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5 Foods To Lose Weight

The healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets nor bursts of exercise. The body
likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise.

Looking for a miracle diet food? So, if you need to lose weight, what should you do?

Many young people go on a crash diet to lose weight without knowing the adverse
effects that it can cause on your body. The notion that the solution to weight loss is a
crash diet or the ability to stay off food is totally wrong and erroneous and should be
avoided as it leads to serious health problems. To lose weight you need not deprive
yourself of food or starve yourself. The solution is moderation and it involves making
five simple changes in your daily food habits.

5 Foods To Lose Weight

Eggs- Skip the bagel this morning. Eggs, which are full of protein, will help you feel
fuller longer a lot longer. Eggs are highly respected by dietitians because of their
balance of essential amino acids protein building blocks used by your body to
manufacture everything from muscle fibers to brain chemicals.
Salads- Make salads with tomato, carrot, beetroot, cabbage, capsicum, lettuce, or
cucumber all low in calories-your diet staple, to liven them up, you can use curd or
lemon as a salad dressing. Sandwiches too, are good ways to have these raw
vegetables. The bread helps fill you up, but don’t use butter-spread a coriander and
mint chutney instead would do good.
Kidney Beans- You have probably never heard of kidney beans, but it’s one of your
best weight loss pals. This digestive hormone is a natural appetite suppressant. So how
do you get more kidney beans?
Potatoes: Surprised? The problem is not the potatoes, but the way they are cooked.
Finger chips or other forms of fried potatoes are high in fat. But if baked or boiled and
eaten without fatty accompaniments, potatoes are great for your diet. Have them
mashed, adding pepper and a dash of lime. Or stuffed-as in aloo parathas, prepared
without oil or ghee of course. (If you must have finger chips make them in the
Red Tomatoes- The humble tomato is a secret super food that contains large amounts
of the powerful anti-oxidant compound lycopene. Lycopene is the substance that gives
tomatoes, their vibrant red color. Tomatoes are inexpensive and naturally low in fat. A
diet built around fresh vegetables like tomatoes can help weight loss while giving you
an extra health boost.

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