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If I were the chief minister of Tamil Nadu I would do the following!

My priorities would be water,power and education

First and foremost,water is most required thing for us to survive currently Tamil Nadu is
horrible in preserving water and water resources. So these are thing I would do for water

 Though rain water harvesting adoption is a must in tn,I would strengthen the rule that
proper maintenance and regular inspection by corporation officials is mandatory.
 All lakes should be desilted and maintained properly .
 All rivers of tamilnadu be unified to avoid water scarcity and also to store/distribute
surplus water during flood times
 Drip irrigation will promoted for cultivation purpose in order to use the water with
 Whenever a govt is formed in TN ,cleaning koovum river will be in their manifesto
and huge amount funds will be allotted. I will use those funds to clean koovum river
and bring back old koovum
 Each and every towns and panchayat should have a sewage water cleaning system,so
that waste water will be purified and used for other purposes

Following for energy

 All street lights should be powered by solar power

 All school/offices buildings should adopt solar power or any other renewable energy
sources apart from electricity
 Promotion of battery powered automobiles in cities to avoid pollution
 Implementation of new wind and solar power plants


 Curriculum of state board will be updated and improved equivalent to CBSE

 Higher education standards will be updated
 Focusing on practical oriented education
 Agriculture will be part of the syllabus.
 More funds will be allocated to attract more research scholars.
  Ban or close all TASMAC shops in the state - only Bars and Pubs in the star
hotels needs to be open for the convenience of tourists and expats.
  Ban Sand Mining and Minerals Mining - Tamil Nadu is the only state to
shamelessly mine sand and export it to neighbouring states like Kerala which is very
smart to have banned sand mining in its own state but continues to accept sand mined
from other states. Nobody knows how many millions worth of sand has been stolen
by industrialists and Politicians from Tamil Nadu.
  Buy a JCB bull dozer and raze the Chennai international airport to the ground and
give a new contract to GMR or L&T and build a new modern airport on the lines of
Delhi International airport. Chennai’s airport is nothing but a piece of crap.
 ____________________________________________________________________
 Liquor will be banned all over the state.
 Sand mining will be banned all over the state and shoot at sight order will be given
who breaks this law.
 Proposis juliflora (seemai karuvela maram) will be eradicated all over the state.
 Rivers and lakes will be reformed to collect more water
 Coastal barrier trees will be planted along the coast of Tamilnadu.
 Desalination plants will be opened along the coast to serve water to 75% of the
districts and usage of sea water is mandatory along flush lines
 Government will pay for those who admits their children in Government schools.
 Registration of lands for real estate will be banned for ten years.
 All the vehicles in the state will be attached with GPS devices and the movement will
be monitored and recorded.
 tolls will be of electronic type and vehicles passing through will pay itself through
linked GPS and bank accounts.
 If any of the government official fails to grow at least one tree in 4 years, he will be
fired. the tree at the stage of sapling will be registered with the concerned official’s
name and its coordinate on the earth and monitored using google map’s street view.
 A complaint registration system will be opened for people who face any issues in day
to day life and the person who complains will be anonymous but he/she has to give
his coordinates so that it can be assigned to the concerned official in the area and it
will be monitored whether the official is solving the issue on time.
 corruption leads to life time punishment of planting trees in jail.
 No election campaign will be entertained but only through Teleconferencing.
 Tamil literature students will be most preferred for government jobs to serve for
several tourist centres to be opened across the state to save the culture and heritage.
 All government vehicles will be solar powered.

Addition 1:

17. Public posting of any political leaders including CM and its party members are strictly
prohibited and breaking this rule leads to imprisonment.

18. Each government official will be given an area of land to control the invasion of juliflora
weed. the area will be recorded with coordinates and monitored through maps. Failing to
follow this will lead to holding of salary and repetitions will lead to termination of
employment with salary in lieu.

