-
such opportunities entrepreneurs will tend to rec- tween several pertinent trends: a large increase in
ognize. the number of passengers, growing problems with
This is just a small part of the evidence sug- checked luggage, expansion in the size of airports,
gesting that these factors (active or passive search, and so on. Once these trends were seen as con-
alertness, and prior knowledge) play a key role in nected, the benefits of wheeled luggage became
opportunity recognition, so there seem to be apparent, and this product soon came to dominate
strong grounds for assuming that they are indeed the market.
important. To date, however, they have been Second, there is a large body of evidence in
studied separately and viewed as largely indepen- cognitive science suggesting that pattern recogni-
dent aspects of opportunity recognition. In other tion is a basic aspect of our efforts to understand
words, no framework for integrating these fac- the world around us. That is, we do indeed expend
tors—for understanding how they might operate considerable effort searching for patterns among
together or for understanding how they influence various events or trends in the external world.20
opportunity recognition— has been developed. As To the extent that opportunity recognition also
noted below, such integration is important both involves perceiving links or connections between
for understanding the basic nature of opportunity seemingly independent events or trends, it may be
recognition and for identifying ways of helping closely related to this basic perceptual process.
entrepreneurs to be more proficient at this task. It Finally, recent findings point to the conclusion
is suggested here that such integration can be that pattern recognition is indeed closely related
provided by a basic cognitive process long studied to opportunity recognition by entrepreneurs. For
in the field of cognitive science—pattern recog- instance, in one revealing study, experienced (re-
nition. peat) entrepreneurs were asked to describe the
Pattern recognition is the process through process involved in the identification of the op-
which specific persons perceive complex and portunities they pursued.21 Findings indicated that
seemingly unrelated events as constituting identi- these highly experienced entrepreneurs (they had
fiable patterns.19 In essence, it involves recogni- started more than four ventures each), uniformly
tion of links between apparently unrelated trends, mentioned engaging in an active search, and also
changes, and events—links suggestive of patterns in restricting these searches for opportunities to
connecting them together. The patterns suggested areas in which they already possessed considerable
by these links or connections then become figures knowledge. In other words, they reported engag-
instead of undifferentiated (and often overlooked) ing in a process very similar to that involved in
ground. In essence, then, pattern recognition, as pattern recognition—a process in which they em-
applied to opportunity recognition, involves in- ployed their existing cognitive frameworks and
stances in which specific individuals “connect the knowledge to notice connections between diverse
dots”—perceive links between seemingly unre- events and trends. Indeed, many stated explicitly
lated events and changes. The patterns they per- that they had recognized opportunities by com-
ceive then become the basis for identifying new bining a number of external factors into a mean-
business opportunities. ingful pattern. Findings such as these suggest that
Several lines of evidence suggest that pattern pattern recognition may indeed play an important
recognition may indeed play a key role in oppor- role in the identification of new business oppor-
tunity recognition. First, it is clear that many tunities.
2006 Baron 107

In order to clarify the potential value of a here is on what have been described as innovative
pattern recognition perspective for understanding opportunities— ones that truly break new ground
opportunity recognition, the remainder of this pa- rather than merely expand or repeat existing busi-
per will proceed as follows. First, because relating ness models, such as, for instance, opening a new
opportunity recognition to models of pattern rec- Italian restaurant in a neighborhood that does not
ognition requires certain assumptions about the currently have one.24
nature of opportunities and the process of oppor-
tunity recognition itself, these assumptions, stated Propositions Concerning the Nature of
in the form or propositions, are presented first. Opportunities and Opportunity Recognition.
Next, two models of pattern recognition that ap- In order to apply models of pattern recognition to
pear to be directly related to opportunity recogni- the process of opportunity recognition, two basic
tion are described. Third, specific ways in which assumptions are required. These assumptions,
these models help to integrate the factors dis- stated as propositions, are as follows.
cussed earlier (active search, alertness, prior
Proposition 1: Opportunities emerge from a
knowledge) into a single framework are examined.
complex pattern of changing conditions—
Fourth, directions for future research on this
changes in technology, economic, political,
model are briefly described. Finally, implications
social, and demographic conditions. They
of this model for entrepreneurship education and
come into existence at a given point in time
practice are considered.
because of a juxtaposition or confluence of
conditions which did not exist previously but
Opportunities and Opportunity Recognition: is now present.
Some Basic Propositions Perhaps a concrete example will be helpful in

