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Training Plan for Bouldering Strength 
Reference Document 


How to use this plan: 2 

Additional Advice 3 
Required equipment 3 
Warming up 3 
Suitability of our plans 3 
Calibration of your plan 3 

A - Warm-up (30 mins) 4 

Purpose 4 
A1 - Cardio Warm Up 4 
A2 - Dynamic Stretching Warm up 4 
A3 - Fingerboard Warm Up 5 

B – Finger Strength Training 5 

Purpose 5 
Description 5 
Finger Strength Training 6 

C – Arm Strength Training 7 

Purpose 7 
Description 7 
C1 - Max Weight Pull-ups 7 
C2 - Offset Pull-ups 7 
C3 - One-armed Negatives 8 
C4 - One-armed Pull-ups 8 

D – Core Strength Training 9 

Purpose 9 
Description 9 
D1 - V-Sits 9 
D2 - Windshield Wipers 10 
D3 - Bicycles 10 
D4 - Hanging Leg-raises 10 
D5 - Toes to Hands 11 
D6 - Body Tucks 11 
D7 - Front Levers 12 
D8 - Slow-motion Twisting Kicks 12 

E – Antagonist Strength Training 13 

Purpose 13 
Description 13 
E1 - Sphinx Push-ups 13 


E2 - Feet Raised Push-ups 13 

E3 - Archer Push-ups 14 
E4 - Wide Push-ups 14 
E5 - Spiderman Push-ups 14 
E6 - Superman Push-ups 15 
E7 - Is, Ys and Ts 15 

F – Stretching and Reflection 16 

Purpose 16 
Description 16 
G1 - Stretching Sequence 1 16 

How to use this plan: 

Although we would rather focus on movement and mindset skills as well as physical attributes, 
with our options being limited we may as well all get mega strong! 
We have split our training areas into 4 key areas; Fingers, Arms, Core and Antagonist.  
The At-Home Training Plan for Bouldering Strength is targeted towards exactly what the title 
says… improving your strength for bouldering! 
The specific aims of this plan are: 
- Improve Finger strength (be able to hold smaller holds) 
- Improve Arm strength (work towards one arm pull-ups) 
- Improve Core strength (work towards front-levers) 
- Improve Antagonist strength (maintain health whilst strengthening other areas) 
Our training plans are easy to follow; whether you are using the Hero Plan (involves two-armed 
hangs) or the Titan Plan (involves one-armed hangs), you will always follow the same 3 day 
- Day 1 - Cardio, dynamic stretching, fingerboard warm-up, Fingers workout, core 
workout, antagonist workout, stretching. 
- Day 2 - Cardio, dynamic stretching, fingerboard warm-up, arms workout, core workout, 
antagonist workout, stretching. 
- Day 3 - REST :D 
It is entirely up to you whether you use the Hero Plan or the Titan Plan, or a mix of both. If you 
are at all unsure, please get in touch with us so we can advise! 
We recommend that you perform 8 cycles of 3 days, before performing another 2 cycles with 
all exercises at 50% intensity (e.g. if you were hanging off a certain edge with 10kg during the 
first 8 cycles, you should hang with only 5kg during the final 2 cycles.) 
Your first session will be used to work out your current level, taking plenty of rest and taking 
notes whilst trying out the exercises included in this plan to determine at what intensity you 
should be performing each exercise. If you have any questions about this, please email us at​. After that, you can get started right away!  


The spreadsheets provided give guidance on which exercises to do and when, and should be 
used to keep notes on your progress! 

