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7 Things that Affect Your Spirit.

7 Things that Affect the health, strength and vitality of your spirit.
To avoid ' getting ' sick, it's good to have a high vibration and keep it.
Good attitudes must not only be done when there is an epidemic, it is every day that it is good
to increase your vibration rate and immunity.
Loving yourself and loving living is a base.
Indeed, a lot of people, not always consciously, don't like their lives or quit living. Especially in the
Many are waiting for death.
Also in other people who don't like their jobs, or feel useless, or that life is not worth living... often these
people eat a lot of sugar to make up for their lack of love, or drink strong alcohol , smoke or drugs and
destroy their immune system.
It is every day of the year that it is good to love life, one's life, self and others.
Love is a powerful shield against diseases.
The joy of living too is why celebrating life on a regular basis is essential. Laugh, dance, sing even fake,
bless, marvel at little things, love what we do... anything that can nourish the body of emotions.

“"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be
full of light.” Mt.6:22

1st - * Your Thoughts * The thoughts we hold in our minds either strengthen or weaken us.
Discouragement, sadness, anger, fear, it all comes back to you. This is why it's so important
that you take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn how to cultivate more positive
thoughts. “Take captive every thought.” When you find yourself with a less than positive thought,
gently replace it with a more positive thought. You don't have to blame yourself. Just change your mind
and continue your daily activities. After some time, this practice will become automatic. Gentle with
yourself during this process is a key to helping you keep your vibration to a high level.

2th - * Your Company * The people around you directly affect your spirit. If you surround
yourself with joyful, positive and determined people, you will feel uplifted. Now, if you
surround yourself with people complaining, accusers and pessimistic, you will feel down.

3th - * Music * Music is very powerful. If you only listen to music that talks about death,
betrayal, sadness, surrender, all of this will interfere with what you're up to. Pay attention to
the lyrics of the music you listen to, it could reduce your vibration frequency. And
remember: you attract exactly what you achieve in your life.

4th - * The things you look at * When you look at programs that deal with misfortune,
death, betrayal, etc. your brain accepts this as a reality and releases a whole chemistry into
your body, which affects your vibration frequency. Look at things that make you feel good
and help you vibe at a higher frequency.
5th - * The environment you live and work in. * Whether at home or at work, if you spend a
lot of time in a disorganized and dirty environment, it will also affect your vibration
frequency. Improve what surrounds you, organize and clean your environment. Show the
universe that you are fit to receive much more. Take care of what you already have! Another
aspect is to have a peaceful and harmonious environment. By surrounding yourself with your favorite
books, crystals or other sacred objects, you can create a climate of peace and increase your vibes.

6th - * The Words you Speak * If you claim or talk bad about things and people, it affects
your vibration frequency. To keep your frequency high, it's essential to eliminate the habit
of complaining and talking about others. So avoid drama and victimization. Take
responsibility for the choices of your life!

7th - * Your Degree of Gratitude * Gratitude positively affects your vibration frequency. This
is a habit you should integrate now into your life. Start giving thanks for everything, for the
good things and what you consider to be bad, give thanks for all the experiences you have
experienced. Gratitude opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.

8. Your Diet

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