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90 Day Get Huge

Welcome to the Jungle, You just made the best choice of your life, time to get huge! The goal of this
program is to build overall size. And yes... the kind of size your thinking of….ROCK SOLID STEEL! This
program can be done inside of your traditional “globo” gym or in any functional fitness facility. We want
to provide you with a platform to see solid gains over the course of these 60 days... that is our pledge
to you. Your job is to follow the “Bro-Gram” and bring the intensity, drive and dedication to smash! If you
are consistent, the results are undeniable. The bread and butter lies in our high rep/volume sets with
minimal rest. 8x8 will become your friend, your bitch and your overall lover. You may not be lifting with
maximal weights and that is totally fine, the magic is still working. You will have such a massive pump
going, your cardiovascular system will be pumping pure gains in these 500 rep workouts. Derived from
the ancients secrets of German volume training and the Godfathers of bodybuilding, what was once old
is now re-tooled with modern strength science to provide max muscle!

We will be requiring about 70 minutes of your time. 3 days a week. We recommend that this “Bro-Gram”
be your only workout of the day. It can be supplemented with others in between as well but just re-
member that “bringing it” 3 days a week is what we are after. Be aware of overtraining and under recov-
ering can inhibit gains, so rest as needed. As far as doing the 8x8, FOLLOW THE REST PERIODS AND
TEMPOS TO A T! (you can have your bro count for you), and do not move on to the next exercise until
you have finished all 8 sets of each movement. STICK TO THE WEIGHT PERCENTAGES! Keep moving
between exercises. There is no time to check your phone, ham it up or lollygag around the gym. This
program is no for lollygaggers, it is for hungry beast mode, vein popping, head turning stallions. The
compounding effect of the tempo and volume is very potent especially when you get to sets 6,7, and 8.
The program is designed to make you sore. The time under tension causes metabolic stress and mi-
cro tearing in muscle fibers so take at least 48 hours between sessions to get max muscle growth. A
schedule such as Monday, Wednesday, Friday works well.

Getting Enough Fuel:

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Getting enough food is vital for gaining mass. Flesh builds Flesh.
15-20 KCal per pound of lean body mass has been proven to keep athletes in a positive caloric balance
for the sake of gaining quality size. Eating 1 gram of protein per pound of body mass can get athletes
into a positive nitrogen balance to synthesize food into muscle.

Equipment Substitutions:
Many movements that require a cable can be done with bands hooked up to a training bar or PVC. The
goal is to just get them in. Don’t think to hard. If there are any bodyweight movements that are too chal-
lenging, use bands or machines with assistance. If any are too easy.. add some external weight. You can
sub KB’s for DB’s or vice versa.

Grab a Training Parnter:

Working out with a bro is always more epic than rolling solo. The program works perfect alternating a 1:1
work rest ratio. Don’t waste any time, when your bro is smashing, you rest, then get immediately back
on to your next set. When done correctly it come out to almost exactly 30 seconds rest.

Week 1/ Day 1 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Stiff Leg RDL 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

DB Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Bulgarian Split Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Barbell Strict Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Hamstring Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Side Delt Raises 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Tricep Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Chest Flys 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 1/ Day 2 (Squat/ Pull)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Back Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Chin Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Leg extensions 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Chest Supported Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Step Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Straight Bar Bicep Curls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Cable High Pulls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 1/ Day 3 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Sumo Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Barbell Incline Bench 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Wide Stance
Good Morning 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB Arnold Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell Glute Bridge 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Bar Dips 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Front Raises 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

EZ Curl Bar
Skull Crushers 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 2/ Day 1 (Squat/ Pull)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Front Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Pull Up 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB weighted 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

step down

Single Arm DB Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Pull Over 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Straight Bar
Reverse Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Preacher Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 2/ Day 2 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Barbell Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Barbell Step Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB Overhead Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Weighted GHD
Hip Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