Additional Advice 
Required equipment 

We have aimed for this training plan to require the minimal amount of equipment! 
- a fingerboard (we have used a Beastmaker 1000 when designing this plan, but it can be easily 
adapted for any fingerboard - please contact us through ​​ if 
you would like any advice at all!) 
- a length of rope/ strap 
- some method of adding weight to yourself (a weight vest/ harness/belt with weight attached/ 
a rucksack filled with heavy objects) 
- a floor 
- a pulley system 

Warming up 

Although we aren’t going to be on the climbing wall, we still have to warm up! When training, 
especially on fingerboards, it is vital to be full warmed up before starting. Please follow our guidelines 
for the warmup to reduce the risk of injury and allow for maximum gains during your training session 
Suitability of our plans 

Although we want our training plans to be accessible for everyone, we also want to be wary of 
students sustaining an injury from taking on too much too fast. In order to use our plans safely (though 
of course, when training hard, there is always a risk of injury) we advise that climbers are: 
- Able to, after fully warming up, comfortably hang with two hands from a 15mm edge, with no 
additional weight. 
- Are over the age of 16/ have finished going through puberty. 
Calibration of your plan 

Everyone will begin their training at different starting points, so it is important to calibrate accordingly. 
On the day before your first session, please complete the usual cardio, dynamic stretching and 
fingerboard warm up before gradually going through each of the exercises listed in our plans. Only 
complete one set of each exercise, take notes, and try to build a picture of where you are with each 


exercise. It is expected that your first day of training will be used to calibrate each exercise so you 
know where to start in your first session! 


A - Warm-up (30 mins) 

Prepare for your climbing session by performing a three-stage warm up of cardio, dynamic 
stretching and easy climbing. Completing this warm up will reduce the likelihood of injury, and 
give you the additional benefit of feeling stronger and more flexible. 
A1 - Cardio Warm Up 

Aim  Raise your pulse, temperature and increase blood-flow to the extremities. This 
is the first stage in a warm up for a training session, and is essential to reduce 
risk of injury and improve performance. 

Exercise  Option 1: 

A quick run! Alternate your speed between slow paced and as-fast-as-possible every 
500m (a rough approximation will do, for example running around your block) for a 
total of 5 alternations. Use the your training plan spreadsheet to fill out your times! 
Option 2: 
(For those with limited space) 
- 20 Jumping Jacks 
- 20 Mountain Climbers 
- 20 Star Jumps 
- 10 Burpees 
Stop for a drink of water, then repeat two more times. 

Time  10 minutes 

Video demo  Cardio Warm Up 

A2 - Dynamic Stretching Warm up 

Aim  To “loosen up” the joints before beginning climbing. 

Exercise  Starting with the toes, work upwards through every joint of the body, performing circles 
or clenches as appropriate. Complete 5 circles/clenches at a very slow speed to ensure 
full range of movement, followed by 5 circles/clenches at a fast speed as a challenge of 


Dynamic Routine (from bottom to top of the body) 

1. Toe clenches/ extensions 
2. Ankle circles (either direction) 
3. Knee circles (either direction) 
4. Leg circles (either direction) 
5. Hip circles (either direction) 
6. Shoulder shrugs (either direction) 
7. Arm circles (either direction) 
8. Elbow circles (either direction) 
9. Wrist circles (either direction) 
10. Finger clenches/ extensions 
11. Head turns (side to side + up and down, slow only) 

Time  5 minutes 

Video demo  Dynamic Stretching Warm Up 

A3 - Fingerboard Warm Up 

Aim  Get the fingers and the arms warmed up for some hard pulling! 

Exercise  Hero warm up  Titan warm up 

- 5 x Shoulder shrugs on jugs - 5 x Shoulder shrugs on jugs
- 5 x Pull ups on jugs - 5 x Pull ups on jugs
- 5 x Shoulder shrugs on 40mm - 5 x Shoulder shrugs on 15mm
edges edges
- 5 x Pull ups on 40mm edges - 5 x Pull ups on 15mm edges
- 5 x 5 sec hangs on 15mm edges - 5 x Shoulder shrugs on 10mm
(The above can be performed with feet edges
resting on a chair if need be!) - 5 x Pull ups on 10mm edges

Time  10 minutes 

Video demo  Fingerboard Warm Up - Hero Plan 

Fingerboard Warm Up - Titan Plan 

B – Finger Strength Training 

To get strong fingers for holding small holds! Our plans are focused on bouldering, so be aware 
that this protocol is designed towards maximum finger strength rather than endurance. 

With the Hero plan you will be using two-armed hangs, whereas with the Titan plan you will be 
using one-armed hangs. 


