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Q.P.Code 105353 Reg. No.


First Year M.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations - September 2014

(Child Health Nursing)

Clinical Specialty-I

Time : 3 hrs Max marks : 100

• Answer all questions.

Essays (4x20=80)

1. Discuss the influence of maternal health on child health. Illustrate its impact on the
growth of Indian children. (10+10=20)
2. Elaborate on the developmental tasks and special needs of children from infancy to
adolescents. (10+10=20)
3. Discuss the challenges involved in mentally challenged children. Explain the
rehabilitation of these children. (10+10=20)
4. Discuss the neonatal seizure. Explain the possible preventive measures. (10+10=20)

Short notes (4x5=20)

5. Initial management of a toddler with an accident in the hospital.

6. Precautions during I.V transfusions.
7. Neonatal resuscitation.
8. Identifying the children with attention deficit hyperactive disorder


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