hile many definitions of the term opportu- illustrating this point. In recent years, the number
nity have been proposed,22 most include ref- of people getting married who have been married
erences to three central characteristics: po- before has increased dramatically. Further, be-
tential economic value (i.e., the capacity to cause these people tend to be older than those
generate profit), newness (i.e., some product, ser- marrying for the first time, they often have greater
vice, or technology that did not exist previously), financial resources. Another, seemingly unrelated
and perceived desirability (e.g., moral and legal trend is that older persons in many societies seem
acceptability of the new product or service in increasingly willing to “indulge” themselves—
society). For purposes of this paper, then, oppor- they do not want to miss out on experiences
tunity will be defined as a perceived means of simply because they are in their 40s or 50s instead
generating economic value (i.e., profit) that pre- of their 20s and 30s. While these trends and
viously has not been exploited and is not currently changes seem, at first glance, to be unrelated, two
being exploited by others. entrepreneurs—Cheryl and Bill Brown— have re-
If opportunity is defined in this manner, then cently recognized that they suggest the need for a
opportunity recognition can, in turn, be defined service to help such persons plan a large wed-
as the cognitive process (or processes) through ding.25 The company they founded—Second
which individuals conclude that they have iden- Time Around— has experienced rapid growth as
tified an opportunity. It is important to note, as word of its existence spread among people con-
emphasized recently by several authors,23 that op- templating marriage for the second or third time.
portunity recognition is only the initial step in a In contrast, other existing wedding services are
continuing process, and is distinct both from de- specifically geared to young persons getting mar-
tailed evaluation of the feasibility and potential ried for the first time. This new business provides
economic value of identified opportunities and a clear illustration of how a confluence of events
from active steps to develop them through new or trends can lead to the emergence of a new and
ventures. It should also be noted that the focus potentially profitable business opportunity. It is
108 Academy of Management Perspectives February

suggested here that recognizing the links or con- on a computer screen. Because of his or her work
nections between various events, trends, or experience as a fire fighter, this person now per-
changes is a key step in recognizing such oppor- ceives these technological developments as con-
tunities. nected, and as suggesting a means of continuously
Proposition 2: Recognition of opportunities locating each member of the fire fighting team. As
depends, in part, on cognitive structures a result, he or she perceives an opportunity for a
possessed by individuals—frameworks de- new product that is both useful and potentially
veloped through their previous life experi- profitable—a small device that can be worn by fire
ence. These frameworks, which serve to fighters that indicates their exact location at all
organize information stored in memory in times. The entrepreneur reasons that every fire
ways useful for the persons who possess department would want this equipment because, if
them, serve as “templates” that enable spe- it works well, it would save many lives. How did
cific individuals to perceive connections be- the person involved recognize this opportunity?
tween seemingly unrelated changes or By “connecting the dots”—perceiving patterns
events. In other words, they provide the among seemingly unrelated events; and these con-
cognitive basis for “connecting the dots” nections were evident to this person because of his
into patterns suggestive of new business or her past experience as a firefighter— experience
opportunities. that equipped this particular entrepreneur with
the appropriate cognitive frameworks needed for
The models of pattern recognition to be dis- perceiving such links. (In fact, precisely such
cussed in the next section of this paper focus on events have occurred, and a start-up company,
these cognitive structures, suggesting that they Tiercent Inc., has been founded by entrepreneurs
provide the basis for recognizing connections be- who were formerly firefighters to develop such
tween seemingly unrelated events or changes. In products.).
other words, these models propose that one reason Now that these basic propositions have been
why specific persons (and not others) perceive offered, two models of pattern recognition that
such patterns is that they possess the cognitive seem to offer important insights into precisely
frameworks that permit them to do so. In contrast, how opportunity recognition occurs are described
this “equipment” is lacking or less well-developed in the next section.
in persons who do not perceive these patterns.
Perhaps even before describing these models of
Models of Pattern Recognition:
pattern recognition, a concrete example of how
How Individuals “Connect The Dots”
this process operates will be helpful.
Imagine an individual who has worked for sev- into Meaningful Patterns

eral years as a firefighter. As a result of this expe- f opportunity recognition is indeed a cognitive
rience, she or he has encountered many instances process that involves recognition of complex
in which a member of the fire fighting team has patterns, then the following basic question aris-
entered a burning structure and for some period of es: How does recognition of such patterns actually
time is out of touch with other firefighters. This, occur? In other words, how do specific persons
in turn, results in considerable danger for the perceive connections among unrelated and di-
“missing” person or persons, who cannot be verse events, and from these connections, derive
readily helped if they encounter difficulties. Now, specific business opportunities? A compelling an-
further imagine that this former firefighter is tak- swer is offered by models of pattern recognition.
ing engineering and computer science courses at a
technological university and learns that small sig- Models of Pattern Recognition: Opportunities as
naling devices capable of pinpointing a firefight- Emergent, Noticeable Patterns
er’s exact location now exist, as does software Many different models of pattern recognition ex-
capable of representing these locations accurately ist, but all agree on the following basic point:
2006 Baron 109