The sections below will give detail on how to perform the exercises, as well as various other 
useful bits of knowledge! 
Finger Strength Training 

Calibration  Whether hanging with one arm or two, the aim is to be able to hang from your 
chosen edge for a maximum of 7 seconds. If you are unable to hang an edge for 
more than 4 seconds, it is too difficult, whereas if you can hang for more than 7 
seconds with ease, it is too easy! 
To make your hangs easier/ harder to fit your plan, we recommend using a pulley and 
weights system, strap, or mixing up your combinations of holds/ fingers. ​Have a look 
at this video for more guidance! 

Timing  Two-armed hangs 

- Hang from your chosen edge for c.7 seconds, with arms straight and 
shoulders engaged. 
- Rest for 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 3 sets. 
One-armed hangs 
- Start with your weaker arm (e.g. LEFT) 
- Hang from your chosen edge with your LEFT hand for c.7 seconds, with arm 
straight and shoulder engaged. 
- Rest for 30 seconds. 
- Hang from your chosen edge with your RIGHT hand for c.7 seconds, with 
arm straight and shoulder engaged. 
- Rest for 2 minutes and repeat for a total of 3 sets. 

Grip use  We recommend using only the “half crimp” grip type on flat edges.  

Safety  There are 3 main points of safety to be aware of when using the fingerboard. 
- Ensure you are fully warmed up before starting. 
- Be wary of the grip type you use. 
- Ensure you stay engaged in your shoulders when hanging (don’t hang on 
your skeleton!) 

Pro Tip  Take notes and records of your hang times so that you can see progression, and 
don’t worry if you don’t see progress every time you train. If you are lacking 
motivation during a hang, think about a move/ climb/ competition which really 
motivates you. If you are lacking motivation to train at all because you feel weak 
compared to the day before, have a look at your progression over a longer time 
period rather than only looking at your results from yesterday ;) 

Video demo  Fingerboard Tutorial - Hero Plan 

Fingerboard Tutorial - Titan Plan 


C – Arm Strength Training 


The long term goal is to be able to pull up and lock with one arm! The exercises below will have 
you working towards that goal in various ways. 

In this training plan, we address finger strength and arm strength as separate areas. Finger 
strength and Arm strength will never be included in the same session, and arm strength 
exercises must always be completed on jugs rather than small edges! 
C1 - Max Weight Pull-ups 

Aim  To complete 3 pull ups with the largest amount of additional weight possible! 

Calibration  Attach weight to yourself using a weight vest, a harness/ belt with weight hung from it, 
or a backpack full of heavy objects if need be! 
It will take a little experimentation, but the aim is to decide how much additional weight 
you can add whilst still being able to complete 3 pull ups! 

Timing  Complete 3 pull ups (1 set) then rest for 2 minutes minimum before sets 2 and 3. 

Grip use  Only use jugs for this exercise! 

Safety  Ensure you are fully warmed up before starting this exercise, and be aware that you 
may be much “clumsier” than usual when attached to a large amount of weight. 

Pro Tip  Try to keep static rather than kicking your legs for momentum, and make sure your 
chin goes above your hands for a full rep! 

Video demo  Max Weight Pull-Ups 

C2 - Offset Pull-ups 

Aim  To complete 3 “offset” pull-ups of maximum intensity on each side (with additional 
weight if necessary). Hang a rope/ strap from one side of your training set up, and use 
this for assistance whilst doing the majority of the pulling with your other hand, which 
should be on a jug! 

Calibration  The first method to calibrate difficulty would be to move your hand higher or lower on 
the rope/strap you are using for assistance. Moving your hand lower will give you less 


assistance, whereas moving your hand higher will give you more assistance. If you are 
able to complete 3 offset pull-ups with your supporting hand starting at waist height, 
it’s time to add some weight! If you are unable to complete 3 offset pull-ups with your 
hand starting above head height, we suggest using a pulley system to remove some of 
your weight. 

Timing  Complete 3 offset pull-ups (1 set) then rest for 2 minutes minimum before sets 2 and 

Grip use  Only use jugs for this exercise! 

