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NSS Unit, School of Technology, Nirma University organized a 7-day camp to Motipura Village,
Dist: Gandhinagar from 27th Jan to 2nd Feb of 2020 under the auspicious guidance of NSS
program officer Prof. Tejal Upadhyay and NSS program Coordinator Dr. Bhavesh Parekh, NU.
Around 50 student volunteers participated. The NSS unit had done an amazing performance for
the smooth conduction of the camp.

Objectives of the camp :

1. To spread basic awareness about the garbage disposal
2. To let people know about government schemes that they can use for their benefit.
3. Community service.

Day 1:

All the living arrangements were made at Raipur village, which was approximately 2km away
from Motipura village. Two vehicles were made available to us for our daily transport. On the
first day, we were introduced to the sarpanch and were made familiar to the village and its
workings. Basically, the village was divided into three parts which were according to their caste
(i.e. Patel Nivas, Thakur Nivas, ). We could distinguish between these parts through the way
their houses were constructed and their lifestyle/livelihood. We also got to know about the
formation of bricks. There was a post-dinner meeting every day in which we discussed our day
and what to do for the next day. At the first post-dinner meeting, we were divided into groups
and were given our daily tasks/duties to perform in the camp such as food serving, toilet
cleaning, organizing seating arrangement, etc.

Day 2:

After breakfast, a meeting was held in which students were divided into various groups and
were given various tasks, but since there was religious ceremony being performed in the village,
we couldn’t do our assigned tasks to the full capacity. Because of that, we made some changes
to our plan. We visited the village school and interacted with kids. After the brief interaction, we
went to visit Gujarat Vidyapith, which was possible because of the sarpanch. The principal was
very welcoming and gave us a tour of their school and gave us a speech about being self-reliant
and also taught us about charkha and how to use it. There was also a speech by NSS
coordinator of that school about the history, importance, and impact of NSS. In the evening, we
were invited to the village for Garba and socialize with village people.

Day 3:
Usual morning meeting took place, where all the students were divided into groups and every
group was given a specific task. Some groups were given to research and make presentations
about government policies and career after 11th and 12th, while other groups were sent for
cleaning. Our group was sent for cleaning the surroundings of crossroads which was near the
school. The kids from the school also helped us and they were highly energetic and amazing.
After that, we came back to the camo and helped others with the coloring of posters (which was
regarding how to wash your hands properly). In the evening, the dinner was prepared by the
students themselves.

Day 4:

As usual, the morning meeting took place and the students were divided into groups and it was
ensured that every group had a girl and a person who was fluent in Gujarati. Each group had
their specific block of the village and went to every house of that specific block explaining them
about government policies, anti-corruption bureau and also giving them pamphlets of the same.
Students also helped the villagers in maintaining cleanliness. The usual post-dinner meeting
took place.

Day 5:

Our team visited the school on this day and calculated the BMI of the students present there.
We were also assisted by Prof Vaishali Dhare who helped us with the given task. For each
student, a specific card was made which contained information about their BMI ( blue color for
medium BMI, green color for over good health, and red color for poor health). The main purpose
of this task was to create awareness among parents about their child’s health. Other students
went door to door explaining people about waste segregation (wet waste and dry waste) and its
importance by giving live-demo. Some students also organized rangoli and mehendi competition
for all women and girls in the village. In the evening, a skit was prepared by a team on ‘VYASAN
MUKTI’. That act was performed in the presence of around 100 to 200 villagers and the skit was
spectacular. The usual post-dinner meeting took place.

Day 6:

This was the judgment day. Few professors from Nirma University visited every house in the
village, assisted by the students, and points were given according to parameters like
cleanliness, waste segregation, and girl’s education.
In the evening, as usual, the students were divided into groups and every group had to
organize an activity or games for children such as lemon and spoon, musical chairs, tugs of war,
etc. My team organized the Tug of War and we were amazed to see the strength and energy of
Villagers were awarded according to the points given by the professors and prizes were
distributed to the winners of all the games and also rangoli and mehndi competition. Because of
the last day, some students also shared comedy stories, Gujarati translation-’Chhapakaru’.

Day 7:

The one week program was completed on this day. Each and every student did their work with
dedication and enjoyment. Some students shared their experiences while some did group
dance. Everyone took the group photos for the wonderful memories. At last, it was time to come
back home. We all thanked our camp organizer Bindu ma’am and Parthesh sir who gave us
guidance and made our living arrangements and food daily.


The camp was organized with the view to developing long term institutional relationships with
the community and contributing to the upliftment of people, keeping in view the rationale of
village adoption.

It was actually a teaching-learning process. We as a future generation could learn the

connection between education and social change, education- its creative and social aspects.
This made training camp successful.

For me personally, it was a paradigm shifter. We learned a lot, every student cleaned toilets,
washed their own dishes and utensils. It was a very diverse group of students - we connected
with each other and made friendships that will last. I realized that this process of giving back to
the community, what we have learned in our expensive schools and colleges because we can
afford it, will not only help you to grow as a person but will give you opportunities to implement
what you have learned for the upliftment of society which is its main purpose.

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