individuals notice various events in the external about a new advance in scientific knowledge con-
world (e.g., changes in technology, markets, gov- cerning some basic physiological process—a pro-
ernment policies) and then utilize cognitive cess that is suspected to play a role in certain
frameworks they have developed through experi- diseases. In addition, the physician knows from
ence to determine whether these events are re- actual experience that existing treatments for
lated in any way—whether, in short, they form a these diseases have major side effects. Using her
discernible pattern. Different models focus on dis- prototype of “effective treatment” and perhaps
tinct kinds of cognitive frameworks, but the pro- other prototypes as well (e.g., prototypes concern-
cess is much the same in all of them. ing the nature of a given disease and how it
develops), she now recognizes potential links be-
Prototype Models. tween the new scientific advance and potential
One widely accepted model of pattern recognition treatments for a specific illness. In other words,
suggests that individuals employ prototypes as a her prototypes help her to perceive an emergent
basis for recognizing patterns. Prototypes are ide- pattern in these diverse events. She also realizes
alized representations of the most typical member that if these perceived links are confirmed, this
of a category (a class of objects or events that seem will suggest ways of developing new drugs effective
to belong together).26 Basically, newly encoun- in treating this illness. In short, she has noticed
tered events or trends are compared with existing this possibility (this opportunity) because proto-
prototypes to determine whether they belong to types she possesses have helped her to do so—to
specific categories or can be seen as being con- notice an emergent pattern among seemingly di-
nected in some manner. For instance, most people verse and independent events.
possess a prototype for “house.” This mental Much evidence suggests that individuals do
framework is broad enough so that everything indeed form prototypes and that once they exist,
from a huge mansion to a simple cottage can be these cognitive frameworks are employed in many
recognized as a house, while other objects that do ways. For instance, individuals often use them for
not match this prototype well (e.g., tents, sky- perceiving patterns in diverse and seemingly un-
scrapers, shopping malls) are excluded. Prototypes related events or trends.27 Used in this manner,
represent the modal or most frequently experi- prototypes may well play an important role in
enced combination of attributes associated with opportunity recognition.
an object or pattern. For example, the prototype of
“house” would include such attributes as doors; Exemplar Models.
windows; rooms in which to sleep, eat, and wash; A very different model of pattern recognition em-
a roof or other protection from the elements; and phasizes the importance of specific knowledge
so on. rather than idealized prototypes. Such exemplar
Applying prototype models to opportunity rec- models28 suggest that as individuals encounter
ognition, entrepreneurs may use prototypes as a new events or stimuli, they compare them with
means for identifying patterns among seemingly specific examples (exemplars) of relevant con-
unrelated events or trends. For instance, consider cepts already stored in memory. For instance, a
a physician engaged in medical research. Because physician’s concept of “effective treatment” for a
of extensive on-the-job experience, this individ- given kind of disease would not consist solely of an
ual has a clearly developed prototype for “effective idealized representation of the most typical “effec-
treatment” of various diseases (e.g., the treatment tive treatment” she or he can imagine (a proto-
is safe, it can be used ethically with patients, it type); rather, it would also include numerous ex-
enhances recovery from the illness, etc.). Further, amples of “effective treatments” the physician has
this prototype may be especially clear for illnesses actually encountered, exemplars that vary in
in which the physician specializes— ones with many respects (e.g., exemplars of excellent treat-
which she or he has had considerable experience. ments with few negative side effects and exem-
Now, imagine that this physician reads an article plars of very poor ones that are not highly effec-
110 Academy of Management Perspectives February

tive and that do involve negative side effects). factors described earlier—active search, alertness,
Exemplar models seem especially relevant to op- and prior knowledge—will now be examined.
portunity recognition because they do not require First, however, an important point about the na-
the construction of prototypes. Rather, individu- ture of opportunity recognition will be clarified.
als simply compare newly encountered events or
stimuli with examples of a given concept already Opportunity Recognition as a Repeated Search
present in memory. This fits well with entrepre- for Patterns
neurs’ reports that they “. . .just know a good Thus far, the discussion seems to suggest that
opportunity when they see it,” and do not have to opportunity recognition occurs in a single step:
engage in complex processing to reach this con- entrepreneurs observe various events or changes,
clusion (as would be required for the development and upon examining them, recognize links or con-
of prototypes). Moreover, exemplar models fit nections between them that then suggest new
with recent findings indicating that experienced, business opportunities. While this may be true in
repeat entrepreneurs generally search for opportu- some instances, basic research on pattern recog-
nities in areas or industries where they are already nition suggests that often the process is one in-
knowledgeable—where, in short, they have many volving many steps and repeated efforts to recog-
exemplars stored in memory.29 nize emergent patterns.34 Initially, individuals
Overall, research in cognitive science suggests may notice that two or more variables are related,
that both prototype and exemplar models may be but this in itself does not yield a clear-cut pattern.
necessary to fully understand how individuals no- Rather, it may only suggest that there is “some-
tice emergent patterns in diverse and apparently thing there,” and that additional information is
unrelated events or changes.30 For example, some required to examine it more closely. As this input
findings suggest that initially, before they gain is obtained, the overall pattern may begin to take
expertise in a specific area, individuals may rely on shape, and the possibility of a new business oppor-
prototypes and on comparing newly encountered tunity to emerge.35 For instance, consider how
stimuli and events with these idealized represen- and other online travel services were
tations. As they gain expertise in a given domain, developed. A number of changes and events
however, they may shift to greater reliance on paved the way for this opportunity: a huge in-
exemplars, which allows them to perform the pro- crease in the number of individuals who owned
cess of identifying complex patterns in a less ef- personal computers; development of software that
fortful, more automatic manner.31 Further, and could track literally thousands of flights and pro-
perhaps even more intriguing, it appears that pro- vide information on thousands of hotels; plus
totypes and exemplars may be represented (and techniques for conducting secure financial trans-
processed) in different regions of the brain. Spe- actions over the Internet. Did the founders of
cifically, prototypes appear to be stored and pro- companies such as notice, in a single
cessed in the left cerebral hemisphere while ex- step, that these events and trends formed a pattern
emplars are stored and processed in the right suggestive of a new business opportunity? Not at
cerebral hemisphere.32 Together, these findings all. Rather, this idea took shape in a more gradual
suggest that opportunity recognition may well in- manner, the entrepreneurs recognizing first one
volve both prototypes and exemplars. In addition, portion of the overall pattern and then another.
other cognitive frameworks may also be involved For instance, early on, they recognized that people
(e.g., schemas).33 The key point is that these were dissatisfied with making airline reservations
frameworks, built up through experience, may by phone and that this could be handled faster and
play an important role in the recognition of emer- more efficiently online. They also noted that
gent patterns, and hence in identification of new many people were unhappy about huge variations
business opportunities. The implications of these in ticket prices; for instance, the person sitting
processes for understanding opportunity recogni- next to them on a given flight might have paid
tion and for integrating the effects of the three much less than they did. This suggested the pos-
2006 Baron 111

