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Everything has a respect of their own, so the concept is not the same for science and religion.
These are two different fields with different understandings. Significantly, science and religion
are two, we can say, broad fields that effects human lives. Science is a systematic knowledge of
the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. At the same
time, Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate
humanity to an order of existence. Science provides pleasure outside the human body,
however, religion provides the inner satisfaction to the human. Religion is based on faith, and
science believes on observation and experiments. If we go through the pages of annals, we can
know the concept of science that was narrow some decades ago, but religion has been exist for
centuries. The modern era of this time, science has been more focused at advance level and
become a broader field. In these fast paced of the era, science has become a major source of
everything. These two fields are searching for the same thing, but the crux of the matter is to
reach to the truth. There is no any conflict between science and religion. These have their own
way of elaborating things. It is however important to balancing the concepts of the two fields.
The nature of the world is markedly very beautiful that has a lot of things available to the
human as well as for the other creatures. Undoubtedly, divine rule of laws are the same for all
the creatures and especially human believe on these laws through the religion, they follow of
their choice. Religion bolsters human confidence about the purpose and that of causal effect.
To put it all together, we human need to balance spirit and our mind because we cannot
complete ourselves without the spiritual needs so these both, science and religion are
important for the human lives. Religion provides the purpose of living, motivation, and
believing in the divine power of God who look after everything every time, while science
provides the proofs for how’s question of everything that may reaffirm our faith.

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