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In the field of Biochemistry, acid-base and pH concepts are very much important
since all living things are water-based systems which heavily depends in aqueous equilibria,
especially in acid base equilibria. With that in mind let’s start with What is pH? pH signifies a
way to describe the low concentration of hydrogen ions. It is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of
a solution. Solutions with high concentration of hydrogen ions have low pH and solutions with
low concentration of hydrogen ions have high level of pH. It is also known that pH gives
qualitative measure for many cell biology and other related fields such as cell environment is
always buffered at approximately pH 7. From that we can say that the pH of a solution is an
important factor in all biological processes because they need to maintain a specific pH in order
to function properly and to keep their enzymes in optimum protonation.
pH is the abbreviation of power of hydrogen where p is for the German word for power
(potenz) and H is the element symbol for hydrogen. In mathematical forms pH can be described
or expressed by the formula:
pH = -log [H+]
A buffer solution or system is the mixture of weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak
base and its conjugate acid. Since its components are the opposites of one another, they basically
neutralize the excess hydrogen and hydroxyl ion and thus allows the solutions to resist large
changes in pH. In short, buffers helps in maintaining a near constant pH upon addition of small
amounts of H+ or OH- in a solution. In relation to buffer systems and the human body, the buffer
system is very important since they control pH of fluids and tissues of living organisms to sustain
the normal functioning of life.
A common way of measuring pH is by using a modern device called the pH meter. The
pH meter is composed of a pair of electrodes connected to a meter capable of measuring small
voltages. A voltage is formed when the electrodes are placed in a solution. The given off voltage
is read in the meter which is calibrated to give pH.
The pH of a solution is important in the biomedical sciences for two main reasons. First,
the proper function of biomolecules depends to an important degree on the control of pH.
Second, changes as small as 0.1 or 0.3 pH unit can cause significant metabolic disturbances in
certain cell, tissues, and organs, it’s because the pH sensitivity of many biomolecules.
Generalizing all of that we can conclude that pH and buffer systems are important
specially with its connection to the human body and how they help maintain and prolongs its
bodily function. Thus performing pH Measurement and buffer preparation has its perks and
highlights since it brings us somehow to the truth in which our body is formed or functions in
ways that we have never thought of before.

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