sibility of offering customers the lowest possible identifying new business opportunities, remains
prices when they made reservations online. Later, essentially the same. In short, while opportunity
the entrepreneurs realized that many travelers recognition does indeed often involve repeated
needed hotel and car reservations, too, so they efforts to identify patterns in seemingly indepen-
expanded the scope of their business to include dent events or trends, the search for these patterns
these aspects of travel. It is probably reasonable to remains an essential part of the process well be-
say that they did not, during early stages, have a yond the point at which new ventures are actually
fully-formed vision of the business they actually launched.
developed. Rather, it unfolded one step at a time
as they gradually perceived more connections be- Models of Pattern Recognition:
tween the relevant factors and ways in which How They Help to Integrate the Effects
these could be used to develop a profitable busi- of Search, Alertness, and Knowledge
ness. Earlier in this paper, it was noted that there is a
In many cases, this is precisely how new ven- large amount of evidence suggesting that oppor-
tures take form; their founders do not initially tunity recognition is strongly influenced by active
recognize all aspects of an opportunity. Rather, search for opportunities, alertness to opportuni-
they notice some aspects and proceed with these. ties, and prior knowledge. One key advantage of
Then, as they obtain experience and information, models of pattern recognition is that they provide
their view of the opportunity is expanded and a means of integrating these factors within a single
refined. In a sense, the process is never completed; perspective. First, consider active search. In the
rather it evolves just as growing businesses do. The context of pattern recognition, this would involve
idea that opportunity recognition often develops searching for links or connections between seem-
in a gradual manner is consistent with the fact ingly unrelated events and trends. In essence, the
that venture capitalists rarely expect new ventures task is actually twofold in nature: first, key
to take precisely the form presented in business changes, trends, and events would be identified.
plans. On the contrary, they realize that opportu- Second—and much more challenging—a search
nities— even very good ones—will almost cer- for potential links between them would be insti-
tainly develop in new and initially unforeseen tuted. Again, a concrete example may be helpful.
ways. Reflecting this fact, venture capitalists value In recent years, the proportion of babies born
very highly founders’ abilities to adapt and to parents in their thirties and even forties has
change, and often seek entrepreneurs who dem- increased greatly. These persons, many of whom
onstrate these characteristics. hold college and advanced degrees, believe
Overall, then, it should be emphasized that the strongly (one might say passionately!) that expos-
process of opportunity recognition is not a simple ing their infants to an intellectually enriched en-
one in which entrepreneurs perceive all links be- vironment will help them develop high intelli-
tween relevant variables at once and start with a gence and other desirable cognitive capacities.
fully-formed idea of the opportunities they will While these trends might seem, at first glance, to
ultimately pursue. Rather, during early stages, be unrelated, one entrepreneur—Judy Aigner-
(and perhaps later ones, too), opportunity recog- Clark—recognized that in fact they can be com-
nition involves repeated steps in which entrepre- bined to suggest an excellent business opportu-
neurs perceive the opportunities they are devel- nity: a company that would specialize in
oping with increasing clarity, and adjust their producing toys, games, and DVDs designed to
business models and goals to reflect these changes. provide the kind of intellectual stimulation high-
Having said that, it is important to note that ly-educated parents seek for their children. As she
the process of searching for connections between describes it, she founded the Baby Einstein Com-
various changes and trends in the external world, pany when she discovered that there were no
identifying emergent patterns in these connec- age-appropriate products available to help her
tions, and then using such patterns as the basis for share her love of art, classical music, language, and
112 Academy of Management Perspectives February

