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Mariusz Padewski

Substrate. How to
manage Blueberry in pot
Delphy worldwide

Blueberry in pots
Production in substrates gives the possibility of
better quality production and a high amount of
first-class fruit,
It allows you to achieve the right yield from
every meter of crop production
Ability to introduce biological protection and its
proper control (the list of pesticides decreases
in the EU from year to year)
Improving crop productivity, reducing costs per
kg of harvested fruit

What is the difference between soil and substrates?

Selection of containers and irrigation
The right container color and type for different climatic conditions

Selection of containers and irrigation
Containers with appropriate drainage and size

What is the difference between soil and substrates.
Cultivation in pots/substrate requires more attention.

The volume of roots is limited, compared to soil cultivation, in particular for all crops yielding
on the canes/shoots, but the leaf surface is similar, but small water reserves in pots.
The substrate must be light and keep a lot of water (usually 50-70%), it also has more air than
we have in the soil (dries faster).
Needs more frequent watering, but short bursts. („little and often").
Due to differences in the efficiency of drip irrigation and potential EC growth during the season
(from mineral fertilizers and water source), an appropriate level of overflow (RUN OFF) is

The optimal RunOff% depends on the purity of the water, the type of crop and the
stage of plant development.
The right choice of drip heads
The number of drips is of
great importance
Two drip heads per pot over
10 liters resulted in dry
spots and an increase in EC
and Ph in individual batches
of the substitute
Limited growth of plants
was visible

The right choice of drip heads
The even distribution of
water has become crucial in
crops in containers
Several drip heads allowed
for better distribution of
water and nutrient solution
in the substrate
A much better plant growth
and improved fruit quality

The right choice of drip heads

Wind protection

Crop monitoring
Monitoring stations are necessary on each
water section
Inflow and outflow measurements of pH,
EC, and water amount
% of runoff

EC, Ph - measurement

Crop monitoring - why RunOff?
Good RunOff level:
Provides the whole substrate with the same moisture,
It compensates for differences in driers, cuttings, and substrate volume.
To flush out excess salt (for example: & Sodium Chloride), and to avoid the accumulation of
their (and other components not used).
To ensure the balance of nutrients in the entire volume of the substrate - a closer level to the
nutrient program.

Too much RunOff:

Low oxygen levels in the substrate - weak roots / disease / death.
loss of fertilizers - additional cost of water and nutrients.
increasing the growth of grass / weeds near the pot / bag - the air humidity increases.
increases the decomposition of peat / coconut fiber
increased pollution (risk of non-compliance with EU Directives on Nitrates and Phosphorus)

EC, pH and% of the optimal moisture content of the substrate
(peat, coconut fiber, perlite) for growing blueberries

Feed adjustments

Feed adjustments

Thank you for your attention

Mariusz Padewski Tel.: +48 510 445 396


Ron Marshal Tel.: +44 7714 25 53 26



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