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Leadership & People- Executive MBA

Leaders are not Born , They are Made.

Leaders are made, not born, this is the case of polar explorer Ernest
Shackleton. His story sheds the light on many lessons in leadership in
challenging conditions. Shackleton was also an entrepreneur as he took
tasks that are profound but dull like hiring a team and raising money.

First ,Shackleton had an extremely important lessons from having a bad

boss in his previous polar exploration, one is make your decisions and
stick with them, second displeasing or not making everyone happy and
third always be prepared with supplies and good logistics.

The way he built his team was remarkable, he hired not just on resumes but
on attitudes , what collection of attitudes and experiences he had, do they
fit together , do they have the same directive, would they function properly
together. Shackleton was very good in characterizing people , so he
choose a team that is best for the mission.

Second lesson is what to do and how to perform when you cannot get to
the original goal, how to manage you self and your team when the stakes
get high, how do I keep my team motivated and function together.

Your team looks up to you , how you perform and what you do, what is
your body language say, and that what Shackleton understood, he looked
confident and he kept his morals high, it was very important to him that no
one feels left out. Shackleton felt responsible and that was a part of his self
motivation to do all his powers to save his team.

Most important he had faith in his team and he showed them that and made
them believe that they can do it , he made them do thing even better than
themselves do on their own.

Great leaders are made, not born.

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