poetry with her new daughter. Recognizing this Finally, turning to prior knowledge, this, too,
fact, she combined music and colorful, real world can be seen as closely related to pattern recogni-
images into the first Baby Einstein video—and tion. Knowledge of a particular market, industry,
was soon on her way to success. Why did she or group of customers, for instance, would help
recognize this opportunity for a new family of entrepreneurs know where to search for new pat-
products when many other persons did not? In terns that suggest business opportunities. Further,
part because she had extensive experience as a knowledge is the “raw material” from which pro-
teacher, and this supplied her with the prototypes totypes and exemplars are constructed. Individuals
she needed to connect seemingly independent with a broad range of work experience will have
trends into an exciting new business opportunity. greater knowledge about particular industries,
Alertness, too, can be understood within the markets, technologies, government regulations,
context of pattern recognition. Alertness refers to and competition than will persons with more lim-
the capacity to recognize opportunities when they ited experience. This knowledge will enable them
exist—when they have emerged from changes in to develop more accurate and appropriate proto-
technology, markets, government policies, compe- types and a broader range of exemplars. These
tition, and so on. In turn, this capacity may rest, as cognitive frameworks, in turn, can facilitate the
models of pattern recognition suggest, on possess- identification of new opportunities. These sugges-
ing the appropriate cognitive structures—proto- tions, and the potential role of pattern recognition
types or exemplars. These structures help specific in opportunity recognition, are summarized in Fig-
persons to perceive connections between diver- ure 1.
gent events and trends, and these connections, in At this point, it should be noted that these
turn, suggest new business opportunities to them. three factors—search for opportunities, alertness,
In other words, “connecting the dots” depends on and prior knowledge—may be interrelated.36 For
having appropriate cognitive frameworks that fa- instance, it appears that when alertness is very
cilitate this task. high, active searches for opportunities may not be

Figure 1
The Potential Role of Pattern Recognition in Opportunity Recognition
2006 Baron 113

necessary; entrepreneurs are so sensitive to them In short, the benefits of an extended social net-
that they do not have to engage in formal, sys- work, too, can be understood within a pattern
tematic search processes. Similarly, high levels of recognition framework.
prior knowledge may reduce the necessity for ac- Second, as the model in Figure 1 suggests, not
tive searches. A cognitive perspective can readily all patterns connecting diverse events, changes, or
explain these relationships. Within this perspec- trends perceived by entrepreneurs serve as the
tive, high alertness implies well-developed cogni- basis for founding new ventures. Such patterns
tive frameworks useful for perceiving meaningful lead to new ventures only when they suggest new
patterns in diverse events or trends. To the extent products or services that seem, on initial exami-
these frameworks exist, an active search for op- nation, to be feasible. If emergent patterns do not
portunities may not be necessary because such point to products or services that appear to be
frameworks permit highly efficient interpretation feasible, they will often be discarded by current or
and processing of new information. Similarly, a potential entrepreneurs.
large store of prior knowledge may contribute to In sum, three factors that have been found to
the formation of broad and richly-connected cog- play important roles in opportunity recognition by
nitive frameworks, again rendering participation entrepreneurs are search, alertness, and prior
in formal search activities less crucial. In short, yet knowledge. These factors and others can all be
another advantage of a pattern recognition per- understood within the context of pattern recogni-
spective is that it can help explain interrelation- tion. Integrating them in this manner provides
ships between search, alertness, and prior knowl- increased insight into the basic nature of oppor-
edge, thus clarifying the effects of these three tunity recognition. Further, as will be explained in
important factors. more detail below, understanding the effects of
Two additional points are also worth noting. these variables within a single framework suggests
First, in addition to search, alertness, and prior practical steps for enhancing entrepreneurs’ abil-
knowledge, another factor—the breadth of entre- ity to recognize opportunities. Since assisting en-
preneurs’ social networks— has recently received trepreneurs in every way possible is a key goal of
growing attention, and also appears to play an entrepreneurship education, this appears to be a
important role in opportunity recognition. Specif- very beneficial outcome.
ically, the findings of several studies37 indicate
that the broader entrepreneurs’ social networks
(the more people they know and with whom they Assessing the Accuracy of a Pattern
have relationships), the more opportunities they Recognition Approach:
identify. This finding, too, is consistent with a Directions for Future Research

