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3 Complete the sentences with the

correct form of the Past continuous

or Past simple.
1 The telephone            (ring) while I
Language Test 4A** (take) a hot shower.
Grammar 2 When you            (call) last night, I
(read) a fantastic book.
1 What were the people doing last 3 Mary and I            (see) Henry
night at nine o’clock? Complete the while we            (wait) for the bus
sentences with the Past continuous this morning.
of the verbs in the box. 4 Last night we            (have) dinner
not eat not sit not watch with friends when Helen           
play read sit watch (arrive).
5 While the teacher            (explain)
1 Ana, Mary, Tom, Paulo, Sara and the problem, Lisa            (drop) her
I            in the living room at nine books.
o’clock. We            in the dining
room. ___/10 marks
2 I            an interesting show on TV.
3 Ana            a science fiction book.
4 Mary            an orange because Vocabulary
she doesn’t like them.
5 Tom and Paulo            TV with me. 1 Complete the sentences with the
They            Tom’s new computer correct words.
game. 1 They got good grades, but they
c           on the exam.
___/7 marks 2 Ann always does her homework
alone. She never c           other
people’s homework.
2 Make questions with the Past
3 Please put the paper in the trash
continuous. Then write short
can and don’t d           it in the
1 your father / cook / dinner /
4 Paulo didn’t come to school
five-thirty? √
yesterday. He s           school.
5 Please tell me the truth and don’t
l           to me!
2 Tom and Jim / speak / on their
6 Be quiet and don’t p           loud
cell phones / yesterday
music! I want to do my homework!
afternoon? ×
___/6 marks
3 you and your friends / ride / your
bikes / at 4 p.m / yesterday ? √ 2 Choose the correct answers.
A                       1 The big boys often       the
B                       younger students. It’s terrible!
4 Ana / sleep / in her bedroom / at a drop b steal c bully d lie
eleven / last night? × 2 Don’t       graffiti on the walls!
A                     a spray b drop c use d cheat
B                       3 Why are you       with your sister?
a fighting b dropping c bullying
___/8 marks d using

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3 The child fell o           the wall.

4 John       a CD from a store last

a skipped b cheated
c sprayed d stole
5 Don’t       rude to your aunt. Say
“please” and “thank you.” 4 The man walked a           the wall.
a use b be c cheat d fight
6 Lisa didn’t hear the teacher
because she       her cell phone.
a was using b was lying
c was playing d was copying

___/6 marks
5 We came i           the room.
3 Choose the correct options.
1 The old man climbed up / across /
along a tall ladder.
2 Sarah put all the books around /
into / off the box.
3 We ran into / out of / under the
4 The children rode their bike along
/ out of / over the street. 6 She climbed d           the ladder.
5 The train went off / across /
through the long tunnel.

___/5 marks

4 Complete the sentences with the

correct prepositions. The first letter
is given.
1 The dog went a           the tree. 7 The boat went u           the bridge.

8 I walked a          the street.

2 The man walked o           the

___/8 marks

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1 Complete the dialogue with the
words in the box.
amazing down guess
finally happened idea
no poor really while
Paulo Hi, Lisa! 1           ! You’re
late! Where were you?
What 2           ?
Lisa Hi, Paulo. You’ll never
Paulo Well, tell me.
Lisa I went to a music store
this morning to buy a CD.
Paulo           ?
Lisa Yes, but my money
wasn’t in my bag. It was
at home in my bedroom.
Paulo            thing! What did
you do?
Lisa I went home to get
money, but 6            I was
crossing the road, I fell 7
Paulo Oh           ! Are you all
Lisa Yes, I am.
Paulo What did you do then?
Lisa I went back to the music
store and bought the CD.
It was only three dollars!
Paulo That’s 9           ! Let’s listen
to it.
Lisa Good 10           !

___/10 marks

___/Total: 60 marks

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