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Discrete Dental Trait Asymmetry in Mexican

and Belizean Groups
Laborntory of Biological Anthropology, L'niuersrt.v of Kansas,
Lawrence, Kansas 66045

KEY WORDS Discrete dental traits, Mexico, Belize, Asym-


ABSTRACT Discrete dental trait asymmetry was scored on four Mexican

Indian and two Afro-Belizean groups. The Mexican populations show significantly
higher mean asymmetry than the two populations from Belize even though the
Belizean groups have larger teeth. Point biserial coefficients ofcorreiation between
asymmetry of discrete traits and tooth size is low and in most cases not significant.
This study indicates that populational and ethnic differences exist in the asym-
metry ofdiscrete traits, suggesting that these traits may be used to investigate the
etiology of dental asymmetry, and the relative roles of genetics and environment.

Human populations have been shown to dif- from escaped West African slaves and Carib
fer in the magnitude of metric fluctuating den- Indians. Phenotypically the Indian component
tal asymmetry (Bailit et al., '70). Although the is not prominent and admixture estimates sug-
determinants of this asymmetry remain un- gest that about 80% of the Carib genome is
clear (DiBennardo and Bailit, '78; O'Rourke West African in origin (Crawford '79). Creoles
and Crawford, '791, environmental stress has are for the most part hybrid African and Euro-
been suggested as a contributing factor (Di- pean. During recent times, little intermarriage
Bennardo and Bailit, '78). Varying degrees has been reported, despite the fact that t h e two
of discrete dental trait differences have been groups are highly mobile (Gonzales '69).
observed a m o n g populations ( B a u m e a n d
Crawford, '78) however there has been little MATERIALS AND METHODS
investigation of populational differences in re- Approximately 700 dental casts were col-
gard to frequencies of discrete dental trait lected by anthropologic field teams in t h e four
asymmetry. The purpose of this study is to test Mexican communities between 1969 and 1972.
whether t h e asymmetry of discrete dental In Belize 282 dental casts were collected a t two
traits is observed differentially between popu- locations, Dangriga and Punta Gorda, during
lations and ethnic groups. the summer of 1976. For all samples, alginate
This study is comprised of four related Mexi- impressions were made directly from dentition
can communities and two related ethnic groups of individuals who were receiving medical care
from Belize. The four Mexican Indian groups a t public health clinics. The casts were then
a r e the historically and genetically related poured in dental stone. Nine maxillary and
communities of C u a n a l a n , S a n Pablo del seven mandibular discrete traits were scored
Monte, Tlaxcala City and Saltillo. Cuanalan on each cast.
and Saltillo were originally settled in the 17th The discrete dental traits scored and the scor-
century by transplanted Tlaxcaltecans. S a n ing techniques used in this study are summa-
Pablo is a n Indian population from the Valley rized in Table 1. Only permanent teeth were
of Tlaxcala, while the City of Tlaxcala is a utilized, and the age and sex of each subject
mixed (Mestizo)community from the same val- were recorded. Not all traits could be scored on
ley. The trihybrid populations of Mexico a r e all casts, either because of agenesis or excessive
primarily Indian with some Spanish and little wear. Inter-observer error is of no significance
African ancestry (Crawford et al., '79). in this study since all casts were scored by one
Caribs and Creoles, the two Belizean ethnic
groups, are hybrid populations. Caribs stem Ileceived Octnher :10. IYiK, accepted Mxy :11. 1979

70 (1 1980 ALAN K. LISS, INC 315

researcher. Asymmetry of discrete traits was the independence of asymmetrical frequencies