pattern recognition perspective. Social networks s noted in earlier sections of this paper, several
are an important source of information for entre- lines of evidence converge to suggest that
preneurs, information that may contribute to the pattern recognition may indeed play a key role
richness of their store of knowledge and the de- in the identification of new business opportuni-
velopment of their cognitive frameworks. Further, ties. However, most of this evidence is somewhat
social networks may be especially helpful to en- indirect in nature. There is certainly a need for
trepreneurs in terms of honing or refining these more direct tests of this framework. One way to
frameworks (prototypes, exemplars). For instance, proceed involves comparing novice and highly
by discussing opportunities they have recognized experienced entrepreneurs in certain relevant re-
with family, friends, and others, entrepreneurs spects. As noted earlier, a cognitive perspective
may form more accurate and useful prototypes for such as the one adopted here suggests that repeat
identifying opportunities— cognitive frameworks entrepreneurs, as a result of their considerable
helpful in determining whether ideas for new experience in starting new ventures, may acquire
products or services are practical and potentially relatively rich, well-developed, and accurate cog-
valuable rather than merely interesting or novel. nitive frameworks useful in identifying new oppor-
114 Academy of Management Perspectives February

tunities. Basic research on pattern recognition ready have considerable knowledge and expertise?
suggests that as individuals gain experience in a These and related possibilities can be readily ex-
particular domain, their prototypes and other cog- amined in future studies.
nitive frameworks do indeed become more clearly Finally, not all repeat entrepreneurs are highly
defined, richer in content, and more focused on successful. Some do indeed start one successful
key attributes of that content domain. This sug- new venture after another, while others start sev-
gests, for instance, that the “business opportunity” eral new ventures that generate mediocre eco-
prototypes of repeat and novice entrepreneurs nomic outcomes at best. A pattern recognition
would differ in several observable respects (e.g., perspective suggests that the cognitive frameworks
they would be richer and more fully developed.) of successful repeat entrepreneurs would be more
These predictions have been investigated in focused on key business-related factors such as
one recent study that compared the business op- cash flow and manageable risk while those of less
portunity prototypes of novice and repeat entre- successful repeat entrepreneurs might be relatively
preneurs.38 The two groups were as closely similar to those of novice entrepreneurs, suggest-
matched in age as possible, since age is often ing, in a sense, that they have not benefited
highly correlated with work experience and inter- greatly from their experience.
est in the study was focused specifically on the Many other procedures for testing the pattern
effects of prior experience in starting new ven- recognition perspective offered here exist. For in-
tures. Results indicated that highly experienced stance, research on expertise suggests that growing
(repeat) entrepreneurs do indeed possess clearer experience in a domain does not necessarily result
and richer prototypes of “business opportunity,”
in improved performance. On the contrary, the
and that, moreover, these prototypes more closely
relationship between growing experience in a par-
reflect factors that have been found to influence
ticular field and performance in it may be curvi-
the success of new ventures (e.g., cash flow, meet-
linear rather than linear in nature.39 Up to a
ing customers’ needs) than is true for the proto-
point, growing expertise contributes to improved
types of novice entrepreneurs. To put it suc-
performance. Beyond some level, however, perfor-
cinctly, experienced entrepreneurs appear to
mance may actually decline as expertise continues
focus, in their efforts to identify opportunities, on
factors likely to influence success, while novice to rise. For instance, research findings indicate
entrepreneurs tend to become fascinated with that the success of venture capitalists (VCs) in
sheer newness or novelty. These findings suggest choosing new ventures that ultimately become
that opportunity recognition may indeed be profitable seems to increase and then to actually
closely linked, in some respects, to pattern recog- decrease as the VCs gain in years of experience.40
nition—to perceiving identifiable patterns in ar- The decline in their performance may stem from
rays of seemingly unrelated events. the fact that highly expert individuals, who have
Future research can obtain additional evidence extremely well-developed cognitive frameworks,
concerning the accuracy of a pattern recognition rely increasingly on them and on relatively auto-
approach by comparing novice and repeat entre- matic modes of thought. As a result, their perfor-
preneurs in other ways. For instance, do these mance declines. Would this be true for repeat
groups use different search strategies with, per- entrepreneurs? It seems possible that they, too,
haps, novice entrepreneurs employing more active can become “locked in” by their own cognitive
approaches, while experienced entrepreneurs be- frameworks (e.g., prototypes) if these become too
cause of their higher alertness and knowledge, strong or well-established. Comparing repeat en-
adopt more passive methods? Similarly, are the trepreneurs who have started many new ventures
searches of novice entrepreneurs relatively unfo- with ones who have started just a few could pro-
cused while those of experienced entrepreneurs, vide intriguing data—and further insights into the
who, in a sense, “know what they know,” are more potential value of a pattern recognition approach.
directed to areas in which the entrepreneurs al- In sum, several means of investigating the useful-
2006 Baron 115

ness of this framework exist, and can be readily Inc.), bagels quickly became very popular across
pursued in future research. the U.S. This example is relevant to the basic
question of interest here: “Why do so many people
Practical Implications of a ‘miss’ opportunities that literally stare them in the
“Connect The Dots” Perspective face, while a few do recognize them?” A pattern

