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3ro A – Inglés

Prof. María Paz González

Skills Training: Speaking

Hi everyone! How are you doing? I hope your day is going very well and that you’re getting ready for the
winter break. I hope you can use that time to rest, relax and have fun (all this while still taking care of
ourselves and our loved ones).

Today’s task is going to be a little bit different. We have been working with past simple, you have
completed grammar and writing exercises but today, I’d like to hear you speak.

You’ll answer only one question: WHAT DID YOU DO DURING THE QUARANTINE? Did you read
a good book? Did you learn to cook or cook something for your family? What was the best movie/series
that you watched? Did you exercise or train? Did you play any video games? What music did you listen
to? Did you celebrate your birthday?

You can upload a voice note or recording as your answer (pueden grabar una nota de voz con el celu o la
computadora y luego subirla el archivo de audio a esta tarea mediante la plataforma).

I’m sending you my own answer for you to listen to. Double click on the icon below!

what I did during quarantine.mp3

If you can’t listen to it, it’s also uploaded in the post as an individual file (si no lo pueden escuchar desde
acá, también está adjunto en el mensaje).

I’m really looking forward to listening to you!

Again, thanks for all the hard work you’ve been doing. I appreciate those who have been responsible,
committed and interested in the class.



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