19. Establishment of Rain water harvesting system and Planting at least one tree (milletia
pinnata - Indian beach tree- pungai maram will be preferred most) per family is mandatory
failing which leads to timeless ban on gas cylinder supply and blocking of ration cards. ( this
will apply only for those who own a house)

20. All street lights in Tamil nadu will be solar powered, as the whole state receives mean
sunlight for 6.5 hours/day.

21. Drainage systems will be regularized and proper drains will be laid across the state.
22. All the state government engineers will be employed directly with labors especially in
civil and public works department rather than giving contracts and subcontracts. This will
curb the corruption to a greater extent.

23. All the interviews for government posting will be conducted by CM through
teleconferencing with transparency to public. ( it may not be easy but its worth it).

24. All the Large scale industries operating in the state have to get 40% of their total energy
utilization through solar power. State will support with the remaining energy need.

25. All the government offices and schools will be provided with mini solar plants and will
be made completely solar operating.

26. There wont be any dynamic traffic policemen in the streets but sensors will be detecting
the vehicles for possible break of rules and concerned vehicle number will be recorded and
penalized through GPS devices. ( this needs improvement as vehicles from other states may
not have such devices). But traffic policemen will be available in the area to attend the
emergency and any inconvenience that may arise.

Edit 1 : I am respecting the suggestions through comments. The points given above will get
populated and the views of mine are for better future which cannot be achieved soon.

Regarding juliflora weed, its not impossible to remove completely but eradication can be
achieved by proper planning and it may take many years.

Banning liquor completely may lead to illegal production, but it can be possible to weed out
the issue strategically. At least the next generation will be liquor free. Saudi Arabia didn’t
achieved this?

Edit 2: Oh no. Before people jumping into assumptions, the point in which i wrote about
banning the registration of lands, is all about monitoring how much agricultural lands are
getting converted and already converted for concrete usage. and to control it by creating laws
and there are heaps of merits on this banning too. by banning its possible to raise the ground
water level first of all. i have seen greedy and lazy agricultural land owners who intentionally
grows juliflora weeds to prove the land unfit for crop growth and make it to bear concrete
structures. one more cheating method is to fill the fertile soil with waste soil to prove the
authorities that the land is unfit and is ready to be sold for real estate use.

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 Clean the whole water storing systems in nature and also create lot of man made lakes
for agriculture
 use a way for sewage disposal and reuse that don’t destroy nature
 Organic farming

 Works hard to provide 24/7 power supply


 Improve the quality of government schools that match the standards of Doon School
in India
 Improve all colleges under Anna university towards the standards of IITs

Medical Care

 Improve the quality of government hospitals that match the standards of Apollo
Hospitals and AIIMS
 Built government clinics for each and every village.


 World class roads

 Toilets and parks in Highways
 Traffic management
 Huts will be removed and government appartment will be built for poor homeless

Social Care

 Complete Alcohol prohibition except in hotels and pubs.

 Each and every village have a office were MLA visits their in a round robin time

Law and Order

 Each ward have a ward police station were a group of 50 police constables patrols the
streets .

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et’s go straight to the point without wasting any time.

1. Water management - Will start cleaning the river bed by scooping out mud with a
dredge for a even water flow.
2. Sand Theft - Now sand contractors are taking sands above the normal level. The main
problem for water scarcity.
3. Sand business will come under government to compensate the loss of money because
of banning Liquors.
4. Education System - Now the state is following samacheer kalvi which in no way is
useful to the students. A student have to read the facts of the history instead of
mugging up the dates of the history.
5. Will fit cameras in all the government offices and there will be a separate group of
people to watch the activities of government staff. If a government staff is getting
bribe or doing some illegal activities will be severely punished.
6. Will open a bank account where the people of the state may donate money and the
money they donated will be invested in Mutual funds or stock markets and it will be
used for the development of the state.
7. There will be two ministers in each ministry. A young one and an old one. Both of
them must be literate in the respective field.
8. Will promote less water crops like raagi instead of thirsty crops like rice, sugarcane
and cotton.
9. Will give pension to the farmers.
10. No agricultural lands will be allowed to construct a building.
11. No freebees in the manifesto.
12. There will be a global investors meet every year to attract investments to the state.
13. Government staff’s children must study in government schools.
14. Ministers should submit their asset list every year.
15. Infrastructure and equipment in the government hospitals will be improved.

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Cleaning coovam & buckingham canal

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