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We all go through that certain moment, wherein everyone seems to be hurting us.

Everyone seems to
disappoint us. And I know that we all reach that moment wherein forgiving and accepting seemed to be
so hard to do. And you know kapatid, God wants to tell you that no matter how hard it gets, just for as
long as you believe and entrust everything to him, you will always find a reason to forgive. He will give
you enough reasons to forgive because He knows how hard it is to carry the burden every day.

As believers, we have always been told that we all should be ready to face challenges. God reminded
this, “If you are going to serve the Lord, be prepared for times when you will be put to the test.” And I
think forgiving and forgetting while hurting so bad is a different kind of test. I know how tough it is. But
it’s okay, you’re not alone in your battle. Philippians 3:13 “The one thing I do, however, is to forget what
is behind me and do my best to reach what is ahead.” Remember this when it gets hard.

It may be hard now, God is not rushing you kapatid. Always be ready to listen, but take your time in
answering. There are lots of things that deserve to be appreciated, don’t waste it kapatid. Instead, with
a humble heart, present everything to God. Do not keep resentment, it worsens things. Whatever or
whoever has hurt you, pray for them. 😊

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