KB Floor Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Tricep Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Face Down DB
Reverse Fly 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 2/ Day 3 (Squat/ Pull)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Overhead Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

DB Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Wide Grip
Pull Up 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Barbell Alternating
Front Rack Lunges 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Band Resisted Inverted

Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Straight Arm Press

Down 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Alternating DB
Hammer Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Zottman Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 3/ Day 1 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
3’’ Deficit Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Narrow Grip
Barbell Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

KB Front Rack Lunges 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Seated Overhead
Pin Press (Nose Height) 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Glute Ham Raise 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Curl To
Overhead Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

DB rolling
Tricep extensions 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Dumbbell Complex of
1 Fly+ 1 DB Chest Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Week 3/ Day 2 (Squat/ Pull)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Zercher Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

KB Snatch 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Neutral Grip
Pull Ups 8 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Single Leg Squat

To Box 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell Bent Over Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Reverse Lunge 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Concentration Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Cable Face Pulls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 3/ Day 3 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Rack Pull 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Barbell Floor Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Split Stance
Good Morning
(Alt. Stance each set) 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

KB Clean and Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Single Leg GHD

Hip Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell JM Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Kneeling Single Arm

Landmine Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Push Up to
Renegade Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Week 4/ Day 1 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Stiff Leg RDL 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

DB Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Bulgarian Split Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Barbell Strict Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Hamstring Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Side Delt Raises 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Tricep Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Chest Flys 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 4/ Day 2 (Squat/ Pull)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Back Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Chin Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Leg extensions 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Chest Supported Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Step Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Straight Bar Bicep Curls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Cable High Pulls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 4/ Day 3 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Sumo Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Barbell Incline Bench 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Wide Stance
Good Morning 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB Arnold Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell Glute Bridge 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Bar Dips 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Front Raises 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

EZ Curl Bar
Skull Crushers 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 5/ Day 1 (Squat/ Pull)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Front Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Pull Up 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB weighted step down 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Single Arm DB Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Pull Over 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Straight Bar
Reverse Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Preacher Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 5/ Day 2 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Barbell Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Barbell Step Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB Overhead Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Weighted GHD
Hip Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

KB Floor Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Tricep Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Face Down DB
Reverse Fly 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 5/ Day 3 (Squat/ Pull)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Overhead Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

DB Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Wide Grip
Pull Up 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Barbell Alternating
Front Rack Lunges 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Band Resisted Inverted

Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Straight Arm Press

Down 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Alternating DB
Hammer Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Zottman Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 6/ Day 1 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
3’’ Deficit Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Narrow Grip
Barbell Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

KB Front Rack Lunges 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Seated Overhead
Pin Press (Nose Height) 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Glute Ham Raise 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Curl To
Overhead Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

DB rolling
Tricep extensions 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Dumbbell Complex of
1 Fly+ 1 DB Chest Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Week 6/ Day 2 (Squat/ Pull)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Zercher Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

KB Snatch 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Neutral Grip
Pull Ups 8 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Single Leg Squat

To Box 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell Bent Over Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Reverse Lunge 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Concentration Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Cable Face Pulls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 6/ Day 3 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Rack Pull 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Barbell Floor Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Split Stance
Good Morning
(Alt. Stance each set) 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

KB Clean and Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Single Leg GHD

Hip Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell JM Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Kneeling Single Arm

Landmine Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Push Up to
Renegade Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Week 7/ Day 1 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Sumo Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Barbell Incline Bench 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Wide Stance
Good Morning 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB Arnold Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell Glute Bridge 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Bar Dips 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Front Raises 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

EZ Curl Bar
Skull Crushers 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 7/ Day 2 (Squat/ Pull)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Front Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Pull Up 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB weighted step down 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Single Arm DB Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Pull Over 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Straight Bar
Reverse Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Preacher Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 7/ Day 3 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Barbell Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Barbell Step Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB Overhead Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Weighted GHD
Hip Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

KB Floor Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Tricep Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Face Down DB
Reverse Fly 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 8/ Day 1 (Squat/ Pull)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Overhead Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