Safety  Ensure you are fully warmed up before starting this exercise, and be aware that you 
may be much “clumsier” than usual when attached to a large amount of weight. 

Pro Tip  Try to keep static rather than kicking your legs for momentum, and make sure your 
chin goes above your hands for a full rep! 

Video demo  Offset Pull-Ups 

C3 - One-armed Negatives 

Aim  To complete 3 “Negative” one armed pull-ups of maximum intensity on each side (with 
additional weight if necessary).  

Calibration  For a successful “negative”, it should take a minimum of 4 seconds to lower yourself, 
and a maximum of 7. To make this exercise harder, add small amounts of weight until 
3 repetitions on each arms feels like your physical limit. To make this easier, we 
recommend using a pulley system to remove some of your weight. 

Timing  Complete 3 negative one armed pull-ups on each side (1 set) then rest for 2 minutes 
minimum before sets 2 and 3. 

Grip use  Only use jugs for this exercise! 

Safety  Ensure you are fully warmed up before starting this exercise, and be very careful  

Pro Tip  Try to hold evenly at each position as you lower down, rather than dropping in to the 
position you are most comfortable with and holding there. 

Video demo  One-armed Negatives 

C4 - One-armed Pull-ups 

Aim  The name says it all, really! The aim is to complete 3 one-armed pull-ups on each arm 
for one full set, either using assistance to make this possible or adding additional 
weight (if you’re already a complete monster!) 

Calibration  For most it will be necessary to use a pulley system for weighted assistance in order to 
complete 3 one armed pull-ups on each side 


Timing  Starting with your weaker side, complete 3 one armed pull-ups on, rest for 30 
seconds, then switch sides and complete 3 more one armed pull-ups for a full set. 
Rest for a minimum of 2 minutes between each set. 

Grip use  Only use jugs for this exercise! 

Safety  Ensure you are fully warmed up before starting this exercise… it’s obviously going to 
be quite hard! 

Pro Tip  Try to keep static rather than kicking your legs for momentum, and make sure your 
shoulder touches against your hand for a full rep! 

Video demo  One-armed Pull-Ups 


D – Core Strength Training 


To build a core of iron, so that you will be able to hold tension in the hardest of positions and 
reach your feet to far footholds on steep ground. 

The exercises below will have you working towards that goal in various ways. 
D1 - V-Sits 

Aim  Work your core with this exercise by lying on your back, simultaneously raising your 
back and legs off the floor and, keeping your arms and legs straight, touching your 
hands and toes together. 

Calibration  To begin with, aim to complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions. If this becomes easy, move up 
to 3 sets of 15 reps. Once this becomes easier, begin adding gradually increasing 
amounts of weight to your ankles and hands! 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  This exercise can be a little uncomfortable if performed on a hard surface; it would be 
best to do this on a yoga mat if available! 


Pro Tip  Don’t rush this exercise; it is harder to go slower, and will allow you to focus on 
keeping good form. 

Video Demo  V - Sits 

D2 - Windshield Wipers 

Aim  Lay on your back, raise your legs directly up, then keep them straight whilst lowering 
them from side to side to try to touch (but not rest on) the floor. One touch on either 
side is equal to 1 rep. 

Calibration  To begin with, aim to complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions. If this becomes easy, move up 
to 3 sets of 15 reps. Once this becomes easier, begin adding gradually increasing 
amounts of weight to your ankles! 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  This exercise can be a little uncomfortable if performed on a hard surface; it would be 
best to do this on a yoga mat if available! 

Pro Tip  Don’t rush this exercise; it is harder to go slower, and will allow you to focus on 
keeping good form. 

Video Demo  Windshield Wipers 

D3 - Bicycles 

Aim  Lay on your back and hold your fingers against your temples. Touch your Right elbow 
to your left knee (requiring you to raise your back and chest from the floor whilst lifting 
and bending your leg towards you). Lower them back down, then do the same on the 
opposite side to complete 1 rep. 

