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8/23/2020 Political Scientists at My Next Move

Printed for: Anya Bibbs

Political Scientists
Also called: International Affairs Vice President, State-Federal Relations Deputy Director

What they do:

Study the origin, development, and operation of political systems. May study topics, such as public opinion,
political decision-making, and ideology. May analyze the structure and operation of governments, as well as
various political entities. May conduct public opinion surveys, analyze election results, or analyze public

On the job, you would:

Disseminate research results through academic publications, written reports, or public presentations.
Teach political science.
Develop and test theories, using information from interviews, newspapers, periodicals, case law, historical
papers, polls, or statistical sources.

Safety and Government
law and government

Arts and Humanities

English language
history and archeology

Education and Training

teaching and course design

Math and Science

sociology and anthropology

Basic Skills
reading work related information
talking to others

Problem Solving
noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it

People and Technology Systems

thinking about the pros and cons of different options and picking the best one
figuring out how a system should work and how changes in the future will affect it

read and understand what is written
communicate by speaking

Ideas and Logic 1/3
8/23/2020 Political Scientists at My Next Move
make general rules or come up with answers from lots of detailed information
use rules to solve problems

People interested in this work like activities that include ideas, thinking, and figuring things out.

They do well at jobs that need:

Analytical Thinking Integrity
Achievement/Effort Initiative
Independence Persistence

You might use software like this on the job:

Information retrieval or search software

JSTOR database
ProQuest Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

Analytical or scientific software

IBM SPSS Statistics

Data base user interface and query software

Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) database
Microsoft Access


doctoral degree or
master's degree
usually needed

Job Outlook
New job opportunities are likely in the future.


$60,960 $164,210

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8/23/2020 Political Scientists at My Next Move

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