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Key: exercise - (# of sets) x (# of reps) Important terms defined at bottom of page.

Day 1 Workout 1
DB bench press - 4 x 5
DB one arm rows - 3 x 8
DB incline bench press - 3 x 10
a) Weighted or assisted pull ups - 2 x 12
b) DB standing alternating shoulder press - 2 x 12
a) DB standing alternating bicep curl - 2 x10
b) DB standing OH tricep press - 2 x 15

Optional HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain.

Complete the following superset as fast as possible, 3 times, without any rest, and record your time:
a) 20 push ups
b) 100 jump rope jumps
c) 20 inverted row Total time:

Day 2 Workout 2
DB deadlifts - 4 x 5
a) DB single leg Romanian deadlift - 3 x 8
b) DB seated calf raises - 3 x 10
DB alternating lunges - 3 x 10
a) Glute-ham raises - 2 x 12
b) DB standing calf raises - 2 x 15

Tabata Body Weight Squats - 5 sets - AMAP in 20 secs, rest 10 secs, repeat. Record reps below.
Set 1: Set 2: Set 3: Set 4: Set 5:

Day 3 Workout 3 Neural Activation Training (NAT), Abs

NAT Plyo push ups - 6 x 3
NAT Inverted rows - 6 x 3
NAT Vertical jump series - 6 x 3

Full intensity abdominal giant set - Performed here or with previous workout.
a) Reverse crunch - 3 x AMAP
b) Fold ups - 3 x AMAP
c) Russian twist w/ medicine ball - 3 x 15
Day 4 Workout 4
DB pronated bent over rows - 4 x 5
DB push press - 3 x 8
Weighted or assisted chin ups - 3 x 10
a) DB bench press - 2 x 12
b) DB standing bicep curl - 2 x 12
a) DB side raises - 2 x 10
b) Dips - 2 x 10

Optional HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain.

Complete the following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest and record your time:
a) 20 kipping pull ups
b) 10 squat thrusters
c) 5 DB hang snatch with 20% of your max DB bench Total time:

Day 5 Workout 5
DB stiff leg deadlifts - 4 x 5
a) 24 inch box jumps - 3 x AMAP in 30 seconds
b) DB shrugs 3 x 12
Reverse Hypers 3 x 10
a) DB step ups - 2 x 12
b) DB seated calf raises - 2 x 15

Optional HIIT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain.

HIIT OH DB Squats w/ 20% 1 rep DB deadlift max - 4 sets - AMAP in 20 sec, rest 30 seconds, repeat
Set 1: Set 2: Set 3: Set 4:

Day 6 Workout 6 Neural Activation Training (NAT), Abs

NAT Speed squats - 6 x 3
NAT Incline plyo push ups - 6 x 3
NAT Speed DB deadlifts - 6 x 3

Full intensity abdominal giant set - Performed here or with previous workout.
a) Windshield wipers - 3 x AMAP
b) Ab wheel roll outs - 3 x AMAP
c) Situps w/ weight on chest - 3 x 8
Day 7 OFF

Day 8 Workout 7
DB incline bench press - 4 x 5
DB one arm rows - 3 x 8
DB standing shoulder press- 3 x 10
a) Weighted or assisted pull ups - 2 x 12
b) DB neutral grip bench press - 2 x 15
a) DB one arm concentration curls - 2 x 10
b) Lying DB French press - 2 x 10

Optional HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain.

Complete the following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest and record your time:
a) 20 wall balls - medicine ball toss and catch
b) 10 squats thrusters
c) 5 DB hang cleans with 25% max DB bench Total time:

Day 9 Workout 8
DB deadlifts - 4 x 5
a) DB single leg Romanian deadlift - 3 x 8
b) Seated calf raises - 3 x 8
DB walking lunges - 2 x 10
a) Glute-ham raises - 2 x 15
b) DB Standing calf raises - 2 x 5

Tabata Body Weight Squats - 5 sets - AMAP in 20 secs, rest 10 secs, repeat. Record reps below.
Set 1: Set 2: Set 3: Set 4: Set 5:

Day 10 Workout 9 Neural Activation Training (NAT), Abs

NAT Inverted rows - 6 x 3
NAT Diamond plyo push ups - 6 x 3
NAT Box jump - 6 x 3

Full intensity abdominal giant set - Performed here or with previous workout.
a) Vertical leg raises or captains chair - 3 x AMAP
b) Bicycle maneuver - 3 x AMAP
c) Ab wheel roll outs - 3 x AMAP

Day 11 Workout 10
DB pronated bent over rows - 4 x 5
DB incline bench press - 3 x 8
DB shrugs - 3 x 10
a) Body weight or assisted chin ups - 2 x 12
b) DB reverse flyes - 2 x 12
a) Dips - 3 x 5
b) DB standing alternating bicep curl - 3 x 5

Optional HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain.