scored as present when different degrees of ex- between the Mexican and Belizean groups.
pression were found on corresponding teeth on Lastly, point biserial coefficients of correlation
each side of the dental arch. There were few (Walker and Lev, '53) were computed to test
cases in which a trait was present on a tooth but whether either of two classes (presence or ab-
absent on its antimere. More commonly asym- sence of asymmetry) of the discrete dichoto-
metry varied by only one or two degrees of ex- mous variable is correlated with tooth size. For
pression. Therefore all occurrences of asym- this test the samples were divided by sex, since
metry were weighted equally. sexual dimorphism of tooth size is significant.
A discrete trait was scored as present on a
tooth if it was expressed to any degree. For t h e RESUL'M
maxillary cusp number, the affected teeth ex- Kendall's rank correlation coefficient for
hibited four cusps including the "3 +" classifi- each trait in each sample along with sample
cation. Affected mandibular molars showed the size, is shown in Table 2. The percentage of
"Y" cusp pattern. I n the case of rotation of in- asymmetry for each trait in each sample is
cisors, any rotated incisor whether winged or shown in Table 3. These tables indicate that
counter winged was scored as affected by there is a low incidence of asymmetry and a
asymmetry when its antimere did not match. high correlation between each side of the dental
When a random sample of casts was rescored arch. For example, Table 2 shows that more
several months later, a high concordance of t h a n half of t h e traits in each sample have
scores for each trait was observed. A fuller dis- correlations above 0.7. Moreover, all traits in
cussion of concordance and repeatability of all populations are significantly correlated be-
scoring techniques can be found in Baume and tween sides of the dental arch at the ,001 level.
Crawford ('78). Table 3 indicates that asymmetry ranges from
At the completion of the scoring process Ken- 0 to 31.6'%, with mean average asymmetry
dall's coefficient of rank correlation analysis among the groups from Mexico ranging from
(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, 10.46% to 11.35% and among t h e Belizean
University of Kansas Computation Center, groups asymmetry averages 8.33%. Moreover,
Version 6.02B01) was applied to the data in when the mean percentage of asymmetry for
order to determine if there was a high degree of the Belizean groups is tested against the mean
significance of association between the left and for the Mexican groups, as indicated in Table 3 ,
right quadrants of the dental arch. Percentage a highly significant difference is observed.
of asymmetry was calculated for each trait in These differences are not a function of the small
each of the samples. It was computed by divid- Creole sample size since the significant differ-
ing the total number of casts scored for each ence remains (with the exception of San Pablo
trait by the number of cases of asymmetry which is close to significant) when the larger
present for each trait. A statistical test for the Belizean group, the Caribs, is tested against
significance of differences between two per- t h e Mexican groups independently of t h e
centages, based on arcsine transformations Creoles. Because there were no significant dif-
(Sokal and Rohlf, '69) was used to determine ferences in discrete traits between males and
Tohle I . Methods /hr Scoring Discrete Dental Trczrts

Trait Scoring Technique Reference

Shovelling l ' , I' 5 degree3 of expression on central incisors. tDahlberg, '56

barrel, double, marked, moderate trace, absence with modifications)
Protostylid M, and M, 4 degrees of expression on first molar. ~Uahlherg,'56
pit, groove, non-free tip, free tip, ahsence with modifications,
Carahelli's cusp 4 degrees of expression on first molar. ~Dahlberg,'56
M' and M' absence, pit, groove, non-free tip, free tip with modifications1
Maxillary cusp number 4 type classification system on first and (Uahlberg, '56)
MI and M second molars: 4 + , 4, 3 + , 3
Mandibular cusp pattern 4 type classification system on first and tDahlherg, '56)
M' and M L second molars. Y5, Y4, t 5, t 4
Maxillary and mandibular 4 degrees of expression on upper and lower [Morris, '65
canine ridges canines: absence of ridges, marginal ridges with modifications)
medial ridge, both marginal and medial ridges
I ' , I' and I , , 1: 3 degrees of expression on upper and I Dahlberg, '631
incisor rotation lower incisors. winged, straight, counter-winged
Table 2. Kendall's rank correlation coefficient I T )

Caribs Creoles Cuanalan Saltillo San Pablo Tlaxcala

Maxillary teeth
Shovelling I' 0.99 (228) 0.96 (29) 0.93 (72) 0.97 ! 104) 0.88 (86) 0.99 (73)
Shovelling I' 0.98 (2281 0.75 (301 0.76 (72) 0.90 (1031 0.83 (84) 0.89 (66)
Rotation I1 0.91 (2311 1.00 (30) 0.73 (72) 0.96 (107) 0.77 (95) 0.79 (74)
Rotation I' 0.40 ( 2 3 2 ) 0.71 (31) 0.66 (721 0.62 (107) 0.57 (84) 0.69 (71)
Canine ridges 0.86 (214) 1.00 (311 0.78 (65) 0.87 (95) 0.74 (77) 0.81 (72)
Cusp number Mi 0.67 (188) 0.60 (251 0.70 (58) 0.65 (91) 0.88 (71) 0.93 t64J
Cusp number M2 0.88 (63) 0.52 (81 0.80 (12) 0.85 (481 0.82 (36) 0.83 (31)
Carahelli's cusp M1 0.79 (1861 0.93 (25) 0.81 158) 0.82 (91) 0.85 (73) 0.87 (67)
Carabelli's cusp M' 1.00 (58) _ _ __ 0.53 (44) _ _* 0.76 (321
Mandibular teeth
Rotation I , 0.53 1238) 0.85 1311 0.43 (72) 0.35 (1071 0.69 (85) 0.70 (741
Rotation I, 0.44 (238) 0.60 (311 0.47 (70) 0.39 (106) 0.45 (821 0.50 (74)
Canine ridges 0.83 1225) 0.69 1251 0.75 150) 0.70 (78) 0.66 (74) 0.70 (60)
Cusp pattern M , 0.98 ! 1491 0.97 ! 151 0.68 (47) 0.79 I671 0.90 t70) 0.86 (49)
Cusp pattern MZ 0.91 (531 _ _ 0.73 (9) 0.88 (43) 0.93 135) 0.88 (22)
Protostylid M I 0.85 ! 155) _ _ 0.70 (57) 1.00 t75) 1.00 173) 0.87 (49)
Protostylid M, _ _ x; __ _ _* 1.00 (451 1.00 (41) - -*
Sample sizes in parentheses.
xCoefficient data cannot h e computed
Table 3. Percentage asymmetry for each trait for euch group, average asymmetry,
and differences when Belize is compared to each Mexican sample.
~ ~ ~~ ~~

