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The chapter describes the and the stages involved in it. They are,
Problem Recognition: In this stage, the customer identifies the pain points/ need. It can be
caused by stimuli.
Information Search: A customer in need will search for more information. This can be
regarding products or high involvement availability of information varies to both.

Types of Purchase
For households they and individual consumers there are typically buying situations. A
routine decision-making the products. And then there is extensive decision making which
deals with a large investment in time and money where the customer would be more focused
on spent resources.
For Businesses, A new purchase involves larger investment in time to gather information
regarding the risks involved in the purchase. Another is a modified rebuy refers to in supplier.
And Repeat purchase refers to the continuous buying of a product or a service from a single
source. This requires less resource spent on the customer.

Sales Knowledge and Sales Related Marketing Policies:

This Details the advantages in ease of selling if the following aspects are learned. Company
knowledge helps a salesperson to the company offering to the client Product laining the value
that is catered through the product purchase to the customer. Customers and compliance
knowledge help in effective and relevant pitching which brings up the conversion rate.
Sales distribution policies, promotional and productThe sales process or the personal selling
process talks about the prospecting the process of. It also includes segregation of customers
into hot prospects, warm prospects cool prospects. Pre approach includes information
gathering and planning the sale. e salespeople should understand the buyer’s needs and
dedicate the situational analysis, identify a problem, frame impact questions and find
potential solution value to the problems.
There are several sales presentations methods used by salespeople.
Stimulus-response method gauges the method by framing the right stimuli and obtaining a
favourable response.
Some times buyers have a problem but do not how to solve them. This is where the sales
expertise provides a consultative approach to facilitate client towards the solution pathway. It
is quite observed in IT companies. The salespeople in such case should be highly equipped
with in-depth knowledge, cross-functional expertise and should aim for a long-term
relationship with the client.
Effective Presentation
For developing a selling point presentation, there needs to be clear planning regarding the set
of objectives using or multimedia for customer engagement. stay closer and more relevant to
the client. And a convincing pitch with reference points.

The salesperson should understand the importance of transactional and relationship selling.
The harmony are trust and commitment towards the client. The better-serviced client would
adhere to a repeat purchase mechanism which results in the profitability of the company.

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