Complete the following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest and record your time:
a) 10 handstand push ups (or standing DB press)
b) 20 diamond push ups
c) 50 jumping jacks Total time:

Day 12 Workout 11
DB deadlift lockouts - 4 x 3 (120% of full range max)
* for DB deadlift lockouts hands should start at the knees; DBs placed on boxes at correct height
a) DB step ups - 3 x 8
b) DB seated calf raises - 3 x 12
Reverse Hypers 3 x 12
a) Pistol squats - 2 x 12
b) Single leg Romanian DB deadlift - 2 x 12

Optional HIIT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain.

HIIT OH DB Squats w/ 20% 1 rep DB deadlift max - 4 sets - AMAP in 20 sec, rest 30 seconds, repeat
Set 1: Set 2: Set 3: Set 4:

Day 13 Workout 12 Neural Activation Training (NAT), Abs

NAT Plyo depth push ups - 6 x 3
NAT Jump squat series - 6 x 3
NAT Pull downs with cables or bands - 6 x 3

Full intensity abdominal giant set - Performed here or with previous workout.
a) Medicine ball sit up toss - 3 x 20
b) DB side bends - 3 x 12
c) Flutter kicks - 3 x AMAP

Day 14 OFF

Day 15 Workout 13
Weighted or assisted pull ups max - 5,2,1,1,1
DB bench press - 4 x 5
DB one arm clean and press - 3 x 8
a) DB triceps OH press - 2 x 12
b) Hammer curls - 2 x 12

Optional HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain.

Complete the following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest and record your time:
a) 20 inverted row
b) 20 mountain climbers
c) 10 medicine ball smash (throws to ground) Total time:

Day 16 Workout 14
DB deadlifts with full reset between reps - 3 x 5
a) DB stiff leg deadlift - 3 x 10
b) Donkey calf raises - 3 x 10
DB Shrugs - 3 x 5
Pull throughs with bands - 3 x 12

Tabata Body Weight Squats - 5 sets - AMAP in 20 secs, rest 10 secs, repeat. Record reps below.
Set 1: Set 2: Set 3: Set 4: Set 5:

Day 17 Workout 15 Neural Activation Training (NAT), Abs

NAT Plyo push up series - 6 x 3
NAT Inverted rows - 6 x 3
NAT Speed squat - 6 x 3

Full intensity abdominal giant set - Performed here or with previous workout.
a) Ab wheel roll outs - 3 x AMAP
b) Reverse crunches - 3 x AMAP
c) Fold ups - 3 x AMAP
Day 18 Workout 16
DB bench press max - 5,2,1,1,1
DB one arm rows - 3 x 8
DB standing shoulder press - 3 x 10
a) Lying DB cross-body single arm triceps press - 3 x 12
* hold DB straight up in the air, drop forearm/DB down across your body to touch the opposite shoulder
b) DB standing bicep curl - 3 x 12

Optional HIRT cardio for those wishing to minimize fat gain.

Complete the following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest and record your time:
a) 5 DB hang cleans w/ 20% of 1 rep DB bench max
b) 5 DB push press w/ same weight
c) 5 DB deadlifts w/ same weight Total time:

Day 19 Workout 17
DB deadlift max - 5,2,1,1,1
a) DB alternating lunges - 3 x 8
b) DB standing calf raises - 3 x 10
Glute-ham raises - 2 x 15
Reverse Hypers 2 x 15

Day 20 Workout 18 Neural Activation Training (NAT), Abs

NAT Plyo depth push ups - 6 x 3
NAT Jump squat series - 6 x 3
NAT Pull downs with cables or bands - 6 x 3

Full intensity abdominal giant set - Performed here or with previous workout.
a) Windshield wipers - 3 x AMAP
b) Sit ups w/ weight on chest - 3 x 8
c) Bicycle maneuver - 3 x AMAP

Day 21 OFF
Use a light full body workout for active recovery over the following week.

This training log goes along with Werewolf Muscle Training with Dumbbells

Also see Werewolf Strength Training, for use after 3 cycles of Werewolf Muscle Training

Learn more about Neural Activation Training (NAT)

More about HIIT

More about HIRT

amap - as many as possible
BB - barbell
DB - dumbbell
HIRT - high intensity resistance training
HIIT - high intensity interval training
NAT - neural activation training
OH - overhead


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