Calibration  To begin with, aim to complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions. If this becomes easy, move up 
to 3 sets of 15 reps. Once this becomes easier, begin adding gradually increasing 
amounts of weight to your ankles and hands! 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete your 
whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  This exercise can be a little uncomfortable if performed on a hard surface; it would be 
best to do this on a yoga mat if available! 

Pro Tip  Don’t rush this exercise; it is harder to go slower, and will allow you to focus on 
keeping good form. 

Video  Bicycles 
D4 - Hanging Leg-raises 


Aim  Hang from jugs (with shoulders engaged). Straighten your legs out in front of you 
before slowly lowering them down again. 

Calibration  Start off by attempting to complete 3 sets of 10 reps in which you bring your knees up 
to 90 degrees from your waist before lowering them down again. When this becomes 
easy, bring your knees up before extending your legs and lowering down slowly. Once 
this becomes easy, keep your legs straight throughout the exercises. When you are 
able to complete 3 sets of 10 reps with ease, it is time to progress to the Toes to 
Hands exercise! 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  Ensure you keep your shoulders engaged when hanging from jugs. 

Pro Tip  Don’t rush this exercise; it is harder to go slower, and will allow you to focus on 
keeping good form. 

Video Demo  Hanging Leg-raises 

D5 - Toes to Hands 

Aim  Hang from jugs (with shoulders engaged). Keeping your legs straight, raise your toes 
until they reach the same height as your hands before lowering them down slowly for 1 

Calibration  Begin by aiming to complete 3 sets of 15 reps. Once this becomes easy, begin adding 
weight to your ankles to increase the difficulty. 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  Ensure you keep your shoulders engaged when hanging from jugs. 

Pro Tip  Don’t rush this exercise; it is harder to go slower, and will allow you to focus on 
keeping good form. 

Video Demo  Toes to Hands 

D6 - Body Tucks 

Aim  Hang from jugs and, using the strength in your back, shoulders and core, tuck your 
body up so that your back is parallel to the floor and hold for 1 second for a complete 

Calibration  Begin by aiming to complete 3 sets of 10 reps. Once this becomes easy, begin to 
steadily lengthen the amount of time you spend in the tucked position. Once you are 
able to complete 3 sets of 10 reps, holding the tucked position for 3 seconds each 
time, you should progress to the Front Levers exercise. 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 


Safety  Ensure you keep your shoulders engaged when hanging from jugs. 

Pro Tip  Don’t rush this exercise; it is harder to go slower, and will allow you to focus on 
keeping good form. 

Video Demo  Body Tucks 

D7 - Front Levers 

Aim  Hang from jugs and, using the strength in your back, shoulders and core, and keeping 
your entire body straight, raise yourself up so that you are parallel to the floor. 

Calibration  The full version of this exercise is HARD. Starting with a body tuck, extend one of your 
legs out straight and hold that position for 1 - 3 seconds before lowering back down 
slowly. Alternate legs on each rep. Once you are able to easily complete the full 
number of reps and sets with this method, start straightening one of your legs before 
pulling in to the tucked position. When this becomes easy, keep both legs straight for 
the duration of the exercise, and if that somehow becomes easy too, begin adding 
weight to your ankles to increase the difficulty further. 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  Ensure you keep your shoulders engaged when hanging from jugs. 

Pro Tip  Don’t rush this exercise; it is harder to go slower, and will allow you to focus on 
keeping good form. 

Video Demo  Front Levers 

D8 - Slow-motion Twisting Kicks 

Aim  Hang from jugs, raise yourself into the tucked position, and slowly kick your leg directly 
out in front of you (parallel to the floor) before pulling the leg back in and doing the 
same with the other for 1 full rep. 

Calibration  To begin with, aim to complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions. If this becomes easy, move up 
to 3 sets of 15 reps. Once this becomes easier, begin adding gradually increasing 
amounts of weight to your ankles! 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  Ensure you keep your shoulders engaged when hanging from jugs. 

Pro Tip  Don’t rush this exercise; it is harder to go slower, and will allow you to focus on 
keeping good form. 

