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High School is a big part of every person’s life.

It is where you have your first love, your first heart
break, you play a sport you  love, and you make some great friends. When you are a senior, you have
mixed emotions on whether you are so ready to graduate or you are not ready for the real world. You
have so many decisions to make about what college and major you want or if you even want to go.
That is where the problem comes in; should high school graduates take a gap year or immediately
enter college or university?

Out of the two arguments, I believe that it is  not intelligent to take a year off because you might not
want to go back. I know you are ready to be done with school, but a high school diploma is not
going to get you a real job. If you end up not going back, you have nothing to go off of but  your
high school diploma. Without a degree, you will  never be eligible to get paid higher than minimum
wage; therefore, making life a little tougher without a stable financial background. Also, taking a
year off does  not make you the universities top priority anymore. They are looking at the kids
coming straight from college, and  you are their second option.

Some people believe that when you graduate you should not jump into anything right away because
it might not be what you want in your future. Some people claim that you are still  too young to
make a decision that is going to affect the rest of your life. Taking a year off gives you time to really
think about what you want to do for the rest of your life, and what makes you happy. It gives you the
opportunity to work and get money behind you. Usually, it makes your CV more impressive and the
life experience can make you better prepared for university. It also saves you money if you decide
that college is not the way you want to go. Money is an issue for many people in this day in age;
although, if you  want to better your chances of being successful you will find a way. If you jump
into college right after high school and  decide that you do not want to do it anymore, you have just
lost tons of money. This happens to many people each year. Be sure of what you want before you
go, and remember it will be worth in the end.

The other argument is weak, and I do not agree with it at all. You should not take a year off before
entering college. Taking a year off could  make you not go back because you do not want to, or do
not have the time. Going to college right after high school is the ideal thing to do so you could get it
all done at once. You have been in school twelve years, going to college and getting a degree in
something broad could give you many great job opportunities. If you don not go to college, you will
not have all the job  opportunities. A degree like Business Management for  example, gives you a
wide variety of jobs to choose from. Most of those jobs paying better than minimum wage, which is
what  you would get if you didn’t choose to go to college. Taking a year off, in my opinion, is a
young and dumb mistake. When  thinking about college, do not think about the present; think about
your future.

All in all, people still do both options. Some people take a year off, and some people go to college
right after high school. People can skip out on college for many reasons. In the end, it is your  choice
whether you accomplish it or not. Either way you go, I still believe that taking a year off is not  the
way to go and people usually do not just take a year off. College is something that should be done
right after high school. The experience and outcome will benefit you in the end.

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