DB Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Wide Grip
Pull Up 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Barbell Alternating
Front Rack Lunges 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Band Resisted Inverted

Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Straight Arm Press

Down 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Alternating DB
Hammer Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Zottman Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 8/ Day 2 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
3’’ Deficit Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Narrow Grip
Barbell Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

KB Front Rack Lunges 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Seated Overhead
Pin Press (Nose Height) 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Glute Ham Raise 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Curl To
Overhead Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

DB rolling
Tricep extensions 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Dumbbell Complex of
1 Fly+ 1 DB Chest Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Week 8/ Day 3 (Squat/ Pull)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Zercher Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

KB Snatch 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Neutral Grip
Pull Ups 8 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Single Leg Squat

To Box 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell Bent Over Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Reverse Lunge 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Concentration Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Cable Face Pulls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 9/ Day 1 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Rack Pull 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Barbell Floor Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Split Stance
Good Morning
(Alt. Stance each set) 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

KB Clean and Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Single Leg GHD

Hip Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell JM Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Kneeling Single Arm

Landmine Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Push Up to
Renegade Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Week 9/ Day 2 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Stiff Leg RDL 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

DB Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Bulgarian Split Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Barbell Strict Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Hamstring Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Side Delt Raises 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Tricep Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Chest Flys 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 9/ Day 3 (Squat/ Pull)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Back Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Chin Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Leg extensions 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Chest Supported Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Step Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Straight Bar Bicep Curls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Cable High Pulls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 10/ Day 1 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Sumo Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Barbell Incline Bench 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Wide Stance
Good Morning 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB Arnold Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell Glute Bridge 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Bar Dips 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Front Raises 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

EZ Curl Bar
Skull Crushers 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 10/ Day 2 (Squat/ Pull)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Front Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Pull Up 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB weighted step down 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Single Arm DB Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Pull Over 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Straight Bar
Reverse Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Preacher Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 10/ Day 3 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Barbell Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Barbell Step Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

DB Overhead Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Weighted GHD
Hip Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

KB Floor Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Tricep Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Face Down DB
Reverse Fly 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 11/ Day 1 (Squat/ Pull)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Overhead Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

DB Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Wide Grip
Pull Up 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Barbell Alternating
Front Rack Lunges 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Band Resisted Inverted

Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Straight Arm Press

Down 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Alternating DB
Hammer Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

DB Zottman Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 11/ Day 2 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
3’’ Deficit Deadlift 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Narrow Grip
Barbell Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

KB Front Rack Lunges 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Seated Overhead
Pin Press (Nose Height) 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Glute Ham Raise 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Curl To
Overhead Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

DB rolling
Tricep extensions 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Dumbbell Complex of
1 Fly+ 1 DB Chest Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Week 11/ Day 3 (Squat/ Pull)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Zercher Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

KB Snatch 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Neutral Grip
Pull Ups 8 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Single Leg Squat

To Box 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell Bent Over Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Reverse Lunge 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Concentration Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Cable Face Pulls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 12/ Day 1 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Rack Pull 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Barbell Floor Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Split Stance
Good Morning
(Alt. Stance each set) 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

KB Clean and Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Single Leg GHD

Hip Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Barbell JM Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Kneeling Single Arm

Landmine Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Push Up to
Renegade Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Week 12/ Day 2 (Lower Pull/ Upper Push)
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Stiff Leg RDL 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

DB Bench Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Bulgarian Split Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Barbell Strict Press 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Hamstring Curl 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Side Delt Raises 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Tricep Extension 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Chest Flys 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Week 12/ Day 3 (Squat/ Pull)

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Percentage Tempo
Back Squat 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec. Negatives

Power Clean 8 8 30 sec 40-60%

Chin Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 Sec Negatives

Leg extensions 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

Chest Supported Row 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec Negatives

DB Step Ups 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Straight Bar Bicep Curls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives

Cable High Pulls 8 8 30 sec 40-60% 3 sec negatives


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