Caribs Creoles Cuanalan Saltillo San Pablo Tlaxcala

Maxillary teeth
Shovelling I' 1.75 3.45 4.16 2.88 1.16 9.58
Shovelling I' 10.97 10.00 20.83 19.41 13.09 10.60
Rotation I' 2.60 0 11.11 11.21 10.53 8.10
Rotation I' 14.67 6.45 8.33 10.28 14.28 8.45
Canine ridges 9.35 0 15.38 12.63 14.29 19.44
Cusp number M' 15.43 12.00 7.00 10.99 5.63 6.25
Cusp number M' 11.11 12.50 17.00 10.42 11.11 9.67
Carabelli's cusp M' 20.97 16.00 17.24 28.57 17.81 20.89
Carabelli's cusp M' 0 - - 4 54 - 6.25
Mandibular teeth 5
Rotation I , 9.24 6.45 19.44 15.88 9.41 9.45
Rotation I2 16.39 9.68 16.25 20.56 19.51 18.33 e
Canine ridges 10.67 12.00 10.00 24.35 22.97 31.66
Cusp pattern M, 1.34 6.67 6.38 7.46 11.43 2.04
Cusp pattern M, 5.66 - 0 2.33 5.71 4.55
Protostylid M, 0.65 1.75 0 0 2.04
Protostylid M I - - - 0 0 -
Mean asymmetry 8.72 7.93 11.06 11.35 10.46 11.16
Differences between percentages
Caribs and other groups 0.1844 0.4834* 0.4972- 0.4545 0.4846*
Total Belize and Mexico = 0.4998

'P 0 05 - 0 4750

females, both sexes were scored as a single dental trait asymmetry for two reasons. First,
group. since there is an abundance of evidence that
Finally the relationship between tooth size discrete dental traits are at least in part under
and discrete trait asymmetry was tested utiliz- genetic control (Goodman, '65; Alvesalo et al.,
ing the point biserial correlation coefficient '75) there is reason to suspect that discrete trait
method. The results are shown in Tables 4 and asymmetry may also be under genetic control.
5. As Gruneberg ('65) has shown, nonmetric den-
These tables indicate that for molar pattern tal traits in mice are basically under genetic
and number, and for shovelled incisors there is, influence and can be expressed as continuous
for the most part, a negative correlation be- variables. The presence of a trait, then, may
tween tooth size and asymmetry. However in result when a genetically determined threshold
all but one case the correlation is not signifi- point on the continuum is exceeded. If genetic
cant. For Carabelli's cusp and protostylid this influence is strong and the same genes control
negative correlation is viewed across the board. both sides of the dental arch, then there should
Although no pattern is indicated for canine be a high frequency of bilateral expression,
ridges, rotation of incisors shows a clear posi- while greater environmental influence should
tive correlation in each sample. Most of these result in greater asymmetry (Bailit et al., '70).
are not significant, however, most values are In this study, Table 3 shows that asymmetry in
close to being significant. the Mexican and Belizean teeth is relatively
It is interesting to note that for the largest low, indicating some genetic influences. Sec-
sample, the Caribs, the asymmetry of most ond, in a study by O'Rourke and Baume ('77)on
traits is significantly correlated with tooth size. the same dental casts, the Belizean teeth,
Therefore, the lack of significance in the which show less asymmetry in this study, were
smaller groups may in fact be an artifact of found to be significantly larger than the teeth
small sample size. of the Mexican groups, which show more
Positive correlations of tooth size and asym- asymmetry. Therefore, since the genetic role in
metry may be explained by the nature of the determining tooth size is well documented
trait itself. For example, tooth rotation may (Goodman,'651, a negative correlation between
result from crowding of teeth in the dental arch; tooth size and asymmetry should not be dis-
since larger teeth are more apt to be crowded counted. Moreover the point biserial coefficient
and therefore mechanically rotated, it is ex- ofcorrelation test indicated that for the discrete
pected that large teeth are positively correlated traits-shovelling of incisors, Carabelli's cusp,
with rotation. protostylid, and molar cusp number and
pattern-such a negative correlation does in
DISCUSSION fact exist.
The high degree of significance of association Yet, environmental influences on the denti-
between left and right quadrants in this study tion cannot be ruled out either, since they can
suggests that the genetic factors influencing result in a variety of interactions with geno-
discrete traits may be the same for both sides of types, culminating in a wide range of pheno-
the dental arch, as has been suggested by Green types. For example, the expression of Carabel-
('67).However, the expressivity of the trait may li's cusp has been shown to increase when
vary so that its ultimate expression is influ- flouride is ingested during tooth formation
enced either by local environmental conditions (Cox et al., '61). Moreover, Alvesalo et al. ('75)
within the jaw andlor by intrauterine devel- found a low heritability for Carabelli's cusp. In
opmental factors. The significant populational addition, Bailit et al. ('70),have indicated that
differences between Belize, which has mostly fluctuating dental asymmetry is greatest in
African ancestry and the Mexican samples populations experiencing the greatest envi-
which are predominantly Indian and Mestizo, ronmental stress.
suggest that there are different genetic and CONCLUSION
environmental components contributing to the
final phenotypic asymmetry for each of the Studies of metric dental asymmetry have
groups. The problem in identifying the causes concentrated on environmental and devel-
of dental trait asymmetry is that information opmental stress as a causal agent. The denti-
concerning interactions of environmental and tion begins to form and develop during the pre-
genetic mechanisms is lacking. Genetic factors natal period. However, DiBennardo and Bailit
cannot be completely ruled out in regard t o ('78)found the evidence for a positive relation-
Table 4 . Paint hrserial correlation coefficrent(males) 0
~ - ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~

