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The difference between the United Kingdom and

Great Britain

 United Kingdom: refers to the union of

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

 Although, the general language is English.

Some of the four countries have another official
language: Scottish in Scotland and Welsh in

 The parliamentary government is based in

England but has three decentralized
administrations in the capitals of the other
constituent countries of the United Kingdom.
 the most appropriate is to call them
according to the country to which they
belong: Northern Irish to Northern Ireland,
Scottish to the inhabitant of Scotland,
Welsh to which comes from Wales and
English to England. It is not incorrect to
refer to both British, Scottish and Welsh as
"British" because they are all on the same
island of Great Britain. However, there is a
fairly marked nationalism in these countries
for historical reasons, so it is more prudent
and respectful to use the respective

 Each country in the United Kingdom has its

own capital, but the official capital of the
United Kingdom is London.

 The state of the United Kingdom is made

up of four constituent countries, there is
only one passport for all and it is British.
What makes the difference between Great
Britain and the United Kingdom is the
geographical area, Northern Ireland is from
the Island of Ireland and also, it belongs to
the United Kingdom but not to Great

 Great Britain: one of the 6,000 British Isles

and the largest made up of England, Scotland
and Wales.

 The second largest is the Island of Ireland, it is

made up of two different countries: The
Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

 The Republic of Ireland is an independent

country that it doesn’t have a unitary situation
with the United Kingdom, while Northern
Ireland is one of the four countries that make up
the United Kingdom.
What's the best English music festival?

One of the most important music festivals in Great

Britain and in English-speaking countries is The
Glastonbury Festival. This festival takes place
during the last week of June and brings together
great artists from the music scene, especially Anglo.
It takes place near Pilton, a village located in
Somerset County. The unusual thing about this
festival is that it not only gathers artists of a musical
type but also has guests who represent other arts.
That is, there are comedy shows, cabaret, theater,
circus, among others. The idea to create this festival
came from Michael Eavis, an English farmer who
came up with it when he saw an outdoor concert
with Led Zepelin in 1970. Since that year, the
Glastonbury Festival has been held not so regularly
in Worthy Farm, Eavis's farm. This festival was
influenced by the hippie vibe of the time and is
musically led by genres such as rock and pop. In
recent years it has had great television and
newspaper coverage. There is a main platform
where the most important artists appear and others
located smaller with some other guests. Its
periodicity has not been continuous but in each
decade, since the 70s, they have had several
versions of this festival. He has had performances
by artists such as The Kinks, The Smiths, Oasis,
Massive Attack, Jamiroquai, The Cure, Paul
McCartney, The Who, among other bands and
artists of international stature.

And do English people really drink a lot of tea?

Tea has become entreched in the British way of life,

from the humble tea break to the afternoon tea to be
enjoyed, of course, at the very swankiest of London
the British consumes 60 billion tea cups per year,
That’s more than 900 cups a year for every man,
woman and child in Great Britain.

it's worth trying to work out what it is exactly that

makes tea taste the way it does. Tea’s flavor is
intimately affected by how it is grown, processed,
and brewed. But if the intent is to make certain
kinds of green tea from them, like matcha, growers
will make sure they are carefully shaded with nets
or mats. Less sun causes them to produce more
chlorophyll as well as fewer polyphenols, a class of
molecules that imparts tea’s unique astringency.

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