Video Demo  Slow-motion Twisting Kicks 



E – Antagonist Strength Training 

To develop the various types of strength which are not often used when climbing, but will keep 
your body healthy and stable as you develop in other areas. 

The exercises below will have you working towards that goal in various ways. 
E1 - Sphinx Push-ups 

Aim  In push-up position, place your hands close to your chest and below your shoulders. 
Keeping your elbows close to your body, lower yourself to the ground and press back 
up again for 1 full rep. 

Calibration  Begin by performing this exercise with your knees on the floor, aiming for 3 sets of 10 
reps. Once this becomes easy, perform the exercise without your knees on the floor. 
Once you are reliably able to complete 3 sets of 10 reps, start aiming for 3 sets of 15 
reps. When this becomes easy, begin adding weight (placed above your shoulders) to 
further increase the difficulty. 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete your 
whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  Keep an eye on your form when performing this exercise; the most common mistakes 
are to allow the hips and the head to sag or dip, so be mindful of this! 

Pro Tip  This exercise targets your triceps and chest, which are typically weak areas for 
climbers. Keep those elbows in! 

Video  Sphinx Push-Ups 

E2 - Feet Raised Push-ups 

Aim  Perform push-ups with your lower body raised c.50cm from the floor. 

Calibration  Begin by placing your knees on a raised surface, and aim to complete 3 sets of 10 
push-ups of each variation (hands by shoulders, hands above head, hands below 
shoulders). Once this becomes easy, place your feet rather than knees on the raised 
surface and aim to complete the 3 sets of 10 reps. When you are able to complete this 
reliably, start doing sets of 15 reps, and finally begin adding weight (placed above the 
shoulders) to increase the difficulty. 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 


Safety  Ensure your hands aren’t going to slip whilst performing this exercise! 

Pro Tip  Focus on good form rather than a high number of reps when performing this exercise; 
concentrate on keeping your body straight, not allowing your head or hips to dip. 

Video Demo  Feet Raised Push-ups 

E3 - Archer Push-ups 

Aim  With your hands placed outside your shoulders, perform push-ups whilst going 
side-to-side to put your chest close to one of your hands on each rep. 

Calibration  Begin by performing this exercise with your knees on the floor, aiming for 3 sets of 10 
reps. Once this becomes easy, perform the exercise without your knees on the floor. 
Once you are reliably able to complete 3 sets of 10 reps, start aiming for 3 sets of 15 
reps. When this becomes easy, begin adding weight (placed above your shoulders) to 
further increase the difficulty. 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  Ensure your hands aren’t going to slip whilst performing this exercise! 

Pro Tip  Focus on good form rather than a high number of reps when performing this exercise; 
concentrate on keeping your body straight, not allowing your head or hips to dip. 

Video Demo  Archer Push-ups 

E4 - Wide Push-ups 

Aim  With your hands placed as far apart as you can manage (whilst still being able to 
perform the exercise) perform push-ups! 

Calibration  Begin by performing this exercise with your knees on the floor, aiming for 3 sets of 10 
reps. Once this becomes easy, perform the exercise without your knees on the floor. 
Once you are reliably able to complete 3 sets of 10 reps, start aiming for 3 sets of 15 
reps. When this becomes easy, begin adding weight (placed above your shoulders) to 
further increase the difficulty. 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  Ensure your hands aren’t going to slip whilst performing this exercise! 

Pro Tip  Focus on good form rather than a high number of reps when performing this exercise; 
concentrate on keeping your body straight, not allowing your head or hips to dip. 

Video Demo  Wide Push-ups 

E5 - Spiderman Push-ups 


Aim  Lie face down, and extend your arms outwards as far as possible, with palms facing 
down. Close your hands, place your fingers against the floor, and open your hands 
again, so that your fingers remain in place but your hands and arms are moved closer 
to you. Perform a push-up! 