Caribs Creoles Tlaxcala San Pablo Saltillo Cuanalan

Shovelling I' -0.2237 -0.2136 -0.1004 - - -
Shovelling I2 -0.1009 -0.1362 -0.0950 -0.1550 -0.173 1 -0.0998
Rotation I' 0.2774" - 0.2410 0.2873 0.2930 0.2551
Rotation I' 0.3244' 0.2367'- 0.2700 0.2978 0.2308 0.2121
Rotation I , 0.2586 0.1973 0.2173 0.2456 0.3078 0.1008
Rotation I, 0.2622 0.0702 0.3125 0.2854 0.1988 0.1881
Canine ridges C ' -0.1486 - 0.1331 -0.1274 0.1113 -0.1047
Canine ridges C , -0.2376 0.1080 -0.1165 -0.0935 0.0847 0.0748
Cusp number M' -0.2189 -0.1716 -0.1856 0.0913 0.1048 -0.1242
Cusp number M' - - - - - -
Cusp pattern M , -0.1690 - - -0.1178 -0.0969 -0.1429
Cusp pattern M, - - - - - -
Carahelli's cusp M' -0.356@* -0.2626 -0.2327 -0.2993 -0.1979 -0.2436 ?J
Carahelli's cusp M' - - - - - -
Protostylid M , - - - - - -
Protostylid M, - - - - - -

- = insufficient data or no affected cases

= sipificant a t 0 05 level
Table 5. Point hrserial correlation coefficient (females) %
Caribs Creoles Tlaxcala San Pahlo Saltillo Cuanalan

Shovelling I' - - -0.1940 -0.1302 -0.1055 -0.1820 5

Shovelling I' -0.1564* -0.1894 -0,1602 0.0438 0.0887 -0.2268 P
Rotation I' 0.2261* - 0.2493 0.2667" 0.3145* 0.3110 U
Rotation I' O.285EVF 0.1731 0.1474 0.282P 0.2921" 0.2688
Rotation I, 0.2055" 0.1187 0.2243 0.3004* 0.2659* 0.3216
Rotation IL 0.1875" 0.2076 0.1142 0.1949 0.2295 0.3047
Canine ridges C' -0.1298 - 0.0960 -0 1059 0.1363 -0.0972
Canine ridges C , -0.0289 0.0731 -0.1201 -0.0973 0.1020 0.1319
Cusp number M' -0.1962 -0.2299 -0.1941 -0.1974 -0.131 1 -0.1564
Cusp number M' - - - - - -
Cusp pattern M I 0.1028 -0.0913 0.1335 -0.2139 -0.1703 -0.1140
Cusp pattern ML - - - - - -
Carabelli's cusp M' -0.2866 -0.2126 -0.3100 -0.2340 -0.3173 -0.3088
Carabelli's cusp M' - - - - - -
Protostylid M I -0.0824 - -0.1062 - -0.1478 -0.1826
Protostylid M, - - - - - -

- = insufficient data or no affected case

- = siplificant nt .05 level

ship between individual asymmetry and pre- micrcdifferentiation of two transplanted Tlaxcaltecan
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butes and techniques in morphological studies of the denti-
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