urrently, there is widespread agreement that recognition perspective offers several possible an-
entrepreneurs play a major role in fostering swers.
economic growth and job creation in their First, specific individuals may recognize specific
communities—and perhaps in their entire societ- opportunities that many others overlook because
ies as well.41 If entrepreneurs do indeed make they possess the cognitive frameworks (e.g., pro-
these contributions, then efforts to understand the totypes, exemplars) needed to perceive patterns
nature of opportunity recognition are well justi- among seemingly unrelated trends or events. For
fied, because although not all new ventures pro- instance, consider Chester Carlson, the individual
ceed from entrepreneurs’ beliefs that they have credited with inventing the modern copy ma-
recognized a business opportunity, many certainly chine. At the time he invented (or rather,
do.42 Assuming this is the case, it is reasonable to adapted) the basic process used in copy machines
ask: What does a pattern recognition or “connect (and in laser printers, too), there was a clear need
the dots” perspective offer in this respect? How for better means of making copies, especially in
does it increase our understanding of this impor- business and educational settings. During the
tant but complex process? One way to evaluate 1940s and 1950s, many products for making copies
this contribution is to ask whether a pattern rec- had been invented, but none seemed to meet this
ognition perspective helps us to answer basic ques- basic need very well. How, then, did Carlson
tions about the process of opportunity recogni- perceive the opportunity that led to the first of a
tion— questions with important practical long line of successful copiers—the Xerox 914?
implications. Among these, two have been posed One possibility involves the fact that he held both
over and over again, and it appears that a “con- a law degree and a technical degree. As a result, he
nect the dots” perspective can shed new light on understood both the strong need for improved
both: 1) Why do certain persons, but not others, means of making copies and several of the tech-
identify specific opportunities? and 2) Can indi- nical processes that might be used to meet this
viduals be trained to be more proficient at per- need. Further, once he decided to try to solve this
forming this task? problem, he restricted his efforts (i.e., search) to
technologies and processes he understood well.43
Pattern Recognition and the Identification By focusing on processes for which he already had
of Opportunities by Specific Persons well-developed prototypes and exemplars, he en-

he first question refers to what is, in one re- hanced his own ability to perceive the emergent
spect, a very puzzling state of affairs: hundreds, pattern that suggested to him an effective way of
thousands, or even millions of persons are ex- making dry, permanent copies. In a sense, he
posed to the same events, changes, or trends in the possessed the cognitive frameworks necessary for
external world, but only a very few of these indi- combining various technological advances,
viduals recognize links or connections between changes in the nature of business, and other
these events, and hence the new business oppor- trends, and the result was a product that has, in
tunities they suggest. For instance, by the 1980s, many ways, revolutionized office routines—not to
many millions of persons in the U.S. had eaten mention education and many other fields.
bagels (generally in large cities of the Northeast). A pattern recognition perspective suggests ad-
Yet, few, if any of them, recognized the opportu- ditional reasons why specific persons, but not oth-
nity of producing and selling this form of bread ers, recognize particular opportunities. Because
nationwide. When this opportunity was recog- their life experiences are unique, different persons
nized and developed (initially by Bruegger’s Bagels may possess prototypes for a given domain that
116 Academy of Management Perspectives February

differ in terms of clarity or degree of development. First and foremost, the “connect the dots” per-
For instance, an individual who has worked for spective offered here suggests that individuals can
years in a given industry may have well-developed be trained to be more proficient at recognizing
prototypes and exemplars relevant to that indus- opportunities by teaching them not merely to be
try—prototypes for customer needs, for what “alert” to opportunities or to search actively for
would constitute a really good product or service them, but rather, to search in the best places and
in this industry, for what technologies and means in the best ways. Specifically, they should focus
of production are currently available, and so on. their efforts on identifying changes in technology,
These prototypes, in turn, may help this person demographics, markets, and other pertinent fac-
recognize opportunities deriving from changes in tors that play an important role in the success of
any of these factors— changes in technologies, almost any business. Second, while engaging in
markets, and so on. In contrast, another person, such searches, they should also focus on actively
who has worked in a very different industry or at seeking to identify ways in which these trends and
a very different set of jobs would be equipped with changes are linked or connected; in other words,
different cognitive frameworks (e.g., prototypes), they should search for emergent patterns. The
and so might be less likely to “connect the dots” framework offered here suggests that recognizing
between several events or trends and less likely to such patterns is often a key initial step in the
recognize opportunities deriving from them. In process of identifying new business opportunities.
short, specific persons recognize specific opportu- Can individuals really learn to notice such pat-
nities because they possess cognitive frameworks terns? Basic research on pattern recognition and
useful for doing so; others, who lack such “cogni- recent research in the field of entrepreneurship44
tive equipment” or possess it to a smaller degree, suggests that they can. When individuals focus
are less likely to recognize these opportunities. their attention on pertinent factors and also at-
In sum, a pattern recognition perspective sug- tempt to perceive ways in which these may be
gests several reasons why specific persons recog- related, the likelihood that they will perceive
nize opportunities that others overlook. More- (recognize) emergent patterns is increased.45
over, this framework suggests that in recognizing This, in turn, suggests that the likelihood that
opportunities, active searches, alertness, and prior current or would-be entrepreneurs will recognize
knowledge operate together, and by doing so, may opportunities in specific domains (industries, mar-
provide an important “edge” to specific persons kets, etc.) can be increased by training them to
with respect to identifying new business opportu- focus on the most relevant factors and to search
nities. for connections between these variables or
changes. Consider an entrepreneur with strong
Can Individuals Be Trained to Be More Proficient interests in the restaurant business. This individ-
at Identifying Opportunities? Implications for ual might be encouraged to focus on such factors
Entrepreneurship and Business Education as changing technology (e.g., technology that as-
Another basic question relating to opportunity sists in food preparation or storage), changing
recognition—and one with important implica- demographics (which might indicate that certain
tions both for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship kinds of restaurants serving specific kinds of food
educators—is the following: “Can individuals be will be more likely to thrive than others), and
trained to be more proficient at this task?” In shifts in government policies concerning safety
other words, can current or would-be entrepre- and working conditions. Through careful atten-
neurs learn to be more successful at recognizing tion to these and other relevant sources of infor-
opportunities that have emerged from changes in mation, the would-be entrepreneur might realize
the external world? A pattern recognition per- that opportunities for certain kinds of restaurants
spective suggests that in fact, this is a very feasible are now emerging—for instance, restaurants that
goal, one that can be reached through several cater to the needs and preferences of senior citi-
different steps. zens or those of growing ethnic minorities. In the
2006 Baron 117