Calibration  Begin by performing this exercise with your knees on the floor, aiming for 3 sets of 10 
reps. Once this becomes easy, perform the exercise without your knees on the floor. 
Once you are reliably able to complete 3 sets of 10 reps, start aiming for 3 sets of 15 
reps. When this becomes easy, begin adding weight (placed above your shoulders) to 
further increase the difficulty. 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  Ensure your hands aren’t going to slip whilst performing this exercise! 

Pro Tip  Focus on good form rather than a high number of reps when performing this exercise; 
concentrate on keeping your body straight, not allowing your head or hips to dip. 

Video Demo  Spiderman Push-ups 

E6 - Superman Push-ups 

Aim  Lie face down, and extend your arms upwards as far as possible, with palms facing 
down. Close your hands, place your fingers against the floor, and open your hands 
again, so that your fingers remain in place but your hands and arms are moved closer 
to you. Perform a push-up! 

Calibration  Begin by performing this exercise with your knees on the floor, aiming for 3 sets of 10 
reps. Once this becomes easy, perform the exercise without your knees on the floor. 
Once you are reliably able to complete 3 sets of 10 reps, start aiming for 3 sets of 15 
reps. When this becomes easy, begin adding weight (placed above your shoulders) to 
further increase the difficulty. 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete your 
whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  Ensure your hands aren’t going to slip whilst performing this exercise! 

Pro Tip  Focus on good form rather than a high number of reps when performing this exercise; 
concentrate on keeping your body straight, not allowing your head or hips to dip. 

Video  Superman Push-ups 

E7 - Is, Ys and Ts 

Aim  Lie face down on the ground with your knees tucked in (Yoga’s “child’s pose”).  
For “I”s, extend your arms upwards, and try to lift them as high as possible behind you, 
holding for 3 seconds each time for 1 full rep.  
For “Y”s, extend your arms diagonally upwards and outwards, and try to lift them as 
high as possible behind you, holding for 3 seconds each time for 1 full rep.  
For “T”s, extend your arms outwards, and try to lift them as high as possible behind 
you, holding for 3 seconds each time for 1 full rep.  


Calibration  This exercise is about quality rather than intensity. Begin by aiming to complete 3 sets 
of 10 reps. When this becomes east, aim for 3 sets of 15 reps. When this becomes 
easy, extend the length of time for each rep, and try to raise your arms higher from the 
ground rather than adding weights. 

Timing  You should aim to complete your chosen number or reps without rest to complete 
your whole set. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. 

Safety  It’s pretty tricky to get injured with this exercise, but focus on good form throughout to 
ensure you are benefitting from it! 

Pro Tip  Despite the fact that this may feel very low intensity compared to other exercises on 
this plan; don’t overlook or skip this - it is really helpful for ensuring long-term health in 
your upper body. 

Video Demo  I’s, Y’s and T’s 


F – Stretching and Reflection  

To improve recovery by stretching out sore muscles and to improve flexibility, whilst giving 
yourself time to think over your session. 

Use the stretching sequence below as a basis, but feel free to add your own. To maximise 
flexibility gains, wait for 30 minutes after you finish climbing before beginning your stretching 
G1 - Stretching Sequence 1 

Aim  Improve recovery and flexibility. 

Exercise  1. Shoulder Stretch 1, 30 seconds on each side  

2. Shoulder Stretch 2, 30 seconds on each side  
3. Forearm Stretch 1, 30 seconds  
4. Forearm Stretch 2, 30 seconds 
5. Chest Stretch, 30 seconds on each side  
6. Hamstring Stretch, 30 seconds on each side 
7. Hip Opener 1, 1 minute 
8. Hip Opener 2, 1 minute 

Time  6 - 30 minutes (times given above are for 6 minute set of stretches. Simply multiply the 
amount of time spent in each stretch if you wish to stretch for longer.) 

Focus  Try to relax into each stretch rather than push into them. Relax into the stretch as you 
exhale, and come out of each stretch slowly. 

Pro Tip  This is a great time to reflect on your session: 


Think of 3 things you’d like to do better 

Think of 3 things you were really happy with 
Think about what emotions you felt during your session (e.g. psyched, frustrated) 
Identify why you felt these emotions. 

Video  Stretching 


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