absence of careful attention to relevant changes to a wide range of exemplars— examples of good
and trends, these opportunities might not be opportunities that served as the foundation for
readily discernible. successful new ventures, and poor ones that
Second, a pattern recognition perspective also seemed promising but for various reasons did not
suggests that opportunity recognition can be en- yield positive results. The richer the store of ex-
hanced by providing potential entrepreneurs with emplars they acquire (e.g., through exposure to a
a very broad range of experience. The broader this wide range of cases), the better equipped they will
experience (e.g., the wider the range of positions be, cognitively, to recognize patterns suggestive of
held, the greater the number of different indus- new opportunities.
tries) the richer will be the prototypes and store of In short, the perspective offered here suggests
exemplars at their disposal, and hence, the more specific ways in which entrepreneurship education
likely the entrepreneurs will be to perceive con- (and perhaps business education generally) can
nections between seemingly unrelated events or contribute to current and future entrepreneurs’
trends— especially connections that are not im- ability to recognize emerging business opportuni-
mediately apparent to any casual observer. Re- ties. To the extent such training is effective, en-
search findings offer support for this possibility: trepreneurs and many other persons, too, may
entrepreneurs with greater experience and knowl- benefit.
edge have been found to be more effective at
identifying opportunities than those with less ex- “If I were to wish for anything, I should not
perience and knowledge.46 wish for wealth and power, but for the
Finally, if exemplars play a role in opportunity
passionate sense of the potential, for the eye
recognition, exposing individuals to a wide range
which, ever young. . . sees the possible. . . what
of business opportunities that vary greatly in qual-
wine is so sparkling, what so fragrant, what so
ity might well prove beneficial. The richer and
intoxicating as possibility?”
more complete the store of exemplars individuals
have in memory, the more effective they may be
in comparing newly encountered events or stimuli To conclude: writing more than 150 years ago,
with these exemplars and hence, in identifying the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard47 of-
emergent opportunities. fered these words: “If I were to wish for anything,
Overall, then, a “connect the dots” perspective I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the
on opportunity recognition is quite optimistic: it passionate sense of the potential, for the eye
suggests that entrepreneurs can learn, through ap- which, ever young. . .sees the possible. . .what
propriate training, to be more adept at this task. wine is so sparkling, what so fragrant, what so
Further it suggests that helping current or prospec- intoxicating as possibility?” It is a basic premise of
tive entrepreneurs to be better at recognizing op- this paper that this sense of “the possible” under-
portunities is something that can be provided in lies the activities of many entrepreneurs who seek
business education. Courses in entrepreneurship to convert their ideas and visions into reality—
can be designed to include information and train- profitable companies supplying products and ser-
ing focused on where entrepreneurs should direct vices that enhance the lives of many persons.
their attention (e.g., to important changes, trends, Since recognition of new opportunities is often
and events in technology, demographics, markets, the starting point of this journey, it seems crucial
government policies, etc.) and on the task of that we gain full understanding of this process and
searching for patterns in these events and how it can be enhanced. Doing so may provide
changes. Such training would provide students— important insights not merely into what entrepre-
and future entrepreneurs—with important advan- neurs do, but also how they do it; and in this case,
tages in the search for opportunities. understanding the “how” may help us to achieve
A pattern recognition perspective also suggests one of the key goals of entrepreneurship educa-
the potential value of exposing business students tion—assisting entrepreneurs to reach their goals.
118 Academy of Management Perspectives February

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